American Dentist Identified As Killer Of Famed Lion In Zimbabwe

^ moron
Yes we should but only if you believe that cats are morally equivalent to human beings ...if you believe that it means you are an amoeba or a Republican nut bag but I repeat myself

One thing is for sure, you're morally inferior to cats, or insects....
A Dentist Killed Cecil The Lion, So An Internet Mob Killed His Yelp Rating
July 29, 2015

What do heartbroken big cat lovers do when they find out a Minnesotan dentist allegedly killed a beloved lion in Zimbabwe and chopped off its head? Well, this is the internet, so the answer is obvious: flood his practice’s Yelp page with one-star reviews.

The website for the business, River Bluff Dental, has also been offline most of the day due to traffic overloading the server. Other people have created fake business pages on Facebook to further shame Palmer, who has a well-documented history of big game bow hunting.

Here's some examples from the yelpers.

Reply by you cant have it 3 hours ago
minnesota guy here. this little ass-hat that shot the lion paid the "guides" to bait and lure the lion out of park boundrys.. he was clearly collard for observation. no way to miss this. he was being observed bye several different conservation groups.. he wanted this lion. he knew exactly what he was doing.

and wich lion it was. there are many game farms out there desighned for safari hunts. the licensing and rules are very strict.....this same guy was busted in wisconsin several years back for the exact same thing. they baited a black bear known to be living in a state park. and waited for days until the bear appeared and they shot it.f***r.

whats worse about the lion kill is that the great white hunter from bloomington minnesota first shot it with a ran for over forty hours before they could locate it and use a proper rifle.

i hope they extradite this pussy and give him time in a sweet little forieghn prison and makes some friends. if your not going to eat it or protect yourself from it.or manage population leave it be.

this is a fine example of self rightous entitlement mentality that is really nauseating.
he has since closed his practice and is in hiding.

he knows hes in trouble. so yah. i hope they destroy his yelp account its the least that should happen to him.

Color me biased; call me a bigot; but it appears to me the yelper shills seem to be low information voters, with their IQ's apparently somewhat lower than 90.
canned hunting is a huge huge income maker unfortunately for S. Africa.

And look what Price Africa paid for this sport -- losing one of their most treasured icons,
who can't be brought back at any price. Reminds me of THE PEARL by Steinbeck
where the focus on making money off the Pearl cost the man his own son. What Price Vice?
As the world mourned Cecil the lion, five of Kenya’s endangered elephants were slain

While the world mourned Cecil, the 13-year-old lion that was allegedly shot by an American hunter in Zimbabwe, an even more devastating poaching incident was quietly carried out in Kenya.

As the world mourned Cecil the lion five of Kenya s endangered elephants were slain News Forage

I would hope that with this spike in publicity, Bobby1250 more people will look into the
illegal ivory trade, poaching and other destruction going on at a higher rate than officials can police.

I have friends who rescue exotic pets that people buy who aren't prepared to care for them,
but just put more money in the hands of illicit trade. All this needs to be checked, not allowed to run rampant.

The saddest thing I read was the loss of birds and trees in tropical ecosystems.
Once invasive species are introduced such as certain snakes that have no natural predator,
the loss of birds is causing such a drop in seed distribution that the trees and forested areas are dying out, too.

There are lots of things that have been flying under the public radar, while
the heroes desperately fighting these battles from the trenches have begged for more help to stop the destruction.

The killing of that lion may have opened up a can of worms,s
where everyone is asking about all the other crises that are going on at the same time.

Can we address them all equally?

Yes, if we work in teams and delegate, not waste time dividing, bullying and projecting blame for political points. We have crisis after crisis to do more about, and really cannot afford wasting resources fighting over preventable divisions and resolvable conflicts.

When we see how much of the world is facing emergency status each day,
we could be focusing on how to prevent each case and make it manageable.

We really don't have time or resource to fight,
when we need all hands on board working on solutions, not competing to bash groups over the problems!
There are too many. We need to correct and reduce the burden, not deny and suppress it until it explodes in another crisis.
He will likely pay...

