American Farmer That Voted for Trump Changes His Tune, Turns on Trump

Reallly!? Lol do you know for a fact Canada is modernizing all there dairy farms.. if so can I get a % .. can you forecast the demand for safe American milk?
If this trade deal is so bad don’t you want it passed so it shows trump has failed?? Mic drop

you are the one that posted the amount of dairy sales to Canada, do not get pissed because you shot down your own lies

I never said it was bad, I said it was only minor tweaks from the old NAFTA, and so far you have proven that to be a fact post after post.
Reallly!? Lol do you know for a fact Canada is modernizing all there dairy farms.. if so can I get a % .. can you forecast the demand for safe American milk?
If this trade deal is so bad don’t you want it passed so it shows trump has failed?? Mic drop

you are the one that posted the amount of dairy sales to Canada, do not get pissed because you shot down your own lies

I never said it was bad, I said it was only minor tweaks from the old NAFTA, and so far you have proven that to be a fact post after post.
Interesting I didn’t think you could back it up lol
Trump CAVES on imposing auto tariffs

Trump administration delays auto tariff decision by 180 days

What will Mr. Tuff Guy CAVE on next?

caves to which countries, China?

The article tells anyone that isn't too lazy to read; can you read?

"I have decided to direct the United States Trade Representative (Trade Representative) to pursue negotiation of agreements contemplated in 19 U.S.C. 1862(c)(3)(A)(i) address the threatened impairment of the national security with respect to imported automobiles and certain automobile parts from the European Union, Japan, and any other country the Trade Representative deems appropriate, and to update me on the progress of such negotiations within 180 days. Under current circumstances, this action is necessary and appropriate to remove the threatened impairment of the national security."
Not caving to China then?
Well I don’t like tommy country to get raped sooo bend your farmers over?
Dairy farmers just made more money on this deal.. stop your crack.. if democrats pass the deal the trade war is over.. see how that works pass the deal retards lol

by your own posted numbers they just made 22 million spread out between them all! what will they do with all that! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Where is your forecast? Mic drop

I do not give forecast, I give facts.

Like this fact, once again...

The change in dairy exports allowed to Canada deal only an additional 3.5%. The Canadian dairy market is roughly 6.5 billion per year. 3.5% of that is roughly 229 million...if they are able to take full advantage of the opening of the markets.

You said the new NAFTA will bring in billions to the farmers, then changed that to trillions. So far all you have accounted for 22 million.

Still waiting on the rest from you
Reallly!? Lol do you know for a fact Canada is modernizing all there dairy farms.. if so can I get a % .. can you forecast the demand for safe American milk?
If this trade deal is so bad don’t you want it passed so it shows trump has failed?? Mic drop

you are the one that posted the amount of dairy sales to Canada, do not get pissed because you shot down your own lies

I never said it was bad, I said it was only minor tweaks from the old NAFTA, and so far you have proven that to be a fact post after post.
Interesting I didn’t think you could back it up lol

you back it up for me with your ever post...a 3.5% increase in dairy sales is a tweak, not a major change. And so far that is the only thing you have to hang your hat on.

Ohio farmer that voted for Trump in 2016 has come around and is NO LONGER a Trump supporter.

Trump's China Trade War is killing farmers and Trump voter & Ohio farmer Christopher Gibbs is not staying silent.

Trump wants Americans to shut the fuck up & to stay silent.

America needs more citizens like Christopher Gibbs that speak out about their mistake of voting for a con man.

You people don't know Farmers. I do.

They aren't the small time, family farm owners of the past, waking at 5:00AM every morning to milk the cows and feed the chickens.

They usually own a MINIMUM of 2,000 Acres of tillable land, lease another 5,000 acres and make almost as much money off of government subsidies as they do off of farming.

They live in 4,000 sq ft houses, drive new Lincolns (their usual car of choice for some reason) every year, send their kids to Private Schools and the best Colleges, vacation in Florida or the South of France every winter......

It's nothing for one of them to go out and buy a new 750,000 dollar piece of equipment -- Cash. To go with their 5 other million dollar pieces of equipment.

And here's what most of you don't know -- Most of them are very liberal. Especially in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Michigan..... Less so in Indiana and Ohio.

You people don't know farmers.

