American Dentist Identified As Killer Of Famed Lion In Zimbabwe

I agree with Emily. If he was totally unaware of the lion being a monitored lion and the guides defrauded him, then he should not be the one who is feeling the pain. The guides should be prosecuted.

Still, I find it hard to believe that:
-He did not see the GPS collar when he fired his arrow
-He allowed the guides to cut the collar off without taking some corrective action
-He allowed the guides to behead and skin the lion

Lots of questions to answer, it seems.
Let it be known that it is not illegal to hunt a lion with a collar. Also it is not illegal to bait a lion to leave protected sanctuary to private land For hunting. The is reported by an African conservation group who wants the law changed to prevent it this practice. The
Wildlife group acknowledges the hunt was legal people! The dentist did nothing wrong.

According to Lion Aid, a charity that lobbies against trophy hunting, many aspects of Cecil’s murder were both legal and standard practice for big game hunters in Zimbabwe.

The organization’s website explains that it’s completely legal to bait lions, shoot them with a crossbow from a blind, and hunt them outside a national park in a private hunting concession, as Palmer did. It’s also not illegal to kill a lion wearing a radio tracking collar, as Cecil was.
He's still a shit, IMO. Just like Dick Cheney.

Why do you suppose the media concealed all of those details from the public?
I don't know that the media concealed anything, but if they did it's Because the POS has Obama's real birth certificate.

Found it in the belly of a buffalo he bagged.....:Boom2:
Hopefully, in accordance with treaty obligations, we will have to deport him to stand trial in Zimbabwe.

Regards from Rosie

Since it is now known the always deceitful media hoaxed the public once again, that isn't going to happen.

Oh, that's ok. The black rhino head trophy he has will do the trick, too.

Dr. Palmer has been a busy and stooopid man!

Regards from Rosie

Is that what your god named NYND is claiming now?

It's lion story was exposed as a hoax so now it's going with imaginary black rhinos.

Your stoopid dentist claimed it on his kill list.

His wounding of Cecil the Lion is no hoax. You have no reputable source to back that claim.

But Palmer's self-proclaimed kill list includes "a polar bear, mountain lion, an elephant and an African lion he killed in 2005, according to club records obtained by the Minneapolis Star Tribune."

The fool is grinning over the body of a rhino he killed in pictures. Oops! What is imaginary is your thinking his ass ain't grass. He knows it - so should you.

Palmer needs to show those trophies are not in the US or answer to a US Judge if they are.

He can answer to foreign governments where he poached and also where he stores trophies.

Palmer is up to his neck in lion poop. He knows it, which is why the coward is hiding.

Dentist who killed Cecil the lion poached in US - Yahoo News

Regards from Rosie


Cecil was a famous lion. Cecil was a tagged lion. Cecil lived on protected turf. Cecil was lured from that protected turf. Hence, there is no way Walt Palmer and his guides did not know who Cecil was. They knew who Cecil was - and they baited and killed him...very slowly.
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Cecil was a famous lion. Cecil was a tagged lion. Cecil lived on protected turf. Cecil was lured from that protected turf. Hence, there is no way Walt Palmer and his guides did not know who Cecil was. They knew who Cecil was - and they baited and killed him...very slowly.

Hey, Chief Running Bull,

You got a few facts wrong.

It's legal to bait game.

Cecil was killed on PRIVATE land. The problem was, that land didn't have a registered Lion Quota.

Now, I know a lot of you liberal do-gooders would like to ban hunting. The thing is, they did that in Kenya. And the private land owners who owned the savannas and jungles... oops, sorry, "Rain Forests"... couldn't get big money booking hunting trips instead just sold their lands to developers and farmers, which reduced the amount of habitat available to lions and other animals.
Cecil was a famous lion. Cecil was a tagged lion. Cecil lived on protected turf. Cecil was lured from that protected turf. Hence, there is no way Walt Palmer and his guides did not know who Cecil was. They knew who Cecil was - and they baited and killed him...very slowly.

Hey, Chief Running Bull,

You got a few facts wrong.

It's legal to bait game.

Cecil was killed on PRIVATE land. The problem was, that land didn't have a registered Lion Quota.

Now, I know a lot of you liberal do-gooders would like to ban hunting. The thing is, they did that in Kenya. And the private land owners who owned the savannas and jungles... oops, sorry, "Rain Forests"... couldn't get big money booking hunting trips instead just sold their lands to developers and farmers, which reduced the amount of habitat available to lions and other animals.

Fuck you, you uppity little prick.

It is believed the lion was baited to tempt him out of the Hwange National Park, a technique commonly used by hunters so they can "legally" kill protected lions.

Cecil The Lion: Zimbabwe's Famous Big Cat Shot And Killed By Hunter Who Bribed Wildlife Guide
Cecil was a famous lion. Cecil was a tagged lion. Cecil lived on protected turf. Cecil was lured from that protected turf. Hence, there is no way Walt Palmer and his guides did not know who Cecil was. They knew who Cecil was - and they baited and killed him...very slowly.

