American Dentist Identified As Killer Of Famed Lion In Zimbabwe

Ok, I'll play along and pretend this story isn't another MSM hoax.

Earlier I posted a link to the book "The Lions of Tsavo". I've read it. Great book.

Here's the thing. Colonel Patterson used a .303 Enfield using the new smokeless powder load for the .303, a 215 grain soft nosed cartridge. Excellent man stopper. Good for medium game too. Superlative cartridge for the time.

It also turned out to be a terrible lion stopper. No better than the spears the Africans use or the bow and arrow "Palmer" used.

Anyone here have any objections to the spears Africans use for hunting lions?

I wouldn't go up against a (wild ) male African lion with anything less then a grenade launcher set for full auto.

Colonel Patterson shot a few other lions other than the two lions that ate 135 railway workers. I think the book said he had to use 16 .303 cartridges on one of them. It was at night though. He probably wasn't able to shoot straight.

16 shots means he had to reload 3-4 times ...IN THE DARK too. With a pissed off lion circling him.
did this old Lion kill anyone?....
People are crying over a frigging smelly wild animal -- meanwhile 2500 PRECIOUS and SACRED human lives were destroyed today in America's abortion mills ...

2500 human babies slaughtered! And you guys are crying over some cat ?
hey bobby?....unfortunately abortion is legal in this country,luring an old protected lion out of a sanctuary so you can get its head is not.....

The 'fine' people of Zimbabwe were paid $55,000 by Mr. Palmer for the privilege of shooting said lion.

Was it right? Nope, but let's not forget that this hunt was 'arranged' for the good Dr. by citizens of THAT country.

Palmers statement:
'I hired several professional guides, and they secured all proper permits,' the statement read. 'To my knowledge, everything about this trip was legal and properly handled and conducted.

Hunted: Walter James Palmer was identified on Tuesday by both the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force and the Safari Operators Association of Zimbabwe as the American hunter, a name that police then confirmed

Hunted: Walter James Palmer was identified on Tuesday by both the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force and the Safari Operators Association of Zimbabwe as the American hunter, a name that police then confirmed.

'I had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite, was collared and part of a study until the end of the hunt. I relied on the expertise of my local professional guides to ensure a legal hunt.'

'Again, I deeply regret that my pursuit of an activity I love and practice responsibly and legally resulted in the taking of this lion.'

Professional Zimbabwean hunter Theo Bronkhorst and local landowner Honest Ndlovu are due to appear in court this week on poaching charges for allegedly killing Cecil.

If convicted, the men face up to 15 years in prison.

Sounds like it was all the guides fault now this guys career is over, thanks to the media.
Jesus Christ people. He paid 55,000 dollars to be able to hunt the darn thing. That money goes towards keeping poaching down and everything else should be thanking this man.

How much money have you spent to protect these animals?

He just spent enough money to protect way more than one lion. I know I will get red from the ignorant people but it's true. Without these big game hunters there is no money to protect from poachers.

Zimbabwe wants more money. They have another lion they think he might be interested in.

This one $65,000, but a good price for a repeat customer with money, $100,000.
you are the ignorant one bobby....that animal was poached....that money really worked there didnt it?...
You guys need to start waking up. This report again, like the others is another hoax.

The name of the killer is PALMER....One of the renowned features of a lion is the human terms, it's the palm, hence Palmer.

Another make believe story courtesy of your friendly MSM.
yea like you know are eating up the shit you want because you ejaculated in your underpants when you saw that picture of that big brave guy...

Newsflash: Supported facts impress me. Argumentum ad homems based on hot air and hate do not impress me.
what i said is a fact....

But, not a supported fact based upon any kind of tangible reality. You're entitled to your own opinion, erroneous as that opinion might be. You're not entitled to make up your own facts based upon hatred and an inferiority complex.
Jesus Christ people. He paid 55,000 dollars to be able to hunt the darn thing. That money goes towards keeping poaching down and everything else should be thanking this man.

