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America will Fall

Both are promises, Jeri. I will be your superhero against enemies foreign or domestic, from the atheist left or the Christian right. Or anywhere in between.
Well, I was feeling more calm but I feel my ire raising again.
All he wanted to do was instill fear by explaining in detail what he experienced. That is fear mongering to get people to do as HE wants them to do or believes they should do, or think or act. I call bullshit. This is the anger speaking. I wished I had never watched it because it raises even more questions that makes me back up...not move forward. And that is what organized religion does. DO AS WE SAY OR ELSE.

Judge not, lest ye be judged. Yet we are to judge whether two men can love each other, or two women.

Teach the word of God, but hit them in the head with that bible very hard and find the scariest things in it to FORCE people to obey what is written in it.

Do not fear, for I am with you. As needles are inserted in your fingernails, rats eat your face, you are beaten so badly you cannot sit, stand, lay. BUT you won't die. See how merciful I am?

Love they neighbor. But since you sin you are doomed to helfire and damnation so all the loving, caring, helping, teaching, kindess doesn't matter because you are DOOOOOMED.

Fuck it. I guess I'm still pissed off.
That is not the God I believe in.
No, I believe anyone who loves God and accepts Jesus, loves his neighbor is not doomed. Their saved. We believe Jesus died on the cross for our sins. We love him. He knows this. He knows our hearts. No one else can know your heart. No one. Only God can.

No one is perfect. It is impossible to be perfect. Only Jesus was perfect. People sin without even realizing it. God isn't a big hammer looking for the opportunity to strike us down - to me He is the one holding that hand with a hammer back - our part is faith in Him. Trust God. He's good. - Jeri
No, I believe anyone who loves God and accepts Jesus, loves his neighbor is not doomed. Their saved. We believe Jesus died on the cross for our sins. We love him. He knows this. He knows our hearts. No one else can know your heart. No one. Only God can.

No one is perfect. It is impossible to be perfect. Only Jesus was perfect. People sin without even realizing it. God isn't a big hammer looking for the opportunity to strike us down - to me He is the one holding that hand with a hammer back - our part is faith in Him. Trust God. He's good. - Jeri

Tell that to the guy that thinks his "story" (really, all I heard was ME ME ME, I I I) will sway anyone. Oh, I am sure he scared a few but I also am sure a bunch ran the other way.

Teaching the bible or reaching out to people to read it is better done with sugar or honey..not vinegar and salt. That guys story? I think it's a all a crock of crap, myself.
Maybe you could post some very specific predictions that have come about... other wise I doubt very many people will sit through an hour long translated sermon.
His gripe is Russia is going to nuke the USA. Personally, I don't think so. Then again, no doom and gloom angel has bothered to visit me to say otherwise.
Apocalypse may well come by cyber attacks on our computer systems. Fry those babies, and we go back to the early electric age, major economic disasters and famines and epidemics will reduce mankind by 70% in three years, and so forth and so on. If so, I won't make it the first winter, I imagine, but I doubt that I want to live in the equivalent of the squalor of the 1890s East End of London or the 1890s east end of Alabama.
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We rely way too much on things we used to do the hard way.
Take my inlaws in arizona, for example. Out in the middle of bumfuck, relying on electric power 24/7/365. Now...what if power is lost for whatever reason? They are in a metal mobile home, with no trees as shade over it, and only cacti and tumbleweeds and it will get to 120 this summer. They are screwed.

My ancestors made due with candles, coal, scrubbers to wash apparel, wells to get water, catchment containers for water, had outhouses, grew their own crops. Nowadays? We all saw what happens when a catastrophe happens. Most folks don't know how to drive a shift, and had no clue how to use a phone booth.
Maybe you could post some very specific predictions that have come about... other wise I doubt very many people will sit through an hour long translated sermon.

Sure. First I think it is important to establish the facts about Dumitru. Unlike many preachers we see today, Dumitru was a very meek man. He never sought a name for himself ( which is why you people have never heard of him ) he wasn't a televangelist. He was not a wealthy man, lived a very humble life and what money was given to him he poured into the orphanages of Romania.

