American apologized, now if US media would stop being kocky about it, they could let

I dislike the North Korean system, partially because communism is nothing but total stupidity and partially because their leaders are all as mad as spoons. However, they have a point in this case because they've arrested a war criminal. Regardless of how you look at NK, the U.S. committed terrible war crimes in Korea so the soldiers and their officers must be arrested, charged and sent to trial. When the Nazis did the same things, they were hanged. Why should Americans be free from their well documented crimes?
That's a fine speech, Fred, but, tell us, what 'war crimes' did this fellow commit?
I dislike the North Korean system, partially because communism is nothing but total stupidity and partially because their leaders are all as mad as spoons. However, they have a point in this case because they've arrested a war criminal. Regardless of how you look at NK, the U.S. committed terrible war crimes in Korea so the soldiers and their officers must be arrested, charged and sent to trial. When the Nazis did the same things, they were hanged. Why should Americans be free from their well documented crimes?
That's a fine speech, Fred, but, tell us, what 'war crimes' did this fellow commit?

The old man was likely conscripted.
I dislike the North Korean system, partially because communism is nothing but total stupidity and partially because their leaders are all as mad as spoons. However, they have a point in this case because they've arrested a war criminal. Regardless of how you look at NK, the U.S. committed terrible war crimes in Korea so the soldiers and their officers must be arrested, charged and sent to trial. When the Nazis did the same things, they were hanged. Why should Americans be free from their well documented crimes?
That's a fine speech, Fred, but, tell us, what 'war crimes' did this fellow commit?

The old man was likely conscripted.

And, what?
Regardless of his age or the reason he joined up, the North Koreans say they have records of him committing war crimes in their country.
Given we are aware of massive war crimes Americans took part in, we can assume they have have reasonable grounds to suspect him.
The fact he's an old man now doesn't absolve him from any mass murders he took part in whilst he was a young man and the total refusal to release his war records suggests there's something in the charges.
If there was nothing doing, the American military would have published his war record faster than you could say, "gun down any civilians wearing white".

Another things that's really odd here is how so many people refuse to admit American war crimes of the time.
They're extremely well documented, as is the government cover up, but there are so many who refuse to admit to them.
I've already posted U.S. servicemen, telling of what went off but all I got back was rubbish. not a post about how evil these people were to mass murder civilians and how they, as Nazi war criminals were, should be hunted down and sent to trial.

Why is that?
That's a fine speech, Fred, but, tell us, what 'war crimes' did this fellow commit?

The old man was likely conscripted.

And, what?
Regardless of his age or the reason he joined up, the North Koreans say they have records of him committing war crimes in their country.
Given we are aware of massive war crimes Americans took part in, we can assume they have have reasonable grounds to suspect him.
The fact he's an old man now doesn't absolve him from any mass murders he took part in whilst he was a young man and the total refusal to release his war records suggests there's something in the charges.
If there was nothing doing, the American military would have published his war record faster than you could say, "gun down any civilians wearing white".

Another things that's really odd here is how so many people refuse to admit American war crimes of the time.
They're extremely well documented, as is the government cover up, but there are so many who refuse to admit to them.
I've already posted U.S. servicemen, telling of what went off but all I got back was rubbish. not a post about how evil these people were to mass murder civilians and how they, as Nazi war criminals were, should be hunted down and sent to trial.

Why is that?

And you have yet to tell us what his "war crimes" were. You are nothing but an enemy sympathizing windbag.
According to the obligatory Wiki article...

Merrill Newman was an Infantry Officer serving in Korea, so, being an officer, he was almost certainly not conscripted.

Merrill Newman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Here is (supposedly) a copy of the letter that Newman signed for North Korea; courtesy of the Business Insider website...


I am Merrill Newman living in California, USA.

During the Korean War, I have been guilty of a long list of indelible crimes against DPRK government and Korean people as advisor of the Kuwol Unit of the UN Korea 6th Partisan Regiment part of the Intelligence Bureau of the Far East Command.

