American Dentist Identified As Killer Of Famed Lion In Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe wants to extradite the cowardly dentist - but he is in hiding. He is now the prey. I wonder how he felt when he cut the Oxford University GPS tracking collar off cecil. My guess is that he felt nothing.

Whats black and tan and looks good on a democrat?

A hungry lion...

So, you wish death upon those who are outraged over the death of Cecil by a cowardly dentist who is now in hiding? Since you NaziCons also like to kill abortion doctors - I'm not surprised.
Fuck you, you uppity little prick.

It is believed the lion was baited to tempt him out of the Hwange National Park, a technique commonly used by hunters so they can "legally" kill protected lions.

I'm sure it was, Shitting Bull. But that isn't illegal.

Again, you dogmaticc liberals need to look up "Law of Unintended Consequences".
Fuck you, you uppity little prick.

It is believed the lion was baited to tempt him out of the Hwange National Park, a technique commonly used by hunters so they can "legally" kill protected lions.

I'm sure it was, Shitting Bull. But that isn't illegal.

Again, you dogmaticc liberals need to look up "Law of Unintended Consequences".

Are you a registered dumbass or just a freelancer? Are you saying it wasn't illegal to bait Cecil from a protected park over to private land before silently shooting him with a bow? And if it was legal as you claim - why have two guides been arrested? Why do they want to extradite the dentist?

Cecil was baited at night with a dead animal tied to a car and lured away from the park, then shot with a bow and arrow. He was reportedly found about 40 hours later by trackers and was shot with a gun, beheaded and skinned.

Minnesota dentist believed Zimbabwe lion killing was legal - DC News FOX 5 DC WTTG

Dentist Walter Palmer may also be guilty of more crimes than poaching.

Freyfogle added that Palmer's alleged conduct could subject him to a number of other federal and state criminal provisions, among them animal cruelty laws and the Lacey Act, which "makes it a federal crime to 'purchase in interstate or foreign commerce' any wildlife taken in violation of any foreign law."

Slate points out that Palmer might also have violated U.S. anti-bribery laws.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said in a statement on Wednesday that the agency "is deeply concerned about the recent killing of Cecil the lion. We are currently gathering facts about the issue and will assist Zimbabwe officials in whatever manner requested."

For his part, Palmer -- who was fined $3,000 and given a year of probation after pleading guilty to illegally killing a black bear outside a permitted zone in 2006 -- said in a statement on Tuesday that he "had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite."

More: Dentist Who Killed Cecil The Lion Could Be Extradited To Zimbabwe
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Fuck you, you uppity little prick.

It is believed the lion was baited to tempt him out of the Hwange National Park, a technique commonly used by hunters so they can "legally" kill protected lions.

I'm sure it was, Shitting Bull. But that isn't illegal.

Again, you dogmaticc liberals need to look up "Law of Unintended Consequences".

Are you a registered dumbass or just a freelancer? Are you saying it wasn't illegal to bait Cecil from a protected park over to private land before silently shooting him with a bow? And if it was legal as you claim - why have two guides been arrested? Why do they want to extradite the dentist?

Cecil was baited at night with a dead animal tied to a car and lured away from the park, then shot with a bow and arrow. He was reportedly found about 40 hours later by trackers and was shot with a gun, beheaded and skinned.

Minnesota dentist believed Zimbabwe lion killing was legal - DC News FOX 5 DC WTTG

Dentist Walter Palmer may also be guilty of more crimes than poaching.

Freyfogle added that Palmer's alleged conduct could subject him to a number of other federal and state criminal provisions, among them animal cruelty laws and the Lacey Act, which "makes it a federal crime to 'purchase in interstate or foreign commerce' any wildlife taken in violation of any foreign law."

Slate points out that Palmer might also have violated U.S. anti-bribery laws.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said in a statement on Wednesday that the agency "is deeply concerned about the recent killing of Cecil the lion. We are currently gathering facts about the issue and will assist Zimbabwe officials in whatever manner requested."

For his part, Palmer -- who was fined $3,000 and given a year of probation after pleading guilty to illegally killing a black bear outside a permitted zone in 2006 -- said in a statement on Tuesday that he "had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite."

More: Dentist Who Killed Cecil The Lion Could Be Extradited To Zimbabwe

I hope the judge from the black bear killing gets US jurisdiction.

