American Imperium


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
Below is a two paragraph summation of a good portion of American history, only truthfully told. If only the left wing controlled p-schools taught this, the American people might come to understand that our ruling class is nothing but a bunch of murderous liars.

Liars Lying About Nearly Everything

The United States has been using lies to go to war since 1846, when Americans who believed in manifest destiny sought to expand to the Pacific Ocean at the expense of Mexico, acquiring by force of arms California and what were to become the southwestern states. In 1898 the U.S. picked up the pieces of a dying Spanish Empire in a war that was driven by American imperialists and the yellow dog reporting of the Hearst Newspaper chain. And then came World War 1, World War 2, and Korea, all avoidable and all enabled by deliberate lying coming out of Washington.

More recently, we have seen Vietnam with its Gulf of Tonkin fabrication, Granada and Panama with palpably ridiculous pretexts for war, Iraq with its nonexistent weapons of mass destruction, Afghanistan with its lies about bin Laden, Libya and its false claims about Gaddafi, and most recently Syria and Iran with allegations of an Iranian threat to the United States and lies about Syrian use of barrel bombs and chemical weapons. And if one adds in the warnings to Russia over Ukraine, a conflict generated by Washington when it brought about regime change in Kiev, you have a tissue of lies that span the globe and bring with them never-ending conflict to advance the American imperium.

Liars Lying About Nearly Everything
Consider that every military adventure in the 20th century happened during a democrat administration. Woodie Wilson told Americans that he would never send their sons to fight in a foreign war and then he (or his wife) sent U.S. Doughboys to kill the Hun and save France. FDR came to power roughly the same time as Hitler but he never recognized the Nazi threat until it was too late and to compound the problem he underestimated Japans military capability while he goaded them into war. Truman was busy downsizing the U.S. Military when NK invaded SK and he sent ill equipped and under trained Troops to Korea on an illegal executive order. He and his WW1 veteran General MacArthur managed to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory in less than a year and turned Korea into a three year quagmire at the cost of anywhere from 35,000 to 50,000 American lives. The left leaning media couldn't bear to criticize either Truman or MacArthur so they called Korea "the forgotten war" and forgot about it. LBJ thought he had a better idea and created a fake crisis to send American Troops to Vietnam and then set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the war. The left leaning media managed to blame the whole thing on Nixon.
The point is that it's easy for anti-Americans and pop-culture educated lefties to criticize the "manifest destiny" of the 1840's while ignoring the media's responsibility of monitoring the conduct of mostly democrat administrations in the 20th century. When the media becomes the cheering section for the democrat party and overly critical of republican administrations everybody loses. When a failed General like MacArthur who abandoned an entire army in WW2 and grossly misunderstood the political and military situation in Korea and so intentionally disrespected the equally incompetent president that he was relieved of duty ends up with a tickertape parade from the fawning media something is terribly wrong in the government and especially the "4th estate".
Truthful because you believe it. I guess that is what passes for the test of truth these days.
American imperium? Very interesting. It has nothing on the French imperium.

The American imperium uses the media as a weapon the same way as other weapons of mass destruction.

Hollywood is the first gun, then the others follow.
Truthful because you believe it. I guess that is what passes for the test of truth these days.
Please tell us what is untrue.

He probably thinks oswald shot jfk, that we live in a free country and our government looks out for us as the gospel TRUTH that he believes as true.:lmao:

GREAT THREAD.:yes_text12:
Yes...sadly there are way too many Americans who believe their government just and law abiding. It is what allows our criminal government to continue it's illegal and unjust actions.
Truthful because you believe it. I guess that is what passes for the test of truth these days.
Please tell us what is untrue.

He probably thinks oswald shot jfk, that we live in a free country and our government looks out for us as the gospel TRUTH that he believes as true.:lmao:

GREAT THREAD.:yes_text12:
Yes...sadly there are way too many Americans who believe their government just and law abiding. It is what allows our criminal government to continue it's illegal and unjust actions.

yeah we have seen so many sheep posters here such as moonglow who are just like that sadly.

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