As I gave 300 people with barbarity gone to the South who had ill feelings toward the DPRK from Chodo military education and guerilla training they later did attack against the DPRK although the armistice was signed.

I also gave 200 soldiers under my command in Mt. Kuwol the task to harass the rear base such as collecting information on the movement and the arm equipment in KPA, attacking and destruction on the communication system, the rice storage, railroad and munitions train by dispatching the several elements to Hwanghae Province Area.

According to my order they collected information of the KPA and attacked the communication system and killed 3 innocent operators, delayed the munitions supply using explosives obtained from attacking the mine and they attacked the KPA and harassing operations of the rear base 10 times in the Hwanghae Province Area.

They killed about 50 soldiers in the process of the operation. In the process of following tasks given by me I believe they would kill more innocent people.

As I killed so many civilians and KPA soldiers and destroyed strategic objects in the DPRK during the Korean War, I committed indelible offensive acts against the DPRK government and Korean people.

Although 60 years have gone by, I came to DPRK on the excuse of the tour as a member of 33 Tour Group from U.S. on October 17, 2013.

Shamelessly I had a plan to meet any surviving soldiers and pray for the souls of the dead soldiers in Kuwol Mt. during the Korean war. Following the itinerary I asked my guide to help me look for the surviving soldiers and their families and descendents because it was too hard for me to do myself.

If I had the opportunity to visit Kuwol Mt. I was going to pray for the souls of dead soldiers. If I saw surviving soldiers in Mt. Kuwol, I was going to connect them with the members of the Kuwol Partisan Comrades-in-Arms Association which I had already connected with, anti-Communist strategic plot organization.

All the members of the Kuwol Partisan Comrades-in-Arms Association escaped from the DPRK to South Korea. So I asked the guide to help me to look for their families and relatives living in DPRK and I gave the document written with their address and e-mail address to the guide in the Yanggakdo Hotel.

I also brought the e-book criticizing the Socialist DPRK on this trip and criticizing DPRK.

Although I committed the indelible offensive acts against the Korean people in the period of the Korean War, I have been guilty of big crimes against the DPRK government and Korean People again.

I realize that I cannot be forgiven for my offensives but I beg for pardon on my knees by apologizing for my offensives sincerely toward the DPRK government and the Korean people and I want not punish me.

Please forgive me.

I will never commit the offensive act against the DPRK Government and the Korean People again.

On this trip I can understand that in US and western countries there is misleading information and propaganda about DPRK.

If I go back to USA, I will tell the true features of the DPRK and the life the Korean people are leading.

Merrill Newman
Nov 9, 2013

Here's The 'Apology Letter' North Korea Claims Was Written By The 85-Year-Old Veteran Being Held Hostage - Business Insider


Anyone who is familiar with the atrocious grammar (even an 'impaired' 85-year-old former serving officer would have better grammar than that!) and biased perspective that North Korea (and most Communist regimes, in the past) imposes upon their non-Communist prisoners, in ghost-writing such 'confessions' and then forcing prisoners to sign them, through force or coercion behind-the-scenes...

Anyone who has seen such things, directly or indirectly, out of North Korea over the years, will recognize this familiar old Cold War tap-dance for what it actually is...

A huge, steaming pile of Leftover Cold-War Commie Horseshit...
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And you have yet to tell us what his "war crimes" were. You are nothing but an enemy sympathizing windbag.

By "enemy", I assume you mean the country you invaded; a country an ocean away from California and one that was absolutely no threat to you.
That itself is a war crime but, we are well aware of so many other war crimes, committed as part of that nasty American invasion, done to support your pet dictator and mass murderer in the south.

Now, we are aware of these crimes and the cover up by the U.S. government of the time.
We are also aware there was a man of that or, if American propaganda is to be believed, a man with a similar (bar one letter) name was deeply involved in something dodgy.