How much money have you spent to protect these animals?

He just spent enough money to protect way more than one lion. I know I will get red from the ignorant people but it's true. Without these big game hunters there is no money to protect from poachers.

Zimbabwe wants more money. They have another lion they think he might be interested in.

This one $65,000, but a good price for a repeat customer with money, $100,000.
you are the ignorant one bobby....that animal was poached....that money really worked there didnt it?...

See my post above yours.
The incident is not Palmer’s first brush with authorities.

In 2008, he pleaded guilty in federal court in Wisconsin to misleading a federal agent in connection with the hunting of a black bear. Two years earlier, Palmer had killed a bear near Phillips, in Price County. That location was 40 miles outside of the zone where he held a permit to hunt bear.

Palmer and others transported the bear carcass to a registration station inside the allowed hunting zone, according to court documents, and at the station, he falsely certified that the bear had been killed in the legal zone. Facing a maximum penalty of five years in prison, Palmer was sentenced to one year’s probation and fined nearly $3,000.

In the spring of 2003, Palmer was convicted in Otter Tail County in western Minnesota and paid a small fine for fishing without a license, a misdemeanor.

And in 2009, Palmer agreed to a settlement with the Minnesota Board of Dentistry over allegations that he sexually harassed a receptionist. She alleged that Palmer made comments about her breasts, buttocks and genitalia.

Without admitting guilt, Palmer settled and paid $127,500 to the woman, who also was his patient.

The settlement included references to his bear-hunting conviction and “substandard record keeping.”

Poaching charges

The Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority and the Safari Operators Association of Zimbabwe said Tuesday that a local guide and a farm owner are facing poaching charges and that they are expected in court Wednesday.

“Both the professional hunter and land owner had no permit or quota to justify the offtake of the lion and therefore are liable for the illegal hunt,” the joint statement said. It did not address any legal consequences for Palmer.
even with the shit he has done here you will think he did not know what was going on?....come on bobby...
Calm down, guys. It was 100% the fault of his guides.

Dude hunts lions and rhinos with a BOW AND ARROW. That's a bad*ss dude....I'd have a beer with him. Too bad he's being persecuted for the mistake of his guides.
like he did not know what they were doing?....give me a fucking break.....and if he really did not know,as soon as he saw that collar on it he knew ....why did he not stop right there and say something?..why?....because he did not give a shit and hoped those other guys could cover it up while he high tailed it back to here....

What you are doing is speculating based on media disinformation.
you just got through posting shit were this guy bagged game illegally and tried to cover it up and you want me to believe he was ignorant of this?...
The incident is not Palmer’s first brush with authorities.

In 2008, he pleaded guilty in federal court in Wisconsin to misleading a federal agent in connection with the hunting of a black bear. Two years earlier, Palmer had killed a bear near Phillips, in Price County. That location was 40 miles outside of the zone where he held a permit to hunt bear.

Palmer and others transported the bear carcass to a registration station inside the allowed hunting zone, according to court documents, and at the station, he falsely certified that the bear had been killed in the legal zone. Facing a maximum penalty of five years in prison, Palmer was sentenced to one year’s probation and fined nearly $3,000.

In the spring of 2003, Palmer was convicted in Otter Tail County in western Minnesota and paid a small fine for fishing without a license, a misdemeanor.

And in 2009, Palmer agreed to a settlement with the Minnesota Board of Dentistry over allegations that he sexually harassed a receptionist. She alleged that Palmer made comments about her breasts, buttocks and genitalia.

Without admitting guilt, Palmer settled and paid $127,500 to the woman, who also was his patient.

The settlement included references to his bear-hunting conviction and “substandard record keeping.”

Poaching charges

The Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority and the Safari Operators Association of Zimbabwe said Tuesday that a local guide and a farm owner are facing poaching charges and that they are expected in court Wednesday.

