America will never negotiate with terrorists - But obama does

One soldier is now coming home to his family and his country. He is coming home to his friends. He is coming home to live.

Isn't that the most important thing?

Was just thinking the same thing. RWs can be real slime.

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Matt Lauer questioned Jay Carney about this on Today and he asked some really tough questions like "should we negotiate with terrorists" and "did we endanger all of america to bring home one man?". Carney evaded the questions and then matt accused him of changing the subject. Really surprising to see someone on TV treat the obama press secretary like that.
It is amazing how these unpatriotic conservatives do not like getting an American soldier released because Obama did it. Bunch of fucking Commies they are.

HAHAHA. That's really lame. You loony libs are busting a gut trying to spin your way out of this. Everybody knows obozo screwed up again.
One soldier is now coming home to his family and his country. He is coming home to his friends. He is coming home to live.

Isn't that the most important thing?

Was just thinking the same thing. RWs can be real slime.

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And if it's true that this guy deserted his post, and other soldiers were killed searching for him ?

Exactly who is the "slime" here ?
If one of the released terrorists returns to the battle and kills again, this trade for a deserter will have a much higher cost and call for accountability. Accountability not being this administration's strong suit.

From a 2012 NPR report:

Percent Of Detainees Who Return To Terrorism After Release Edges Up : The Two-Way : NPR

Almost 28 percent of the detainees transferred out of the U.S.-run detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have either returned to terrorism or are suspected of having done so, the Director of National Intelligence says in a new report.
One soldier is now coming home to his family and his country. He is coming home to his friends. He is coming home to live.

Isn't that the most important thing?

No it's not. And shut the fuck up,you have no say.
It is amazing how these unpatriotic conservatives do not like getting an American soldier released because Obama did it. Bunch of fucking Commies they are.

Typical Libturd load of shit.

I was glad this guy was released....and then the true story came out.

The longer this story goes on, the more certain interesting details appear, such as:

-How he ended up in enemy hands
-Who we handed over in the exchange
-The laws the administration disregarded in the process
Some strange reports about this soldier are coming out. I hope none of them turn out to be true. In any case, obama just put ALL Americans at much greater risk.

Obama doesn't give a shit about risks to our overseas troops. All he wanted to do was to distract the American public from his VA fuckup with a shiny object.

And, as usual, he showed us that he can't even pull off a positive achievement without stepping in a huge pile of cowshit in the process.
It is amazing how these unpatriotic conservatives do not like getting an American soldier released because Obama did it. Bunch of fucking Commies they are.

Typical Libturd load of shit.

I was glad this guy was released....and then the true story came out.

The longer this story goes on, the more certain interesting details appear, such as:

-How he ended up in enemy hands
-Who we handed over in the exchange
-The laws the administration disregarded in the process

If we catch these guys on the battle field or making roadside bombs,every single death is on obamas head.
He went around congress to do it so it's all on him.
Wonder what libs will say when this happens? Because it most certainly will.
It is amazing how these unpatriotic conservatives do not like getting an American soldier released because Obama did it. Bunch of fucking Commies they are.

Typical Libturd load of shit.

I was glad this guy was released....and then the true story came out.

The longer this story goes on, the more certain interesting details appear, such as:

-How he ended up in enemy hands
-Who we handed over in the exchange
-The laws the administration disregarded in the process

If we catch these guys on the battle field or making roadside bombs,every single death is on obamas head.
He went around congress to do it so it's all on him.
Wonder what libs will say when this happens? Because it most certainly will.
They will blame bush.
You people are fucking dumbasses.

This was an excellent idea. Fuck the law.

Why would the president release five high ranking "terrorist" leaders back to their people in return one mere soldier?

To track them with implanted devices.

How hard would it be, to drug them and make them unconscious while at Guantanamo, and then through careful surgical procedures, implant a tracking device on them? Preferably in an area that would would pose an extremely high risk of fatality if it were ever discovered and attempted to be removed.

And since these five "terrorists" are influential leaders to their people (America's "enemies") wouldn't releasing them with hidden tracking microchips gather some extremely valuable intel?

That's what I would do, anyway. Plus a soldier gets to see his family again. Even if the "terrorists" do unwittingly provide us with invaluable tracking intel, they at least get to see their families and people again, before they all get blown the fuck up.

Everybody wins.
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"implanted devices" leftard?

got some evidence of that; or just the voices in your head?

what a freaking moron
"implanted devices" leftard?

got some evidence of that; or just the voices in your head?

what a freaking moron

Do you really think that they would make an official public announcement of something like that? It would be absolutely vital to the operation to be as discrete as possible.
1 American Army Deserter = 5 top level terrorists

Wow...that is some kind of screwy math...

Was it merely to get the VA scandal out of the press...a wag the dog thing?

we exchanged 5 America-hating killers for one self-hating American loser

way to go Obama!!!!

You people are fucking dumbasses.

This was an excellent idea. Fuck the law.

Why would the president release five high ranking "terrorist" leaders back to their people in return one mere soldier?

To track them with implanted devices.

How hard would it be, to drug them and make them unconscious while at Guantanamo, and then through careful surgical procedures, implant a tracking device on them? Preferably in an area that would would pose an extremely high risk of fatality if it were ever discovered and attempted to be removed.

And since these five "terrorists" are influential leaders to their people (America's "enemies") wouldn't releasing them with hidden tracking microchips gather some extremely valuable intel?

That's what I would do, anyway. Plus a soldier gets to see his family again. Even if the "terrorists" do unwittingly provide us with invaluable tracking intel, they at least get to see their families and people again, before they all get blown the fuck up.

Everybody wins.

This did cross my mind. But why do I doubt it?

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