American Conservatives are Embarrassing

Will the lib posters here EVER get tired of promoting their genius and flogging the inept white people who might be conservatives. And let's insult all the American electorate who has overwhelmingly voted in republican governors and state representatives. Let's not forget the only reason Obama was able to hang onto the presidency was because he lied many times about his health care plan, a trait mid can must value above any other virtue for democrats. Democrats cannot win the debate on the merits, which must be why almost every libtard thread on usmb is a subjective, ad hominem, personal attack with no intellectual backup.

Rick Perry is one of the only governors trying to create 10000 dollar packages for specific job training education. Kasich turned Ohio from a debtor to a surplus state. Republicans are responsible for the doctor fix in the senate. The Flint water fiasco was initiated by a democratic city council that was so corrupt and inept they had to be taken over by the state. The republican candidates look like a cross section of America. The dem contenders look like a bunch of old wore out WHITE people.

And while midcan types love to shine the light on everything republican, they dare not let light shine on their deeds. Hopeless cities run by them, failed education systems run by them, failed states like California and Illinois run by them, failed mayors like Chicagos covering up police misconduct in order to get reflected. Millions of Americans who have to forego medical treatment because they can't afford the deductibles, the insurance, or the fines, and can't get their doctor back. Let's also not forget that u dear the steel boot of democrats a large majority of the people think the country is headed in the wrong direction. A guess a bunch of those white people must have snuck into the Democratic Party, cause 20 per cent of them are going to vote for trump. Might have something to do with the democratic destruction of the middle class.

This election cycle is clearly a democratic cluster fuck. They cannot allow reality to gain the upper hand and infiltrate the minds of the voters. We will,have these liberal hate manifestos right up to the election. They are transparent and boring in their sameness. They will try to make up in volume what cannot be accomplished with propaganda alone. Bring it on.
"By an accident of birth, I fall into the White Guy category. To keep this on a positive note, let’s call it my brand. And that means that if other people with my outward characteristics do dumb-ass things, it reflects on my brand." Scott Adams

White conservative Americans have become an embarrassment. I know that's not politically correct, but face it folks we are starting to look like a nation of idiots. Think about that for a minute. Our white conservative Congress is voting again to repeal healthcare, you know healthcare that is slavery. Texas Governor Greg Abbott wants to make America Somalia, no need to obey federal laws - articles of Confederation redux. Kansas Governor Brownback bought into the insane idea idea that reducing taxes brings forth magic. Now the state is a mess. Kansas is just one state run by a white conservative republican. Was Brownback alive in 2008 and 2009 or was he lost in some imaginary supply side universe. Laffer is so appropriate a name.

What's the matter with white America is the question of the day. Recently a group of white militia conservatives took over a garage sized nature center in Oregon because they have the mental acuity of a spoiled five year old. Give children guns and they soon think they are warriors. Reminds you of a five year old who won't come in for dinner. One wonders what the idiots will do when tourist season arrives, maybe they'll give 'take over nation' demonstrations one garage at a time. If another American had asked for this land it would be welfare, how is it America belongs to the select few white Americans? The nation's Indians should tell them they're way late.

Then we have Maine Governor Paul LePage, of course everyone knows racism is alive and well in America, that is except white Americans, they think they are colorblind, try really hard to forget their narratives. Didn't a Marxist Kenyan president change all that. One can only wonder at the level of insanity when a woman becomes president. She is white, will that help? Are you kidding me. Anyone watch the Benghazi hearing. If hate required a face there were plenty of opportunities. Can you spell just plan nuts. And Deez even got some votes.

Anyone watching the republican debates would marvel at the level of dialogue, when it isn't the same reduce taxes on corporations and the wealthy and the economic genie will appear, they are upping each other like some chest pumping pretend wrestler, bomb em all. Bomb em all, bomb em all, is it fear, paranoia, everything has become Munich. Have any of them served in the military, had they maybe a rational thought would arrive.

Have you seen the crowds at Trump rallies, cheering the blond platitude, an inherited real-estate developer, now the darling of white conservative America. Trump engages in so much hyperbole, historians and sane media journalists now require therapy. While Nazi references are badly overused by these conservative republicans, recently a Muslim woman stood up and was escorted to door, that wasn't the proper sign of allegiance to a mountebank wearing a trite slogan. Remember the Gay soldier. Booing in this crowd is a substitute for thought.