“Both the professional hunter and land owner had no permit or quota to justify the offtake of the lion and therefore are liable for the illegal hunt,” the joint statement said. It did not address any legal consequences for Palmer.
even with the shit he has done here you will think he did not know what was going on?....come on bobby...

Has he been proven guilty in a court of law?

Yes or No?

What you and the other low information people are doing is convicting him in the court of public opinion. I'll wait for the actual trial myself.
Calm down, guys. It was 100% the fault of his guides.

Dude hunts lions and rhinos with a BOW AND ARROW. That's a bad*ss dude....I'd have a beer with him. Too bad he's being persecuted for the mistake of his guides.
like he did not know what they were doing?....give me a fucking break.....and if he really did not know,as soon as he saw that collar on it he knew ....why did he not stop right there and say something?..why?....because he did not give a shit and hoped those other guys could cover it up while he high tailed it back to here....

What you are doing is speculating based on media disinformation.
you just got through posting shit were this guy bagged game illegally and tried to cover it up and you want me to believe he was ignorant of this?...

Please point out where what I posted can be proven to be "sh*t" using supported facts.

I know you don't understand this but hot air speculation is not proof of any kind.
Since tempers are flaring, why not go a step further and boycott circuses as well? Caging animals for human entertainment is disgusting, too. So are rodeos where animals are ridden, shocked, stabbed with spurs, wrestled to the ground, etc. And children are taught to be bull riders by riding sheep.

Animals were not put here for our enjoyment. Revere them when you must kill them to EAT, or use their parts for your survival. You don't kill them to stuff them as a trophy, ride them as an amusement ride or cage them to perform. Period.
unfortunately Gracie some of us havent evolved like the rest of us have....


Into what? A hate monger? Whose God is named ABCNNBCBSNYTAP ?

Not to mention the progressive dogma of your God which you feel compelled to recite to us?
really? to show me where i have ever recited the dogma of my god?..or is this just more bobby talk?...
People are crying over a frigging smelly wild animal -- meanwhile 2500 PRECIOUS and SACRED human lives were destroyed today in America's abortion mills ...

2500 human babies slaughtered! And you guys are crying over some cat ?
hey bobby?....unfortunately abortion is legal in this country,luring an old protected lion out of a sanctuary so you can get its head is not.....

The 'fine' people of Zimbabwe were paid $55,000 by Mr. Palmer for the privilege of shooting said lion.

Was it right? Nope, but let's not forget that this hunt was 'arranged' for the good Dr. by citizens of THAT country.

Palmers statement:
'I hired several professional guides, and they secured all proper permits,' the statement read. 'To my knowledge, everything about this trip was legal and properly handled and conducted.

Hunted: Walter James Palmer was identified on Tuesday by both the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force and the Safari Operators Association of Zimbabwe as the American hunter, a name that police then confirmed

Hunted: Walter James Palmer was identified on Tuesday by both the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force and the Safari Operators Association of Zimbabwe as the American hunter, a name that police then confirmed.

'I had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite, was collared and part of a study until the end of the hunt. I relied on the expertise of my local professional guides to ensure a legal hunt.'

'Again, I deeply regret that my pursuit of an activity I love and practice responsibly and legally resulted in the taking of this lion.'

Professional Zimbabwean hunter Theo Bronkhorst and local landowner Honest Ndlovu are due to appear in court this week on poaching charges for allegedly killing Cecil.

If convicted, the men face up to 15 years in prison.

Sounds like it was all the guides fault now this guys career is over, thanks to the media.
what did he do when he saw the collar on it bobby?...right there he knew what these so called guides did....did he turn them in or did he ignore it hoping it can be covered up?...
You guys need to start waking up. This report again, like the others is another hoax.

The name of the killer is PALMER....One of the renowned features of a lion is the human terms, it's the palm, hence Palmer.