You are telling me I don't know farmers? You are on arrogant fucking prick.

I know farmers in multiple mid west states that grow corn & beans; most of them voted Trump & most of them are not happy with Trump's trade war.

I don't know of a single one of those farmers that will get on a video & say Trump is wrong but they will sure do it to your face, in person.

Yes, I'm telling you that you don't know farmers.

Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party - Wikipedia

Do you have ANY idea how much they get in subsidies? How many MILLIONS of dollars they're handed every year by the goobermint? Not to mention the STUPID Ethanol bullshit subsidies.

Maybe the ones you know are small-time. I'm talking the multi-millionaire farmers.

And you wanna talk about 'arrogant'?

Now I KNOW you don't know farmers.

Poor widdle farmer, instead of clearing 3 millions dollars this year, he might only make a lousy million.

There are some, many actually, that fit your description. I'm talking about the ones that fit my description. Sucking at the government teat like an inner city welfare mama.

I know farmers in several mid west states; grow up bitch .............
Well I don’t like tommy country to get raped sooo bend your farmers over?
Dairy farmers just made more money on this deal.. stop your crack.. if democrats pass the deal the trade war is over.. see how that works pass the deal retards lol

by your own posted numbers they just made 22 million spread out between them all! what will they do with all that! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Where is your forecast? Mic drop

I do not give forecast, I give facts.

Like this fact, once again...

The change in dairy exports allowed to Canada deal only an additional 3.5%. The Canadian dairy market is roughly 6.5 billion per year. 3.5% of that is roughly 229 million...if they are able to take full advantage of the opening of the markets.

You said the new NAFTA will bring in billions to the farmers, then changed that to trillions. So far all you have accounted for 22 million.

Still waiting on the rest from you
You didn’t answer my question.. I didn’t think you could
I did notice the ones that were growing soybeans last year are not growing soybeans this year.

I know farmers in multiple mid west states that grow corn & beans; most of them voted Trump & most of them are not happy with Trump's trade war.

I deal with farmers on a daily basis as part of my job, and none I work with are happy with the trade war, but they accept it. But then again, what is what the 25 billion dollars in bribes over the last 6 months was for, keep them from being too upset.

the Trump 'welfare for farmers' program is nothing more than vote buying ..............
KInda like 'urban welfare', ain't it? jealous?

jealous? jealous of what? I don't need any welfare, bitch
Reallly!? Lol do you know for a fact Canada is modernizing all there dairy farms.. if so can I get a % .. can you forecast the demand for safe American milk?
If this trade deal is so bad don’t you want it passed so it shows trump has failed?? Mic drop

you are the one that posted the amount of dairy sales to Canada, do not get pissed because you shot down your own lies

I never said it was bad, I said it was only minor tweaks from the old NAFTA, and so far you have proven that to be a fact post after post.
Interesting I didn’t think you could back it up lol

you back it up for me with your ever post...a 3.5% increase in dairy sales is a tweak, not a major change. And so far that is the only thing you have to hang your hat on.
Overall deal is trillions to America.. just facts
I did notice the ones that were growing soybeans last year are not growing soybeans this year.

I know farmers in multiple mid west states that grow corn & beans; most of them voted Trump & most of them are not happy with Trump's trade war.

I deal with farmers on a daily basis as part of my job, and none I work with are happy with the trade war, but they accept it. But then again, what is what the 25 billion dollars in bribes over the last 6 months was for, keep them from being too upset.

the Trump 'welfare for farmers' program is nothing more than vote buying ..............
KInda like 'urban welfare', ain't it? jealous?

jealous? jealous of what? I don't need any welfare, bitch
You're not denying that urban welfare is buying votes....."bitch" Lol!

Ohio farmer that voted for Trump in 2016 has come around and is NO LONGER a Trump supporter.

Trump's China Trade War is killing farmers and Trump voter & Ohio farmer Christopher Gibbs is not staying silent.

Trump wants Americans to shut the fuck up & to stay silent.

America needs more citizens like Christopher Gibbs that speak out about their mistake of voting for a con man.

One guy? guy speaks for all farmers?....:21:

Where did you read that?

I didn't say that.

U R the typical Trumper; make shit up & see if it sticks.

