American Dentist Identified As Killer Of Famed Lion In Zimbabwe

I hear cat's taste good.
try dog you might like that too.....
No thanks. My hunts typically stick to other types of cute little furry animals like deer and hogs. But when predators encroach on my property I don't hesitate to kill them to protect my family, dogs etc. If you don't like that close your eyes and enjoy your hamburger.
and this has got what to do with the fucking lion?...was this lion encroaching on someones property endangering the people living there?....
You were asking about me.. So I responded about me. If you wanted to talk about that lion... why did you deflect to a personal attack on me?
that was a personal attack?....geezus RK are you becoming another dottie?...
So the word attack scares you? Tissue?
Thousands of people being slaughtered by ISIS and no one bats an eye, but someone kills a lion and everyone is hysterical.

It's easy to go after the one man, who is not a dangerous threat and can be outnumbered, threatened and harassed.

Trying to stop the ISIS issue will take unifying all the Muslim Jewish and Christian leadership
to stop any more political division.

Much easier to play "divide and conquer" and go after a single lone target
than to unite nations and tribes of the world to end all war.
Thousands of people being slaughtered by ISIS and no one bats an eye, but someone kills a lion and everyone is hysterical.

It's easy to go after the one man, who is not a dangerous threat and can be outnumbered, threatened and harassed.

Trying to stop the ISIS issue will take unifying all the Muslim Jewish and Christian leadership
to stop any more political division.

Much easier to play "divide and conquer" and go after a single lone target
than to unite nations and tribes of the world to end all war.

That it is.

I've got to say, while I'm disgusted with what this guy has done, I'm even more disgusted with many of the comments left.

he also killed a rhino, bear and leopard. this pos is sick in the head and i pray karma gets his ass.

The asshole was already on probation for lying about killing a black bear out of the zone he was licensed for.

Minnesota Man Faces Prison Time for Wisconsin Bear Hunt

So as far as I am concerned, ship him to Zimbabwe and let him face trial there.

The asshole is unnecessary here.

Regards from Rosie
canned hunting is a huge huge income maker unfortunately for S. Africa.

how nice

and what will they do next? when the have killed all animals?

start killing each other?

total savages!
Now, libbie chillin's, here's your chance to strike a blow for the lion!

STOP going to the dentist for cleaning and whitening (that's racist anyway)! Punish those dentists by denying them the income to go off and hunt your cuddly little creatures.

Stop immediately - and just for good measure stop brushing and rinsing, too 'cause those evil dentists might own stock in the companies that make all that silly "dental hygiene" stuff.
I keep seeing RWNJs injecting race in this issue, why is that?
Thousands of people being slaughtered by ISIS and no one bats an eye, but someone kills a lion and everyone is hysterical.

It's easy to go after the one man, who is not a dangerous threat and can be outnumbered, threatened and harassed.

Trying to stop the ISIS issue will take unifying all the Muslim Jewish and Christian leadership
to stop any more political division.

Much easier to play "divide and conquer" and go after a single lone target
than to unite nations and tribes of the world to end all war.
Instead of canned safaris to kill endangered species, why not hunt members of ISIS.

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