American Jim Crow & Racism Explained

Single parent homes and the shortage of positive role models in the black community is a huge part of the problem, black folks that reject this notion are equally unhelpful towards making things better as are Whites that deny that blacks (especially lower income blacks) face unique challenges in their quest to get ahead

Hello, dcbl. If you have the time perhaps you could briefly share with me the challenges you write about?

"blacks (especially lower income blacks) face unique challenges in their quest to get ahead."


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Depressed black areas can be scary and dangerous, why? That's a different topic...

Oftentimes, black kids that try to get ahead or "do the right thing" are ostricized for "acting white" or "being an uncle Tom"

This is also due to "classism", my wife teaches in one of the top school districts in AL - black kids that grew up in the district absolutely face peer pressure from the black kids that come in from depressed areas, despite the FACT that their parents are sacrificing to move into more expensive apartments to give their kids a better opportunity (these parents are coming in hoping that the peer pressure will work the other way, and it does, but not right away)

Black's have not done a good job of "creating a culture of opportunities" like their Asian and Hispanic (and Jewish) counterparts have

And, as I have already stated, black folks face longer sentences and are arrested at a higher rate for petty crimes, this is done in areas where blacks are in charge at basically the same rate as in other areas
White privilege is a lie.

I am a white person, I know.
You have to go pickup your white privilege now days. You cant lay on your ass and expect it to be delivered. This is why you have failed in life. Go take a bath. Get a haircut and use deodorant. Go outside your trailer park and seek employment. Once you do that you can compete with college educated Blacks for a job even though you barely got your HS Diploma..
My High School diploma is worth more than most college degrees these days.

But of course I didn't go to a worthless local public high school, so that mostly explains why.
Thats how it works for white people so I agree. Therein lies your privilege. Thanks for admitting that.
You mean my "privilege" of doing work study for 3 years so that my middle class parents could afford to send me to a serious school after taking out loans?

Yeah, it is such evidence of privilege that white parents have to actually spend thousands of dollars on each of their childrens' high school educations(and sometimes elementary and middle school too)just so they can actually learn from a serious curriculum to then have their children be put in the back of the line in terms of employment and college acceptance if they didn't end up getting the limited scholarships that are not even exclusive to white kids.

White privilege is just as much of a lie in America as it is in South Africa. The right is just too stupid to realize this and the left is too evil to care.

So, if white children who do not receive the benefits of a private school education, where and how are they being "put to the back of the line" in the workforce?

The common argument is that they are losing out to the beneficiaries of AA.

But that makes no sense, because even as the relative population size of white people becomes smaller, their share of the better paying jobs in management capacities remains constant.

You can't blame what you're stating on the presence of Hispanics. Generally, they do the jobs that no one else wants to do.

The black population is not displacing whites out the workforce. The unemployment rates of the black population prove that.

So who is this ubiquitous presence that is causing the woes of white millennials like you?

That's an honest question.
Because the poorest whites are simply dying and the poorest blacks are counted as unemployed.

It is extremely obvious.
What makes you think this doesnt happen? Obviously you dont know any Black people if you think this is true.
Why was the preacher at Aretha Franklin's funeral so soundly ostricized for saying this then?
I would say for a couple of reasons. However, you didnt answer my question. Dont deflect.
I am not saying it does not happen at all, I am saying that the peer pressure to misbehave is more prevelant

and I know plenty of black people
You have to go pickup your white privilege now days. You cant lay on your ass and expect it to be delivered. This is why you have failed in life. Go take a bath. Get a haircut and use deodorant. Go outside your trailer park and seek employment. Once you do that you can compete with college educated Blacks for a job even though you barely got your HS Diploma..
My High School diploma is worth more than most college degrees these days.

But of course I didn't go to a worthless local public high school, so that mostly explains why.
Thats how it works for white people so I agree. Therein lies your privilege. Thanks for admitting that.
You mean my "privilege" of doing work study for 3 years so that my middle class parents could afford to send me to a serious school after taking out loans?

Yeah, it is such evidence of privilege that white parents have to actually spend thousands of dollars on each of their childrens' high school educations(and sometimes elementary and middle school too)just so they can actually learn from a serious curriculum to then have their children be put in the back of the line in terms of employment and college acceptance if they didn't end up getting the limited scholarships that are not even exclusive to white kids.

White privilege is just as much of a lie in America as it is in South Africa. The right is just too stupid to realize this and the left is too evil to care.

So, if white children who do not receive the benefits of a private school education, where and how are they being "put to the back of the line" in the workforce?

