
America is gone. It's dead. Even the memory of America is being erased. What's left is evil. It's a dark and putrid entity that occupies the same geographical space as America.

and guess who's responsible for this assessment of yours? SORRY ASS WHITE MOTHERFUCKERS!! IE PEOPLE LIKE YOU, YOU RACIST GOOD FOR NOTHING MAGGOT MAGNET!!
America didn't fare well under hopey changey
I see. So you think that a market at 6500 and unemployment of over 10% is better than a market at 17,000, and unemployment at 5%. My goodness, that is some interesting philosophy.

If you think the unemployment rate is 5% YOU are part of the problem

Put it this way, our economy is booming, jobs are out there, unemployment is down and no matter how you neo nuts try to spin the shit, the fact you shit heads got enough capital to keep buying guns, kinda proves otherwise, ya think?

You really need to chill....serious. Sick of your tired racist BS

Since when do I give a rats fuck about you? I'm sick of people like you constantly coming to this site and damning the president. Its a hobby with you nuts and every time you do it, until I am permanently banned, I intend to counter your attacks and attack don't like it, ignore me, MOP!!
America didn't fare well under hopey changey
I see. So you think that a market at 6500 and unemployment of over 10% is better than a market at 17,000, and unemployment at 5%. My goodness, that is some interesting philosophy.

If you think the unemployment rate is 5% YOU are part of the problem

Put it this way, our economy is booming, jobs are out there, unemployment is down and no matter how you neo nuts try to spin the shit, the fact you shit heads got enough capital to keep buying guns, kinda proves otherwise, ya think?

You really need to chill....serious. Sick of your tired racist BS

Since when do I give a rats fuck about you? I'm sick of people like you constantly coming to this site and damning the president. Its a hobby with you nuts and every time you do it, until I am permanently banned, I intend to counter your attacks and attack don't like it, ignore me, MOP!!

No class and ignorant is no way to go through life. Serious
There is no doubt that obama has stunk up the country like a slop jar. He has made us into a bedraggled, untrustworthy, hobo of a country. We're the nation sleeping over a steam vent on Times Square while the bucket of maggots and his equally poisonous relatives infect Hawaii.
America didn't fare well under hopey changey
I see. So you think that a market at 6500 and unemployment of over 10% is better than a market at 17,000, and unemployment at 5%. My goodness, that is some interesting philosophy.

If you think the unemployment rate is 5% YOU are part of the problem

Put it this way, our economy is booming, jobs are out there, unemployment is down and no matter how you neo nuts try to spin the shit, the fact you shit heads got enough capital to keep buying guns, kinda proves otherwise, ya think?

You really need to chill....serious. Sick of your tired racist BS
Oh my goodness..... You are talking to yourself again.
I see. So you think that a market at 6500 and unemployment of over 10% is better than a market at 17,000, and unemployment at 5%. My goodness, that is some interesting philosophy.

If you think the unemployment rate is 5% YOU are part of the problem

Put it this way, our economy is booming, jobs are out there, unemployment is down and no matter how you neo nuts try to spin the shit, the fact you shit heads got enough capital to keep buying guns, kinda proves otherwise, ya think?

You really need to chill....serious. Sick of your tired racist BS

Since when do I give a rats fuck about you? I'm sick of people like you constantly coming to this site and damning the president. Its a hobby with you nuts and every time you do it, until I am permanently banned, I intend to counter your attacks and attack don't like it, ignore me, MOP!!

No class and ignorant is no way to go through life. Serious

If having "class" is a standard for commenting on sites like this....than what the heck are you doing here? Every nut on this site lacks class...including you!!
There is no doubt that obama has stunk up the country like a slop jar. He has made us into a bedraggled, untrustworthy, hobo of a country. We're the nation sleeping over a steam vent on Times Square while the bucket of maggots and his equally poisonous relatives infect Hawaii.

LOLOLOL...this coming from a motherfucker that spends his waking moments on the internet whining about life...bitch please!!
The only saving grace of Obama's election that hits me is that if McCain was elected in '08 then America's intervention into other countries affairs would read like Johnny Cash's rendition of I've Been Everywhere.

What the hell is wrong with the 'Conservatives'? Went shopping today at a Fred Meyers in Portland, Oregon. There were fruits and vegetables that were only seasonally available in my youth. And there were thousands of items that were not even imagined when I was young. There was a time when I was very young, that we pulled our water from a well, had no electricity, had a little house outback, a real adventure at -20, and the wood kitchen stove was our heat. When I go to a store like that, and realize that I have the resources to buy anything I choose, I realize what a wonderful life we are leading today.

Then we have you 'Conservatives' that are talking revolution and civil war, that would destroy all of that. And for what? What freedoms have you lost? You are utter fools, and, really, traitors to this nation. You wish to destroy what all the generations have built. And I hold you in contempt, because you have not the faintest idea of the reality of what you wish to destroy.

America is my nation, I will not see it destroyed by idiots.
Of course you'll see it destroyed, unless you're really damn old.

Yeah white people built this nation. Whites discovered electricity and built the power stations. Fuck all that.

Too many factions for too many reasons want to see the noble experiment over. It has failed.

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