American apologized, now if US media would stop being kocky about it, they could let


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
The old man detained in North Korea who once fought and likely killed people on foreign soil there, has apologized. now if the people in the safety of USA like these political experts could stop being cocky and smart ass, I believe the North Korea would let him go, but when they see apology on one side from a man who is in their captivity, but they see the mass media who are outside of their country making smart ass comments about North Korea, it probably sends mixed signals? that's how I would feel about it anyway. your thoughts?

North Korea says detained American apologizes - Video
America is not at all sorry. The country of North Korea captured one old man and forced him to apoligize upon pain of death. There aren't mixed signals.
The both of you would be probably squealing like babies after a few days if you were in his shoes. same goes for the US media, US generals, US political experts etc. at least the old man had the balls to travel to another country.
People returning here after having been away for about five years suddenly think they're arrived in the wrong country. Change you can't believe in! Unless you've watched it happen.
All commies deserve a commies death. Since my grand father was mortally wounded by a Chink zipperhead communist fuck stick, this goes double.
America is not at all sorry. The country of North Korea captured one old man and forced him to apoligize upon pain of death. There aren't mixed signals.

you expect the leftards to think and know something?

North Korea is their dream world, so they do not see them doing anything wrong here.

Reminds me the situation with Elian Gonzales.
The old man detained in North Korea who once fought and likely killed people on foreign soil there, has apologized. now if the people in the safety of USA like these political experts could stop being cocky and smart ass, I believe the North Korea would let him go, but when they see apology on one side from a man who is in their captivity, but they see the mass media who are outside of their country making smart ass comments about North Korea, it probably sends mixed signals? that's how I would feel about it anyway. your thoughts?

North Korea says detained American apologizes - Video

What would you suggest they say?
To be fair I really don't know what the dude was thinking by going there. Obviously, previous experiences by others worked out well, but unless your a black loudmouth commie lover like Dennis Rodwoman, then you probably shouldn't be there.
The old man detained in North Korea who once fought and likely killed people on foreign soil there, has apologized. now if the people in the safety of USA like these political experts could stop being cocky and smart ass, I believe the North Korea would let him go, but when they see apology on one side from a man who is in their captivity, but they see the mass media who are outside of their country making smart ass comments about North Korea, it probably sends mixed signals? that's how I would feel about it anyway. your thoughts?

North Korea says detained American apologizes - Video

What would you suggest they say?
I would invite the North Korean leader for the live televised interview in America, treat him with respect, and ask straight forward questions, let him answer, air all unedited without commercial breaks for an excuse, allow their leader to question our leader/or system, see what's on his mind.
The old man detained in North Korea who once fought and likely killed people on foreign soil there, has apologized. now if the people in the safety of USA like these political experts could stop being cocky and smart ass, I believe the North Korea would let him go, but when they see apology on one side from a man who is in their captivity, but they see the mass media who are outside of their country making smart ass comments about North Korea, it probably sends mixed signals? that's how I would feel about it anyway. your thoughts?

North Korea says detained American apologizes - Video

What would you suggest they say?
I would invite the North Korean leader for the live televised interview in America, treat him with respect, and ask straight forward questions, let him answer, air all unedited without commercial breaks for an excuse, allow their leader to question our leader/or system, see what's on his mind.

That is the archetypal liberal 'schmooze and finesse it' thinking. We do not have diplomatic relations with North Korea. They have made ongoing threats to the US for as long as I can remember and that's pretty damned long. Not only that, they have escalated their accumulation of arms and intend to be a nuclear power.

You are a liberal shit head who thinks that the enemies of American who want us all dead are going sit by the campfire with you and sing Kumbaya. They are not.

I, personally, think we should send a military mission to rescue the old man and shoot their fucking head off. But then the US doesn't rescue mere citizens who are stupid enough to places like North Korea. And we didn't negotiate with terrorists until your dear leader got elected.
To be fair I really don't know what the dude was thinking by going there. Obviously, previous experiences by others worked out well, but unless your a black loudmouth commie lover like Dennis Rodwoman, then you probably shouldn't be there.