The common argument is that they are losing out to the beneficiaries of AA.

But that makes no sense, because even as the relative population size of white people becomes smaller, their share of the better paying jobs in management capacities remains constant.

You can't blame what you're stating on the presence of Hispanics. Generally, they do the jobs that no one else wants to do.

The black population is not displacing whites out the workforce. The unemployment rates of the black population prove that.

So who is this ubiquitous presence that is causing the woes of white millennials like you?

That's an honest question.
Because the poorest whites are simply dying and the poorest blacks are counted as unemployed.

It is extremely obvious.

And they are dying for what reason? Suicide? Or a downward spiral into drug abuse? Statistics prove that impoverished blacks, more often than not, are more likely to be incarcerated for a longer sentence than the average impoversihed white.
My High School diploma is worth more than most college degrees these days.

But of course I didn't go to a worthless local public high school, so that mostly explains why.
Thats how it works for white people so I agree. Therein lies your privilege. Thanks for admitting that.
You mean my "privilege" of doing work study for 3 years so that my middle class parents could afford to send me to a serious school after taking out loans?

Yeah, it is such evidence of privilege that white parents have to actually spend thousands of dollars on each of their childrens' high school educations(and sometimes elementary and middle school too)just so they can actually learn from a serious curriculum to then have their children be put in the back of the line in terms of employment and college acceptance if they didn't end up getting the limited scholarships that are not even exclusive to white kids.

White privilege is just as much of a lie in America as it is in South Africa. The right is just too stupid to realize this and the left is too evil to care.

So, if white children who do not receive the benefits of a private school education, where and how are they being "put to the back of the line" in the workforce?

The common argument is that they are losing out to the beneficiaries of AA.

But that makes no sense, because even as the relative population size of white people becomes smaller, their share of the better paying jobs in management capacities remains constant.

You can't blame what you're stating on the presence of Hispanics. Generally, they do the jobs that no one else wants to do.

The black population is not displacing whites out the workforce. The unemployment rates of the black population prove that.

So who is this ubiquitous presence that is causing the woes of white millennials like you?

That's an honest question.
Because the poorest whites are simply dying and the poorest blacks are counted as unemployed.

It is extremely obvious.

The poorest blacks, more often than not, are more likely to be incarcerated for a longer sentence than the average poor white.
And the poor white is much more likely to commit suicide or OD on drugs.
What makes you think this doesnt happen? Obviously you dont know any Black people if you think this is true.
Why was the preacher at Aretha Franklin's funeral so soundly ostricized for saying this then?
I would say for a couple of reasons. However, you didnt answer my question. Dont deflect.
I am not saying it does not happen at all, I am saying that the peer pressure to misbehave is more prevelant

and I know plenty of black people

I doubt you know any Black people with a claim like that. I grew up in a ghetto and I had more peer pressure to become a success than "misbehave".
Thats how it works for white people so I agree. Therein lies your privilege. Thanks for admitting that.
You mean my "privilege" of doing work study for 3 years so that my middle class parents could afford to send me to a serious school after taking out loans?

Yeah, it is such evidence of privilege that white parents have to actually spend thousands of dollars on each of their childrens' high school educations(and sometimes elementary and middle school too)just so they can actually learn from a serious curriculum to then have their children be put in the back of the line in terms of employment and college acceptance if they didn't end up getting the limited scholarships that are not even exclusive to white kids.

White privilege is just as much of a lie in America as it is in South Africa. The right is just too stupid to realize this and the left is too evil to care.

So, if white children who do not receive the benefits of a private school education, where and how are they being "put to the back of the line" in the workforce?

The common argument is that they are losing out to the beneficiaries of AA.

But that makes no sense, because even as the relative population size of white people becomes smaller, their share of the better paying jobs in management capacities remains constant.

You can't blame what you're stating on the presence of Hispanics. Generally, they do the jobs that no one else wants to do.

The black population is not displacing whites out the workforce. The unemployment rates of the black population prove that.

So who is this ubiquitous presence that is causing the woes of white millennials like you?

That's an honest question.
Because the poorest whites are simply dying and the poorest blacks are counted as unemployed.

It is extremely obvious.

The poorest blacks, more often than not, are more likely to be incarcerated for a longer sentence than the average poor white.
And the poor white is much more likely to commit suicide or OD on drugs.
Sounds like a lack of coping skills or poor genetics even though the system has been rigged to support them since the inception of this country. No wonder so many whites killed themselves during the great depression.
Thats how it works for white people so I agree. Therein lies your privilege. Thanks for admitting that.
You mean my "privilege" of doing work study for 3 years so that my middle class parents could afford to send me to a serious school after taking out loans?