After probation for the felony of lying to F&WS, the judge will not be inclined toward leniency at all concerning Palmer's more recent debacles.

There is international pressure to extradite Palmer, however.

Palmer will not do well in Zimbabwe prison.

Not at all.

Regards from Rosie
This dead lion is now all over the media. All asking about how this could have happened. Sadly Cecil is not the first lion to have been lured out of a national park. He might not even be the one hundred and first….

Accusations are swirling, but let’s tease these complicated strands apart.

1. It is completely legal to bait lions in Zimbabwe – it is standard practice. Cecil was shot with a bow and arrow from a blind. That is also legal. Cecil was shot badly and was only put out of his misery 40 hours later. That is what happens regularly in trophy hunting.

2. Cecil was shot outside a national park in a private hunting concession. That is also legal. It is not illegal to kill radiocollared lions.

3. But Cecil was shot in an area not assigned a lion quota. Supposedly the bait was set for a leopard and then Cecil came along. The professional hunter, Theo Bronkhorst told his client to shoot the lion, and then the hunt became illegal.

4. The professional hunter then allegedly attempted to destroy the radiocollar to hide the evidence. Allegedly the client was “furious” when he found that the lion was radiocollared. Allegedly, when a professional hunter engages a client in an area without lion quota, the lion will be listed as hunted in an area that does have quota. This could have been standard practice, but unfortunately Cecil was a well-known lion.

5. The professional hunter and the concession owner are now being investigated. Both were allegedly arrested and released on bail. Bronkhorst has been suspended from the Zimbabwe Professional Hunters and Guides Association. He will likely abscond rather than face trial unless he is confident of the possible bribes he has paid to an entirely corrupt judiciary. The concession owner is allegedly related to the Zimbabwe Minister of Transport and will therefore be immune from prosecution.

6. There seems now to be a desire to find the “client” who shot Cecil. Some say he is Spanish, some say he is American. Whatever his nationality, this man cannot really be prosecuted. A client does what his professional hunter tells him. A client usually has no idea about the laws and regulations of the country he is hunting in – he just buys a safari and then places himself in the hands of his professional hunter guide. Finding the client could be interesting to let him tell his side of the story, but in terms of legal prosecution this person is hardly important.

7. The hunt is also on to find what remains of Cecil. That is strange, as a hunting trophy should be immediately identifiable?

8. There are calls to prevent the import of Cecil’s trophy into the EU. That will be difficult unless the name of the client gets known. Also, it is almost impossible to distinguish a single lion trophy from all the others yearly imported into the EU from Zimbabwe.

LionAid - The Cecil Factor - News
Why didn't they have as fence around the National Park so the lion couldn't be lured away?
That would be a very long fence, and expensive, it's not easy to keep an adult male lion in, and the answer is undoubtedly because of animal migrations.
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This dead lion is now all over the media. All asking about how this could have happened. Sadly Cecil is not the first lion to have been lured out of a national park. He might not even be the one hundred and first….

Accusations are swirling, but let’s tease these complicated strands apart.

1. It is completely legal to bait lions in Zimbabwe – it is standard practice. Cecil was shot with a bow and arrow from a blind. That is also legal. Cecil was shot badly and was only put out of his misery 40 hours later. That is what happens regularly in trophy hunting.

2. Cecil was shot outside a national park in a private hunting concession. That is also legal. It is not illegal to kill radiocollared lions.

3. But Cecil was shot in an area not assigned a lion quota. Supposedly the bait was set for a leopard and then Cecil came along. The professional hunter, Theo Bronkhorst told his client to shoot the lion, and then the hunt became illegal.

4. The professional hunter then allegedly attempted to destroy the radiocollar to hide the evidence. Allegedly the client was “furious” when he found that the lion was radiocollared. Allegedly, when a professional hunter engages a client in an area without lion quota, the lion will be listed as hunted in an area that does have quota. This could have been standard practice, but unfortunately Cecil was a well-known lion.

5. The professional hunter and the concession owner are now being investigated. Both were allegedly arrested and released on bail. Bronkhorst has been suspended from the Zimbabwe Professional Hunters and Guides Association. He will likely abscond rather than face trial unless he is confident of the possible bribes he has paid to an entirely corrupt judiciary. The concession owner is allegedly related to the Zimbabwe Minister of Transport and will therefore be immune from prosecution.