The ministry that continues today is still supporting those orphanages and caring for the children themselves. He lived a holy life and no one has ever challenged his testimony because it is all documented fact. How can they?

He smuggled over 300,000 bibles into Russia, assisted in millions more over the years I'm sure - was beaten brutally for refusing to give up the names of those involved in smuggling bibles - thank God for men who will not sell out or compromise - his testimony is pure and reveals the faithfulness of God to keep him.

Job suffered too remember. Who tortured him? Satan. He sent a tornado to take away all of his children in a single day. He put boils on his body that were exceedingly painful. ( Satan did that - NOT GOD )

In all of this Job Praised God and remained faithful to Him. Was Job a fearmongerer for giving his story in the book of Job as to his sufferings? Not at all. Had Job not given his testimony others would be wondering to this day why did God allow me to suffer in such and such a trial? I don't see that anyone else suffered like I have! It's good to know that God can keep us in the midst of our trials. Thank God for testimonies!

Job was giving a factual account of his life and where it led him to because as God asked Job, Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?

Me? I would have been throwing my hand over my mouth about then! God is the Creator. Who is the clay to tell the Potter what to do with it? It is God who is the Potter and we are the clay.

So I felt a need to point out we cannot create God in our own image. ( or how we'd prefer him to be. God is God - He changes not - He is the same yesterday, today and forever )

I woke up with that thought in my mind this morning when Gracie said last night, that is not the God I believe in. Well there is only One God and we accept Him as He is or we don't Which is our free will choice. All of us.

We must realize He is holy and we worship and adore Him as he is. He is the Almighty and we are his creation. Not the other way around...

About Dumitru Duduman.....

He was never a televangelist, never did the book tour circuit thing or any of that. Unless you knew his ministry you probably didn't come across his book or know of him. The meekest Preacher I've ever heard in my life. That is how I'd describe him. A gentle soul that suffered tremendously and in my opinion - it is very important for him to tell his story because the communists tortured him ( God never tortures anyone - that is demon possessed communists that did that ) brutally yet God didn't allow him to be killed. The angel of the LORD was right. He told him, you will live not die. On the exact date the angel told him he would sent to America - out he went! When he asked the LORD for proof he had sent the angel to visit him, the Lord answered with the evidence it was Him the very next day.

In Dumitrus book he said the only thing the Russians were waiting for was a tour ( full information ) of our Nuclear warehouses, locations, etc. Hillary Clinton gave them that tour when she hit the reset button with them. Remember that? It is in his book, Man through the Fire - Dumitru said that the LORD showed him that the three states where the Russians had infiltrated - who are part of this invasion - were Florida, Alaska, Minnesota.

I have checked that out with others - ex - military - etc. and they tell me that is right on the mark.

The largest concentration of russian troops is in Alaska. 2nd largest - Minnesota woods- and as for the 3rd place? Well do you remember the Russian submarine that caught on fire off of the coast of Fla back in the late 80's? It was a news report in Fla. years ago and then buried.

An elderly Pastor - who happens to be the father of Perry Stone said he had a visitor who spoke perfect english, he told the Pastor he had visited his church and believed Jesus was the Son of God while on his R & R.

He was a Russian and he told the pastor he felt a deep conviction after visiting his church and knew he should tell the Pastor to warn the American people that the Russians have their submarines off the coast of Fla and are waiting for an order to do a nuclear strike on the eastern seaboard of the United States.

Fla was a main target and they had been stationed out there for over 20 years. He said the fishing boats come alongside the subs when they surface so men can get off and go on shore to Fla nightclubs to party with women and drink on the R & R time.

They speak such perfect english no one even knows they are Russian the young man said. So Perry Stones elderly father ( the Pastor ) contacted the proper authorites and also the US NAVY to warn them and told them all the young man had told him. The Navy told Perry Stones father not to tell the american people as they already knew about the Russian subs off coast of Fla and it was not a matter they wanted the public to know about. So Perrys father never said anything at that time.