Yeah, it is such evidence of privilege that white parents have to actually spend thousands of dollars on each of their childrens' high school educations(and sometimes elementary and middle school too)just so they can actually learn from a serious curriculum to then have their children be put in the back of the line in terms of employment and college acceptance if they didn't end up getting the limited scholarships that are not even exclusive to white kids.

White privilege is just as much of a lie in America as it is in South Africa. The right is just too stupid to realize this and the left is too evil to care.

So, if white children who do not receive the benefits of a private school education, where and how are they being "put to the back of the line" in the workforce?

The common argument is that they are losing out to the beneficiaries of AA.

But that makes no sense, because even as the relative population size of white people becomes smaller, their share of the better paying jobs in management capacities remains constant.

You can't blame what you're stating on the presence of Hispanics. Generally, they do the jobs that no one else wants to do.

The black population is not displacing whites out the workforce. The unemployment rates of the black population prove that.

So who is this ubiquitous presence that is causing the woes of white millennials like you?

That's an honest question.
Because the poorest whites are simply dying and the poorest blacks are counted as unemployed.

It is extremely obvious.

The poorest blacks, more often than not, are more likely to be incarcerated for a longer sentence than the average poor white.
And the poor white is much more likely to commit suicide or OD on drugs.

And why would that be? Suicide and drug use that leads to despair and ultimately suicide, are personal choices.

Are you implying that it's due to anti white discrimination?

Or is it possible that the root cause could be despair based on a sense of entitlement that ends up being unfulfilled?
You mean my "privilege" of doing work study for 3 years so that my middle class parents could afford to send me to a serious school after taking out loans?

Yeah, it is such evidence of privilege that white parents have to actually spend thousands of dollars on each of their childrens' high school educations(and sometimes elementary and middle school too)just so they can actually learn from a serious curriculum to then have their children be put in the back of the line in terms of employment and college acceptance if they didn't end up getting the limited scholarships that are not even exclusive to white kids.

White privilege is just as much of a lie in America as it is in South Africa. The right is just too stupid to realize this and the left is too evil to care.

So, if white children who do not receive the benefits of a private school education, where and how are they being "put to the back of the line" in the workforce?

The common argument is that they are losing out to the beneficiaries of AA.

But that makes no sense, because even as the relative population size of white people becomes smaller, their share of the better paying jobs in management capacities remains constant.

You can't blame what you're stating on the presence of Hispanics. Generally, they do the jobs that no one else wants to do.

The black population is not displacing whites out the workforce. The unemployment rates of the black population prove that.

So who is this ubiquitous presence that is causing the woes of white millennials like you?

That's an honest question.
Because the poorest whites are simply dying and the poorest blacks are counted as unemployed.

It is extremely obvious.

The poorest blacks, more often than not, are more likely to be incarcerated for a longer sentence than the average poor white.
And the poor white is much more likely to commit suicide or OD on drugs.
Sounds like a lack of coping skills or poor genetics even though the system has been rigged to support them since the inception of this country. No wonder so many whites killed themselves during the great depression.
White people don't have racist churches they can go to to feel better about themselves.

We also don't have a NAACP equivalent or a pro-white television station.

All of these things would dramatically decrease the number of white drug users and suicides.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Depressed black areas can be scary and dangerous, why? That's a different topic...

Hi again, dcbl. Thanks for taking the time to reply to my question about challenges faced by our black or fellow American citizens of African descent.

From personal experience, I will add that in addition to being scary and dangerous, people residing or WORKING in struggling black American neighborhoods regularly face emotional stresses, as well as genuine FEARS for their family, friend's and neighbor's SAFETY, as well as concerns for their emotional well being.



dcbl, in this 16:00 NSFW YouTube broadcast (experiencing a few brief wi-fi interruptions), native Chicagoan and active YouTube broadcaster James Hawthorne BOLSTERS your reply to me by offering his American neighbors common sense as well as "from the streets" insights for why single or married primary child caregivers who do everything right when raising and nurturing their child, are still at risk of losing him of her to the STREET GANGSTA CULTURES prevalent in far too many American communities?

If you, or other USMB members have the time to listen to James Hawthorne passionately speak about his experiences, I'd like to read your honest opinion about his thoughts, concerns as well as PAIN when witnessing and describing a specific population of black or American teen and adult MOTHERS of African descent he believes are impeding or depriving untold numbers of American children and teens from experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood all Americans have a right, as well as ABSOLUTE NEED to experience during a critical period of human/childhood development.