6. There seems now to be a desire to find the “client” who shot Cecil. Some say he is Spanish, some say he is American. Whatever his nationality, this man cannot really be prosecuted. A client does what his professional hunter tells him. A client usually has no idea about the laws and regulations of the country he is hunting in – he just buys a safari and then places himself in the hands of his professional hunter guide. Finding the client could be interesting to let him tell his side of the story, but in terms of legal prosecution this person is hardly important.

7. The hunt is also on to find what remains of Cecil. That is strange, as a hunting trophy should be immediately identifiable?

8. There are calls to prevent the import of Cecil’s trophy into the EU. That will be difficult unless the name of the client gets known. Also, it is almost impossible to distinguish a single lion trophy from all the others yearly imported into the EU from Zimbabwe.

LionAid - The Cecil Factor - News

ignorance of the law is no excuse

he has had other wildlife hunting problems

hang em high
Are you a registered dumbass or just a freelancer? Are you saying it wasn't illegal to bait Cecil from a protected park over to private land before silently shooting him with a bow? And if it was legal as you claim - why have two guides been arrested? Why do they want to extradite the dentist?

Okay, Shitting Bull- Baiting isn't illegal. Shooting him from a blind isn't illegal.

What appears to be illegal is that game preserve didn't have a lion quota. Which normally isn't a problem, if you kill a lion, you just drag him over to a neighboring preserve that DOES have a Lion quota, which is what they normally do in Zimbabwe because they really, really like the fact that guys like Doctor Palmer are willing to drop $55,000 into their economy.

So normally, these Zimbabwean officials would be just fine with this, if you didn't have a bunch of stupid-ass tree-hugging hippies making a big deal over THIS lion they had probably never heard of before last week.

The reality is, big game hunting is GOOD for these animals. Because the communists have fucked up Zimbabwe's economy so badly if you didn't have big game hunting, you'd have a bunch of poor people clear cutting the land to engage in subsistence farming.

that will drive the African Lion to extinction a lot faster than a few dozen taken as trophies every year.
For one the dentist is not "in hiding". The authorities know exactly where is is and he and his lawyers are in constant contact with the authorities.
He was given a written guarantee any animal the guides pointed out to him was a legal shoot.
You numb-nut LIBs don't know your ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to guided hunts.
The hunter must go through a fucking pile of paperwork BEFORE any hunting starts.
Gun permits,gun transportation permits, separate permits for hand guns even knives of certain blade lengths, medical records for immunizations, insurance.........LOTS of insurance, financial guarantees for the local governments. The list is fucking endless.
This dentist has gone through all of it many many times before.
There is no way in hell he would ever have knowingly done anything remotely illegal......ESPECIALLY in a shit-hole African country which isn't exactly in love with 'Whitey'.
The guiding service is in the shit for everything that happened.
Are you a registered dumbass or just a freelancer? Are you saying it wasn't illegal to bait Cecil from a protected park over to private land before silently shooting him with a bow? And if it was legal as you claim - why have two guides been arrested? Why do they want to extradite the dentist?

Okay, Shitting Bull- Baiting isn't illegal. Shooting him from a blind isn't illegal.

What appears to be illegal is that game preserve didn't have a lion quota. Which normally isn't a problem, if you kill a lion, you just drag him over to a neighboring preserve that DOES have a Lion quota, which is what they normally do in Zimbabwe because they really, really like the fact that guys like Doctor Palmer are willing to drop $55,000 into their economy.

So normally, these Zimbabwean officials would be just fine with this, if you didn't have a bunch of stupid-ass tree-hugging hippies making a big deal over THIS lion they had probably never heard of before last week.

The reality is, big game hunting is GOOD for these animals. Because the communists have fucked up Zimbabwe's economy so badly if you didn't have big game hunting, you'd have a bunch of poor people clear cutting the land to engage in subsistence farming.

that will drive the African Lion to extinction a lot faster than a few dozen taken as trophies every year.

You are so full of shit. Poaching is a crime. When you're wrong - you're wrong. It's that simple...
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People are crying over a frigging smelly wild animal -- meanwhile 2500 PRECIOUS and SACRED human lives were destroyed today in America's abortion mills ...

2500 human babies slaughtered! And you guys are crying over some cat ?

We're crying and outraged over all barbarism. Humanity is sinking to a callous low as never before seen or heard of until recently, which doesn't mean it hasn't existed until now. "A picture is worth a thousand words."

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