American Farmer That Voted for Trump Changes His Tune, Turns on Trump

Ohio farmer that voted for Trump in 2016 has come around and is NO LONGER a Trump supporter.

Trump's China Trade War is killing farmers and Trump voter & Ohio farmer Christopher Gibbs is not staying silent.

Trump wants Americans to shut the fuck up & to stay silent.

America needs more citizens like Christopher Gibbs that speak out about their mistake of voting for a con man.

Putting kids in cages, colluding with Putin, legitimizing Kim Jong Un, making money off his presidency while in office - none of this was enough to end his support. Only when it affects his wallet.

Republicans are the worst people. Fuck this guy.

Ohio farmer that voted for Trump in 2016 has come around and is NO LONGER a Trump supporter.

Trump's China Trade War is killing farmers and Trump voter & Ohio farmer Christopher Gibbs is not staying silent.

Trump wants Americans to shut the fuck up & to stay silent.

America needs more citizens like Christopher Gibbs that speak out about their mistake of voting for a con man.

Putting kids in cages, colluding with Putin, legitimizing Kim Jong Un, making money off his presidency while in office - none of this was enough to end his support. Only when it affects his wallet.

Republicans are the worst people. Fuck this guy.

/——/ Except that didn’t happen, liar.

Ohio farmer that voted for Trump in 2016 has come around and is NO LONGER a Trump supporter.

Trump's China Trade War is killing farmers and Trump voter & Ohio farmer Christopher Gibbs is not staying silent.

Trump wants Americans to shut the fuck up & to stay silent.

America needs more citizens like Christopher Gibbs that speak out about their mistake of voting for a con man.

Putting kids in cages, colluding with Putin, legitimizing Kim Jong Un, making money off his presidency while in office - none of this was enough to end his support. Only when it affects his wallet.

Republicans are the worst people. Fuck this guy.

Sounds like you may need a more reliable news source, Fakebook ain't working out too well....dumbass.

Ohio farmer that voted for Trump in 2016 has come around and is NO LONGER a Trump supporter.

Trump's China Trade War is killing farmers and Trump voter & Ohio farmer Christopher Gibbs is not staying silent.

Trump wants Americans to shut the fuck up & to stay silent.

America needs more citizens like Christopher Gibbs that speak out about their mistake of voting for a con man.

Most people can't see past their pocketbooks.

This is one of them.

If the fellow was doing well under Trump, he'd still be propping-up The Creature.

Zero sympathy for him.

Elections have consequences, Christopher.

Welcome to yours.

Ohio farmer that voted for Trump in 2016 has come around and is NO LONGER a Trump supporter.

Trump's China Trade War is killing farmers and Trump voter & Ohio farmer Christopher Gibbs is not staying silent.

Trump wants Americans to shut the fuck up & to stay silent.

America needs more citizens like Christopher Gibbs that speak out about their mistake of voting for a con man.

One guy? guy speaks for all farmers?....:21:

Where did you read that?

I didn't say that.

U R the typical Trumper; make shit up & see if it sticks.

Well, ram it up your ass & it might stick

Having a bad year snowflake or did some one put sand in your Vaseline?....
I guess Trump is winning too much for you....
Really? you are completely happy with our station in the world?...

Hmmm....let's see...

the worlds largest economy..yep I am good with that.

largest GDP in the world...yep I am good with that.

Largest and strongest military in the world...yep I am good with that.

One of the lowest unemployment rates in the developed world...yep I am good with that.
I once knew a store owner...he had a market in Compton CA,....he made good money...but he always said if they would stop stealing from him...he could retire never know what you don't know...our states are struggling with healthcare....gang violence poor schools...lack of housing for retirees...we have many problems that could be fixed if China stopped stealing from us...

Ohio farmer that voted for Trump in 2016 has come around and is NO LONGER a Trump supporter.

Trump's China Trade War is killing farmers and Trump voter & Ohio farmer Christopher Gibbs is not staying silent.

Trump wants Americans to shut the fuck up & to stay silent.

America needs more citizens like Christopher Gibbs that speak out about their mistake of voting for a con man.

Well that's it then! When he votes against Trump.... Trump will lose 65,345,702 to 65,345,701. Awwwww.shit!


Ohio farmer that voted for Trump in 2016 has come around and is NO LONGER a Trump supporter.

Trump's China Trade War is killing farmers and Trump voter & Ohio farmer Christopher Gibbs is not staying silent.

Trump wants Americans to shut the fuck up & to stay silent.

America needs more citizens like Christopher Gibbs that speak out about their mistake of voting for a con man.

One guy? guy speaks for all farmers?....:21:

Where did you read that?

I didn't say that.

U R the typical Trumper; make shit up & see if it sticks.

Well, ram it up your ass & it might stick

Having a bad year snowflake or did some one put sand in your Vaseline?....
I guess Trump is winning too much for you.... don't get it!