$65,000 for his next Lion.
His business is closed income coming in

I agree with Emily. If he was totally unaware of the lion being a monitored lion and the guides defrauded him, then he should not be the one who is feeling the pain. The guides should be prosecuted.

Still, I find it hard to believe that:
-He did not see the GPS collar when he fired his arrow
-He allowed the guides to cut the collar off without taking some corrective action
-He allowed the guides to behead and skin the lion

Lots of questions to answer, it seems.
Let it be known that it is not illegal to hunt a lion with a collar. Also it is not illegal to bait a lion to leave protected sanctuary to private land For hunting. The is reported by an African conservation group who wants the law changed to prevent it this practice. The
Wildlife group acknowledges the hunt was legal people! The dentist did nothing wrong.
He will likely pay...

$65,000 for his next Lion.
His business is closed income coming in

I agree with Emily. If he was totally unaware of the lion being a monitored lion and the guides defrauded him, then he should not be the one who is feeling the pain. The guides should be prosecuted.

Still, I find it hard to believe that:
-He did not see the GPS collar when he fired his arrow
-He allowed the guides to cut the collar off without taking some corrective action
-He allowed the guides to behead and skin the lion

Lots of questions to answer, it seems.
Let it be known that it is not illegal to hunt a lion with a collar. Also it is not illegal to bait a lion to leave protected sanctuary to private land For hunting. The is reported by an African conservation group who wants the law changed to prevent it this practice. The
Wildlife group acknowledges the hunt was legal people! The dentist did nothing wrong.

Don't expect the media to report that fact anytime soon.
He will likely pay...

$65,000 for his next Lion.
His business is closed income coming in

I agree with Emily. If he was totally unaware of the lion being a monitored lion and the guides defrauded him, then he should not be the one who is feeling the pain. The guides should be prosecuted.

Still, I find it hard to believe that:
-He did not see the GPS collar when he fired his arrow
-He allowed the guides to cut the collar off without taking some corrective action
-He allowed the guides to behead and skin the lion

Lots of questions to answer, it seems.
Let it be known that it is not illegal to hunt a lion with a collar. Also it is not illegal to bait a lion to leave protected sanctuary to private land For hunting. The is reported by an African conservation group who wants the law changed to prevent it this practice. The
Wildlife group acknowledges the hunt was legal people! The dentist did nothing wrong.

According to Lion Aid, a charity that lobbies against trophy hunting, many aspects of Cecil’s murder were both legal and standard practice for big game hunters in Zimbabwe.

The organization’s website explains that it’s completely legal to bait lions, shoot them with a crossbow from a blind, and hunt them outside a national park in a private hunting concession, as Palmer did. It’s also not illegal to kill a lion wearing a radio tracking collar, as Cecil was.
He will likely pay...

$65,000 for his next Lion.
His business is closed income coming in

I agree with Emily. If he was totally unaware of the lion being a monitored lion and the guides defrauded him, then he should not be the one who is feeling the pain. The guides should be prosecuted.

Still, I find it hard to believe that:
-He did not see the GPS collar when he fired his arrow
-He allowed the guides to cut the collar off without taking some corrective action
-He allowed the guides to behead and skin the lion

Lots of questions to answer, it seems.
Let it be known that it is not illegal to hunt a lion with a collar. Also it is not illegal to bait a lion to leave protected sanctuary to private land For hunting. The is reported by an African conservation group who wants the law changed to prevent it this practice. The
Wildlife group acknowledges the hunt was legal people! The dentist did nothing wrong.

Bull. The hunting guide has been charged with poaching and has lost his hunting license. To start.

Zimbabwe guide charged over killing of Cecil the lion - NY Daily News

They know Zimbabwe law in Zimbabwe.

Regards from Rosie
He will likely pay...

$65,000 for his next Lion.
His business is closed income coming in

I agree with Emily. If he was totally unaware of the lion being a monitored lion and the guides defrauded him, then he should not be the one who is feeling the pain. The guides should be prosecuted.