And this comedy of white conservative sloganeering would just be funny until someone like Governor Rick Snyder poisons the people of Flint, Michigan to save a buck. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker isn't just dumb, he wants all the citizens of Wisconsin on an equal level. Why fund education when anyone who isn't as extreme as you is just not conservative enough. How many teachers does Governor Rick Perry want to fire, he can't remember that either. And then there is Rick Scott. Any need to go on.

Have you noticed none of the republican governors support education. This would be funny until you look at the warriors in Oregon, or the tea party signs to keep government out of their medicare, or poisoned water, add tornadoes and floods which only matter if you happen to be in one. Education is power, it is feared by the powerful for it focuses attention on cause rather than aimless finger pointing. Pay close attention to Governors and candidates who listen the likes of the Koch brothers or Sheldon Adelson.

"If we held the White House, taxes would be lower, spending slowed and the military strengthened...." Governor Nikki R. Haley of South Carolina responds to the SOTU. She forgot 'freedom.' If a listener read history they know how often these same words are used, and they'd know too how meaningless they are. Can you spell voodoo or oligarchy.

Idiocy mixed with fear is so dangerous a mindset, anyone find those WMDs or witness the wonderful spread of democracy in the Middle East? If you have, let the rest of America know. So long as big money buffoons, corporate lobbies, think tanks that do anything but think exist, militiamen armed with AK15s isn't a reality show, it is reality.

It would give solace to the sane American if after President Obama's term, sanity in America returned, but given the House under 'missing a heart Ryan' is still voting to end slavery, aka healthcare, no hope is in sight. It has to be clear now, elect a conservative white governor and your state gets dumber, you lose healthcare, your environment is polluted, and your state goes into massive debt. All the while they throw out, weakness, appeasement, surrender, Chamberlain, again and again, is there any hope white America.

If anyone has an idea on how sane white Americans, who still believe in a land of promise, inclusion, fairness, and accomplishment can separate themselves from dumb white America. Please, please let America know. By the way, suggested forehead tattoos, would help but people do occasionally change. Imagine for a minute the Donald's audience cheering bigotry, slogans waving, 'make America great again', Palin rambling, dissenting Americans booed, and you witness the absurd theater white conservative republicans have created. And so it goes....

Source Information:

Scott Adams Blog
The 8 Worst Governors in America
Thank you, Oregon militiamen: The longer you stay, the more ridiculous you and the conservative movement look
The 12 Worst Presidents Ranked by Their Inhumanity
Why bullshit is no laughing matter — Aeon Opinions


'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López
'The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy' Albert O. Hirschman
'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein
'It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism' by Thomas E. Mann, Norman J. Ornstein
'Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong' by James W. Loewen
'Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free' by Charles P. Pierce
'Liberty Under Siege: American Politics, 1976-1988' by Walter Karp
'Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming' by Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. M. Conway
'American High: The Years of Confidence, 1945-1960' by William L. O'Neill
'A Bubble in Time: America During the Interwar Years, 1989-2001' by William L. O'Neill
'Coming Apart: An Informal History of America in the 1960s' by William L. O'Neill

'The American conservative has become a sort of trained bumpkin, they outsource their work and pay them nothing and he unconsciously blames government when she doesn't blame some racial or ethnic group. Years of training have made them puppets. One could say corporate puppets, the corporations play them like children. Has the conservative always been this naive a tool of others? Maybe they have, for power knows all you need to do is have an enemy to occupy them. When it isn't government it's progress, or for some conservatives it's another human being of difference. I guess when one's mind is empty of education or history, it gives comfort to know satan caused all that is wrong. Satan can be whatever the powers that be tell them. No need to name names' mc5

And I give you this idiot to add to the point. Some Michigan politicians say Flint water crisis a hoax
reminds me of this

Add to it the dismantling of the unions and you have a concerted effort by a few conservative wealthy people to turn the clock back to 1870.

What is stunning is just how completely poor and working class conservatives have been compromised and brainwashed to act against their own best interest.

All it takes to make them start salivating like Pavlov's dogs are a few emotion charged terms like 'terrorists' or 'foreigners' or 'liberals'.

Con media has been busy and they have succeeded in creating a hard to get through bubble of ignorance and fear around millions.
rw media has made ignorance a virtue.
"By an accident of birth, I fall into the White Guy category. To keep this on a positive note, let’s call it my brand. And that means that if other people with my outward characteristics do dumb-ass things, it reflects on my brand." Scott Adams

White conservative Americans have become an embarrassment. I know that's not politically correct, but face it folks we are starting to look like a nation of idiots. Think about that for a minute. Our white conservative Congress is voting again to repeal healthcare, you know healthcare that is slavery. Texas Governor Greg Abbott wants to make America Somalia, no need to obey federal laws - articles of Confederation redux. Kansas Governor Brownback bought into the insane idea idea that reducing taxes brings forth magic. Now the state is a mess. Kansas is just one state run by a white conservative republican. Was Brownback alive in 2008 and 2009 or was he lost in some imaginary supply side universe. Laffer is so appropriate a name.

