American Jim Crow & Racism Explained

Because the poorest whites are simply dying and the poorest blacks are counted as unemployed.

It is extremely obvious.

The poorest blacks, more often than not, are more likely to be incarcerated for a longer sentence than the average poor white.
And the poor white is much more likely to commit suicide or OD on drugs.
Sounds like a lack of coping skills or poor genetics even though the system has been rigged to support them since the inception of this country. No wonder so many whites killed themselves during the great depression.
White people don't have racist churches they can go to to feel better about themselves.

We also don't have a NAACP equivalent or a pro-white television station.

All of these things would dramatically decrease the number of white drug users and suicides.

The vast majority of media sources are predominantly white. The NAACP was founded by a combination of progressive whites and blacks who demanded equality in an era when equality as we know it was non existent.

As far as "racist churches" go. In the not to distant past, blacks in America had nowhere else to go except churches, for help, structure and a sense of belonging.

What "racist churches" exist now that you are referring to?

If the 9 blacks that were killed by Dylan Roof IN CHURCH, had been more racist, he surely could not have just walked in and slaughtered them.

Could he?
Being predominately white solely because of the demographics of the country means absolutely nothing. Most media outlets are owned by Jews with an ax to grind btw.

And white people can't even discuss race in their churches while their churches are busy prioritizing illegals and refugees.

Dylan Roof was a kid who grew up believing in white privilege. When white privilege didn't materialize Dylan took to using drugs and eventually decided to end it all via the death penalty.

Few black churches will reject white people, but that is not because they are not racist, it is because they know the white liberal types who sometimes appear will not do anything but grin as they issue their typical anti-white and anti-western sermons.
I doubt you know any Black people with a claim like that. I grew up in a ghetto and I had more peer pressure to become a success than "misbehave".
most of the black people I know are middle class, upper middle class or actually wealthy

however, my employment over the last 2 years had me working with schools, including ALL of the schools in the city of Birmingham

I ran into a lot of apathy in the inner city schools, moreso than in predominantly black schools in rural areas

Business leaders in the "white" or wealthier areas were much more receptive to branding themselves with the schools and making donations than their counterparts in the inner city (many business owners in the inner city flat out told me that they just did not see the value in supporting or sponsoring the schools from a business standpoint - take that however you want)

also, as I mentioned before, my wife is a teacher in a top flight public school here in metro Birmingham, she has seen 1st hand how the peer pressure works, even in a wealthy area

lastly, when single moms are the norm and they have to push themselves just to make ends meet, it can be difficult to counter the negative pressure to fit in with the "cool crowd"

I can't help but feel like you are being obtuse here...
I cant help but feeling you are parroting the beliefs of racists. I can only go on my experience which was one where the only peer pressure I felt was to succeed. I was taught to "come up" in whatever manner made me successful. I was taught and heard constantly that a man takes care of his responsibilities and provides a stable home for his children. This was in the ghetto so I know for certain in financially better off Black communities the message was even more enforced. Those that succumbed to the lure of fast money (all money aint good money) typically ended up dead or in prison. They were examples of what not to do and how to earn a ticket to a prolonged vacation in prison away from your family.
Your constant whining is getting boring. Whites control this country and have done so since inception. They have created a system to give you a head start to the detriment of other races. Its not the fault of other whites that you are a failure. The sooner you learn to take advantage of the opportunities given to you by other whites the sooner you will become a success. Your lack of initiative is appalling. Stop your crying.
you are just trolling with this statement
Not at all. This dude is constantly whining about his terrible life. Hes white and no one is going to convince me he has it bad when all he has to do is stop being lazy.
I dont see whats racist about this guy from those pictures. Can you elaborate?
if there was a sign at a church in a white neighborhood that said "White folks should stay out Black Churches" - would you consider that racist?
I dont see whats racist about this guy from those pictures. Can you elaborate?
if there was a sign at a church in a white neighborhood that said "White folks should stay out Black Churches" - would you consider that racist?
Depends on the reasons why. Now can you explain why you think what this pastor is saying is racist? I'm guessing you think because he doesnt have a picture of a white Jesus hanging in his church?
White Protestants:

View attachment 214832

Klansmen march down Broadway in Long Branch, N.J. to celebrate its newly-established headquarters in the city.

George Rinhart/Corbis— Getty Images

By Olivia B. Waxman

Updated: October 24, 2017 11:10 AM ET

In the months since violence at a white-nationalist gathering in Charlottesville, Va., the national conversation has often focused on the history of white supremacy in the United States, and how much broader that history is in its impacts and geography than is often assumed. That aspect is highlighted in a new book about the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s, The Second Coming of the KKK by two-time Bancroft Prize winner Linda Gordon, which puts modern anti-immigration and antisemitic rhetoric in context. In fact, though the KKK is best known for its racist attacks, other forms of hate have long been part of its history.

