American apologized, now if US media would stop being kocky about it, they could let

I couldn't wait until I could travel internationally. Now that I've done it, I can't think of anyplace I really want to go outside the US. I met some wonderful nurses, and they were always grateful for the seminars we took to them, but I just can't get the Laura Logan incident out of my mind.

I'm wondering if we have someone NK wants returned.
The both of you would be probably squealing like babies after a few days if you were in his shoes. same goes for the US media, US generals, US political experts etc. at least the old man had the balls to travel to another country.
tourism in China and NK is coming to a freaking screeching halt. Check with Cairo. They'll tell ya..
I hope, I have no sympathy for China.
my reputation reads "can't touch my ass with both hands" while all those people here who just beat around the bush, blaming Obamba or the conservatives are decorated with green dots by each other....

Have you considered for even a moment that the problem is you're an asshole?
No - it's just that decent people don't see the need to go around insulting others and give out negative reputations, while people like communists as I remember in USSR, would all have medals up to their asses that they give out to each other:

There were no American war crimes.
I've posted links to American soldiers telling how they were ordered to fire on civilians.
I've posted one of a collection of American government classified photos showing SK troops murdering political (civilian) prisoners, watched by the CIA who took tge pictures but you blamed the north.
This is documented and admitted by your government but you say it didn't happen.

my reputation reads "can't touch my ass with both hands" while all those people here who just beat around the bush, blaming Obamba or the conservatives are decorated with green dots by each other....

Have you considered for even a moment that the problem is you're an asshole?
No - it's just that decent people don't see the need to go around insulting others and give out negative reputations, while people like communists as I remember in USSR, would all have medals up to their asses that they give out to each other:


Whining about it only makes it worse, Dante. You should already have learned that through the many socks you have used to post here.
And you have yet to tell us what his "war crimes" were. You are nothing but an enemy sympathizing windbag.

By "enemy", I assume you mean the country you invaded; a country an ocean away from California and one that was absolutely no threat to you.
That itself is a war crime but, we are well aware of so many other war crimes, committed as part of that nasty American invasion, done to support your pet dictator and mass murderer in the south.

Now, we are aware of these crimes and the cover up by the U.S. government of the time.
We are also aware there was a man of that or, if American propaganda is to be believed, a man with a similar (bar one letter) name was deeply involved in something dodgy.

There is a total blackout on this guy's war record, telling in itself.
Given the mass murders carried out by Americans involved in that war, we have a reasonable chance he was involved in it.
Their records will be far more detailed than America's as so much was hidden away from the press and public.

Have a picture of American supervising mass murder (Summary executions) of political prisoners in Korea.
The photos were classified by America as they blamed North Korea for the killings, even though these photos proved the Americans played a part in the killings.


As I said, I deeply dislike the Korean system but they may well have a point in this case.

N. Korea has been making overt threats toward the US for the last 50 years. And the people in that picture are NOT wearing American military gear. That looks like one of the genocides that took place in Africa as the people doing the burying are all black and wearing African head gear.

Why didn't you cite your source for that picture?

The Marxist-Leninist Weekly

The guys in that picture look all Korean to me. Clowns like Fred just hate America and are more than happy to make up things to blame on us.
By "enemy", I assume you mean the country you invaded; a country an ocean away from California and one that was absolutely no threat to you.
That itself is a war crime but, we are well aware of so many other war crimes, committed as part of that nasty American invasion, done to support your pet dictator and mass murderer in the south.

Now, we are aware of these crimes and the cover up by the U.S. government of the time.
We are also aware there was a man of that or, if American propaganda is to be believed, a man with a similar (bar one letter) name was deeply involved in something dodgy.

There is a total blackout on this guy's war record, telling in itself.
Given the mass murders carried out by Americans involved in that war, we have a reasonable chance he was involved in it.
Their records will be far more detailed than America's as so much was hidden away from the press and public.

Have a picture of American supervising mass murder (Summary executions) of political prisoners in Korea.
The photos were classified by America as they blamed North Korea for the killings, even though these photos proved the Americans played a part in the killings.


As I said, I deeply dislike the Korean system but they may well have a point in this case.