Do you believe our apparent caring, concerned fellow citizen James Hawthorne is speaking about a potentially life scarring *MATERNAL CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS?

"(Most) Black Women are the reason for the ignorance and killing done by (Most) Black Men" ~James Hawthorne "Ghetto News Network"


Am_I_Racist, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray.jpg
You mean my "privilege" of doing work study for 3 years so that my middle class parents could afford to send me to a serious school after taking out loans?

Yeah, it is such evidence of privilege that white parents have to actually spend thousands of dollars on each of their childrens' high school educations(and sometimes elementary and middle school too)just so they can actually learn from a serious curriculum to then have their children be put in the back of the line in terms of employment and college acceptance if they didn't end up getting the limited scholarships that are not even exclusive to white kids.

White privilege is just as much of a lie in America as it is in South Africa. The right is just too stupid to realize this and the left is too evil to care.

So, if white children who do not receive the benefits of a private school education, where and how are they being "put to the back of the line" in the workforce?

The common argument is that they are losing out to the beneficiaries of AA.

But that makes no sense, because even as the relative population size of white people becomes smaller, their share of the better paying jobs in management capacities remains constant.

You can't blame what you're stating on the presence of Hispanics. Generally, they do the jobs that no one else wants to do.

The black population is not displacing whites out the workforce. The unemployment rates of the black population prove that.

So who is this ubiquitous presence that is causing the woes of white millennials like you?

That's an honest question.
Because the poorest whites are simply dying and the poorest blacks are counted as unemployed.

It is extremely obvious.

The poorest blacks, more often than not, are more likely to be incarcerated for a longer sentence than the average poor white.
And the poor white is much more likely to commit suicide or OD on drugs.

And why would that be? Suicide and drug use that leads to despair and ultimately suicide, are personal choices.

Are you implying that it's due to anti white discrimination?

Or is it possible that the root cause could be despair based on a sense of entitlement that ends up being unfulfilled?
More like it is despair based on a sense that a magical safety net called white privilege will assure their survival that ends up with the realization that white people are literally the only people who can be legally racially discriminated against.

Not to mention the bullshit about how white people don't have our own culture that directly leads to heavy drinking and drug usage "culture" to counter that sense of emptiness that idiot white Democrat kids have.
So, if white children who do not receive the benefits of a private school education, where and how are they being "put to the back of the line" in the workforce?

The common argument is that they are losing out to the beneficiaries of AA.

But that makes no sense, because even as the relative population size of white people becomes smaller, their share of the better paying jobs in management capacities remains constant.

You can't blame what you're stating on the presence of Hispanics. Generally, they do the jobs that no one else wants to do.

The black population is not displacing whites out the workforce. The unemployment rates of the black population prove that.

So who is this ubiquitous presence that is causing the woes of white millennials like you?

That's an honest question.
Because the poorest whites are simply dying and the poorest blacks are counted as unemployed.

It is extremely obvious.

The poorest blacks, more often than not, are more likely to be incarcerated for a longer sentence than the average poor white.
And the poor white is much more likely to commit suicide or OD on drugs.
Sounds like a lack of coping skills or poor genetics even though the system has been rigged to support them since the inception of this country. No wonder so many whites killed themselves during the great depression.
White people don't have racist churches they can go to to feel better about themselves.

We also don't have a NAACP equivalent or a pro-white television station.

All of these things would dramatically decrease the number of white drug users and suicides.
White people have the KKK, Nazi, Skinheads etc etc not to mention white churches.

White people dont need a NAAWP. They have the executive, judical, and legislative branches of government under their control.

Every channel on TV besides BET and Telemundo is a pro white channel.
So, if white children who do not receive the benefits of a private school education, where and how are they being "put to the back of the line" in the workforce?

The common argument is that they are losing out to the beneficiaries of AA.

But that makes no sense, because even as the relative population size of white people becomes smaller, their share of the better paying jobs in management capacities remains constant.

You can't blame what you're stating on the presence of Hispanics. Generally, they do the jobs that no one else wants to do.

The black population is not displacing whites out the workforce. The unemployment rates of the black population prove that.

So who is this ubiquitous presence that is causing the woes of white millennials like you?

That's an honest question.
Because the poorest whites are simply dying and the poorest blacks are counted as unemployed.

It is extremely obvious.

