American Jan 6 Traitor Will Serve 7 Years. Sentenced to 6 Years

We respect the Constitution, and cherish free and fair elections. Your side does not.

Oh bullshit. Your side weaponized the FBI , they leaked Russian Collusion to the news media, and then Democrats were dreaming up Trumps impeachment before he even took office.... calling him an agent of Putin.
People who elected Trump were robbed. Their elected president spent half his term or more needing to defend himself.
Political vengeance? Patriotism crosses those lines

Woke? You must be a FOX News viewer

Political Vengeance is what the new Hose Majority (GOP), has openly declared is their agenda
Fuck your faux "patriotism"
You're commie scum celebrating a successful revolution. Be careful about your gloating. The tide will turn and you may find yourself the victim of the type of political witch hunt you've begun
You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right?

This guy -- Julian Khater of Somerset, N.J -- is a traitor
The "treason" clause was put in the Constitution to PROTECT citizens from being TARGETED BY REPRESSIVE LEFTIST GOVERNMENTS seeking revenge on their POLITICAL ENEMIES. In other words, ENEMIES OF THE CONSTITUTION. In other words, OPPORTUNISTS like YOU!

You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right?

This guy -- Julian Khater of Somerset, N.J -- is a traitor

View attachment 751740

"In court Friday, Sicknick's mother, Gladys Sicknick, told Khater, "You attacked my son like he was an animal. You are the animal, Mr. Khater. ... How does it feel to be headed to jail for a bald-faced lie?""

What brand of diapers do you use?
You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right?

This guy -- Julian Khater of Somerset, N.J -- is a traitor

View attachment 751740

"In court Friday, Sicknick's mother, Gladys Sicknick, told Khater, "You attacked my son like he was an animal. You are the animal, Mr. Khater. ... How does it feel to be headed to jail for a bald-faced lie?""

That conservatives attempt to defend the indefensible renders them likewise traitors and enemies of democracy.
You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right?

This guy -- Julian Khater of Somerset, N.J -- is a traitor

View attachment 751740

"In court Friday, Sicknick's mother, Gladys Sicknick, told Khater, "You attacked my son like he was an animal. You are the animal, Mr. Khater. ... How does it feel to be headed to jail for a bald-faced lie?""

Political vengeance? Patriotism crosses those lines

Woke? You must be a FOX News viewer

Political Vengeance is what the new Hose Majority (GOP), has openly declared is their agenda
Are you denying the existence of wokeism or the woke agenda ?

And if so, then please tell us how much your own agenda has played a role in the downfall of traditional American culture, otherwise an agenda that is openly against an American culture that was passively inclusive and religious therefore encompassing tolerance in a very loose way, but only as long as the new agenda's were compatible with the tenant's of Christianity along with it's wide beliefs that include clean living standard's, hard work, and patriotism in which was then United enough across America in order to thwart the attempt's of any identifiable infiltration into the American culture's with the intent to destroy them from within.
Yep. Fuck the traitors in the ass then put a bullet in their head.
Said while evidence is constantly being revealed as to who the real traitor's have possibly been... The Democrat coup alledgedly started under the Obama administration (i.e.this day America will fundamentally be changed), with the likes of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden using their powerful position's in an attempt to alledgedly manipulate the processes in the coming future, otherwise in order to continue to hold power for a continued agenda after the Obama administration ended the stage was then set.

It all came to a head on January the 6th for those who had seen and heard enough. Now granted the response was not appropriate for a people that are known to be tolerant and peaceful, but after witnessing the fall of American traditional culture's that were rooted in Christianity and peace, and seeing it fall for over 4 + years per attacks by the Democrat's, saw that the situation had come to a boiling point for many on that day.
Said while evidence is constantly being revealed as to who the real traitor's have possibly been... The Democrat coup alledgedly started under the Obama administration (i.e.this day America will fundamentally be changed), with the likes of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden using their powerful position's in an attempt to alledgedly manipulate the processes in the coming future, otherwise in order to continue to hold power for a continued agenda after the Obama administration ended.

It all came to a head on January the 6th for those who had seen and heard enough. Now granted the response was not appropriate for a people that are known to be tolerant and peaceful, but after witnessing the fall of American traditional culture's that were rooted in Christianity and peace, and seeing it fall for over 4 years +, it is that the situation had come to a boiling point for many on that day.
No, evidence is something that can be presented in a court of law under the light of day, and not some Q@@Anon garbage on the internet.
No, evidence is so etching that can be presented in a court of law under the light of day, and not some Q@@Anon garbage on the internet.
Denial is all you have left, but the evidence to counter is becoming greater and greater.
Oh bullshit. Your side weaponized the FBI , they leaked Russian Collusion to the news media, and then Democrats were dreaming up Trumps impeachment before he even took office.... calling him an agent of Putin.
People who elected Trump were robbed. Their elected president spent half his term or more needing to defend himself.
Your first sentence, yet, two words but is enough to define the rest of your post.

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