Another make believe story courtesy of your friendly MSM.
yea like you know are eating up the shit you want because you ejaculated in your underpants when you saw that picture of that big brave guy...

Newsflash: Supported facts impress me. Argumentum ad homems based on hot air and hate do not impress me.
what i said is a fact....

But, not a supported fact based upon any kind of tangible reality. You're entitled to your own opinion, erroneous as that opinion might be. You're not entitled to make up your own facts based upon hatred and an inferiority complex.
so you are doing the same thing as you say i am doing....
Jesus Christ people. He paid 55,000 dollars to be able to hunt the darn thing. That money goes towards keeping poaching down and everything else should be thanking this man.

How much money have you spent to protect these animals?

He just spent enough money to protect way more than one lion. I know I will get red from the ignorant people but it's true. Without these big game hunters there is no money to protect from poachers.

Zimbabwe wants more money. They have another lion they think he might be interested in.

This one $65,000, but a good price for a repeat customer with money, $100,000.
you are the ignorant one bobby....that animal was poached....that money really worked there didnt it?...

See my post above yours.
read my post no.72.....
The incident is not Palmer’s first brush with authorities.

In 2008, he pleaded guilty in federal court in Wisconsin to misleading a federal agent in connection with the hunting of a black bear. Two years earlier, Palmer had killed a bear near Phillips, in Price County. That location was 40 miles outside of the zone where he held a permit to hunt bear.

Palmer and others transported the bear carcass to a registration station inside the allowed hunting zone, according to court documents, and at the station, he falsely certified that the bear had been killed in the legal zone. Facing a maximum penalty of five years in prison, Palmer was sentenced to one year’s probation and fined nearly $3,000.

In the spring of 2003, Palmer was convicted in Otter Tail County in western Minnesota and paid a small fine for fishing without a license, a misdemeanor.

And in 2009, Palmer agreed to a settlement with the Minnesota Board of Dentistry over allegations that he sexually harassed a receptionist. She alleged that Palmer made comments about her breasts, buttocks and genitalia.

Without admitting guilt, Palmer settled and paid $127,500 to the woman, who also was his patient.

The settlement included references to his bear-hunting conviction and “substandard record keeping.”

Poaching charges

The Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority and the Safari Operators Association of Zimbabwe said Tuesday that a local guide and a farm owner are facing poaching charges and that they are expected in court Wednesday.

“Both the professional hunter and land owner had no permit or quota to justify the offtake of the lion and therefore are liable for the illegal hunt,” the joint statement said. It did not address any legal consequences for Palmer.
even with the shit he has done here you will think he did not know what was going on?....come on bobby...

Has he been proven guilty in a court of law?

Yes or No?

What you and the other low information people are doing is convicting him in the court of public opinion. I'll wait for the actual trial myself.
you are the guy who posted shit were he was trying to cover up illegal hunting up,not dont get these charges against you, just because....
what did he do when he saw the collar on it bobby?...right there he knew what these so called guides did....did he turn them in or did he ignore it hoping it can be covered up?...
He removed the collar, which is illegal, and then beheaded and skinned the lion.
Either way trophy hunting when done legally is the only thing keeping these reserves open. In countries where trophy hunting is illegal the populations of these animals are decimated, because no one pays to protect these animals from poachers. So really these guys are way better than any of the PETA people running rampant on this thread.

I know it's counter-intuitive buts it's the truth.

Like I said, I have no problem with ethical trophy hunting. But, if the reports on this particular hunt are true it was far from ethical, and in fact criminal.

More importantly, it isn't the first time this asshole has been on the wrong side of things. He LIED to Fish and Game Officials on multiple occasions and in one instance traveled 40 miles outside where he was permitted to hunt.

The man clearly has masculinity issues and is using killing animals he has no business killing as a way to compensate. 43 "trophies", to be exact. Rhino, lion, black bears, and even a polar bear. Dude is a douche with a tiny penis.

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