The poorest blacks, more often than not, are more likely to be incarcerated for a longer sentence than the average poor white.
And the poor white is much more likely to commit suicide or OD on drugs.
Sounds like a lack of coping skills or poor genetics even though the system has been rigged to support them since the inception of this country. No wonder so many whites killed themselves during the great depression.
White people don't have racist churches they can go to to feel better about themselves.

We also don't have a NAACP equivalent or a pro-white television station.

All of these things would dramatically decrease the number of white drug users and suicides.

The vast majority of media sources are predominantly white. The NAACP was founded by a combination of progressive whites and blacks who demanded equality in an era when equality as we know it was non existent.

As far as "racist churches" go. In the not to distant past, blacks in America had nowhere else to go except churches, for help, structure and a sense of belonging.

What "racist churches" exist now that you are referring to?

If the 9 blacks that were killed by Dylan Roof IN CHURCH, had been more racist, he surely could not have just walked in and slaughtered them.

Could he?
Because the poorest whites are simply dying and the poorest blacks are counted as unemployed.

It is extremely obvious.

The poorest blacks, more often than not, are more likely to be incarcerated for a longer sentence than the average poor white.
And the poor white is much more likely to commit suicide or OD on drugs.
Sounds like a lack of coping skills or poor genetics even though the system has been rigged to support them since the inception of this country. No wonder so many whites killed themselves during the great depression.
White people don't have racist churches they can go to to feel better about themselves.

We also don't have a NAACP equivalent or a pro-white television station.

All of these things would dramatically decrease the number of white drug users and suicides.
White people have the KKK, Nazi, Skinheads etc etc not to mention white churches.

White people dont need a NAAWP. They have the executive, judical, and legislative branches of government under their control.

Every channel on TV besides BET and Telemundo is a pro white channel.
Pure bullshit.

"White" churches are simply predominately white churches that aren't even allowed to call themselves historically white, much less conduct themselves like one.

Republicans haven't done a damn thing for white people and Democrats hate us.

Every channel on TV is anti-white. Even Fox News.
I doubt you know any Black people with a claim like that. I grew up in a ghetto and I had more peer pressure to become a success than "misbehave".
most of the black people I know are middle class, upper middle class or actually wealthy

however, my employment over the last 2 years had me working with schools, including ALL of the schools in the city of Birmingham

I ran into a lot of apathy in the inner city schools, moreso than in predominantly black schools in rural areas

Business leaders in the "white" or wealthier areas were much more receptive to branding themselves with the schools and making donations than their counterparts in the inner city (many business owners in the inner city flat out told me that they just did not see the value in supporting or sponsoring the schools from a business standpoint - take that however you want)

also, as I mentioned before, my wife is a teacher in a top flight public school here in metro Birmingham, she has seen 1st hand how the peer pressure works, even in a wealthy area

lastly, when single moms are the norm and they have to push themselves just to make ends meet, it can be difficult to counter the negative pressure to fit in with the "cool crowd"

I can't help but feel like you are being obtuse here...
The poorest blacks, more often than not, are more likely to be incarcerated for a longer sentence than the average poor white.
And the poor white is much more likely to commit suicide or OD on drugs.
Sounds like a lack of coping skills or poor genetics even though the system has been rigged to support them since the inception of this country. No wonder so many whites killed themselves during the great depression.
White people don't have racist churches they can go to to feel better about themselves.

We also don't have a NAACP equivalent or a pro-white television station.

All of these things would dramatically decrease the number of white drug users and suicides.
White people have the KKK, Nazi, Skinheads etc etc not to mention white churches.

White people dont need a NAAWP. They have the executive, judical, and legislative branches of government under their control.

Every channel on TV besides BET and Telemundo is a pro white channel.
Pure bullshit.

"White" churches are simply predominately white churches that aren't even allowed to call themselves historically white, much less conduct themselves like one.

Republicans haven't done a damn thing for white people and Democrats hate us.

Every channel on TV is anti-white. Even Fox News.
Your constant whining is getting boring. Whites control this country and have done so since inception. They have created a system to give you a head start to the detriment of other races. Its not the fault of other whites that you are a failure. The sooner you learn to take advantage of the opportunities given to you by other whites the sooner you will become a success. Your lack of initiative is appalling. Stop your crying.
also, this sign was STILL UP just a few weeks ago here in Bham, it may be still there, I may drive by today just to see...

Your constant whining is getting boring. Whites control this country and have done so since inception. They have created a system to give you a head start to the detriment of other races. Its not the fault of other whites that you are a failure. The sooner you learn to take advantage of the opportunities given to you by other whites the sooner you will become a success. Your lack of initiative is appalling. Stop your crying.
you are just trolling with this statement

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