What's the matter with white America is the question of the day. Recently a group of white militia conservatives took over a garage sized nature center in Oregon because they have the mental acuity of a spoiled five year old. Give children guns and they soon think they are warriors. Reminds you of a five year old who won't come in for dinner. One wonders what the idiots will do when tourist season arrives, maybe they'll give 'take over nation' demonstrations one garage at a time. If another American had asked for this land it would be welfare, how is it America belongs to the select few white Americans? The nation's Indians should tell them they're way late.

Then we have Maine Governor Paul LePage, of course everyone knows racism is alive and well in America, that is except white Americans, they think they are colorblind, try really hard to forget their narratives. Didn't a Marxist Kenyan president change all that. One can only wonder at the level of insanity when a woman becomes president. She is white, will that help? Are you kidding me. Anyone watch the Benghazi hearing. If hate required a face there were plenty of opportunities. Can you spell just plan nuts. And Deez even got some votes.

Anyone watching the republican debates would marvel at the level of dialogue, when it isn't the same reduce taxes on corporations and the wealthy and the economic genie will appear, they are upping each other like some chest pumping pretend wrestler, bomb em all. Bomb em all, bomb em all, is it fear, paranoia, everything has become Munich. Have any of them served in the military, had they maybe a rational thought would arrive.

Have you seen the crowds at Trump rallies, cheering the blond platitude, an inherited real-estate developer, now the darling of white conservative America. Trump engages in so much hyperbole, historians and sane media journalists now require therapy. While Nazi references are badly overused by these conservative republicans, recently a Muslim woman stood up and was escorted to door, that wasn't the proper sign of allegiance to a mountebank wearing a trite slogan. Remember the Gay soldier. Booing in this crowd is a substitute for thought.

And this comedy of white conservative sloganeering would just be funny until someone like Governor Rick Snyder poisons the people of Flint, Michigan to save a buck. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker isn't just dumb, he wants all the citizens of Wisconsin on an equal level. Why fund education when anyone who isn't as extreme as you is just not conservative enough. How many teachers does Governor Rick Perry want to fire, he can't remember that either. And then there is Rick Scott. Any need to go on.

Have you noticed none of the republican governors support education. This would be funny until you look at the warriors in Oregon, or the tea party signs to keep government out of their medicare, or poisoned water, add tornadoes and floods which only matter if you happen to be in one. Education is power, it is feared by the powerful for it focuses attention on cause rather than aimless finger pointing. Pay close attention to Governors and candidates who listen the likes of the Koch brothers or Sheldon Adelson.

"If we held the White House, taxes would be lower, spending slowed and the military strengthened...." Governor Nikki R. Haley of South Carolina responds to the SOTU. She forgot 'freedom.' If a listener read history they know how often these same words are used, and they'd know too how meaningless they are. Can you spell voodoo or oligarchy.

Idiocy mixed with fear is so dangerous a mindset, anyone find those WMDs or witness the wonderful spread of democracy in the Middle East? If you have, let the rest of America know. So long as big money buffoons, corporate lobbies, think tanks that do anything but think exist, militiamen armed with AK15s isn't a reality show, it is reality.

It would give solace to the sane American if after President Obama's term, sanity in America returned, but given the House under 'missing a heart Ryan' is still voting to end slavery, aka healthcare, no hope is in sight. It has to be clear now, elect a conservative white governor and your state gets dumber, you lose healthcare, your environment is polluted, and your state goes into massive debt. All the while they throw out, weakness, appeasement, surrender, Chamberlain, again and again, is there any hope white America.

If anyone has an idea on how sane white Americans, who still believe in a land of promise, inclusion, fairness, and accomplishment can separate themselves from dumb white America. Please, please let America know. By the way, suggested forehead tattoos, would help but people do occasionally change. Imagine for a minute the Donald's audience cheering bigotry, slogans waving, 'make America great again', Palin rambling, dissenting Americans booed, and you witness the absurd theater white conservative republicans have created. And so it goes....