It was in the 1920s that the Klan was revived, its popularity spread through the infamous 1915 film Birth of a Nation, and soon became a truly massive social movement in the North, with some five million members. The Klan as it exists today is a more direct offshoot of the iteration that emerged during that time period in North, often in locations with very small African-American populations. What those places did have was a surge of immigrants coming to the U.S. in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Soon, the racist rhetoric of the original KKK was joined by anti-immigrant rhetoric directed at Catholics (accused of worshiping a Pope who sought to impose authoritarian rule), non-white immigrants like the Chinese and Japanese, and European immigrants not considered white enough, i.e. Italians and Eastern European Jews.

How the KKK's Influence Spread in Northern States
Most whites are not involved with the KKK, it is a racist hate group. What was the point of the photos and this history? We all know about the KKK, they should be abolished.

I suppose that picture hit you, those who adore the Confederate flag are now the new KKK. You don't need the whites anymore.
Hit me? Strange answer. Who doesnt need whites? Kkk is a hate group, pic did nothing for me.

Why did you ask about it? Apparently it bothered you.
Lol, assume much? It didnt bother me at all. I was asking what the point was in posting it. We all know kkk is a despicable cult.
Now can you explain why you think what this pastor is saying is racist?
I'm not going any further down this rabbit hole

I will say this, there are plenty of white folks that have tried to step up and get involved in meaningful ways to make things better that feel that they have been unfairly branded as racist that have thrown their hands up and said "fuck it"

again, take that however you want

Ok, so KKK membership estimated at three thousand nation wide. even given a large margin of error, its very minute and half of these people joined in the last three years or so.. Hardly looking like a vast majority of white guys so far. I'm willing to bet another large portion of them are a product of the Prison system where people are pretty much forced to segregate themselves for survival. Estimated around 20,000
But do you have any more facts other than assuming the vast majority of white guys are racist? Considering theres about 200 million white people in the US I would expect those indicators to be a hell of a lot higher.
I think you really want the vast majority of whites to be racist, and that would be more accurate
You do realize that an estimate is not very reliable or factual right? You must also realize that the KKK isnt the only white power group either right? What about the ones that arent in any group? Yes I have facts. A racist society cannot exist without support from the majority. The SCOTUS has admitted that there is systemic racism. Can you explain how that can exist if the majority of whites are not racist? I need facts not your assumptions.

Well, i guess a lot of people will call this a racist society as long as whites are the majority right? Is that in itself systemic racism? The vast majority of whites don't control the system any more than the majority of kenyans control the system where they live. they pretty much just live inside that system themselves. I would say it takes time for society to change from the inside out... and it had been moving in the positive direction until about the last 8 years
Thats true. As long as whites are the majority and support the system of racism that benefits them we will call it a racist society. Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient? How much time do you need to build up a head start? I know the vast majority of whites dont control the system. No one ever said that. I said that the vast majority of whites were racist. Thats because you are willingly being duped into believing you are superior. In a way it doesnt make sense. If I felt was superior I wouldnt agree to a system that held back those people I believed were inferior. I would just show I was better than them. Kind of like I do now.
There are some whites who think they are superior, blacks too. I believe most whites do not feel that way
You are entitled to your opinion. However, I ask again. How can systemic racism exist without the support of the majority? So far all you whites that disagree that most whites are racist have avoided answering this question. You must have some answer to this dont you?
Most white people have no power or authority for you to associate them with being systemic.
Now can you explain why you think what this pastor is saying is racist?
I'm not going any further down this rabbit hole

I will say this, there are plenty of white folks that have tried to step up and get involved in meaningful ways to make things better that feel that they have been unfairly branded as racist that have thrown their hands up and said "fuck it"

again, take that however you want
Youre the one that started digging the hole. You came out of left field with that one.

I think the problem with most white people is their inherent racist views. You seem to think you know best. If you want to get involved teach your fellow whites not to be racist. I dont need or desire your presence in my community trying to tell me whats best for me.
You do realize that an estimate is not very reliable or factual right? You must also realize that the KKK isnt the only white power group either right? What about the ones that arent in any group? Yes I have facts. A racist society cannot exist without support from the majority. The SCOTUS has admitted that there is systemic racism. Can you explain how that can exist if the majority of whites are not racist? I need facts not your assumptions.

