American CEOs get 354 times salary of workers. In most countries ratio around 80 to 1 (still too hi)

The salary they show is $16 grand too low, in your chart, unless under Obama average salary has dropped by that much in the last 2 years. They also appear to be including the value of their stock on top of their salary which skews their figures way out of line.
Here, green eyed envy, let's give you some facts.
Where do you get that the children don't work? They developed their own careers, with all eventually joining Walmart, except Alice. Do you understand the Walton's are stock holders? When their dad started to become succesful, each was given a 20% share, but with the agreement each had to participate in quarterly family meetings for major decision making of the company. All but Alice, eventually decided to work for the company. Jim Walton has his own bank, and profits from that, as well as his job with Walmart among other ventures.
Jim Walton keeps it real at Arvest Bank KC leader Larrabee says - Kansas City Business Journal
Son Rob, became a lawyer, after earning his business degree and worked for a law firm in OK., until 1992, when his father died and then joined Walmart as is ceo today, working.
Alice, after graduation in finance, became an equity analyst and the a money manager. She opened Llama Bank, and also worked as a broker with EF Hutton. Today, she is the only retired Walton, but continues working on philanthropic projects, just as the others do.

Each of the Walton's have been successful in their own right. Alice, age 65, Jim, 66, and Rob 77. The latter 2 actively working.

One son was killed in an accident in 2005.

Did you know Sam Walton grew up on a farm and worked milking the cows, delivering that milk, and delivering newspapers? Did you know he lost his first retail outlet due to a greedy landlord?
If you think they aren't going to have consequences from raising wages you don't know a thing about a spreadsheet. They will be making up that added expense by prices rising higher, lesser quality items and/or fewer employees. Probably all 3. They will have to make up the difference.
Defend it? Walmart, after all expenditures has a profit margin of only 3.77%. Do you realize how easy it would be for that margin to drop and no longer be a sustainable business? You think people hurt now, then let's see what happens if all those stores close. It would have a far reaching domino effect. It would reduce delivery drivers, manufacturing jobs, farmers, etc. and the ability of those with lower paying skill sets of having affordable food and clothing, along with their other benefits.
You will have to defend that claim. As long as people at the top are making gross amounts you can't say they can't afford to pay decent wages. Costco pays good wages.

The Waltons make billions each year not working. The execs make millions. There is money to pay more and they did announce they are paying more.

I'm not aware of them holding any position at Walmart currently. Regardless they are making billons and can afford to pay enough that workers aren't subsidized by the tax payer.
Rob is now the ceo of Walmart, and Jim is ceo of the bank and Community Publishers, and works in Strategic Planning and Finance for Walmart.
Its a gross mismanagement by humans as a whole of our resources and monetary system.

Reset button imminent.
Here is a question....if a guy is working at a donut store and he has 6 kids to support...and he is getting public charity from the government.......should the owner of the donut shop be forced to pay him a living wage for him and his 6 kids.....?

Poor people shouldn't have kids. Next question.

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