American Dentist Identified As Killer Of Famed Lion In Zimbabwe

Killing for sport should be banned from the face of this planet!

It's about time!
He must have a very tiny dick to need to do something like that. The lion was tracked down by GPS, not exactly Tarzan stuff. What's sportsman about hunting with a bow with a lion drawn in by bait, screwing up a shot and tracking with modern technology with guns for backup? Not to mention lions aren't as plentiful as ally cats and its' family will be killed more than likely.

I can see going over there and shooting it with a good zoom lense but slaughtering an animal like that for fun is some kind of mental illness. Fuck him, I hope his business dies. If he had 55 grand to throw away he was charging too much anyway.
He must have a very tiny dick to need to do something like that. The lion was tracked down by GPS, not exactly Tarzan stuff. What's sportsman about hunting with a bow with a lion drawn in by bait, screwing up a shot and tracking with modern technology with guns for backup? Not to mention lions aren't as plentiful as ally cats and its' family will be killed more than likely.

I can see going over there and shooting it with a good zoom lense but slaughtering an animal like that for fun is some kind of mental illness. Fuck him, I hope his business dies. If he had 55 grand to throw away he was charging too much anyway.

I hope he burns in hell .....slowly.
Now, libbie chillin's, here's your chance to strike a blow for the lion!

STOP going to the dentist for cleaning and whitening (that's racist anyway)! Punish those dentists by denying them the income to go off and hunt your cuddly little creatures.

Stop immediately - and just for good measure stop brushing and rinsing, too 'cause those evil dentists might own stock in the companies that make all that silly "dental hygiene" stuff.
Not all dentists are head hunters or pussy cowards that like shooting animals to hang on their walls.
So, did they bring a good recipe for Lion Kabobs?

More sad than funny. :(

It is sad, but not as sad as seeing loons across the country call for the murder the dentist.

I'm on Facebook right now fighting with people who are cheering people who posted the guys business address....
What's the point of that....The same as posting a cop's address who's involved in a shooting.
And they always come back and say the information is easily available.....
If so why post it....Seems like inciting a mob to me.....

And for the record the guy is an asshole above and beyond what makes someone an asshole
but posting his address? For what purpose?
Let people get into trouble on their own if they choose to do so.
do you eat lion?....
I hear cat's taste good.
try dog you might like that too.....
No thanks. My hunts typically stick to other types of cute little furry animals like deer and hogs. But when predators encroach on my property I don't hesitate to kill them to protect my family, dogs etc. If you don't like that close your eyes and enjoy your hamburger.
and this has got what to do with the fucking lion?...was this lion encroaching on someones property endangering the people living there?....
You were asking about me.. So I responded about me. If you wanted to talk about that lion... why did you deflect to a personal attack on me?
that was a personal attack?....geezus RK are you becoming another dottie?...

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