Then in 1998 - 99 someone gave me a cassette tape called the Coming Russian invasion of America and the Pastor was on the tape saying he had decided to go ahead and warn the people of America because it was heavy on his conscience if he didn't people would die. So he did. It was about this Russian man who felt he had to tell the Pastor about the plans Russia had to strike our eastern seaboard.

So I found it interesting that the Romanian Pastor didn't know about the American Pastor who had been visited by a Russian telling him Russian subs are stationed here off coast of Fla until Russia gives them the order to do nuclear strike. Nor had the American Pastor ever met Dumitru Duduman yet both are confirming the plans of the Russians to do a nuclear strike on America.

There are quite a few things that have happened in addition to this but I have to find my book, Man Through the Fire to recount them accurately. I'll add more later. Thanks. - Jeri
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No, I believe anyone who loves God and accepts Jesus, loves his neighbor is not doomed. Their saved. We believe Jesus died on the cross for our sins. We love him. He knows this. He knows our hearts. No one else can know your heart. No one. Only God can.

No one is perfect. It is impossible to be perfect. Only Jesus was perfect. People sin without even realizing it. God isn't a big hammer looking for the opportunity to strike us down - to me He is the one holding that hand with a hammer back - our part is faith in Him. Trust God. He's good. - Jeri

Tell that to the guy that thinks his "story" (really, all I heard was ME ME ME, I I I) will sway anyone. Oh, I am sure he scared a few but I also am sure a bunch ran the other way.

Teaching the bible or reaching out to people to read it is better done with sugar or honey..not vinegar and salt. That guys story? I think it's a all a crock of crap, myself.

I have to disagree with you, Gracie.

Dumitru didn't tell his story to scare anyone. The LORD sent him to America with that message. I never heard him say Me, Me, Me, I heard him lifting up Jesus Christ and glorifying God for saving him at every turn.

I'm surprised you are offended by it as my reaction was the opposite. I felt an immediate sense of peace the first time I heard the message because I knew it confirmed for me that God is going to protect those who have lived for Him and trusted Him and that He is a good and faithful God.

Another thing that really confirmed to me this was God was when he tells about the head Communist officer who ordered him to be put to death by electrocution. You see Dumitru did not die. The Communist officer who ordered the electrocution did instead. He died of internal bleeding at the very same time Dumitru was being electrocuted by his order - from his communist officers.

The Communist who ordered the execution died, not Dumitru. This fulfills the scripture that the pit the enemy has dug for Gods people is the one he shall fall into. He died because he attempted to kill someone he couldn't kill. Don't hunt for what you can't kill is a good message for those out there who would dare to try and harm one of Gods elect.

The bible is clear, Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm. I have heard and seen dozens of stories of people who are dead because they tried to harm one of Gods elect. Very bad idea. ( You can't outrun God )

The only message Dumitru gives the church ( he wasn't speaking to a secular audience - those are all christians sitting in church ) in this video is be prepared, come out of sin and set yourselves apart. Live holy. Why does he tell us that?

Because the bible says, Without holiness no one will see the LORD.

God isn't grading on a curve here. We are either all in for Him or we are not.

It is a simple message and the truth is if people are living in sin, planning it out for the next caper, they already know what they are into is wrong and that they need to give it up.

This is no surprise to them because their own conscience speaks to them about it day and night. If they drown out the voice of their conscience - it will eventually become seared and that leads to a reprobate mind ( Romans 1 ) which is why you see people out there who appear to have no conscience at all and act like psychopaths. - Jeri
Dumitru Duduman

What is so astonishing is the accuracy of what is unfolding right now. He even lists the countries the angel of the Lord told him would be invading USA! He is right on the mark about everything. I believe Dumitru Duduman ( in heaven many years now ) was a true Prophet of the Lord. I believe this video is about 25 - 30 yrs old. I didn't check the date.

You believe someone named Doo Doo Man?
It's ok. Bankers have a plan to pick up the pieces.

The people with guns will be picking up the pieces. The Bankers will be doing what they say.

