America Was Better Off Before The Socialism of FDR, JFK, LBJ...

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
America Was Better Off Before The Socialism of FDR, JFK, LBJ... add Truman (equal rights in military), add Nixon (housing issues), add Carter, add Cinton and Obama.

At least this is the con-argument.

What would America have looked like withouth the socialist programs pushed and enacted by these Presidents?
I figure nixon, carter and lbj were more fascists than socialists.. at least what I.know about them
sorry if I dont throw around terms not realizing there is a difference
I do say I was wrong about lbj though. thanks for making me second guess
Out of curiousity Dante,why do you put Carter and Kennedy in that group and dont have Reagan and the Bushs listed as well?
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My father's father died in 1928, leaving a widow and family of five. No one finished high school, as they went to work. My father left after the sixth grade, and began working in a paper house. There was no Soc Sec survivor benefit. One benefit was he got newspaper to pad his coat and mend his shoes. When he needed his appendix out, there was no health insurance, so the operation occurred on the table the famly ate at. The first dental care and preventive care he got was in the WPA. Unfortunately, he had asthma, which prevented his enlisting in WWII, and then getting the GI bill benefits, that put a generation through college, and is generally considered the single largest govt improvement to gnp in US history.

He was able to retire with soc sec, and savings and owning his home. And medicare. I have doubts about Obamacare, but the hysterical degree of the TPM "debate," caused me to decide let's see what happens, and fix it later.
My father's father died in 1928, leaving a widow and family of five. No one finished high school, as they went to work. My father left after the sixth grade, and began working in a paper house. There was no Soc Sec survivor benefit. One benefit was he got newspaper to pad his coat and mend his shoes. When he needed his appendix out, there was no health insurance, so the operation occurred on the table the famly ate at. The first dental care and preventive care he got was in the WPA. Unfortunately, he had asthma, which prevented his enlisting in WWII, and then getting the GI bill benefits, that put a generation through college, and is generally considered the single largest govt improvement to gnp in US history.

He was able to retire with soc sec, and savings and owning his home. And medicare. I have doubts about Obamacare, but the hysterical degree of the TPM "debate," caused me to decide let's see what happens, and fix it later.

Bravo :clap2: rationality and reason break through. Some cri th ics fear it will never get fixed after it is rolled out. Depending on how we view time, it may be a valid if wrongheaded argument. We've fixed social security a few times and will surely have to do so again to ensure it's viability. Most rightwingers are fundamentally opposed to social security because of imbecillic ideological principles. They cannot grasp principles should serve people, not the other way aroind.
I do say I was wrong about lbj though. thanks for making me second guess

LBJ never really gets credit for the courageous decision to step aside rather than take part in tearing the nation apart further. In hindsight it may have been a bit of 'too little, too late' but he could not possibly have known that at the time.
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I do say I was wrong about lbj though. thanks for making me second guess

LBJ never really gets credit for the courageous decision to step aside rather than take part in tearing the nation apart further. In hindsight it may have been a bit of 'too little, too late' but he could not possibly have known that at the time.

Yep, real courageous to step aside when you know you have zero chance of winning the Democrat nomination for President, much less the general election, especially after Bobby Kennedy joined the race.

LBJ and FDR did more DAMAGE to the United States than any other Presidents in the 20th century. Period.

Nobody else comes close.
America Was Better Off Before The Socialism of FDR, JFK, LBJ... add Truman (equal rights in military), add Nixon (housing issues), add Carter, add Cinton and Obama.

At least this is the con-argument.

What would America have looked like withouth the socialist programs pushed and enacted by these Presidents?

We never would have entered WW1

since that changed everything, it's very hard to say

Making people comfortable in poverty is a cruel thing to do. or something like that, by Ben Franklin

but that is what welfare does
My father's father died in 1928, leaving a widow and family of five. No one finished high school, as they went to work. My father left after the sixth grade, and began working in a paper house. There was no Soc Sec survivor benefit. One benefit was he got newspaper to pad his coat and mend his shoes. When he needed his appendix out, there was no health insurance, so the operation occurred on the table the famly ate at. The first dental care and preventive care he got was in the WPA. Unfortunately, he had asthma, which prevented his enlisting in WWII, and then getting the GI bill benefits, that put a generation through college, and is generally considered the single largest govt improvement to gnp in US history.

He was able to retire with soc sec, and savings and owning his home. And medicare. I have doubts about Obamacare, but the hysterical degree of the TPM "debate," caused me to decide let's see what happens, and fix it later.

Yes...the social welfare big government programs have helped many Americans in need.

Problem is those social welfare programs have been expanded and grown (to buy votes and dependence on big government) to such a size today, they are unsustainable. What is unsustainable goes time.
I do say I was wrong about lbj though. thanks for making me second guess

LBJ never really gets credit for the courageous decision to step aside rather than take part in tearing the nation apart further. In hindsight it may have been a bit of 'too little, too late' but he could not possibly have known that at the time.

Yep, real courageous to step aside when you know you have zero chance of winning the Democrat nomination for President, much less the general election, especially after Bobby Kennedy joined the race.

LBJ and FDR did more DAMAGE to the United States than any other Presidents in the 20th century. Period.

Nobody else comes close.

It is difficult to determine which presidents of the 20th century did the most damage, since most of them did extraordinary damage to the nation. But, I agree that FDR and LBJ have to be considered at the top of the list. I would add Wilson since he gave us the Federal Reserve, which allows the wealthy elite to fleece and enslave us, and the personal income involving America in a another dumb war.

The one thing nearly ALL the presidents of the 20th century had in common, is that they were disgusting Statists, with little respect for the Constitution, and most were foolish Progressives.
My father's father died in 1928, leaving a widow and family of five. No one finished high school, as they went to work. My father left after the sixth grade, and began working in a paper house. There was no Soc Sec survivor benefit. One benefit was he got newspaper to pad his coat and mend his shoes. When he needed his appendix out, there was no health insurance, so the operation occurred on the table the famly ate at. The first dental care and preventive care he got was in the WPA. Unfortunately, he had asthma, which prevented his enlisting in WWII, and then getting the GI bill benefits, that put a generation through college, and is generally considered the single largest govt improvement to gnp in US history.

He was able to retire with soc sec, and savings and owning his home. And medicare. I have doubts about Obamacare, but the hysterical degree of the TPM "debate," caused me to decide let's see what happens, and fix it later.

This is the society that Tea Baggers and Libertarians long for. A society of survival of the fittest where people who fall through the cracks suffer. A society that does not care for its less fortunate

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