America Was Better Off Before The Socialism of FDR, JFK, LBJ...

My father's father died in 1928, leaving a widow and family of five. No one finished high school, as they went to work. My father left after the sixth grade, and began working in a paper house. There was no Soc Sec survivor benefit. One benefit was he got newspaper to pad his coat and mend his shoes. When he needed his appendix out, there was no health insurance, so the operation occurred on the table the famly ate at. The first dental care and preventive care he got was in the WPA. Unfortunately, he had asthma, which prevented his enlisting in WWII, and then getting the GI bill benefits, that put a generation through college, and is generally considered the single largest govt improvement to gnp in US history.

He was able to retire with soc sec, and savings and owning his home. And medicare. I have doubts about Obamacare, but the hysterical degree of the TPM "debate," caused me to decide let's see what happens, and fix it later.

This is the society that Tea Baggers and Libertarians long for. A society of survival of the fittest where people who fall through the cracks suffer. A society that does not care for its less fortunate

All Americans care for the less fortunate, including the Tea Party.
Tea Party wants to reform the big programs that are going bankrupt. They don't want to do away with them.
Dems just want to keep spending and racking up the bills and adding more programs that we can not pay for.
So who really cares about the less fortunate when the programs go broke?
People have been comfortable in poverty since the beginning of the creation of cultural societies. All welfare did was replace the cruel overseer/Prince/poor house/et al with a less cold paternalistic state.

Get over it. Your demented myths have no basis in reality

I think the propertied classes have never gotten over the medieval discovery that the serfs were having a good time reproducing like rabbits (it was one of the few things that didn't cost money in the way of entertainment in the Dark Ages), while they were stuck with the homely ice queen/bozo prince their parents had married them to when they were seven. Class envy explains a lot before the Romantic Era!

:laugh2: usmb gold! Great post :clap2:
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America Was Better Off Before The Socialism of FDR, JFK, LBJ... add Truman (equal rights in military), add Nixon (housing issues), add Carter, add Cinton and Obama.

At least this is the con-argument.

What would America have looked like withouth the socialist programs pushed and enacted by these Presidents?

We would look like Mexico today if it were not for the great WWII generation deciding to create a strong and stable middle class and to pass a social safety net so that we can better handle economic downturns.

The Great Depression was awful for them and they felt like if the country had had safeguards in place, it could have been made to be less bad, so they passed those safeguards and we've never had a depression since.

In fact, we've never had a downturn anything like that since except for 5 years ago after a decade of trying to get rid of the safeguards that our Great Generation passed.

That is probably the greatest generation in American history along with the one that fought to end slavery.

First, thanks for the rare historical perspective that those who fought to save the Union and a year later to purge the country of the great evil of a slave society were by any reasonable definition a Great Generation. We can also have sorrow for the misguided zealots who fostered both disunion and slavery, but not admiration.

Second, what is often lost is how varied both the support and the opposition to the social compact of the 40s and 50s was. On one side was both Truman and Eisenhower, integrating the military, passing civil rights bills, promoting public works and higher education, rebuilding the rest of the world which in the process gave America its greatest period of economic advance since early industrialization. One the other side were the remnants of the isolationist Right, the racist Democratic South, and an assortment of ideologues of every political persuasion from Marxists to John Birchers.

For better or worse (and most of it is better) this is the world our grandparents made. That we do not understand their achievement or take it for granted says much more about us than it does about them!

HERE IT IS overwheling facts that prove JFK was going to pull out of vietnam by 1965.
that johnson reversed his policy.

I would hardly call it a courageous decison to step aside.That evil bastard did it because of the rightful hate americans had for that bastard for getting us into vietnam.there are a lot of uninformed people here at this site that have been taken in by the lies of the lamestream media over the years that Kennedy got us into vietnam and Lbj was continuing his policys which is total B.S.

Jfk signed document # 263 two months before his assassination which called for a complete withdrawal form vietnam. two days after his assassination,Lbj signs documents #273 which reversed his policy and esculated the war with the phony gulf of Tonkin incident.Even Robert Mcnamara and the commander of that ship as well came forward years later after the war ended and confessed they were never attacked.

It was no secret that Kennedy was going to pull them out of vietnam.His two closest aides Kennedy O'donnel and Dave Powers have told researchers over the years Kennedy when talking to them about the vietnam situation said-I intend to pull us out of vietnam by the end of 1965.I cant do it till after I am reelected in the election though.I may go down as the most unpopular president in history but I have no intention of getting us inot that war and suffering anymore losses.

He could not pull out of vietnam till after the election because he had to make it appear to the american people that he had a strong hardliner stance on communism while gradually implementing his plans where two days before his assassination,he gave a directive to pull out the first 1000 men by the end of december.while president,he had to try and gradually pull themout.He could not order a complete withdrawal and expect to get relected again.

He made his decison to pull out completely by 1965 after consulting with Mcarthur who told him vietnam was unwinnable.

It was no secret he was going to pull out because the front page fo the pentagons Stars and Stripes even had the headlines Jfk to pull out of vietnam completely by 1965.I have a copy of that headline of that nespaper in a book of mine on it.

Kennedy while president,never sent in combat troops.Eisenhower sent in the advisors there initailly.The only thing that Kennedy increased over Eisenhower is the advisors.he never sent in combat troops.

Even this propaganda video I have at home that PBS made on vietnam that gets out the propaganda machine saying kennedy got us into vietnam which our corrupt school system tells us also,even in this video they shoot themselves in the foot and are caught lying because even THEY admit it in the video,that combat troops were not introduced into vietnam till 1965 under Johnson and Kennedy only sent in advisors.

The other thing that proves Johnson,not kennedy got us into vietnam besides all that is in a interview with Walter Kronkite in sept 63 whie interviewing Kennedy on the situation in vietnam,you see a graph at the bottom left hand corner that says us casualtys 82.Thats a far cry than the 58,000 plus that occured under Johnson and Nixon.

It wasnt the vietcong or the NVA that murdered those 58,000 americans,it was those bastards Johnson and Nixon.

Didnt mean to get into a discussion on kennedy here but had to clear the air then on your wrongful statement that he made a courgeous decison when he was the one initailly responsibke for tearing the country apart in the first place.

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