I doubt any Bankers will be worried about money in that day, AC. I think they will be on their faces crying out to God to save them. You see, in James 5 - God warns those heaping up gold and silver in the last days that their money is going to testify against them. Can you imagine?

Your money can testify against you! Why? It was stolen from the people. Oh yeah. If there is a hotter place in hell it will be full of those guys and the communists they worked for - they are all in collusion together if you ask me.

Another thing. If we truly love our brother and sister than why don't we help them when we see the need? How could a Billionaire like George Soros go to the continent of Africa and buy gold mines - drive straight by Sudan, Uganda, millions of starving children and not give them something to eat? Does this communists actions make sense? A billionaire? Why doesn't he feed these starving children when he can easily afford to do it?

These are questions that will one day be answered but the truth is his god is his money and when he leaves this earth he won't take a penny with him.

So remember the story Jesus told about the Rich man and Lazarus? The Rich man was in Hell while Lazarus was enjoying his reward with God. The rich man was begging for a drop of water from Lazarus. Just one drop. Hell is hot you know.....

Lazarus was poor and the dogs were licking his wounds he was in such bad shape while he was on the earth. He suffered here but now he is in Heaven enjoying God. The rich man who never even gave him a crumb off his table when it would have cost him nothing to do that? He is in hell. That is what will happen to these type of bankers and such, AC. No one is getting away with anything here.

Eventually? The day of reckoning will come and those on the left will hear Depart from me I never knew you, you worker of iniquity ( that will be what many christians will hear too because they were lukewarm and were already warned they would be spit out ) while those on the right will hear - Well done, Good and Faithful servant, enter thou in to thy reward. Amen. * There will be billions of poor people in heaven. Billions. The Sudanese who suffered are the modern day Lazarus story. Heaven will full of such people.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord. - Jeri
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Dumitru Duduman

What is so astonishing is the accuracy of what is unfolding right now. He even lists the countries the angel of the Lord told him would be invading USA! He is right on the mark about everything. I believe Dumitru Duduman ( in heaven many years now ) was a true Prophet of the Lord. I believe this video is about 25 - 30 yrs old. I didn't check the date.

You believe someone named Doo Doo Man?

click the link and you'll believe him too. It is spelled Duduman. thank you. Yes, I do believe every single word he spoke. There is not a doubt in my mind. - Jeri
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Dumitru Duduman

What is so astonishing is the accuracy of what is unfolding right now. He even lists the countries the angel of the Lord told him would be invading USA! He is right on the mark about everything. I believe Dumitru Duduman ( in heaven many years now ) was a true Prophet of the Lord. I believe this video is about 25 - 30 yrs old. I didn't check the date.

You believe someone named Doo Doo Man?

click the link and you'll believe him too. It is called Duduman. thank you. Yes, I do believe every single word he spoke. There is not a doubt in my mind. - Jeri

Sorry, not interested in the opinions of anyone named Doo Doo Man
You believe someone named Doo Doo Man?

click the link and you'll believe him too. It is called Duduman. thank you. Yes, I do believe every single word he spoke. There is not a doubt in my mind. - Jeri

Sorry, not interested in the opinions of anyone named Doo Doo Man

"And that evangelical subculture has rotted the brain of the United States of America.
We have a big slice of our population waiting for Jesus to come back, they look forward to Armageddon, good news is bad news to them.
When we talk about the Left Behind series of books that I talk about in my book Crazy for God, what we’re really talking about is a group of people who are resentful because they know they’ve been left behind by modernity, by science, by education, by art, by literature."

Frank Shaffer
Dumitru Duduman

What is so astonishing is the accuracy of what is unfolding right now. He even lists the countries the angel of the Lord told him would be invading USA! He is right on the mark about everything. I believe Dumitru Duduman ( in heaven many years now ) was a true Prophet of the Lord. I believe this video is about 25 - 30 yrs old. I didn't check the date.

You believe someone named Doo Doo Man?

click the link and you'll believe him too. It is spelled Duduman. thank you. Yes, I do believe every single word he spoke. There is not a doubt in my mind. - Jeri


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