N. Korea has been making overt threats toward the US for the last 50 years. And the people in that picture are NOT wearing American military gear. That looks like one of the genocides that took place in Africa as the people doing the burying are all black and wearing African head gear.

Why didn't you cite your source for that picture?

The Marxist-Leninist Weekly

The guys in that picture look all Korean to me. Clowns like Fred just hate America and are more than happy to make up things to blame on us.

I did an image search and found it on a Marxist/Leninist website. The link is below. HE didn't post it. I agree about fred.
N. Korea has been making overt threats toward the US for the last 50 years. And the people in that picture are NOT wearing American military gear. That looks like one of the genocides that took place in Africa as the people doing the burying are all black and wearing African head gear.

Why didn't you cite your source for that picture?

The Marxist-Leninist Weekly

The guys in that picture look all Korean to me. Clowns like Fred just hate America and are more than happy to make up things to blame on us.

I did an image search and found it on a Marxist/Leninist website. The link is below. HE didn't post it. I agree about fred.
good find.
I'm using my phone at the moment but I'll repost the links later.
The mass killings were carried out by south Koreans under American supervision.
The photos were classified and NK blamed.

Some years ago, they were forced into the open.
I'm using my phone at the moment but I'll repost the links later.
The mass killings were carried out by south Koreans under American supervision.
The photos were classified and NK blamed.

Some years ago, they were forced into the open.

Save your breath to cool your soup. You posted the picture without an accompanying link and you got caught posting from a Marxist website. We are all onto you. Not that it takes much to be.
I'm using my phone at the moment but I'll repost the links later.
The mass killings were carried out by south Koreans under American supervision.
The photos were classified and NK blamed.

Some years ago, they were forced into the open.

Save your breath to cool your soup. You posted the picture without an accompanying link and you got caught posting from a Marxist website. We are all onto you. Not that it takes much to be.

I was after the pictures and I deliberately didn't post the link; just an explanation of what they were.

Have a few more links regarding that war crime.

I quite like this one because it explains it in short word even the stupid can understand.

[ame=]Korean Bodo League Massacre - YouTube[/ame]
What would you suggest they say?
I would invite the North Korean leader for the live televised interview in America, treat him with respect, and ask straight forward questions, let him answer, air all unedited without commercial breaks for an excuse, allow their leader to question our leader/or system, see what's on his mind.

That is the archetypal liberal 'schmooze and finesse it' thinking. We do not have diplomatic relations with North Korea. They have made ongoing threats to the US for as long as I can remember and that's pretty damned long. Not only that, they have escalated their accumulation of arms and intend to be a nuclear power.

You are a liberal shit head who thinks that the enemies of American who want us all dead are going sit by the campfire with you and sing Kumbaya. They are not.

I, personally, think we should send a military mission to rescue the old man and shoot their fucking head off. But then the US doesn't rescue mere citizens who are stupid enough to places like North Korea. And we didn't negotiate with terrorists until your dear leader got elected.

When are you heading over there to be the tough one?
I would invite the North Korean leader for the live televised interview in America, treat him with respect, and ask straight forward questions, let him answer, air all unedited without commercial breaks for an excuse, allow their leader to question our leader/or system, see what's on his mind.

That is the archetypal liberal 'schmooze and finesse it' thinking. We do not have diplomatic relations with North Korea. They have made ongoing threats to the US for as long as I can remember and that's pretty damned long. Not only that, they have escalated their accumulation of arms and intend to be a nuclear power.

You are a liberal shit head who thinks that the enemies of American who want us all dead are going sit by the campfire with you and sing Kumbaya. They are not.

I, personally, think we should send a military mission to rescue the old man and shoot their fucking head off. But then the US doesn't rescue mere citizens who are stupid enough to places like North Korea. And we didn't negotiate with terrorists until your dear leader got elected.

When are you heading over there to be the tough one?

Not sure where you got that. Also, not sure when you became such an Obama lover.
"...I quite like this one because it explains it in short word even the stupid can understand..."
Oooooohhh... gratuitous insults... nice touch... not.

Do you really expect the audience to accept the opinions of the author of a home-made video, who labels himself as...


...on his own video?