Source Information:

Scott Adams Blog
The 8 Worst Governors in America
Thank you, Oregon militiamen: The longer you stay, the more ridiculous you and the conservative movement look
The 12 Worst Presidents Ranked by Their Inhumanity
Why bullshit is no laughing matter — Aeon Opinions


'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López
'The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy' Albert O. Hirschman
'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein
'It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism' by Thomas E. Mann, Norman J. Ornstein
'Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong' by James W. Loewen
'Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free' by Charles P. Pierce
'Liberty Under Siege: American Politics, 1976-1988' by Walter Karp
'Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming' by Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. M. Conway
'American High: The Years of Confidence, 1945-1960' by William L. O'Neill
'A Bubble in Time: America During the Interwar Years, 1989-2001' by William L. O'Neill
'Coming Apart: An Informal History of America in the 1960s' by William L. O'Neill

'The American conservative has become a sort of trained bumpkin, they outsource their work and pay them nothing and he unconsciously blames government when she doesn't blame some racial or ethnic group. Years of training have made them puppets. One could say corporate puppets, the corporations play them like children. Has the conservative always been this naive a tool of others? Maybe they have, for power knows all you need to do is have an enemy to occupy them. When it isn't government it's progress, or for some conservatives it's another human being of difference. I guess when one's mind is empty of education or history, it gives comfort to know satan caused all that is wrong. Satan can be whatever the powers that be tell them. No need to name names' mc5

And I give you this idiot to add to the point. Some Michigan politicians say Flint water crisis a hoax

You have a point with this or you just parroting left wing talking points?

You and your barnacles just made his you all have been doing on these fora for years....
"By an accident of birth, I fall into the White Guy category. To keep this on a positive note, let’s call it my brand. And that means that if other people with my outward characteristics do dumb-ass things, it reflects on my brand." Scott Adams

White conservative Americans have become an embarrassment. I know that's not politically correct, but face it folks we are starting to look like a nation of idiots. Think about that for a minute. Our white conservative Congress is voting again to repeal healthcare, you know healthcare that is slavery. Texas Governor Greg Abbott wants to make America Somalia, no need to obey federal laws - articles of Confederation redux. Kansas Governor Brownback bought into the insane idea idea that reducing taxes brings forth magic. Now the state is a mess. Kansas is just one state run by a white conservative republican. Was Brownback alive in 2008 and 2009 or was he lost in some imaginary supply side universe. Laffer is so appropriate a name.

What's the matter with white America is the question of the day. Recently a group of white militia conservatives took over a garage sized nature center in Oregon because they have the mental acuity of a spoiled five year old. Give children guns and they soon think they are warriors. Reminds you of a five year old who won't come in for dinner. One wonders what the idiots will do when tourist season arrives, maybe they'll give 'take over nation' demonstrations one garage at a time. If another American had asked for this land it would be welfare, how is it America belongs to the select few white Americans? The nation's Indians should tell them they're way late.

Then we have Maine Governor Paul LePage, of course everyone knows racism is alive and well in America, that is except white Americans, they think they are colorblind, try really hard to forget their narratives. Didn't a Marxist Kenyan president change all that. One can only wonder at the level of insanity when a woman becomes president. She is white, will that help? Are you kidding me. Anyone watch the Benghazi hearing. If hate required a face there were plenty of opportunities. Can you spell just plan nuts. And Deez even got some votes.

Anyone watching the republican debates would marvel at the level of dialogue, when it isn't the same reduce taxes on corporations and the wealthy and the economic genie will appear, they are upping each other like some chest pumping pretend wrestler, bomb em all. Bomb em all, bomb em all, is it fear, paranoia, everything has become Munich. Have any of them served in the military, had they maybe a rational thought would arrive.

Have you seen the crowds at Trump rallies, cheering the blond platitude, an inherited real-estate developer, now the darling of white conservative America. Trump engages in so much hyperbole, historians and sane media journalists now require therapy. While Nazi references are badly overused by these conservative republicans, recently a Muslim woman stood up and was escorted to door, that wasn't the proper sign of allegiance to a mountebank wearing a trite slogan. Remember the Gay soldier. Booing in this crowd is a substitute for thought.

And this comedy of white conservative sloganeering would just be funny until someone like Governor Rick Snyder poisons the people of Flint, Michigan to save a buck. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker isn't just dumb, he wants all the citizens of Wisconsin on an equal level. Why fund education when anyone who isn't as extreme as you is just not conservative enough. How many teachers does Governor Rick Perry want to fire, he can't remember that either. And then there is Rick Scott. Any need to go on.