Well, ram it up your ass & it might stick
Trump CAVES on imposing auto tariffs

Trump administration delays auto tariff decision by 180 days

What will Mr. Tuff Guy CAVE on next?

caves to which countries, China?

The article tells anyone that isn't too lazy to read; can you read?

"I have decided to direct the United States Trade Representative (Trade Representative) to pursue negotiation of agreements contemplated in 19 U.S.C. 1862(c)(3)(A)(i) address the threatened impairment of the national security with respect to imported automobiles and certain automobile parts from the European Union, Japan, and any other country the Trade Representative deems appropriate, and to update me on the progress of such negotiations within 180 days. Under current circumstances, this action is necessary and appropriate to remove the threatened impairment of the national security."
Not caving to China then?

why can't you read? didn't pass second grade, again?

and any other country the Trade Representative deems appropriate

"and any other" could be any other
Trump CAVES on imposing auto tariffs

Trump administration delays auto tariff decision by 180 days

What will Mr. Tuff Guy CAVE on next?

caves to which countries, China?

The article tells anyone that isn't too lazy to read; can you read?

"I have decided to direct the United States Trade Representative (Trade Representative) to pursue negotiation of agreements contemplated in 19 U.S.C. 1862(c)(3)(A)(i) address the threatened impairment of the national security with respect to imported automobiles and certain automobile parts from the European Union, Japan, and any other country the Trade Representative deems appropriate, and to update me on the progress of such negotiations within 180 days. Under current circumstances, this action is necessary and appropriate to remove the threatened impairment of the national security."
Not caving to China then?

why can't you read? didn't pass second grade, again?

and any other country the Trade Representative deems appropriate

"and any other" could be any other
Not caving to China, huh?
Trump CAVES on imposing auto tariffs

Trump administration delays auto tariff decision by 180 days

What will Mr. Tuff Guy CAVE on next?

caves to which countries, China?

The article tells anyone that isn't too lazy to read; can you read?

"I have decided to direct the United States Trade Representative (Trade Representative) to pursue negotiation of agreements contemplated in 19 U.S.C. 1862(c)(3)(A)(i) address the threatened impairment of the national security with respect to imported automobiles and certain automobile parts from the European Union, Japan, and any other country the Trade Representative deems appropriate, and to update me on the progress of such negotiations within 180 days. Under current circumstances, this action is necessary and appropriate to remove the threatened impairment of the national security."
Not caving to China then?

why can't you read? didn't pass second grade, again?

and any other country the Trade Representative deems appropriate

"and any other" could be any other
Not caving to China, huh?

"and any other" could be any other

Ohio farmer that voted for Trump in 2016 has come around and is NO LONGER a Trump supporter.

Trump's China Trade War is killing farmers and Trump voter & Ohio farmer Christopher Gibbs is not staying silent.

Trump wants Americans to shut the fuck up & to stay silent.

America needs more citizens like Christopher Gibbs that speak out about their mistake of voting for a con man.

Let's hope there are more like him.
I did notice the ones that were growing soybeans last year are not growing soybeans this year.

I know farmers in multiple mid west states that grow corn & beans; most of them voted Trump & most of them are not happy with Trump's trade war.

Farmers in this country do not like anything that interrupts their steady stream of federal welfare income. These are not the struggling small family farmers they want you to think they are, they're big corporate enterprises that have grown on the backs of us taxpayers via subsidizes and federal aid bills. I say fuckem. Learn to work for your money and earn it for a change.
I did notice the ones that were growing soybeans last year are not growing soybeans this year.

I know farmers in multiple mid west states that grow corn & beans; most of them voted Trump & most of them are not happy with Trump's trade war.

Farmers in this country do not like anything that interrupts their steady stream of federal welfare income. These are not the struggling small family farmers they want you to think they are, they're big corporate enterprises that have grown on the backs of us taxpayers via subsidizes and federal aid bills. I say fuckem. Learn to work for your money and earn it for a change.

Agreed, and it is no secret that the majority of farmers voted Trump in the 2016 election.

They are getting what they deserve.
Anyway, shouldn't the US be in profit?

For 10 months, China has been paying Tariffs to the USA

China doesn't pay shit, COMPANIES THAT IMPORT FROM CHINA PAY THESE TAXES and then YOU PAY FOR THEM, when charge you more for products.

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