There is a total blackout on this guy's war record, telling in itself.
Given the mass murders carried out by Americans involved in that war, we have a reasonable chance he was involved in it.
Their records will be far more detailed than America's as so much was hidden away from the press and public.

Have a picture of American supervising mass murder (Summary executions) of political prisoners in Korea.
The photos were classified by America as they blamed North Korea for the killings, even though these photos proved the Americans played a part in the killings.


As I said, I deeply dislike the Korean system but they may well have a point in this case.
The both of you would be probably squealing like babies after a few days if you were in his shoes. same goes for the US media, US generals, US political experts etc. at least the old man had the balls to travel to another country.

Are you fucking stupid? he should have never went over there to begin with. Jumping in the lions den is not brave you dumb cocksucker.:mad:
And you have yet to tell us what his "war crimes" were. You are nothing but an enemy sympathizing windbag.

By "enemy", I assume you mean the country you invaded; a country an ocean away from California and one that was absolutely no threat to you.
That itself is a war crime but, we are well aware of so many other war crimes, committed as part of that nasty American invasion, done to support your pet dictator and mass murderer in the south.

Now, we are aware of these crimes and the cover up by the U.S. government of the time.
We are also aware there was a man of that or, if American propaganda is to be believed, a man with a similar (bar one letter) name was deeply involved in something dodgy.

There is a total blackout on this guy's war record, telling in itself.
Given the mass murders carried out by Americans involved in that war, we have a reasonable chance he was involved in it.
Their records will be far more detailed than America's as so much was hidden away from the press and public.

Have a picture of American supervising mass murder (Summary executions) of political prisoners in Korea.
The photos were classified by America as they blamed North Korea for the killings, even though these photos proved the Americans played a part in the killings.


As I said, I deeply dislike the Korean system but they may well have a point in this case.

Of course anything anti American, you jump all over it.:eusa_liar:
"...By 'enemy', I assume you mean the country you invaded; a country an ocean away from California and one that was absolutely no threat to you..."
The United States has maintained a credible military force on the southern half of the Korean Peninsula since September 8, 1945, in accordance with a February 1945 (Yalta Conference) agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union in order to (1) seize control away from the Imperial Japanese Army occupiers of the Peninsula and (2) divide the Peninsula temporarily between a Soviet-occupied North and an American-occupied South.

There was no 'invasion' of Korea, perpetrated against the Koreans, rather, it was a Liberation of the Korean People through the combined efforts of the United States and the Soviet Union, both of which maintained troops in their respective sectors for years, and which established native Korean governments in their respective sectors.

On June 25, 1950, with the consent and support of both the Soviet and Communist Chinese leadership, the Soviet-client North Korean government invaded American-client South Korea, with ten (10) infantry divisions, one (1) armored division, and (1) air division; numbering somewhere between 150,000 - 200,000 men in the invasion force; against grossly inferior South Korean and American forces.

Afterwards, US President Harry Truman obtained the 'blessing' of the fledgling United Nations to send additional reinforcing troops to Korea, from both Japan and our Pacific bases and the Continental US, to beat-back the North Korean invasion and to pursue those invading troops across the border between the two sectors and to destroy those forces in-place, chasing them all the way to their northern border.

Subsequently, on October 25, 1950, Communist China invaded South Korea with an initial 200,000 troops; later rising to an approximate 1.3 million troops; as the Soviet Air Force began active combat operations against US and UN forces in support of the Chinese and North Koreans.

Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


And, in light of the above well-known and well-documented actual history, you expect the audience to believe you, that the US invaded a 'peaceful' country in this instance?


"...That itself is a war crime but, we are well aware of so many other war crimes, committed as part of that nasty American invasion, done to support your pet dictator and mass murderer in the south..."
Meaningless drivel.

"...Now, we are aware of these crimes and the cover up by the U.S. government of the time..."
What crimes, specifically, Fredo, and what cover-up?

Care to elaborate, and, perhaps, provide credible citation links?