Have you noticed none of the republican governors support education. This would be funny until you look at the warriors in Oregon, or the tea party signs to keep government out of their medicare, or poisoned water, add tornadoes and floods which only matter if you happen to be in one. Education is power, it is feared by the powerful for it focuses attention on cause rather than aimless finger pointing. Pay close attention to Governors and candidates who listen the likes of the Koch brothers or Sheldon Adelson.

"If we held the White House, taxes would be lower, spending slowed and the military strengthened...." Governor Nikki R. Haley of South Carolina responds to the SOTU. She forgot 'freedom.' If a listener read history they know how often these same words are used, and they'd know too how meaningless they are. Can you spell voodoo or oligarchy.

Idiocy mixed with fear is so dangerous a mindset, anyone find those WMDs or witness the wonderful spread of democracy in the Middle East? If you have, let the rest of America know. So long as big money buffoons, corporate lobbies, think tanks that do anything but think exist, militiamen armed with AK15s isn't a reality show, it is reality.

It would give solace to the sane American if after President Obama's term, sanity in America returned, but given the House under 'missing a heart Ryan' is still voting to end slavery, aka healthcare, no hope is in sight. It has to be clear now, elect a conservative white governor and your state gets dumber, you lose healthcare, your environment is polluted, and your state goes into massive debt. All the while they throw out, weakness, appeasement, surrender, Chamberlain, again and again, is there any hope white America.

If anyone has an idea on how sane white Americans, who still believe in a land of promise, inclusion, fairness, and accomplishment can separate themselves from dumb white America. Please, please let America know. By the way, suggested forehead tattoos, would help but people do occasionally change. Imagine for a minute the Donald's audience cheering bigotry, slogans waving, 'make America great again', Palin rambling, dissenting Americans booed, and you witness the absurd theater white conservative republicans have created. And so it goes....

Source Information:

Scott Adams Blog
The 8 Worst Governors in America
Thank you, Oregon militiamen: The longer you stay, the more ridiculous you and the conservative movement look
The 12 Worst Presidents Ranked by Their Inhumanity
Why bullshit is no laughing matter — Aeon Opinions


'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López
'The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy' Albert O. Hirschman
'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein
'It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism' by Thomas E. Mann, Norman J. Ornstein
'Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong' by James W. Loewen
'Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free' by Charles P. Pierce
'Liberty Under Siege: American Politics, 1976-1988' by Walter Karp
'Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming' by Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. M. Conway
'American High: The Years of Confidence, 1945-1960' by William L. O'Neill
'A Bubble in Time: America During the Interwar Years, 1989-2001' by William L. O'Neill
'Coming Apart: An Informal History of America in the 1960s' by William L. O'Neill

'The American conservative has become a sort of trained bumpkin, they outsource their work and pay them nothing and he unconsciously blames government when she doesn't blame some racial or ethnic group. Years of training have made them puppets. One could say corporate puppets, the corporations play them like children. Has the conservative always been this naive a tool of others? Maybe they have, for power knows all you need to do is have an enemy to occupy them. When it isn't government it's progress, or for some conservatives it's another human being of difference. I guess when one's mind is empty of education or history, it gives comfort to know satan caused all that is wrong. Satan can be whatever the powers that be tell them. No need to name names' mc5

And I give you this idiot to add to the point. Some Michigan politicians say Flint water crisis a hoax

Yet once again liberals to FUCKING stupid not to vote in the midterms and then cry about it.

again liberals to FUCKING stupid

Don't ever change.....
Add to it the dismantling of the unions and you have a concerted effort by a few conservative wealthy people to turn the clock back to 1870.

What is stunning is just how completely poor and working class conservatives have been compromised and brainwashed to act against their own best interest.

All it takes to make them start salivating like Pavlov's dogs are a few emotion charged terms like 'terrorists' or 'foreigners' or 'liberals'.

Con media has been busy and they have succeeded in creating a hard to get through bubble of ignorance and fear around millions.

And there you have it. Before the dawn of the Progressive age in the 20th century, Americans were dying in the streets.


Americans are much better with a centralized bank that has enabled the US to run up a $18 trillion debt and unending wars around the globe.

Soon we won't even have a country

Americans are much better with a centralized bank that has enabled the US to run up a $18 trillion debt and unending wars around the globe.

Have you ever cast a vote for a Supply Side Huckster?
"By an accident of birth, I fall into the White Guy category. To keep this on a positive note, let’s call it my brand. And that means that if other people with my outward characteristics do dumb-ass things, it reflects on my brand." Scott Adams

White conservative Americans have become an embarrassment. I know that's not politically correct, but face it folks we are starting to look like a nation of idiots. Think about that for a minute. Our white conservative Congress is voting again to repeal healthcare, you know healthcare that is slavery. Texas Governor Greg Abbott wants to make America Somalia, no need to obey federal laws - articles of Confederation redux. Kansas Governor Brownback bought into the insane idea idea that reducing taxes brings forth magic. Now the state is a mess. Kansas is just one state run by a white conservative republican. Was Brownback alive in 2008 and 2009 or was he lost in some imaginary supply side universe. Laffer is so appropriate a name.

