American apologized, now if US media would stop being kocky about it, they could let

Americans have been and are detained the world over:


Alan Gross
December 2009 - Alan Gross is jailed while working as a subcontractor on a U.S. Agency for International Development project aimed at spreading democracy. His actions are deemed illegal by Cuban authorities. He is accused of trying set up illegal Internet connections on the island. Gross says he was trying to help connect the Jewish community to the Internet and was not a threat to the government.

16 American NGO Employees
December 2011 - Egyptian authorities carry out 17 raids on the offices of 10 nongovernmental organizations. The Egyptian general prosecutor's office claims the raids were part of an investigation into allegations the groups had received illegal foreign financing and were operating without a proper license.

June 4, 2013 - An Egyptian court charges 43 NGO workers, including several Americans and other foreigners. The court sentences 27 NGO workers in absentia to five-year sentences; 11 defendants to one-year suspended jail sentences; and five others to two-year sentences that were not suspended, according to state-run newspaper Al Ahram.

UC-Berkeley Grads
July 31, 2009 - Three graduates from the University of California at Berkeley, Sarah Shourd of Oakland, California, Shane Bauer, of Emeryville, California, and Joshua Fattal, of Cottage Grove, Oregon, are detained in Iran after hiking along the unmarked Iran-Iraq border in northern Iraq's Kurdish region.

Saeed Abedini
September 26, 2012 - According to the American Center for Law and Justice, Saeed Abedini, an American Christian pastor who was born in Iran and lives in Idaho, is detained in Iran. The group says that Abedini's charges stem from his conversion to Christianity from Islam 13 years ago and his activities with home churches in Iran.

Amir Mirzaei Hekmati
December 17, 2011 - Iran's Intelligence Ministry claims to have arrested an Iranian-American working as a CIA agent, according to state-run Press TV.

Robert Levinson
March 8, 2007 - According to his family, retired FBI agent Robert Levinson is last seen on Iran's Kish Island during a business trip.

Kenneth Bae
December 11, 2012 - U.S. officials confirm that American citizen Kenneth Bae has been detained in North Korea for over a month.

Euna Lee and Laura Ling
Prior to this event, no Americans had ever been tried in North Korea's Supreme Court.

Merrill Newman
October 26, 2013 - Merrill Newman of Palo Alto, California, is detained in North Korea, according to his family. Just minutes before his plane is to depart, Newman is removed from the flight by North Korean authorities, his family says.

Eddie Yong Su Jun
April 12, 2011 - An American man has been detained by North Korean authorities, State Department officials tell CNN. A diplomatic source familiar with the case says the man entered North Korea in November.

Timothy Hallett Tracy
April 24, 2013 - Timothy Hallett Tracy, of Los Angeles, is arrested at the Caracas airport, according to Reporters Without Borders. Tracy traveled to Venezuela to make a documentary about the political division gripping the country.

Detained Americans Fast Facts -

The students in Iran were released when someone paid $500,000 'bail' better defined as ransom.
Foreign countries feel confident in abusing Americans because they know that there is no American government to stop them. Many people living in America will speak up to justify abusing Americans because Americans deserve all that abuse. Yesterday's heroes are today's war criminals.
After I returned from Egypt, I said I would never return to the Middle East.

Americans are being held around the world:

Detained Americans Fast Facts -

Once you leave these shores our government will not protect you.

Who said the government protects you here?

Which foreign country has imprisoned Americans on American soil?

ndaa 2012 can be used at anytime at the discretion of the president.
When some foreign power took a Roman Citizen hostage in the past, Rome declared the hostage already dead and began making its plans to ensure the hostage takers swiftly shared the same fate.

Present leadership has declared America the perrenial bad guy, at fault 100 per cent of the time. Many and varied acts of this governments fellating the hostage takers will thus ensue. A real leader with America's interests only at heart, would in an instant, a twinkling, make every NoKo nuke and ballistic missile development facility, along with every military base, land, sea, and air along with every supply depot and support facility dissappear.

Former UN Ambassador John Bolton, in his book "Surrender Is Not An Option" describes a disease peculiar to State Department employees where individuals working at State who sepcialize in certain regions of the world become so involved in the cultures and countries they deal with they lose the ability to effectively represent the United States best interests. Ambassador Bolton labeled the disease "Clientitis". Individuals infected with the disease are usually promptly removed from their prior responsibilities. One of the individuals at State that Ambassador Bolton had subtly noted as infected with "Clientitis" was later separated from his position at State and then named to the group authoring the 2008 NIE that formally and unequivocally stated Iran had stopped all nuclear development work.