Still, I find it hard to believe that:
-He did not see the GPS collar when he fired his arrow
-He allowed the guides to cut the collar off without taking some corrective action
-He allowed the guides to behead and skin the lion

Lots of questions to answer, it seems.
Let it be known that it is not illegal to hunt a lion with a collar. Also it is not illegal to bait a lion to leave protected sanctuary to private land For hunting. The is reported by an African conservation group who wants the law changed to prevent it this practice. The
Wildlife group acknowledges the hunt was legal people! The dentist did nothing wrong.

Bull. The hunting guide has been charged with poaching and has lost his hunting license. To start.

Zimbabwe guide charged over killing of Cecil the lion - NY Daily News

They know Zimbabwe law in Zimbabwe.

Regards from Rosie

Accusations are swirling, but let’s tease these complicated strands apart.

1. It is completely legal to bait lions in Zimbabwe – it is standard practice. Cecil was shot with a bow and arrow from a blind. That is also legal. Cecil was shot badly and was only put out of his misery 40 hours later. That is what happens regularly in trophy hunting.

2. Cecil was shot outside a national park in a private hunting concession. That is also legal. It is not illegal to kill radiocollared lions.

3. But Cecil was shot in an area not assigned a lion quota. Supposedly the bait was set for a leopard and then Cecil came along. The professional hunter, Theo Bronkhorst told his client to shoot the lion, and then the hunt became illegal.

4. The professional hunter then allegedly attempted to destroy the radiocollar to hide the evidence. Allegedly the client was “furious” when he found that the lion was radiocollared. Allegedly, when a professional hunter engages a client in an area without lion quota, the lion will be listed as hunted in an area that does have quota. This could have been standard practice, but unfortunately Cecil was a well-known lion.

5. The professional hunter and the concession owner are now being investigated. Both were allegedly arrested and released on bail. Bronkhorst has been suspended from the Zimbabwe Professional Hunters and Guides Association. He will likely abscond rather than face trial unless he is confident of the possible bribes he has paid to an entirely corrupt judiciary. The concession owner is allegedly related to the Zimbabwe Minister of Transport and will therefore be immune from prosecution.

6. There seems now to be a desire to find the “client” who shot Cecil. Some say he is Spanish, some say he is American. Whatever his nationality, this man cannot really be prosecuted. A client does what his professional hunter tells him. A client usually has no idea about the laws and regulations of the country he is hunting in – he just buys a safari and then places himself in the hands of his professional hunter guide. Finding the client could be interesting to let him tell his side of the story, but in terms of legal prosecution this person is hardly important.

7. The hunt is also on to find what remains of Cecil. That is strange, as a hunting trophy should be immediately identifiable?

8. There are calls to prevent the import of Cecil’s trophy into the EU. That will be difficult unless the name of the client gets known. Also, it is almost impossible to distinguish a single lion trophy from all the others yearly imported into the EU from Zimbabwe.

LionAid - News
He will likely pay...

$65,000 for his next Lion.
His business is closed income coming in

I agree with Emily. If he was totally unaware of the lion being a monitored lion and the guides defrauded him, then he should not be the one who is feeling the pain. The guides should be prosecuted.

Still, I find it hard to believe that:
-He did not see the GPS collar when he fired his arrow
-He allowed the guides to cut the collar off without taking some corrective action
-He allowed the guides to behead and skin the lion

Lots of questions to answer, it seems.
Let it be known that it is not illegal to hunt a lion with a collar. Also it is not illegal to bait a lion to leave protected sanctuary to private land For hunting. The is reported by an African conservation group who wants the law changed to prevent it this practice. The
Wildlife group acknowledges the hunt was legal people! The dentist did nothing wrong.

Bull. The hunting guide has been charged with poaching and has lost his hunting license. To start.

Zimbabwe guide charged over killing of Cecil the lion - NY Daily News

They know Zimbabwe law in Zimbabwe.

Regards from Rosie
An African wildlife group should know more about hunting laws than the New York Daily News.
He will likely pay...

$65,000 for his next Lion.
His business is closed income coming in

I agree with Emily. If he was totally unaware of the lion being a monitored lion and the guides defrauded him, then he should not be the one who is feeling the pain. The guides should be prosecuted.

