American Farmer That Voted for Trump Changes His Tune, Turns on Trump

Most of our Ag policy is designed to maintain a steady price year to year and not let events like droughts or flooding or other natural events bring large swing in prices. I understand why we do it and the more I work in the Ag industry the more I have come to think it is not as terrible a thing as I used to think it was .
Yes, I just tend to laugh at the notion of 'independent' farmers on the government teat. We've been there.
Boldly asserted, but, as usual, unsupported by evidence.

What's the point? You wouldn't pay any attention to it anyway.

It is reason number 1 why you're scum. You refuse to learn, you refuse to acknowledge when you're wrong, you refuse to recognize harm when you cause it..... You're scum. Through and through.

And I don't mean dimocrap politicians. They're just hired guns. I mean you, personally. The scum that votes dimocrap is the Country's worst nightmare.

Politicians? pffft

Does this mean we're not friends? I'm desolated.
That’s one, quite a tidal wave you got going
Is OP talking about the American Farmer whom the left holds in contempt for being backward rural hicks who live in flyover country?
Yeah ain't that somethin'? Any other time they're calling them Bible clingin', gun lovin', tobacco chewing hicks. Now they found ONE that they're in love with, because he's going for his 15 minutes of fame on CNN bad mouthing Trump.

Thing is, that's what he got paid to say to CNN, but next year he'll probably vote for Trump again and not tell anyone.
I was wanting a new tractor for the farm I bet I get good deal when they are going out of business...
Boldly asserted, but, as usual, unsupported by evidence.

What's the point? You wouldn't pay any attention to it anyway.

It is reason number 1 why you're scum. You refuse to learn, you refuse to acknowledge when you're wrong, you refuse to recognize harm when you cause it..... You're scum. Through and through.

And I don't mean dimocrap politicians. They're just hired guns. I mean you, personally. The scum that votes dimocrap is the Country's worst nightmare.

Politicians? pffft


That you think you're able to make my argument for me, or decide whether I'll pay attention, is just you saying more stupid shit. It has nothing to do with me.

Ohio farmer that voted for Trump in 2016 has come around and is NO LONGER a Trump supporter.

Trump's China Trade War is killing farmers and Trump voter & Ohio farmer Christopher Gibbs is not staying silent.

Trump wants Americans to shut the fuck up & to stay silent.

America needs more citizens like Christopher Gibbs that speak out about their mistake of voting for a con man.

One guy? guy speaks for all farmers?....:21:

Ohio farmer that voted for Trump in 2016 has come around and is NO LONGER a Trump supporter.

Trump's China Trade War is killing farmers and Trump voter & Ohio farmer Christopher Gibbs is not staying silent.

Trump wants Americans to shut the fuck up & to stay silent.

America needs more citizens like Christopher Gibbs that speak out about their mistake of voting for a con man.

One guy? guy speaks for all farmers?....:21:

who said this one guy spoke for all farmers?

Ohio farmer that voted for Trump in 2016 has come around and is NO LONGER a Trump supporter.

Trump's China Trade War is killing farmers and Trump voter & Ohio farmer Christopher Gibbs is not staying silent.

Trump wants Americans to shut the fuck up & to stay silent.

America needs more citizens like Christopher Gibbs that speak out about their mistake of voting for a con man.

One guy? guy speaks for all farmers?....:21:

who said this one guy spoke for all farmers?

If that is not what the OP was suggesting then why post this thread?...some angry farmer does an interview because he has to find a new market for his crops?...we all have to sacrifice in our lives.. now its his turn...tomorrow may be mine...but to sit and allow China to steal from us like Obama and Bush and Clinton did is as stupid as the day is long....this guy will figure it out by 2020....or he won't...either way Trump is doing the right thing for our nations maybe you should get on board with that too...aren't you tired of being punked by a third world mentality?....
If that is not what the OP was suggesting then why post this thread?...some angry farmer does an interview because he has to find a new market for his crops?...we all have to sacrifice in our lives.. now its his turn...tomorrow may be mine...but to sit and allow China to steal from us like Obama and Bush and Clinton did is as stupid as the day is long....this guy will figure it out by 2020....or he won't...either way Trump is doing the right thing for our nations maybe you should get on board with that too...aren't you tired of being punked by a third world mentality?....

These are the things I am on board with, all of which happened under the current trade deals...

1. the longest period of sustained job growth in the history of the country.

2. The 2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of the country, which will become the longest in 2 months.

3. Sub 4% unemployment with more jobs than people to fill them.

4. Record setting financial markets...until the start of the trade war.

I do not view these things as bad, in fact I think they are all good. The myth that trade deficits are evil and will end the country is one that I have not bought into, no matter how many times it is used to get votes.
I do not view these things as bad, in fact I think they are all good. The myth that trade deficits are evil and will end the country is one that I have not bought into, no matter how many times it is used to get votes.
Really? you are completely happy with our station in the world?...we pay dearly for the upside down trade just don't know how much because no one has ever even pointed it out let alone tried to do something about it....we could double SSI better roads and bridges and airports and shipyards...just because you can't see it means nothing....
Really? you are completely happy with our station in the world?...we pay dearly for the upside down trade just don't know how much because no one has ever even pointed it out let alone tried to do something about it....we could double SSI better roads and bridges and airports and shipyards...just because you can't see it means nothing....

You just parrot your party talking points, none of that would happen.

But hey, I am willing to let you try and explain how those things could possible happen if our trade deficit with China was smaller.
Really? you are completely happy with our station in the world?...

Hmmm....let's see...

the worlds largest economy..yep I am good with that.

largest GDP in the world...yep I am good with that.

Largest and strongest military in the world...yep I am good with that.

One of the lowest unemployment rates in the developed world...yep I am good with that.
Trump CAVES on imposing auto tariffs

Trump administration delays auto tariff decision by 180 days

What will Mr. Tuff Guy CAVE on next?

caves to which countries, China?

The article tells anyone that isn't too lazy to read; can you read?

"I have decided to direct the United States Trade Representative (Trade Representative) to pursue negotiation of agreements contemplated in 19 U.S.C. 1862(c)(3)(A)(i) address the threatened impairment of the national security with respect to imported automobiles and certain automobile parts from the European Union, Japan, and any other country the Trade Representative deems appropriate, and to update me on the progress of such negotiations within 180 days. Under current circumstances, this action is necessary and appropriate to remove the threatened impairment of the national security."
Well I don’t like tommy country to get raped sooo bend your farmers over?

not most of the time, most of the time we give them money hand over fist. Our dairy farmers get roughly 80% of their income from subsidies and government programs.
Pass the deal and the tariffs go away lol helllooooooo mcfly haha


3.5% of them..and we will keep on subsidizing our Ag industry to the tune of 20 plus billion a year.

Reallly!? Lol do you know for a fact Canada is modernizing all there dairy farms.. if so can I get a % .. can you forecast the demand for safe American milk?
If this trade deal is so bad don’t you want it passed so it shows trump has failed?? Mic drop
Well I don’t like tommy country to get raped sooo bend your farmers over?
Dairy farmers just made more money on this deal.. stop your crack.. if democrats pass the deal the trade war is over.. see how that works pass the deal retards lol

by your own posted numbers they just made 22 million spread out between them all! what will they do with all that! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Where is your forecast? Mic drop

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