Barack Obama came into office with a worse than severe case of "Clientitis"

Be afraid, Be very afraid. His disease could very easily be terminal for the country he was supposed to lead.
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After I returned from Egypt, I said I would never return to the Middle East.

Americans are being held around the world:

Detained Americans Fast Facts -

Once you leave these shores our government will not protect you.

Who said the government protects you here?

Which foreign country has imprisoned Americans on American soil?
He probably meant something along the lines that US can give Israel Billions who has a universal health care for all it's people, while in America, they can only moan that there is not enough money to give health care and that Obama is troll. so in that sense I do not see how US government protects ANY of its' citizens.
Who said the government protects you here?

Which foreign country has imprisoned Americans on American soil?
He probably meant something along the lines that US can give Israel Billions who has a universal health care for all it's people, while in America, they can only moan that there is not enough money to give health care and that Obama is troll. so in that sense I do not see how US government protects ANY of its' citizens.

You do not need to answer for me I already did.
The old man detained in North Korea who once fought and likely killed people on foreign soil there, has apologized. now if the people in the safety of USA like these political experts could stop being cocky and smart ass, I believe the North Korea would let him go, but when they see apology on one side from a man who is in their captivity, but they see the mass media who are outside of their country making smart ass comments about North Korea, it probably sends mixed signals? that's how I would feel about it anyway. your thoughts?

North Korea says detained American apologizes - Video

Okay, wait a minute. The guy goes to North Korea as a tourist, and is arrested for his actions during the war how many years ago???? And our government of course does NOTHING!!! There really is no advantage to being an American citizen anymore, is there? It's become a liability even in our own country where illegals and recent immigrants are put ahead of our own.

Yes, I do know what I'm saying. Our tax dollars are paying for organizations to show illegals and legal immigrants how to take advantage of our system but there is no such organization to help our own citizens.
I don't know what I'd do if I were in position to reprise against this kidnapping, but I do know it would involve horrible deaths of many commie slants if 1 hair on that mans head was hurt even if it risked a full scale war.
I don't know what I'd do if I were in position to reprise against this kidnapping, but I do know it would involve horrible deaths of many commie slants if 1 hair on that mans head was hurt even if it risked a full scale war.

Sadly, our government could care less about it's own citizens. Used to be you were proud to be an American and nobody messed with us. Now it's all "I'm sorry" and letting our citizens fend for themselves.
The old man detained in North Korea who once fought and likely killed people on foreign soil there, has apologized. now if the people in the safety of USA like these political experts could stop being cocky and smart ass, I believe the North Korea would let him go, but when they see apology on one side from a man who is in their captivity, but they see the mass media who are outside of their country making smart ass comments about North Korea, it probably sends mixed signals? that's how I would feel about it anyway. your thoughts?

North Korea says detained American apologizes - Video

What would you suggest they say?
I would invite the North Korean leader for the live televised interview in America, treat him with respect, and ask straight forward questions, let him answer, air all unedited without commercial breaks for an excuse, allow their leader to question our leader/or system, see what's on his mind.
I suspect that you belong to the 'I want to buy the world a Coke... sing Kumbya-My-Lord around the campfire... Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farms... Goody-Two-Shoes... World Without Borders... I never met a Commie Tyrant I didn't like' crowd, although that may be very unfair of me to caricaturize in that fashion.

What does seem clear, at this early junction, is that you and I live on entirely different planets.

For which I am eternally grateful.


The guy is not a war-criminal; he was facilitating covert ops on enemy soil; entirely legitimate.

It's obvious that he's made their Shit List 60 years ago or more.

Why-in-the-world he chose to go back to that Neanderthal State is absolutely beyond understanding.

Not the brightest crayon in the box, but not necessarily a lick of truth to the War Criminal accusations, either.

We need to take a hard look at the case, and, if we find that he was innocent of wrongdoing in any reasonable wartime context, then, we need to work for his release.

Diplomatically, at first, if practicable, but effectively, even if that means getting radical, or, in the end-game, risking losing him in the process, if it comes to that.

We need to send a Clear Message to Chuckles-the-Fatboy in North Korea, that we won't put up with his shit.
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Why would anyone in their right mind want to visit North Korea as a tourist?
There were countries I felt OK about visiting under Reagan but would avoid entirely under this weak-kneed regime. When they know they've nothing to fear they kidnap, rape and murder with impunity.
I don't know what I'd do if I were in position to reprise against this kidnapping, but I do know it would involve horrible deaths of many commie slants if 1 hair on that mans head was hurt even if it risked a full scale war.

Hey, fuck you with your racist epithets. You can't even manage to make a valid point without finding a way to make yourself look stupid.

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