America will never negotiate with terrorists - But obama does

Implants, LOL. If they wanted intel they could have just as easily captured Bin Laden alive. RFID has a very limited distance.
1 American Army Deserter = 5 top level terrorists

Wow...that is some kind of screwy math...

Was it merely to get the VA scandal out of the press...a wag the dog thing?


As of 2010 Hillary's state dept.removed the taliban from the terrorist organizations list, so technically they are not terrorists?
and israel negotiates with the pals.

and reagan negotiated with the iranis.


Reagan gave ARMS to the terrorists, did not just negotiate. Oliver North handled the transaction & pocketed over 100 grand.
I heard just awhile ago 14 soldiers were killed in their search for him. Also, qaccording to 2 that were in a briefing regarding his going awol, he actually even called in the day after he left to let them know he wouldn't be returning. He took food, water, a knife, a change of clothes and a cell phone with him.

One soldier is now coming home to his family and his country. He is coming home to his friends. He is coming home to live.

Isn't that the most important thing?

Was just thinking the same thing. RWs can be real slime.

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And if it's true that this guy deserted his post, and other soldiers were killed searching for him ?

Exactly who is the "slime" here ?
In July, 2013 they also released 5 taliban quietly, towards trying to make peace with them.
shit...these people..

I lived through the Carter years and nobody but nobody thought we'd ever see that level of incompetence again our lifetimes......this is beyond laughable.

Fuck this asshole and his subhuman father.
You people are fucking dumbasses.

This was an excellent idea. Fuck the law.

Why would the president release five high ranking "terrorist" leaders back to their people in return one mere soldier?

To track them with implanted devices.

How hard would it be, to drug them and make them unconscious sometime at Guantanamo, and then through careful surgical procedures, implant a tracking device on them? Preferably in an area that would would pose an extremely high risk of fatality if it were ever discovered and attempted to be removed.

And since these five "terrorists" are influential leaders to their people (America's "enemies") wouldn't releasing them with hidden tracking microchips gather some extremely valuable intel?

That's what I would do, anyway. Plus a soldier gets to see his family again. Even if the "terrorists" do unwittingly provide us with invaluable tracking intel, they at least get to see their families and people again, before they all get blown the fuck up.

Everybody wins.

This did cross my mind. But why do I doubt it?

Because Obama is a poor excuse for a president and isn't known for making brilliant decisions as the "leader" of our country. Implanted tracking devices are the only way I can see what he did as a good call. So either

1. They have hidden tracking chips and Obama reveals a rare moment of brilliance
2. They don't have hidden tracking chips and Obama makes yet another dumbass call as president.
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Implants, LOL. RFID has a very limited distance.

Technology is constantly evolving. Who's to say that our government hasn't already come up with something more advanced? Because you weren't notified? Are the American people to be informed of every new weapon of espionage?
You people are fucking dumbasses.

This was an excellent idea. Fuck the law.

Why would the president release five high ranking "terrorist" leaders back to their people in return one mere soldier?

To track them with implanted devices.

How hard would it be, to drug them and make them unconscious sometime at Guantanamo, and then through careful surgical procedures, implant a tracking device on them? Preferably in an area that would would pose an extremely high risk of fatality if it were ever discovered and attempted to be removed.

And since these five "terrorists" are influential leaders to their people (America's "enemies") wouldn't releasing them with hidden tracking microchips gather some extremely valuable intel?

That's what I would do, anyway. Plus a soldier gets to see his family again. Even if the "terrorists" do unwittingly provide us with invaluable tracking intel, they at least get to see their families and people again, before they all get blown the fuck up.

Everybody wins.

This did cross my mind. But why do I doubt it?

Because Obama is a poor excuse for a president and isn't known for making brilliant decisions as the "leader" of our country. Implanted tracking devices are the only way I can see what he did as a good call. So either

1. They have hidden tracking chips and Obama reveals a rare moment of brilliance
2. They don't have hidden tracking chips and Obama makes yet another dumbass call as president.

I'll take number two. And if by chance number one was implemented,you can bet it wasn't obamas idea.
Prisoner exchange programs have been around for thousands of years - they are not "illegal."

I have zero faith in stupid, partisan, stooges to EVER post accurate information and they have zero need to report the actual truth.

Calling one of our POW's a traitor is the lowest of low.

Some of you people should GTFO of the US and take your fail-thread with you.
In July, 2013 they also released 5 taliban quietly, towards trying to make peace with them.

Probably a good idea. Releasing them shows that the US doesn't want to be unreasonable. Also, whenever we capture an enemy, they are very easily replaced.

At least this way, we are no longer responsible for them.
If I negotiated like Obama negotiated the release of Bergdahl, I would go a a car dealership and negotiate a sales price of $100,000 for a car listed at $20,000.

Five of the most dangerous men in the world in exchange for one anti-American deserter. What a fucking deal.
America will never negotiate with terrorists - But obama does
Wrong again, as usual:

[C]ontrary to claims by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers and others, the Obama administration did not negotiate with “terrorists” to get Bergdahl back.

Many columnists and congressmen make a big point that America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists. Well, sometimes America does, but the key thing here is that the Taliban delegates, with whom U.S. officials have been negotiating in Qatar over the fate of Sgt. Bergdahl, are not terrorists. They represent a political faction and a military force in Afghanistan; they are combatants in a war that the United States is fighting. In other words, Bergdahl was not a “hostage” (another erroneous term uttered by Rogers). He was a prisoner of war, and what happened on May 31 was an exchange of POWs.

Bowe Bergdahl and negotiating with the Taliban: Why the deal to free this POW could be even more important.
Prisoner exchange programs have been around for thousands of years - they are not "illegal."

I have zero faith in stupid, partisan, stooges to EVER post accurate information and they have zero need to report the actual truth.

Calling one of our POW's a traitor is the lowest of low.

Some of you people should GTFO of the US and take your fail-thread with you.
Prisoner swaps normally takes place with the end of hostilities and as part of a truce. Only an idiot would do otherwise and only a complete moron would exchange 5 top brass for a private deserter while hostilities continure.
They should hang yellow nooses from old oak trees in his home town in Idaho.
In July, 2013 they also released 5 taliban quietly, towards trying to make peace with them.

Probably a good idea. Releasing them shows that the US doesn't want to be unreasonable. Also, whenever we capture an enemy, they are very easily replaced.

At least this way, we are no longer responsible for them.


we just skip taking prisoners, "at least then we are no longer responsible for them"

I'm astonished the Obama administration has not contacted you to join their crack team of military advisors, exchanging deserters for Taliban who they equivocate with legitimate a military.

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