Hey, Chief Running Bull,

You got a few facts wrong.

It's legal to bait game.

Cecil was killed on PRIVATE land. The problem was, that land didn't have a registered Lion Quota.

Now, I know a lot of you liberal do-gooders would like to ban hunting. The thing is, they did that in Kenya. And the private land owners who owned the savannas and jungles... oops, sorry, "Rain Forests"... couldn't get big money booking hunting trips instead just sold their lands to developers and farmers, which reduced the amount of habitat available to lions and other animals.

Fuck you, you uppity little prick.

It is believed the lion was baited to tempt him out of the Hwange National Park, a technique commonly used by hunters so they can "legally" kill protected lions.

Cecil The Lion: Zimbabwe's Famous Big Cat Shot And Killed By Hunter Who Bribed Wildlife Guide

The hardest part in this entire debate is that these morons won't shut up long enough to even attempt comprehension as to why Cecil was being protected and researched in the first place. They're too caught up in the idiotic "you tree hugging liberals suck" mentality.
I'm not defending the dentist but don't you guys think you are overreacting just a bit to this?

He shot a famous and majestic lion that was wearing a tag and living in a protected area. Cecil was baited from his protected area and then poorly shot with an arrow. They tracked him for 40 hours and then shot him with a gun.
I'm not defending the dentist but don't you guys think you are overreacting just a bit to this?

Not in the least.

You think it's an overreaction because you don't pay attention to these kinds of things. Do you even know why Cecil was being studied by Oxford University and why his place in the pride was being questioned?

See, this garbage has been going on for quite a while and no one takes notice. Now that it is getting a little attention, the people who care about genuine conservation want to capitalize on the chance for serious debate on how to fix the problem. Most don't want to ban hunting as it undermines real conservation, but so does the kind of trophy hunting that is going on and mostly ignored.
I'm not defending the dentist but don't you guys think you are overreacting just a bit to this?

Not in the least.

You think it's an overreaction because you don't pay attention to these kinds of things. Do you even know why Cecil was being studied by Oxford University and why his place in the pride was being questioned?

See, this garbage has been going on for quite a while and no one takes notice. Now that it is getting a little attention, the people who care about genuine conservation want to capitalize on the chance for serious debate on how to fix the problem. Most don't want to ban hunting as it undermines real conservation, but so does the kind of trophy hunting that is going on and mostly ignored.
I think it is an overreaction when I compare it to the reaction of the Rwandan Genocide in 1994 when in about a period of 100 days 500,000 to 1,000,000 people were killed and the world didn't blink an eye. I know the technology was different and we did not have the social media of today even so I find it disturbing the death of one lion can spark a national outrage but the murder of half a million to a million people couldn't.
Cecil was a famous lion. Cecil was a tagged lion. Cecil lived on protected turf. Cecil was lured from that protected turf. Hence, there is no way Walt Palmer and his guides did not know who Cecil was. They knew who Cecil was - and they baited and killed him...very slowly.

Hey, Chief Running Bull,

You got a few facts wrong.

It's legal to bait game.

Cecil was killed on PRIVATE land. The problem was, that land didn't have a registered Lion Quota.

Now, I know a lot of you liberal do-gooders would like to ban hunting. The thing is, they did that in Kenya. And the private land owners who owned the savannas and jungles... oops, sorry, "Rain Forests"... couldn't get big money booking hunting trips instead just sold their lands to developers and farmers, which reduced the amount of habitat available to lions and other animals.

Fuck you, you uppity little prick.

It is believed the lion was baited to tempt him out of the Hwange National Park, a technique commonly used by hunters so they can "legally" kill protected lions.

Cecil The Lion: Zimbabwe's Famous Big Cat Shot And Killed By Hunter Who Bribed Wildlife Guide

The hardest part in this entire debate is that these morons won't shut up long enough to even attempt comprehension as to why Cecil was being protected and researched in the first place. They're too caught up in the idiotic "you tree hugging liberals suck" mentality.
Maybe you could explain it to us vs being caught up in the idiotic "you cons are all evil" mentality.
Well, Zimbabwe is attempting to extradite this guy. Their courts will decide......
I have a big stick with a nail in it

May not kill them but it could give them a nasty infection

It's good you are faux outraged, I say faux OUTRAGED, Comrade. But we must do more.

We must designate San Francisco and New York City as sanctuary cities for lion prides, who can live unmolested and free.

It will make life better all the way around...
Well, Zimbabwe is attempting to extradite this guy. Their courts will decide......

We don't have an extradition treaty with them.

You peace loving Communists will just have to lynch him. You've had lots of practice, so should be experts by now...

Oh, but u are wrong according to all news outlets I have seen, including an attorney interviewed on CNN. Okay, try again.....
Zimbabwe wants to extradite the cowardly dentist - but he is in hiding. He is now the prey. I wonder how he felt when he cut the Oxford University GPS tracking collar off cecil. My guess is that he felt nothing.

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