American apologized, now if US media would stop being kocky about it, they could let

I bet 100 to nothing pvsi is not American. He reminds me of a Chinese government stooge.
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The old man detained in North Korea who once fought and likely killed people on foreign soil there, has apologized. now if the people in the safety of USA like these political experts could stop being cocky and smart ass, I believe the North Korea would let him go, but when they see apology on one side from a man who is in their captivity, but they see the mass media who are outside of their country making smart ass comments about North Korea, it probably sends mixed signals? that's how I would feel about it anyway. your thoughts?

North Korea says detained American apologizes - Video

What has the President done to get him freed?
The old man detained in North Korea who once fought and likely killed people on foreign soil there, has apologized. now if the people in the safety of USA like these political experts could stop being cocky and smart ass, I believe the North Korea would let him go, but when they see apology on one side from a man who is in their captivity, but they see the mass media who are outside of their country making smart ass comments about North Korea, it probably sends mixed signals? that's how I would feel about it anyway. your thoughts?

North Korea says detained American apologizes - Video

What has the President done to get him freed?

He has golfed.
It's too bad we don't have a President with balls, otherwise Kim Un Jong Whatever Ding Dong would be the one apologizing under the threat of squadrons of heavily-armed B-52s flying over Pyongyang.
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The old man detained in North Korea who once fought and likely killed people on foreign soil there, has apologized. now if the people in the safety of USA like these political experts could stop being cocky and smart ass, I believe the North Korea would let him go, but when they see apology on one side from a man who is in their captivity, but they see the mass media who are outside of their country making smart ass comments about North Korea, it probably sends mixed signals? that's how I would feel about it anyway. your thoughts?

North Korea says detained American apologizes - Video

What has the President done to get him freed?

He went to a fundraiser
Lied a lot on TV to the American public
Pardoned a turkey

So...the usual stuff.
The old man detained in North Korea who once fought and likely killed people on foreign soil there, has apologized. now if the people in the safety of USA like these political experts could stop being cocky and smart ass, I believe the North Korea would let him go, but when they see apology on one side from a man who is in their captivity, but they see the mass media who are outside of their country making smart ass comments about North Korea, it probably sends mixed signals? that's how I would feel about it anyway. your thoughts?

North Korea says detained American apologizes - Video

What has the President done to get him freed?

He went to a fundraiser
Lied a lot on TV to the American public
Pardoned a turkey

So...the usual stuff.

If he was a preatty girl, we could send clinton.

sadly he's an old white man that served his country, so he's fucked.
All commies deserve a commies death. Since my grand father was mortally wounded by a Chink zipperhead communist fuck stick, this goes double.

What, in America or was he invading someone's country at the time?
Remember when Barry promised to sit down with vile commie and terrorist leaders and talk it out? Anyone remember that? Anyone? Bueller?

Would that be the terrorist who used aircraft to murder civillian refugees in case they were soldiers?
You have to admit your own history and admit the many war crimes America is guilty of.

[ame=]South Korea: US war crimes and mad-cow beef imports-2/3 - YouTube[/ame]
Machine gunning and bombing civilians - by order of the U.S. government.

[ame=]US WARCRIME KOREA. -Part 1.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
Americans have to admit their government's many crimes, apologise and make sure they're never repeated.
World I apologize for Americans being stupid enough to vote for obama not once but twice.
What a fucked up no leader piece of shit he is.
The old man detained in North Korea who once fought and likely killed people on foreign soil there, has apologized. now if the people in the safety of USA like these political experts could stop being cocky and smart ass, I believe the North Korea would let him go, but when they see apology on one side from a man who is in their captivity, but they see the mass media who are outside of their country making smart ass comments about North Korea, it probably sends mixed signals? that's how I would feel about it anyway. your thoughts?

North Korea says detained American apologizes - Video

What has the President done to get him freed?
I was not aware that America has or had a president in a long time. if you check my reputation here it says I "can't find my ass with both hands" so I would instead ask this question of someone like sunshine or others who believe in American system of government.
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Remember when Barry promised to sit down with vile commie and terrorist leaders and talk it out? Anyone remember that? Anyone? Bueller?

Yeah, he's big on the beer summits. The stupid shithead. I think Barry is giving away the farm. We will be defenseless by the time he is out of office.
To be fair I really don't know what the dude was thinking by going there. Obviously, previous experiences by others worked out well, but unless your a black loudmouth commie lover like Dennis Rodwoman, then you probably shouldn't be there.

You couldn't pay me to go there.

Oh you could pay me.....whether I got out to spend my piles of money would be the question.
Perhaps they are waiting for Bill to show up and give the old guy a ride?

I mean, he did do that for those two young journalists back in '09... What were their names... Oh yeah... Laura and Euna...
To be fair I really don't know what the dude was thinking by going there. Obviously, previous experiences by others worked out well, but unless your a black loudmouth commie lover like Dennis Rodwoman, then you probably shouldn't be there.

You couldn't pay me to go there.

Oh you could pay me.....whether I got out to spend my piles of money would be the question.

Have you ever been to a communist country?

They have an entirely different concept of crime and punishment than we have here in America. We would rather 10 guilty men go free than to imprison 1 innocent one. They prefer 10 innocent men go to prison than to allow 2 guilty man to go free.

I felt safe from crime in China. But I recall our driver almost rear ending another car. He was drenched in sweat in less than a minute. People here damn lawyers to hell. China has less than 10,000 lawyers for a billion people. If you are accused of a crime, the lawyer's job is merely to negotiate your sentence. I went on a medical mission, but always intended to go on a legal mission. I know someone who did, and he had some interesting stories to tell. I would not go there on my own. I would not go to North Korea under any conditions. Apparently this guy was part of a group going to North Korea and still got in trouble. They are not going to let him go. He will be there until he dies.

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