What's the matter with white America is the question of the day. Recently a group of white militia conservatives took over a garage sized nature center in Oregon because they have the mental acuity of a spoiled five year old. Give children guns and they soon think they are warriors. Reminds you of a five year old who won't come in for dinner. One wonders what the idiots will do when tourist season arrives, maybe they'll give 'take over nation' demonstrations one garage at a time. If another American had asked for this land it would be welfare, how is it America belongs to the select few white Americans? The nation's Indians should tell them they're way late.

Then we have Maine Governor Paul LePage, of course everyone knows racism is alive and well in America, that is except white Americans, they think they are colorblind, try really hard to forget their narratives. Didn't a Marxist Kenyan president change all that. One can only wonder at the level of insanity when a woman becomes president. She is white, will that help? Are you kidding me. Anyone watch the Benghazi hearing. If hate required a face there were plenty of opportunities. Can you spell just plan nuts. And Deez even got some votes.

Anyone watching the republican debates would marvel at the level of dialogue, when it isn't the same reduce taxes on corporations and the wealthy and the economic genie will appear, they are upping each other like some chest pumping pretend wrestler, bomb em all. Bomb em all, bomb em all, is it fear, paranoia, everything has become Munich. Have any of them served in the military, had they maybe a rational thought would arrive.

Have you seen the crowds at Trump rallies, cheering the blond platitude, an inherited real-estate developer, now the darling of white conservative America. Trump engages in so much hyperbole, historians and sane media journalists now require therapy. While Nazi references are badly overused by these conservative republicans, recently a Muslim woman stood up and was escorted to door, that wasn't the proper sign of allegiance to a mountebank wearing a trite slogan. Remember the Gay soldier. Booing in this crowd is a substitute for thought.

And this comedy of white conservative sloganeering would just be funny until someone like Governor Rick Snyder poisons the people of Flint, Michigan to save a buck. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker isn't just dumb, he wants all the citizens of Wisconsin on an equal level. Why fund education when anyone who isn't as extreme as you is just not conservative enough. How many teachers does Governor Rick Perry want to fire, he can't remember that either. And then there is Rick Scott. Any need to go on.

Have you noticed none of the republican governors support education. This would be funny until you look at the warriors in Oregon, or the tea party signs to keep government out of their medicare, or poisoned water, add tornadoes and floods which only matter if you happen to be in one. Education is power, it is feared by the powerful for it focuses attention on cause rather than aimless finger pointing. Pay close attention to Governors and candidates who listen the likes of the Koch brothers or Sheldon Adelson.

"If we held the White House, taxes would be lower, spending slowed and the military strengthened...." Governor Nikki R. Haley of South Carolina responds to the SOTU. She forgot 'freedom.' If a listener read history they know how often these same words are used, and they'd know too how meaningless they are. Can you spell voodoo or oligarchy.

Idiocy mixed with fear is so dangerous a mindset, anyone find those WMDs or witness the wonderful spread of democracy in the Middle East? If you have, let the rest of America know. So long as big money buffoons, corporate lobbies, think tanks that do anything but think exist, militiamen armed with AK15s isn't a reality show, it is reality.

It would give solace to the sane American if after President Obama's term, sanity in America returned, but given the House under 'missing a heart Ryan' is still voting to end slavery, aka healthcare, no hope is in sight. It has to be clear now, elect a conservative white governor and your state gets dumber, you lose healthcare, your environment is polluted, and your state goes into massive debt. All the while they throw out, weakness, appeasement, surrender, Chamberlain, again and again, is there any hope white America.

If anyone has an idea on how sane white Americans, who still believe in a land of promise, inclusion, fairness, and accomplishment can separate themselves from dumb white America. Please, please let America know. By the way, suggested forehead tattoos, would help but people do occasionally change. Imagine for a minute the Donald's audience cheering bigotry, slogans waving, 'make America great again', Palin rambling, dissenting Americans booed, and you witness the absurd theater white conservative republicans have created. And so it goes....

