American apologized, now if US media would stop being kocky about it, they could let

I don't know what I'd do if I were in position to reprise against this kidnapping, but I do know it would involve horrible deaths of many commie slants if 1 hair on that mans head was hurt even if it risked a full scale war.

Hey, fuck you with your racist epithets. You can't even manage to make a valid point without finding a way to make yourself look stupid.

Somehow, I feel in this case, the slurs are justified. BTW, they call us "big noses". I have hosted and taught hundreds of Japanese students and we've discussed things like that.

It's not like he just picked up a Korean off the streets to insult. He's insulting people who kidnapped one of our elderly veterans and forced him to write an apology for his actions during the war that he fought for OUR country.

The fact that our government is doing NOTHING to get him back or retaliate is shameful.
When some foreign power took a Roman Citizen hostage in the past, Rome declared the hostage already dead and began making its plans to ensure the hostage takers swiftly shared the same fate.

Present leadership has declared America the perrenial bad guy, at fault 100 per cent of the time. Many and varied acts of this governments fellating the hostage takers will thus ensue. A real leader with America's interests only at heart, would in an instant, a twinkling, make every NoKo nuke and ballistic missile development facility, along with every military base, land, sea, and air along with every supply depot and support facility dissappear.

Former UN Ambassador John Bolton, in his book "Surrender Is Not An Option" describes a disease peculiar to State Department employees where individuals working at State who sepcialize in certain regions of the world become so involved in the cultures and countries they deal with they lose the ability to effectively represent the United States best interests. Ambassador Bolton labeled the disease "Clientitis". Individuals infected with the disease are usually promptly removed from their prior responsibilities. One of the individuals at State that Ambassador Bolton had subtly noted as infected with "Clientitis" was later separated from his position at State and then named to the group authoring the 2008 NIE that formally and unequivocally stated Iran had stopped all nuclear development work.

Barack Obama came into office with a worse than severe case of "Clientitis"

Be afraid, Be very afraid. His disease could very easily be terminal for the country he was supposed to lead.

The gaseous diffusion plant in Paducah, KY, where uranium is enriched from U235 to U237, has laid workers off and, indeed, may be closing.

Obama is making us defenseless.
I don't know what I'd do if I were in position to reprise against this kidnapping, but I do know it would involve horrible deaths of many commie slants if 1 hair on that mans head was hurt even if it risked a full scale war.

Hey, fuck you with your racist epithets. You can't even manage to make a valid point without finding a way to make yourself look stupid.

Somehow, I feel in this case, the slurs are justified.

You are wrong. The slur might have been justified if it were one specific to North Koreans, but even then the majority of people residing there are not at guilt here. Racist bullshit is always racist bullshit.
Which foreign country has imprisoned Americans on American soil?
He probably meant something along the lines that US can give Israel Billions who has a universal health care for all it's people, while in America, they can only moan that there is not enough money to give health care and that Obama is troll. so in that sense I do not see how US government protects ANY of its' citizens.

You do not need to answer for me I already did.

I would neg him for it but it's too soon.
BTW, they call us "big noses". I have hosted and taught hundreds of Japanese students and we've discussed things like that.

Who is "they"? This issue involves North Korea, not Japan. I've taught, worked with, etc. thousands of Japanese people and "they" don't use stupid expressions like "big noses" any more than "we" are represented by racist idiots like RC Clown.
The old man detained in North Korea who once fought and likely killed people on foreign soil there, has apologized. now if the people in the safety of USA like these political experts could stop being cocky and smart ass, I believe the North Korea would let him go, but when they see apology on one side from a man who is in their captivity, but they see the mass media who are outside of their country making smart ass comments about North Korea, it probably sends mixed signals? that's how I would feel about it anyway. your thoughts?

North Korea says detained American apologizes - Video

Okay, wait a minute. The guy goes to North Korea as a tourist, and is arrested for his actions during the war how many years ago???? And our government of course does NOTHING!!! There really is no advantage to being an American citizen anymore, is there? It's become a liability even in our own country where illegals and recent immigrants are put ahead of our own.

Yes, I do know what I'm saying. Our tax dollars are paying for organizations to show illegals and legal immigrants how to take advantage of our system but there is no such organization to help our own citizens.

The Consulates are there for American citizens, but ONLY if we have diplomatic relations with the country. We do not have diplomatic relations with North Korea, and therefore no Consulate. The guy is SOL.