First, you serve-up a meaningless photograph which does nothing to connect American or non-Korean UN Forces to any Korean-initiated atrocities, and from the Communist Party of Canada, no less!

Now, you serve-up a meaningless op-ed video clip which does nothing to connect American or non-Korean UN Forces to any Korean-initiated atrocities, and from some Bedroom Warrior who considers himself a Maoist Rebel, no less?

You not having much luck with pre-screening or vetting your sources so that they withstand even the earliest round of scrutiny for objectivity, are you?

You've really gotta work on that.

The Bodo Massacre was a South Korean bloodbath that had nothing substantive to do with either the Americans or any of the other non-Korean UN Forces on-hand at the time, and it's totally disingenuous to portray that atrocity as having been undertaken at the instigation or prompting or supervision or control of the US and its UN allies.

The very worst that can be said of America in this regard is that several US Army officers showed-up at some of those killing sites and took pictures, and in at least one case an officer, when it was all explained to him, agreed with his South Korean Army conversation-partner that it was probably better to kill their Communist prisoners than to let them fall into enemy hands as the South retreated during the early days of the North Korean invasion.

The several incidents witnessed by American officers were photographed and documented, and reports sent to MacArthur in Japan and Truman in Washington, DC - after the fact.

The American Ambassador to South Korea requested and advised the South Korean government to stop the killings - although the South Koreans ignored the request.

And the US buried its own collection of evidence in the archives for a long time, out of embarrassment over such behavior on the part of an ally, NOT out of guilt for any substantive culpability in the killings, as modern-day revisionist spin-doctors and North Korean communist-regime sympathizers would like to try to get us to believe.

So what? Big friggin' deal.

We didn't do it - we have our own smaller-scale sins to account for - but the Bodo massacre in South Korea sure-as-hell isn't one of them.


I call Bullshit.
Last edited:
I'm using my phone at the moment but I'll repost the links later.
The mass killings were carried out by south Koreans under American supervision.
The photos were classified and NK blamed.

Some years ago, they were forced into the open.

Where are the American "supervisors" asshole?:cuckoo: you just hate America and just look for shit to make up.
"...I quite like this one because it explains it in short word even the stupid can understand..."
Oooooohhh... gratuitous insults... nice touch... not.

Do you really expect the audience to accept the opinions of the author of a home-made video, who labels himself as...


...on his own video?

First, you serve-up a meaningless photograph which does nothing to connect American or non-Korean UN Forces to any Korean-initiated atrocities, and from the Communist Party of Canada, no less!

Now, you serve-up a meaningless op-ed video clip which does nothing to connect American or non-Korean UN Forces to any Korean-initiated atrocities, and from some Bedroom Warrior who considers himself a Maoist Rebel, no less?

You not having much luck with pre-screening or vetting your sources so that they withstand even the earliest round of scrutiny for objectivity, are you?

You've really gotta work on that.

The Bodo Massacre was a South Korean bloodbath that had nothing substantive to do with either the Americans or any of the other non-Korean UN Forces on-hand at the time, and it's totally disingenuous to portray that atrocity as having been undertaken at the instigation or prompting or supervision or control of the US and its UN allies.

The very worst that can be said of America in this regard is that several US Army officers showed-up at some of those killing sites and took pictures, and in at least one case an officer, when it was all explained to him, agreed with his South Korean Army conversation-partner that it was probably better to kill their Communist prisoners than to let them fall into enemy hands as the South retreated during the early days of the North Korean invasion.

The several incidents witnessed by American officers were photographed and documented, and reports sent to MacArthur in Japan and Truman in Washington, DC - after the fact.

The American Ambassador to South Korea requested and advised the South Korean government to stop the killings - although the South Koreans ignored the request.

And the US buried its own collection of evidence in the archives for a long time, out of embarrassment over such behavior on the part of an ally, NOT out of guilt for any substantive culpability in the killings, as modern-day revisionist spin-doctors and North Korean communist-regime sympathizers would like to try to get us to believe.

So what? Big friggin' deal.

We didn't do it - we have our own smaller-scale sins to account for - but the Bodo massacre in South Korea sure-as-hell isn't one of them.


I call Bullshit.

:clap2: :clap2:

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