Source Information:

Scott Adams Blog
The 8 Worst Governors in America
Thank you, Oregon militiamen: The longer you stay, the more ridiculous you and the conservative movement look
The 12 Worst Presidents Ranked by Their Inhumanity
Why bullshit is no laughing matter — Aeon Opinions


'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López
'The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy' Albert O. Hirschman
'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein
'It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism' by Thomas E. Mann, Norman J. Ornstein
'Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong' by James W. Loewen
'Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free' by Charles P. Pierce
'Liberty Under Siege: American Politics, 1976-1988' by Walter Karp
'Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming' by Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. M. Conway
'American High: The Years of Confidence, 1945-1960' by William L. O'Neill
'A Bubble in Time: America During the Interwar Years, 1989-2001' by William L. O'Neill
'Coming Apart: An Informal History of America in the 1960s' by William L. O'Neill

'The American conservative has become a sort of trained bumpkin, they outsource their work and pay them nothing and he unconsciously blames government when she doesn't blame some racial or ethnic group. Years of training have made them puppets. One could say corporate puppets, the corporations play them like children. Has the conservative always been this naive a tool of others? Maybe they have, for power knows all you need to do is have an enemy to occupy them. When it isn't government it's progress, or for some conservatives it's another human being of difference. I guess when one's mind is empty of education or history, it gives comfort to know satan caused all that is wrong. Satan can be whatever the powers that be tell them. No need to name names' mc5

And I give you this idiot to add to the point. Some Michigan politicians say Flint water crisis a hoax

Liberals have a lot of nerve. They run academia in every aspect. They teach children evolution, they teach children about global warming, they teach children how to put a rubber on a banana, they teach children that gay sex is OK, and then stand back and wonder why America has produced a nation of idiots.

Well if they had been taught critical thinking skills instead of just absorb a one sided view of the universe then perhaps it would not be so easy to dupe the populace like and idiot like Trump, who is also a life long liberal who just as recently as 2012 was singling the praises of one Hillary Clinton.


What is your beef with teaching evolution?
Add to it the dismantling of the unions and you have a concerted effort by a few conservative wealthy people to turn the clock back to 1870.

What is stunning is just how completely poor and working class conservatives have been compromised and brainwashed to act against their own best interest.

All it takes to make them start salivating like Pavlov's dogs are a few emotion charged terms like 'terrorists' or 'foreigners' or 'liberals'.

Con media has been busy and they have succeeded in creating a hard to get through bubble of ignorance and fear around millions.

And there you have it. Before the dawn of the Progressive age in the 20th century, Americans were dying in the streets.


Americans are much better with a centralized bank that has enabled the US to run up a $18 trillion debt and unending wars around the globe.

Soon we won't even have a country

Americans are much better with a centralized bank that has enabled the US to run up a $18 trillion debt and unending wars around the globe.

Have you ever cast a vote for a Supply Side Huckster?
Socialist entitlement programs are where the real debt is...
Add to it the dismantling of the unions and you have a concerted effort by a few conservative wealthy people to turn the clock back to 1870.

What is stunning is just how completely poor and working class conservatives have been compromised and brainwashed to act against their own best interest.

All it takes to make them start salivating like Pavlov's dogs are a few emotion charged terms like 'terrorists' or 'foreigners' or 'liberals'.

Con media has been busy and they have succeeded in creating a hard to get through bubble of ignorance and fear around millions.
What is the fundamental purpose of the Republican Party? To minimize the tax bill of the rich. For those in the highest tax bracket—the people whose interests are actually represented by elected officials—politics is an investment. It is no big deal to invest a million dollars in the presidential race if it ends up saving you ten million dollars on your tax bill. Issues that do not directly affect the net worth of the rich are sideshows, in the sense that they are not the core purpose of the party, but rather instrumental tools to be used to advance the core purpose. It is that simple. All of the issues that attract the majority of the Republican Party’s voters—Gay marriage! Bible thumping! American exceptionalism! Tough on crime! Tough on terror! Abortion, babies, rah rah rah!—are not the issues that motivate the people who actually control the party. The rich, after all, are insulated by money from the potential negative impacts of these issues. They care about money, and how to keep as much of it out of the public till and in their own pockets as possible. The way to do that is to manipulate the tax code to their own advantage. In order to do that, they need elected officials working for their interests. In order to get elected officials, they need lots of votes. In order to get lots of votes, they need more than just the rich voting for them. In order to get lots of poor and middle class people voting for a party advocating policies in direct opposition to the economic interests of the vast majority of people, they wave around social issues like a matador waves a cape in front of a bull. The wealthy can watch the culture wars play out from on high, laughing to themselves all the while. All of the fine hardworking Christian culture warriors are the peasants fighting for their king, who urges them to battle for god while being primarily concerned with maintaining a healthy flow of capital. Donald Trump proclaiming “I love the Bible” is just the most cartoonish manifestation of the playbook that all Republican functionaries are working from.
Add to it the dismantling of the unions and you have a concerted effort by a few conservative wealthy people to turn the clock back to 1870.