"...We are also aware there was a man of that or, if American propaganda is to be believed, a man with a similar (bar one letter) name was deeply involved in something dodgy..."
Depends on how you define 'dodgy'.

If you mean a US Infantry Officer serving as (1) a front-line combat-unit leader and (2) an adviser to guerrilla-warfare partisan groups, then, yes, something 'dodgy', perhaps.

So what?

"...There is a total blackout on this guy's war record, telling in itself..."
Straw-Man. The US State Dept (or any other government agency) will not release the details of a US serviceman's (or -woman's) military service without a Release Authorization; a policy that has been in-force and invoked thousands of times over the years since such a policy was first instituted. The ONLY thing this 'tells' us is that the US Government is honoring its obligation to protect the privacy of one of its veterans.

"...Given the mass murders carried out by Americans involved in that war, we have a reasonable chance he was involved in it..."
Straw-Man. Innocent until proven guilty, on both the national and individual levels. And, from what I understand, there were a considerable number of atrocities committed by the South Koreans AND the NORTH Koreans AND Chinese, with some far more modest and criminal activity attributable to US and non-Korean UN troops during that conflict.

"...Their records will be far more detailed than America's as so much was hidden away from the press and public..."
You are a trusting soul, with respect to the Communist North Korean regime.

Most sensible folk are not.

And, insofar as cover-ups and hiding of records is concerned, you will find the Krazy Kornspiracy Theory Department down the hall, second door on the Looney Left.

"...Have a picture of American supervising mass murder (Summary executions) of political prisoners in Korea..."
An image taken from the website for the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist/Leninist)?


Are you freaking KIDDING me, Fredo?



Yeah, Fredo... REAL credible, THAT !!!

Funny, how this picture is supposed to prove US involvement in this mass killing, but there is not a single weapon - drawn or otherwise - to be seen on ANY of the living personnel shown in that picture... American OR Korean...

All I see is a couple of Americans supervising a team of unarmed Koreans who appear to be engaged in sorting-out bodies and, quite possibly, preparing them for both documentation and burial...

"...The photos were classified by America as they blamed North Korea for the killings, even though these photos proved the Americans played a part in the killings..."
Oh, puh-leeze, Fredo, these photos don't prove any such thing. Not even close.

"...As I said, I deeply dislike the Korean system but they may well have a point in this case."
Yes, Fredo, it is apparent that you perceive that the North Koreans may have a point in this instance.

The question becomes...

In light of your well-established anti-American perspective...

In light of your Epic Fail with respect to a requisite mastery of the history of the beginnings and initiators of the Korean War...

In light of your Epic Fail to grasp that the US was already in-country, in force, for nearly four years already, at the time the War began, rather than invading...

In light of the various Straw Men advanced here, not to mention your extremely poor choice of a Communist Party website from which to obtain so-called photographic evidence that proved absolutely nothing...

In light of your willingness to buy into such claptrap or to try to sell it, knowing that it's claptrap...

The question becomes...

After all those mistakes and straw men and poor choices and disingenuous salesmanship tactics, remind us, again, as to WHY we should give your opinion in this matter one iota of consideration?
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We've helped several Americans before who got themselves into trouble in NK.

Care to elaborate on who they were?

There were a couple asian American reporters who crossed into NK from China, I believe Bill Clinton flew over there and negociated their release.

Thanks HG. I have no recollection of that whatsoever. But then when Bill Clinton was president, I was working 3 jobs. I guess that has a little to do with it.

I really don't think Obama is going to get involved with this one. The guy made a tactical error in trying to find N. Koreans with whom he could pray for the souls of those he killed. I have worked with a lot of veterans and most of them have very serious issues over the things they had to do. But it IS possible to salve your conscience on the shores of the US.
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And you have yet to tell us what his "war crimes" were. You are nothing but an enemy sympathizing windbag.