Well, i guess a lot of people will call this a racist society as long as whites are the majority right? Is that in itself systemic racism? The vast majority of whites don't control the system any more than the majority of kenyans control the system where they live. they pretty much just live inside that system themselves. I would say it takes time for society to change from the inside out... and it had been moving in the positive direction until about the last 8 years
Thats true. As long as whites are the majority and support the system of racism that benefits them we will call it a racist society. Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient? How much time do you need to build up a head start? I know the vast majority of whites dont control the system. No one ever said that. I said that the vast majority of whites were racist. Thats because you are willingly being duped into believing you are superior. In a way it doesnt make sense. If I felt was superior I wouldnt agree to a system that held back those people I believed were inferior. I would just show I was better than them. Kind of like I do now.
There are some whites who think they are superior, blacks too. I believe most whites do not feel that way
You are entitled to your opinion. However, I ask again. How can systemic racism exist without the support of the majority? So far all you whites that disagree that most whites are racist have avoided answering this question. You must have some answer to this dont you?
Most white people have no power or authority for you to associate them with being systemic.
You dont seem to understand the meaning of systemic. Every white person has power in such a dynamic.
White Protestants:

View attachment 214832

Klansmen march down Broadway in Long Branch, N.J. to celebrate its newly-established headquarters in the city.

George Rinhart/Corbis— Getty Images

By Olivia B. Waxman

Updated: October 24, 2017 11:10 AM ET

In the months since violence at a white-nationalist gathering in Charlottesville, Va., the national conversation has often focused on the history of white supremacy in the United States, and how much broader that history is in its impacts and geography than is often assumed. That aspect is highlighted in a new book about the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s, The Second Coming of the KKK by two-time Bancroft Prize winner Linda Gordon, which puts modern anti-immigration and antisemitic rhetoric in context. In fact, though the KKK is best known for its racist attacks, other forms of hate have long been part of its history.

It was in the 1920s that the Klan was revived, its popularity spread through the infamous 1915 film Birth of a Nation, and soon became a truly massive social movement in the North, with some five million members. The Klan as it exists today is a more direct offshoot of the iteration that emerged during that time period in North, often in locations with very small African-American populations. What those places did have was a surge of immigrants coming to the U.S. in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Soon, the racist rhetoric of the original KKK was joined by anti-immigrant rhetoric directed at Catholics (accused of worshiping a Pope who sought to impose authoritarian rule), non-white immigrants like the Chinese and Japanese, and European immigrants not considered white enough, i.e. Italians and Eastern European Jews.

How the KKK's Influence Spread in Northern States
Most whites are not involved with the KKK, it is a racist hate group. What was the point of the photos and this history? We all know about the KKK, they should be abolished.

I suppose that picture hit you, those who adore the Confederate flag are now the new KKK. You don't need the whites anymore.
Hit me? Strange answer. Who doesnt need whites? Kkk is a hate group, pic did nothing for me.

Why did you ask about it? Apparently it bothered you.
Lol, assume much? It didnt bother me at all. I was asking what the point was in posting it. We all know kkk is a despicable cult.

I for one hadn't seen that photo from Long Branch. And it does a credible job explaining how the Klan spread into the north, midwest and west and was a powerful influence in its time. Which also reflects the underlying atmosphere that fueled it to do that in the first place.

ALL of that examines our history. It also dispels multiple historical myths, which makes everybody's perspective clearer. If you don't know where you've been, then you can't tell where you're going.

I still don't get how y'all object to the existence of history. If it's not what you're interested in at the time, just fucking don't read it until you're ready to. Ain't rocket surgery.

Fer fuxsake, I come across hundreds of threads or stories about shit I have no interest in, even though they may be valid and true. Know what I do? I move on to the next one. What would be the point in whining that "waaah, I don't wanna read about the gross national product, take it away"?
White Protestants:

View attachment 214832

Klansmen march down Broadway in Long Branch, N.J. to celebrate its newly-established headquarters in the city.

George Rinhart/Corbis— Getty Images

By Olivia B. Waxman

Updated: October 24, 2017 11:10 AM ET

In the months since violence at a white-nationalist gathering in Charlottesville, Va., the national conversation has often focused on the history of white supremacy in the United States, and how much broader that history is in its impacts and geography than is often assumed. That aspect is highlighted in a new book about the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s, The Second Coming of the KKK by two-time Bancroft Prize winner Linda Gordon, which puts modern anti-immigration and antisemitic rhetoric in context. In fact, though the KKK is best known for its racist attacks, other forms of hate have long been part of its history.