What is stunning is just how completely poor and working class conservatives have been compromised and brainwashed to act against their own best interest.

All it takes to make them start salivating like Pavlov's dogs are a few emotion charged terms like 'terrorists' or 'foreigners' or 'liberals'.

Con media has been busy and they have succeeded in creating a hard to get through bubble of ignorance and fear around millions.

And there you have it. Before the dawn of the Progressive age in the 20th century, Americans were dying in the streets.


Americans are much better with a centralized bank that has enabled the US to run up a $18 trillion debt and unending wars around the globe.

Soon we won't even have a country

Americans are much better with a centralized bank that has enabled the US to run up a $18 trillion debt and unending wars around the globe.

Have you ever cast a vote for a Supply Side Huckster?
Socialist entitlement programs are where the real debt is...

The surplus from those programs have helped camouflage the fiscal recklessness of Supply Side least unitl the dismal jobs record of Obama's predecessor drove the system prematurely into the red....
Add to it the dismantling of the unions and you have a concerted effort by a few conservative wealthy people to turn the clock back to 1870.

What is stunning is just how completely poor and working class conservatives have been compromised and brainwashed to act against their own best interest.

All it takes to make them start salivating like Pavlov's dogs are a few emotion charged terms like 'terrorists' or 'foreigners' or 'liberals'.

Con media has been busy and they have succeeded in creating a hard to get through bubble of ignorance and fear around millions.

And there you have it. Before the dawn of the Progressive age in the 20th century, Americans were dying in the streets.


Americans are much better with a centralized bank that has enabled the US to run up a $18 trillion debt and unending wars around the globe.

Soon we won't even have a country

Americans are much better with a centralized bank that has enabled the US to run up a $18 trillion debt and unending wars around the globe.

Have you ever cast a vote for a Supply Side Huckster?
Socialist entitlement programs are where the real debt is...

The surplus from those programs have helped camouflage the fiscal recklessness of Supply Side least unitl the dismal jobs record of Obama's predecessor drove the system prematurely into the red....
There is no Doubt bush spent like a drunk'n sailer, and Obama spends like a platoon of drunk'n sailers...
Government spending has been out of control for many, many decades. They can't be trusted with tax dollars anymore...
Will the lib posters here EVER get tired of promoting their genius and flogging the inept white people who might be conservatives. And let's insult all the American electorate who has overwhelmingly voted in republican governors and state representatives. Let's not forget the only reason Obama was able to hang onto the presidency was because he lied many times about his health care plan, a trait mid can must value above any other virtue for democrats. Democrats cannot win the debate on the merits, which must be why almost every libtard thread on usmb is a subjective, ad hominem, personal attack with no intellectual backup.

Rick Perry is one of the only governors trying to create 10000 dollar packages for specific job training education. Kasich turned Ohio from a debtor to a surplus state. Republicans are responsible for the doctor fix in the senate. The Flint water fiasco was initiated by a democratic city council that was so corrupt and inept they had to be taken over by the state. The republican candidates look like a cross section of America. The dem contenders look like a bunch of old wore out WHITE people.

And while midcan types love to shine the light on everything republican, they dare not let light shine on their deeds. Hopeless cities run by them, failed education systems run by them, failed states like California and Illinois run by them, failed mayors like Chicagos covering up police misconduct in order to get reflected. Millions of Americans who have to forego medical treatment because they can't afford the deductibles, the insurance, or the fines, and can't get their doctor back. Let's also not forget that u dear the steel boot of democrats a large majority of the people think the country is headed in the wrong direction. A guess a bunch of those white people must have snuck into the Democratic Party, cause 20 per cent of them are going to vote for trump. Might have something to do with the democratic destruction of the middle class.

This election cycle is clearly a democratic cluster fuck. They cannot allow reality to gain the upper hand and infiltrate the minds of the voters. We will,have these liberal hate manifestos right up to the election. They are transparent and boring in their sameness. They will try to make up in volume what cannot be accomplished with propaganda alone. Bring it on.
Millions of Americans who have to forego medical treatment because they can't afford the deductibles, the insurance, or the fines, and can't get their doctor back.

So until they couldn't afford the deductibles they had no problem paying the entire bill out of pocket?

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