You couldn't pay me to go there.
The old man detained in North Korea who once fought and likely killed people on foreign soil there, has apologized. now if the people in the safety of USA like these political experts could stop being cocky and smart ass, I believe the North Korea would let him go, but when they see apology on one side from a man who is in their captivity, but they see the mass media who are outside of their country making smart ass comments about North Korea, it probably sends mixed signals? that's how I would feel about it anyway. your thoughts?

North Korea says detained American apologizes - Video

What would you suggest they say?
I would invite the North Korean leader for the live televised interview in America, treat him with respect, and ask straight forward questions, let him answer, air all unedited without commercial breaks for an excuse, allow their leader to question our leader/or system, see what's on his mind.

Why in the world would you treat a communist dictator with anything less than a bayonet to the lung, let alone respect! Would you have invited Pol Pot or Idi Amin for drinks and pleasant debate?
The old man detained in North Korea who once fought and likely killed people on foreign soil there, has apologized.

An apology issued under duress is meaningless. Even those idiots in NK should know that.
What would you suggest they say?
I would invite the North Korean leader for the live televised interview in America, treat him with respect, and ask straight forward questions, let him answer, air all unedited without commercial breaks for an excuse, allow their leader to question our leader/or system, see what's on his mind.

Why in the world would you treat a communist dictator with anything less than a bayonet to the lung, let alone respect! Would you have invited Pol Pot or Idi Amin for drinks and pleasant debate?

He believes a beer summit is all it takes to turn things around.
I would invite the North Korean leader for the live televised interview in America, treat him with respect, and ask straight forward questions, let him answer, air all unedited without commercial breaks for an excuse, allow their leader to question our leader/or system, see what's on his mind.

Better yet, invite him to the White House.

Then decorate the national Christmas Tree with his innards.
We do not have diplomatic relations with North Korea. They have made ongoing threats to the US for as long as I can remember and that's pretty damned long. Not only that, they have escalated their accumulation of arms and intend to be a nuclear power.

You are a liberal shit head
In other words "the old man is an idiot for going to North Korea" and I am a "liberal shithead"... according to your average political genius. coincidentally 9:11 if you read this, I even made a speech about that.

I, personally, think we should send a military mission to rescue the old man and shoot their fucking head off. But then the US doesn't rescue mere citizens who are stupid enough to places like North Korea. And we didn't negotiate with terrorists until your dear leader got elected.
And the bottom line is the top line of the - America as a nation does not exist.

End of argument, go back to your television.
We do not have diplomatic relations with North Korea. They have made ongoing threats to the US for as long as I can remember and that's pretty damned long. Not only that, they have escalated their accumulation of arms and intend to be a nuclear power.

You are a liberal shit head
In other words "the old man is an idiot for going to North Korea" and I am a "liberal shithead"... according to your average political genius. coincidentally 9:11 if you read this, I even made a speech about that.

I, personally, think we should send a military mission to rescue the old man and shoot their fucking head off. But then the US doesn't rescue mere citizens who are stupid enough to places like North Korea. And we didn't negotiate with terrorists until your dear leader got elected.
And the bottom line is the top line of the - America as a nation does not exist.

End of argument, go back to your television.

For someone with 0 rep and several big red blips you sure are cocky. Yes, the old man should not have gone to North Korea. I know it is the current fad, particularly since the movie Pearl Harbor came out, for old soldiers to visit the places they fought. That may be OK in Europe. But it is NOT OK in places like North Korea. And it will NOT be OK in my lifetime nor in yours. Now, go do a little studying you impudent obstreperous little shit for brains.
I would invite the North Korean leader for the live televised interview in America, treat him with respect, and ask straight forward questions, let him answer, air all unedited without commercial breaks for an excuse, allow their leader to question our leader/or system, see what's on his mind.

Better yet, invite him to the White House.

Then decorate the national Christmas Tree with his innards.

Well said!

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