IMO, he should have stayed home, or been satisfied with going to South Korea. Frankly, after my years of working with veterans, I'm somewhat surprised that a veteran would be that clueless.
I don't know what I'd do if I were in position to reprise against this kidnapping, but I do know it would involve horrible deaths of many commie slants if 1 hair on that mans head was hurt even if it risked a full scale war.

Sadly, our government could care less about it's own citizens. Used to be you were proud to be an American and nobody messed with us. Now it's all "I'm sorry" and letting our citizens fend for themselves.

I don't think we have ever helped people who traveled to countries with whom we do not have diplomatic relations. The people who wandered into Iran were bailed out to the tune of $500,000. Ransom.
I don't know what I'd do if I were in position to reprise against this kidnapping, but I do know it would involve horrible deaths of many commie slants if 1 hair on that mans head was hurt even if it risked a full scale war.

Hey, fuck you with your racist epithets. You can't even manage to make a valid point without finding a way to make yourself look stupid.

You pathetic little fuck. This has nothing to do with race. What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you think I hate those commie assholes because they're eyes are different and they have a flat face? Are you fucking stupid? Note to genius: my wife and daughter have the same features.

Time to lick your wounds, admit that you're wrong sometimes, and back off.
I don't know what I'd do if I were in position to reprise against this kidnapping, but I do know it would involve horrible deaths of many commie slants if 1 hair on that mans head was hurt even if it risked a full scale war.

Hey, fuck you with your racist epithets. You can't even manage to make a valid point without finding a way to make yourself look stupid.

This has nothing to do with race. .

Then why did you use a racial slur, you fucking idiot?
The both of you would be probably squealing like babies after a few days if you were in his shoes. same goes for the US media, US generals, US political experts etc. at least the old man had the balls to travel to another country.

Hey- that's MISTER squealing baby to you, bub.
Hey, fuck you with your racist epithets. You can't even manage to make a valid point without finding a way to make yourself look stupid.

Somehow, I feel in this case, the slurs are justified.

You are wrong. The slur might have been justified if it were one specific to North Koreans, but even then the majority of people residing there are not at guilt here. Racist bullshit is always racist bullshit.

Little bitch, I don't know what kind of insulated little PC world you grew up in, but I grew up on a military base were nobody gave a rat's ass about PC correctness especially when it came to to the slant eyed CHINK COMMIE SCUM; the same commie CHINK filth who put a bullet through my grand father's chest. That's 2 tours in WWII and another in Korea. Your pathetic, weak sensibilities are an insult to real men who died in that forgotten war which was 1 of the best wars ever fought and for all the right reasons. We should have nuked that entire country off the map. Now you run along you stupid little ****, lick your gonads, and get some flea medicine you commie sympathizer. Ruff, Ruff.
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As much aid as we give NK to keep them from starving to death, surely a president instead of a presidunce would have said no more until the man is released.

Even though obama has weakened this country to less than a shadow of its former self we have to have some influence left. Some sliver of strength could be dug up from someplace.
Somehow, I feel in this case, the slurs are justified.

You are wrong. The slur might have been justified if it were one specific to North Koreans, but even then the majority of people residing there are not at guilt here. Racist bullshit is always racist bullshit.

Little bitch, I don't know what kind of insulated little PC world you grew up in...

Shut the fuck up. What anyone else ever did does not give you some free pass to be a racist POS without being called on it, weakling. You want to be a racist POS? Fine, then own it, pussy. Don't try to invoke anyone or anything else to justify your own personal failings.
Americans have to admit their government's many crimes, apologise and make sure they're never repeated.

lick my fucking balls and suck my cock bitch, you owe us your fucking life.

Mass murder isn't even excused; you just come out with a string of filth in place of an argument.

However, I must disappoint your gay wants as I'm heterosexual so I'm less than interested in your penis.

Now, please don't think I'm anti gay here; it's just that I don't share your sexuality but, thanks for the offer anyway.
I dislike the North Korean system, partially because communism is nothing but total stupidity and partially because their leaders are all as mad as spoons.
However, they have a point in this case because they've arrested a war criminal.

Regardless of how you look at NK, the U.S. committed terrible war crimes in Korea so the soldiers and their officers must be arrested, charged and sent to trial.

When the Nazis did the same things, they were hanged.
Why should Americans be free from their well documented crimes?

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