Trump is going to lose 65,345,702 to. 65,345,701 now!

Grain prices are at a multi-decade low.

That's not ALL Trump's fault.

But it is partly.

So much for defending Trump's base.
Really? you are completely happy with our station in the world?...

Hmmm....let's see...

the worlds largest economy..yep I am good with that.

largest GDP in the world...yep I am good with that.

Largest and strongest military in the world...yep I am good with that.

One of the lowest unemployment rates in the developed world...yep I am good with that.
I once knew a store owner...he had a market in Compton CA,....he made good money...but he always said if they would stop stealing from him...he could retire never know what you don't know...our states are struggling with healthcare....gang violence poor schools...lack of housing for retirees...we have many problems that could be fixed if China stopped stealing from us...

Explain how those problems can be solved by a new trade deal with China

Sent from my iPhone using

Ohio farmer that voted for Trump in 2016 has come around and is NO LONGER a Trump supporter.

Trump's China Trade War is killing farmers and Trump voter & Ohio farmer Christopher Gibbs is not staying silent.

Trump wants Americans to shut the fuck up & to stay silent.

America needs more citizens like Christopher Gibbs that speak out about their mistake of voting for a con man.

Putting kids in cages, colluding with Putin, legitimizing Kim Jong Un, making money off his presidency while in office - none of this was enough to end his support. Only when it affects his wallet.

Republicans are the worst people. Fuck this guy.

Funny you should say that. The only time Democrats are for doing something positive is when they have control over other people's wallets. At least this guy as selfish as he is keeps his nose in his own wallet.


Ohio farmer that voted for Trump in 2016 has come around and is NO LONGER a Trump supporter.

Trump's China Trade War is killing farmers and Trump voter & Ohio farmer Christopher Gibbs is not staying silent.

Trump wants Americans to shut the fuck up & to stay silent.

America needs more citizens like Christopher Gibbs that speak out about their mistake of voting for a con man.

It is CHINA'S trade war dude and they have been ruining American small to mid-size businessmen for the past 35 years. Trump had been fighting back for 1/2 a year you
Pee stench diapered crybaby.
Trump promised to change our trading relationship with China. Anyone who didn't realize that was not paying attention.
Really? you are completely happy with our station in the world?...

Hmmm....let's see...

the worlds largest economy..yep I am good with that.

largest GDP in the world...yep I am good with that.

Largest and strongest military in the world...yep I am good with that.

One of the lowest unemployment rates in the developed world...yep I am good with that.
I once knew a store owner...he had a market in Compton CA,....he made good money...but he always said if they would stop stealing from him...he could retire never know what you don't know...our states are struggling with healthcare....gang violence poor schools...lack of housing for retirees...we have many problems that could be fixed if China stopped stealing from us...

Explain how those problems can be solved by a new trade deal with China

Sent from my iPhone using
By protecting our technology....and creating a fair level playing field for our corporations so they can increase their growth...more commerce means more tax dollars to our treasury...fair competition we win every time...but when the rules are weighted towards China or any other nation its not a good thing....its not just access to their markets...although that is huge...its the forcing of our companies by China to turn over their patents and technology in order to do business in China....we are getting robbed...
It is CHINA'S trade war dude and they have been ruining American small to mid-size businessmen for the past 35 years.
Yeah, right. Like US businesses were forced to out source production.
Trump promised to change our trading relationship with China. Anyone who didn't realize that was not paying attention.
Individual1 promised lots of things. To sue women, to repeal and replace ACA, to build a beautiful wall at Mexico's expense, etc., etc..
Did you realise he was going to do all those things?
.its the forcing of our companies by China to turn over their patents and technology in order to do business in China....we are getting robbed...
Yeah, right. Guns are being held to your companies' heads to force them to do business in China.

Ohio farmer that voted for Trump in 2016 has come around and is NO LONGER a Trump supporter.

Trump's China Trade War is killing farmers and Trump voter & Ohio farmer Christopher Gibbs is not staying silent.

Trump wants Americans to shut the fuck up & to stay silent.

America needs more citizens like Christopher Gibbs that speak out about their mistake of voting for a con man.

You need a life kid.

I need a life? LOFL

and you NEED to get fucking laid; try Ann Coulter. She needs some dick, unless U R gay ................. haha ...........

Ohio farmer that voted for Trump in 2016 has come around and is NO LONGER a Trump supporter.

Trump's China Trade War is killing farmers and Trump voter & Ohio farmer Christopher Gibbs is not staying silent.

Trump wants Americans to shut the fuck up & to stay silent.

America needs more citizens like Christopher Gibbs that speak out about their mistake of voting for a con man.

It is CHINA'S trade war dude and they have been ruining American small to mid-size businessmen for the past 35 years. Trump had been fighting back for 1/2 a year you
Pee stench diapered crybaby.

In your tiny wet dreamz 'just hands off the dick' ..................

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