It was in the 1920s that the Klan was revived, its popularity spread through the infamous 1915 film Birth of a Nation, and soon became a truly massive social movement in the North, with some five million members. The Klan as it exists today is a more direct offshoot of the iteration that emerged during that time period in North, often in locations with very small African-American populations. What those places did have was a surge of immigrants coming to the U.S. in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Soon, the racist rhetoric of the original KKK was joined by anti-immigrant rhetoric directed at Catholics (accused of worshiping a Pope who sought to impose authoritarian rule), non-white immigrants like the Chinese and Japanese, and European immigrants not considered white enough, i.e. Italians and Eastern European Jews.

How the KKK's Influence Spread in Northern States
Most whites are not involved with the KKK, it is a racist hate group. What was the point of the photos and this history? We all know about the KKK, they should be abolished.

I suppose that picture hit you, those who adore the Confederate flag are now the new KKK. You don't need the whites anymore.
Hit me? Strange answer. Who doesnt need whites? Kkk is a hate group, pic did nothing for me.

Why did you ask about it? Apparently it bothered you.
Lol, assume much? It didnt bother me at all. I was asking what the point was in posting it. We all know kkk is a despicable cult.

Well they are back just without the uniforms. You might not be among them, but if you hang the Confederate flag you are. We have one flag and that is the US Flag. now you're an expert on who is or is not Jewish? I am really tan. Does that help my cause?
I wouldnt consider myself an expert. I just know what the bible says.

It doesnt help your cause if you consider yourself white. White peoples tan is a fleeting thing.

Bible is a book of fiction. Congrats.
So is Harry Potter but they described all the people racially correct didnt they? Believing the bible is a book of fiction is not a valid excuse for denying the Hebrews were Black.

Olive complexion not black. As I said, I tan really easily and do not burn. If I lived in ancient Damascus you'd think I was black or very dark skinned for sure. In terms of Harry Potter, I will leave the children's books to you.
Where does it say the Hebrews were olive colored in the bible? I can show you quite a few places it says they were Black.


What did ancient Israelites look like?

David was probably red-haired or golden haired.
David, King of Israel, was also an "Admoni" (1-Samuel 16:22) meaning red or golden haired. On the other hand "Admoni" in the case of Esau may connote 'brownish."

The words translated above as "ruddy" in Hebrew are "Admoni".
This usually means "red-haired" or even golden haired. It was a feature of David that is noted, repeated, and which evidently stood out. It may not have been a common phenomenon. It is what David was noted for. Red hair is immediately noticeable.
It also seems to have been a cause of prejudice.
Goliath the Philistine giant disdained David BECAUSE he had red hair.
Most whites are not involved with the KKK, it is a racist hate group. What was the point of the photos and this history? We all know about the KKK, they should be abolished.

I suppose that picture hit you, those who adore the Confederate flag are now the new KKK. You don't need the whites anymore.
Hit me? Strange answer. Who doesnt need whites? Kkk is a hate group, pic did nothing for me.

Why did you ask about it? Apparently it bothered you.
Lol, assume much? It didnt bother me at all. I was asking what the point was in posting it. We all know kkk is a despicable cult.

Well they are back just without the uniforms. You might not be among them, but if you hang the Confederate flag you are. We have one flag and that is the US Flag.

Was this you at the DNC?

Imagine that, you found one of the bazillion White Guiltists give us a treatise on 100 year old Southern Racism. Fascinating! But like all Racism claims by Blacks, institutional racism like Jim Crow has long been relegated to the dustbin of history. But yeah those Southern Democrats of the late 1800s, whoo boy they were some kind of Racists weren't they?

I guess whites just said fuck it to dustbins.

Institutional Racism Is Our Way of Life
Endless studies and reports show that racism exists, whether we want to believe it or not.

By Jeff Nesbit, Contributor
 May 6, 2015

It’s probably time to dust off some of the profound, disturbing statistics on institutional racism in America that have been painstakingly chronicled by groups like the Sentencing Project, the ACLU, American Psychological Association, the Education Department’s Civil Rights office and many others.

Because, apparently, we still don’t get it.

Let’s start with pre-school. Black pre-schoolers are far more likely to be suspended than white children, NPR reported. Black children make up 18 percent of the pre-school population, but represent almost half of all out-of-school suspensions.

Once you get to K-12, black children are three times more likely to be suspended than white children. Black students make up almost 40 percent of all school expulsions, and more than two thirds of students referred to police from schools are either black or Hispanic, says the Department of Education.

Even disabled black children suffer from institutional racism. About a fifth of disabled children are black – yet they account for 44 and 42 percent of disabled students put in mechanical restraints or placed in seclusion.