By "enemy", I assume you mean the country you invaded; a country an ocean away from California and one that was absolutely no threat to you.
That itself is a war crime but, we are well aware of so many other war crimes, committed as part of that nasty American invasion, done to support your pet dictator and mass murderer in the south.

Now, we are aware of these crimes and the cover up by the U.S. government of the time.
We are also aware there was a man of that or, if American propaganda is to be believed, a man with a similar (bar one letter) name was deeply involved in something dodgy.

There is a total blackout on this guy's war record, telling in itself.
Given the mass murders carried out by Americans involved in that war, we have a reasonable chance he was involved in it.
Their records will be far more detailed than America's as so much was hidden away from the press and public.

Have a picture of American supervising mass murder (Summary executions) of political prisoners in Korea.
The photos were classified by America as they blamed North Korea for the killings, even though these photos proved the Americans played a part in the killings.


As I said, I deeply dislike the Korean system but they may well have a point in this case.

N. Korea has been making overt threats toward the US for the last 50 years. And the people in that picture are NOT wearing American military gear. That looks like one of the genocides that took place in Africa as the people doing the burying are all black and wearing African head gear.

Why didn't you cite your source for that picture?
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The old man detained in North Korea who once fought and likely killed people on foreign soil there, has apologized. now if the people in the safety of USA like these political experts could stop being cocky and smart ass, I believe the North Korea would let him go, but when they see apology on one side from a man who is in their captivity, but they see the mass media who are outside of their country making smart ass comments about North Korea, it probably sends mixed signals? that's how I would feel about it anyway. your thoughts?

North Korea says detained American apologizes - Video

Okay, wait a minute. The guy goes to North Korea as a tourist, and is arrested for his actions during the war how many years ago???? And our government of course does NOTHING!!! There really is no advantage to being an American citizen anymore, is there? It's become a liability even in our own country where illegals and recent immigrants are put ahead of our own.

Yes, I do know what I'm saying. Our tax dollars are paying for organizations to show illegals and legal immigrants how to take advantage of our system but there is no such organization to help our own citizens.
That pretty much sums up what I have been saying all this time, only for some reason I am pissing people off because I am saying it too directly and therefor my reputation reads "can't touch my ass with both hands" while all those people here who just beat around the bush, blaming Obamba or the conservatives are decorated with green dots by each other....
The both of you would be probably squealing like babies after a few days if you were in his shoes. same goes for the US media, US generals, US political experts etc. at least the old man had the balls to travel to another country.

I hope you get all his money cause tourism in China and NK is coming to a freaking screeching halt. Check with Cairo. They'll tell ya..

The both of you would be probably squealing like babies after a few days if you were in his shoes. same goes for the US media, US generals, US political experts etc. at least the old man had the balls to travel to another country.

I hope you get all his money cause tourism in China and NK is coming to a freaking screeching halt. Check with Cairo. They'll tell ya..

"Tourism" in NK? Not exactly a significant industry. As for China, tourism there will be unaffected.
Care to elaborate on who they were?

There were a couple asian American reporters who crossed into NK from China, I believe Bill Clinton flew over there and negociated their release.

Exactly. Laura Ling and Euna Lee.

As stated earlier, I don't remember the event. That was in the days I was working 3 jobs. I didn't take in much 'news' in those days. My main goal was to get enough rest so I could work.
my reputation reads "can't touch my ass with both hands" while all those people here who just beat around the bush, blaming Obamba or the conservatives are decorated with green dots by each other....

Have you considered for even a moment that the problem is you're an asshole?
The both of you would be probably squealing like babies after a few days if you were in his shoes. same goes for the US media, US generals, US political experts etc. at least the old man had the balls to travel to another country.

I hope you get all his money cause tourism in China and NK is coming to a freaking screeching halt. Check with Cairo. They'll tell ya..

"Tourism" in NK? Not exactly a significant industry. As for China, tourism there will be unaffected.

I know a couple of guys who went to Korea to find wives, but I think it was South Korea.

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