American Foreign Policy....

Agreed as i too am christian.but,we cannot rollover,and let evil take us. God empowered ys to defend ourselves,our faith,and if we are attacked,we have to fightback!

I don't have a problem with defending my country, my problem is with pre-emptive, undeclared war. The idea that we can go against our own Constitution because folks have a bloodlust for revenge, and they can't even be sure the thousands they are killing are the enemy they are hunting. It's fucking crazy, and I want no part of it.

We have to do what we have to do to defend our nation,people,and our judeo-christian faith. Its not pretty,but war is ugly,and they started it first. Now they awakened the monster,and have to pay. We have to show strength,like the true leader nation we are.
Agreed as i too am christian.but,we cannot rollover,and let evil take us. God empowered ys to defend ourselves,our faith,and if we are attacked,we have to fightback!

I don't have a problem with defending my country, my problem is with pre-emptive, undeclared war. The idea that we can go against our own Constitution because folks have a bloodlust for revenge, and they can't even be sure the thousands they are killing are the enemy they are hunting. It's fucking crazy, and I want no part of it.

We have to do what we have to do to defend our nation,people,and our judeo-christian faith. Its not pretty,but war is ugly,and they started it first. Now they awakened the monster,and have to pay. We have to show strength,like the true leader nation we are.

Who, exactly, has to 'pay'?
If its us or them,its them. National pride is doing what we have to to protect our nation,and its people. Theres no equation,or equaling out for sorry,but they brought it on themselves.
I don't have a problem with defending my country, my problem is with pre-emptive, undeclared war. The idea that we can go against our own Constitution because folks have a bloodlust for revenge, and they can't even be sure the thousands they are killing are the enemy they are hunting. It's fucking crazy, and I want no part of it.

We have to do what we have to do to defend our nation,people,and our judeo-christian faith. Its not pretty,but war is ugly,and they started it first. Now they awakened the monster,and have to pay. We have to show strength,like the true leader nation we are.

Who, exactly, has to 'pay'?
The islamofacist terrorists,send em to hell back to their allah in a trashbag.
We have to do what we have to do to defend our nation,people,and our judeo-christian faith. Its not pretty,but war is ugly,and they started it first. Now they awakened the monster,and have to pay. We have to show strength,like the true leader nation we are.

Who, exactly, has to 'pay'?
The islamofacist terrorists,send em to hell back to their allah in a trashbag.

Where do you go to find them, and how many innocents are you willing to murder to get them?
I guess the Paulestinian can't name the pre-emptive undeclared wars it was babbling about.
The US foreign policy is runned by Israel. That must be the only reason why US supports the apartheid/zionist regime in Israel. The israelis also runs the media. They get their daily dose of fox news propagnada.
America's Z.O.G. government is totally controlled and directed by Israel. :evil:

Better then being controlled and directed by blood thirsty Muslims...

So did you murder any women or children today Sunni Man? Or did you just send money to people who do?
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I guess the Paulestinian can't name the pre-emptive undeclared wars it was babbling about.
Undeclared - Start at Korea and work your way up...

Pre-emptive - Iraq - Afghanistan - soon to add Iran to the list
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Hmmm, the communist Chinese started Korea, but it really worked out well for those North

Vietnam was another communist backed war that we got in on after the start, since the French couldn't stop the Vietcong.


I guess the Paulestinian can't name the pre-emptive undeclared wars it was babbling about.
Start at Korea and work your way up...
Oh, I missed your late assignment answers....

You get Fs for Afghanistan and Iraq.

Saddam started the whole Iraq war thing....uh, go back to the 90s.

I believe 9/11 happened "before" we bombed the Taliban and UBL back to the stone ages.

Are you really this stupid?
The US foreign policy is runned by Israel. That must be the only reason why US supports the apartheid/zionist regime in Israel. The israelis also runs the media. They get their daily dose of fox news propagnada.
America's Z.O.G. government is totally controlled and directed by Israel. :evil:

Better then being controlled and directed by blood thirsty Muslims...

So did you murder any women or children today Sunni Man? Or did you just send money to people who do?

Amen. Amen to that.
Oh, I missed your late assignment answers....

You get Fs for Afghanistan and Iraq.

Saddam started the whole Iraq war thing....uh, go back to the 90s.

I believe 9/11 happened "before" we bombed the Taliban and UBL back to the stone ages.

Are you really this stupid?

Sir,is there not anyone else christian,angered that the homebirthplace of JESUS CHRIST is in the hands of muslim satanic terrorists,hamas?
Oh yeah, Congress supported Bush in Iraq and Afghanistan until the Democrats realized there were idiots like you Paulestinian and liberals, strange bed fellows you anti-US kooks are.....
If you didn't get your information from the talking heads on your idiot box you might know a little more about the circumstances of ALL those conflicts. The MIC has been maneuvering us into these conflicts time after time and you still believe the shit they TELL you to believe.

War is a racket... Google it
Hmmm, the communist Chinese started Korea, but it really worked out well for those North

Vietnam was another communist backed war that we got in on after the start, since the French couldn't stop the Vietcong.
And neither of those wars were declared...
I dont agree in nation building,but we need elite personnel,do what we must,obliterate,and leave,letem pick up trash duty. Then theyll think twice about fucking with us....
Ohhhhh, so the MIC is behind the 9/11 attacks? :cuckoo:

The MIC made Saddam invade Kuwait then play games with the UN over his WMD program for over a decade? :cuckoo:

You need to be locked in a rubber room with a loaded gun.:eusa_pray:

If you didn't get your information from the talking heads on your idiot box you might know a little more about the circumstances of ALL those conflicts. The MIC has been maneuvering us into these conflicts time after time and you still believe the shit they TELL you to believe.

War is a racket... Google it
Oh ok, so stopping the oppression of millions is wrong.:eusa_whistle:

FYI....Vietnam today is scared of their old friends, China. Of course, you didn't know that since you are a dumbfuck.

Hmmm, the communist Chinese started Korea, but it really worked out well for those North

Vietnam was another communist backed war that we got in on after the start, since the French couldn't stop the Vietcong.
And neither of those wars were declared...

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