When juveniles hit the court system, it discriminates against blacks as well. Black children are 18 times more likely to be sentenced as adults than white children, and make up nearly 60 percent of children in prisons, according to the APA. Black juvenile offenders are much more likely to be viewed as adults in juvenile detention proceedings than their white counterparts.

In the workplace, black college graduates are twice as likely as whites to struggle to find jobs - the jobless rate for blacks has been double that of whites for decades. A study even found that people with “black-sounding names” had to send out 50 percent more job applications than people with “white-sounding names” just to get a call back.

And it gets worse the higher up the pay scale you go. For every $10,000 increase in pay, blacks’ percentages of holding that job falls by 7 percent compared to whites.

The disparities exist in our neighborhoods and communities. About 73 percent of whites own homes, compared to just 43 percent of blacks. The gap between median household income for whites (about $91,000) compared to blacks (about $7,000) is staggering, and that gap has tripled in just the past 25 years. The median net worth of white families is about $265,000, while it was just $28,500 for blacks.

A black man is three times more likely to be searched at a traffic stop, and six times more likely to go jail than a white person. Blacks make up nearly 40 percent of arrests for violent crimes.

Blacks aren’t pulled over (and subsequently jailed) more frequently because they’re more prone to criminal behavior. They’re pulled over much more frequently because there is an “implicit racial association of black Americans with dangerous or aggressive behavior,” the Sentencing Project found.

The numbers get ridiculous in certain parts of the country, the project found. On the New Jersey Turnpike, for instance, blacks make up 15 percent of drivers, more than 40 percent of stops and 73 percent of arrests – even though they break traffic laws at the same rate as whites. In New York City, blacks and Hispanics were three and four times as likely to be stopped and frisked as whites.

But the disparities become appalling in court.

If a black person kills a white person, they are twice as likely to receive the death sentence as a white person who kills a black person. Local prosecutors are much more likely to upgrade a case to felony murder if you’re black than if you’re white.

Juries are stacked against you if you’re black. Racial bias in jury selection is ridiculous – qualified black jurors are illegally turned away as much as 80 percent of the time in the jury selection process.

The result? About a quarter of juries in death penalty cases have no black jurors, and more than two-thirds have two or less. When a black person is accused of killing a white person – and the jury consists of five or more white males – the odds go way up for a death penalty verdict. Defense lawyers, and prosecutors, know that having just a single black man on the jury substantially changes the odds.

Black people stay in prison longer than white people – up to 20 percent longer than white people serving time for essentially similar crimes. They get much harsher sentences – black people are 38 percent more likely to be sentenced to death than white people for the same crimes.

And the color of the skin of the victims matters greatly in the punishment for capital crimes. Whites and blacks represent about half of murder victims from year to year, but 77 percent of people who are executed killed a white person, while only 13 percent of death row executions represent those who killed a black person.

I could cite hundreds of other statistics, much like these. And we haven’t even touched on efforts to suppress voting, or unbalanced responses to riots, or the bizarre inequities in the never-ending war on drugs.

What they all point to quite clearly is that institutional racism exists in nearly ever corner of American society today, and is what is driving the tension we are seeing on the streets in urban cities. The root causes are what we must deal with, not the symptoms.

So the next time you see someone questioning whether institutional racism exists in America, there’s an obvious answer to the question. We may not like it, but pretending that it doesn’t exist isn’t right, either.
Thanks IM2. I bookmarked your link for easy access when the usual suspects start with their "but what institutional racism exists TODAY!?!" bullshit.
Well, i guess a lot of people will call this a racist society as long as whites are the majority right? Is that in itself systemic racism? The vast majority of whites don't control the system any more than the majority of kenyans control the system where they live. they pretty much just live inside that system themselves. I would say it takes time for society to change from the inside out... and it had been moving in the positive direction until about the last 8 years
Thats true. As long as whites are the majority and support the system of racism that benefits them we will call it a racist society. Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient? How much time do you need to build up a head start? I know the vast majority of whites dont control the system. No one ever said that. I said that the vast majority of whites were racist. Thats because you are willingly being duped into believing you are superior. In a way it doesnt make sense. If I felt was superior I wouldnt agree to a system that held back those people I believed were inferior. I would just show I was better than them. Kind of like I do now.
There are some whites who think they are superior, blacks too. I believe most whites do not feel that way
You are entitled to your opinion. However, I ask again. How can systemic racism exist without the support of the majority? So far all you whites that disagree that most whites are racist have avoided answering this question. You must have some answer to this dont you?
Most white people have no power or authority for you to associate them with being systemic.
You dont seem to understand the meaning of systemic. Every white person has power in such a dynamic.
You are mistaken. What power do i have that you do not have?

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