Still, I find it hard to believe that:
-He did not see the GPS collar when he fired his arrow
-He allowed the guides to cut the collar off without taking some corrective action
-He allowed the guides to behead and skin the lion

Lots of questions to answer, it seems.
Let it be known that it is not illegal to hunt a lion with a collar. Also it is not illegal to bait a lion to leave protected sanctuary to private land For hunting. The is reported by an African conservation group who wants the law changed to prevent it this practice. The
Wildlife group acknowledges the hunt was legal people! The dentist did nothing wrong.

Bull. The hunting guide has been charged with poaching and has lost his hunting license. To start.

Zimbabwe guide charged over killing of Cecil the lion - NY Daily News

They know Zimbabwe law in Zimbabwe.

Regards from Rosie

Accusations are swirling, but let’s tease these complicated strands apart.

1. It is completely legal to bait lions in Zimbabwe – it is standard practice. Cecil was shot with a bow and arrow from a blind. That is also legal. Cecil was shot badly and was only put out of his misery 40 hours later. That is what happens regularly in trophy hunting.

2. Cecil was shot outside a national park in a private hunting concession. That is also legal. It is not illegal to kill radiocollared lions.

3. But Cecil was shot in an area not assigned a lion quota. Supposedly the bait was set for a leopard and then Cecil came along. The professional hunter, Theo Bronkhorst told his client to shoot the lion, and then the hunt became illegal.

4. The professional hunter then allegedly attempted to destroy the radiocollar to hide the evidence. Allegedly the client was “furious” when he found that the lion was radiocollared. Allegedly, when a professional hunter engages a client in an area without lion quota, the lion will be listed as hunted in an area that does have quota. This could have been standard practice, but unfortunately Cecil was a well-known lion.

5. The professional hunter and the concession owner are now being investigated. Both were allegedly arrested and released on bail. Bronkhorst has been suspended from the Zimbabwe Professional Hunters and Guides Association. He will likely abscond rather than face trial unless he is confident of the possible bribes he has paid to an entirely corrupt judiciary. The concession owner is allegedly related to the Zimbabwe Minister of Transport and will therefore be immune from prosecution.

6. There seems now to be a desire to find the “client” who shot Cecil. Some say he is Spanish, some say he is American. Whatever his nationality, this man cannot really be prosecuted. A client does what his professional hunter tells him. A client usually has no idea about the laws and regulations of the country he is hunting in – he just buys a safari and then places himself in the hands of his professional hunter guide. Finding the client could be interesting to let him tell his side of the story, but in terms of legal prosecution this person is hardly important.

7. The hunt is also on to find what remains of Cecil. That is strange, as a hunting trophy should be immediately identifiable?

8. There are calls to prevent the import of Cecil’s trophy into the EU. That will be difficult unless the name of the client gets known. Also, it is almost impossible to distinguish a single lion trophy from all the others yearly imported into the EU from Zimbabwe.

LionAid - News

Killing of Cecil the lion triggers probe by U.S. agency source

Regards from Rosie
He will likely pay...

$65,000 for his next Lion.
His business is closed income coming in

I agree with Emily. If he was totally unaware of the lion being a monitored lion and the guides defrauded him, then he should not be the one who is feeling the pain. The guides should be prosecuted.

Still, I find it hard to believe that:
-He did not see the GPS collar when he fired his arrow
-He allowed the guides to cut the collar off without taking some corrective action
-He allowed the guides to behead and skin the lion

Lots of questions to answer, it seems.
Let it be known that it is not illegal to hunt a lion with a collar. Also it is not illegal to bait a lion to leave protected sanctuary to private land For hunting. The is reported by an African conservation group who wants the law changed to prevent it this practice. The
Wildlife group acknowledges the hunt was legal people! The dentist did nothing wrong.

Bull. The hunting guide has been charged with poaching and has lost his hunting license. To start.

Zimbabwe guide charged over killing of Cecil the lion - NY Daily News

They know Zimbabwe law in Zimbabwe.

Regards from Rosie
An African wildlife group should know more about hunting laws than the New York Daily News.

Zimbabwe justice doesn't know how to charge its own citizen?

Again, bull.

Regards from Rosie

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