American Jim Crow & Racism Explained

I wouldnt consider myself an expert. I just know what the bible says.

It doesnt help your cause if you consider yourself white. White peoples tan is a fleeting thing.

Bible is a book of fiction. Congrats.
So is Harry Potter but they described all the people racially correct didnt they? Believing the bible is a book of fiction is not a valid excuse for denying the Hebrews were Black.

Olive complexion not black. As I said, I tan really easily and do not burn. If I lived in ancient Damascus you'd think I was black or very dark skinned for sure. In terms of Harry Potter, I will leave the children's books to you.
Where does it say the Hebrews were olive colored in the bible? I can show you quite a few places it says they were Black.


What did ancient Israelites look like?

David was probably red-haired or golden haired.
David, King of Israel, was also an "Admoni" (1-Samuel 16:22) meaning red or golden haired. On the other hand "Admoni" in the case of Esau may connote 'brownish."

The words translated above as "ruddy" in Hebrew are "Admoni".
This usually means "red-haired" or even golden haired. It was a feature of David that is noted, repeated, and which evidently stood out. It may not have been a common phenomenon. It is what David was noted for. Red hair is immediately noticeable.
It also seems to have been a cause of prejudice.
Goliath the Philistine giant disdained David BECAUSE he had red hair.
Sorry dude. Admoni or adamah is a reddish brown color just like so many Black people. This is where Adam got his name. The translation by whites left out that specific point in an attempt to fool whites into believing the Hebrews were white. Theres even a book by a white guy on this. I suggest you do some research. You can start by figuring out this passage.

Lamentations 4:8
Their visage is blacker than a coal; they are not known in the streets: their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is withered, it is become like a stick.
Thats true. As long as whites are the majority and support the system of racism that benefits them we will call it a racist society. Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient? How much time do you need to build up a head start? I know the vast majority of whites dont control the system. No one ever said that. I said that the vast majority of whites were racist. Thats because you are willingly being duped into believing you are superior. In a way it doesnt make sense. If I felt was superior I wouldnt agree to a system that held back those people I believed were inferior. I would just show I was better than them. Kind of like I do now.
There are some whites who think they are superior, blacks too. I believe most whites do not feel that way
You are entitled to your opinion. However, I ask again. How can systemic racism exist without the support of the majority? So far all you whites that disagree that most whites are racist have avoided answering this question. You must have some answer to this dont you?
Most white people have no power or authority for you to associate them with being systemic.
You dont seem to understand the meaning of systemic. Every white person has power in such a dynamic.
You are mistaken. What power do i have that you do not have?
You have the power of belonging to the race that controls the resources and opportunities.
Youre the one that started digging the hole. You came out of left field with that one.
maybe, the point I was trying to make is that there is most certainly a double standard applied to whites and blacks for saying and doing the same things

I think the problem with most white people is their inherent racist views. You seem to think you know best. If you want to get involved teach your fellow whites not to be racist. I dont need or desire your presence in my community trying to tell me whats best for me.

this statement and general attitude is part of the problem here, and you are not alone in holding this view

I don't think I know best, but I am convinced that my observations are not far off the mark, many leaders in the black community feel the same way

your last statement is a great example of why a lot of white folks have thrown their hands up in frustration on this issue

I have been civil, polite and respectful; and you have given me many easy opportunities to respond with snark, I am going to move forward with that here, but only mildly - if you don't want my input, quit asking for my money in the form of higher taxes and for quota based opportunities...

I will close with this, it isn't about "telling you what is best for you"; it is about realistically identifying the problem and finding workable solutions
Most whites are not involved with the KKK, it is a racist hate group. What was the point of the photos and this history? We all know about the KKK, they should be abolished.

I suppose that picture hit you, those who adore the Confederate flag are now the new KKK. You don't need the whites anymore.
Hit me? Strange answer. Who doesnt need whites? Kkk is a hate group, pic did nothing for me.

Why did you ask about it? Apparently it bothered you.
Lol, assume much? It didnt bother me at all. I was asking what the point was in posting it. We all know kkk is a despicable cult.

Well they are back just without the uniforms. You might not be among them, but if you hang the Confederate flag you are. We have one flag and that is the US Flag.
I dont have a confederate flag
Bible is a book of fiction. Congrats.
So is Harry Potter but they described all the people racially correct didnt they? Believing the bible is a book of fiction is not a valid excuse for denying the Hebrews were Black.

Olive complexion not black. As I said, I tan really easily and do not burn. If I lived in ancient Damascus you'd think I was black or very dark skinned for sure. In terms of Harry Potter, I will leave the children's books to you.
Where does it say the Hebrews were olive colored in the bible? I can show you quite a few places it says they were Black.


What did ancient Israelites look like?

David was probably red-haired or golden haired.
David, King of Israel, was also an "Admoni" (1-Samuel 16:22) meaning red or golden haired. On the other hand "Admoni" in the case of Esau may connote 'brownish."

The words translated above as "ruddy" in Hebrew are "Admoni".
This usually means "red-haired" or even golden haired. It was a feature of David that is noted, repeated, and which evidently stood out. It may not have been a common phenomenon. It is what David was noted for. Red hair is immediately noticeable.
It also seems to have been a cause of prejudice.
Goliath the Philistine giant disdained David BECAUSE he had red hair.
Sorry dude. Admoni or adamah is a reddish brown color just like so many Black people. This is where Adam got his name. The translation by whites left out that specific point in an attempt to fool whites into believing the Hebrews were white. Theres even a book by a white guy on this. I suggest you do some research. You can start by figuring out this passage.

Lamentations 4:8
Their visage is blacker than a coal; they are not known in the streets: their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is withered, it is become like a stick.

How about I just look in the mirror? LOL

I have listed multiple sources not just one. Lastly, no one denies that ancient people in Israel had darker skin. You do realize that we all initially came from Africa. Some skin got lighter as we moved north. You stating that I am not a real Jew is comical.
There are some whites who think they are superior, blacks too. I believe most whites do not feel that way
You are entitled to your opinion. However, I ask again. How can systemic racism exist without the support of the majority? So far all you whites that disagree that most whites are racist have avoided answering this question. You must have some answer to this dont you?
Most white people have no power or authority for you to associate them with being systemic.
You dont seem to understand the meaning of systemic. Every white person has power in such a dynamic.
You are mistaken. What power do i have that you do not have?
You have the power of belonging to the race that controls the resources and opportunities.
Thats like saying you are black, you can control all blacks.
Youre the one that started digging the hole. You came out of left field with that one.
maybe, the point I was trying to make is that there is most certainly a double standard applied to whites and blacks for saying and doing the same things

I think the problem with most white people is their inherent racist views. You seem to think you know best. If you want to get involved teach your fellow whites not to be racist. I dont need or desire your presence in my community trying to tell me whats best for me.

this statement and general attitude is part of the problem here, and you are not alone in holding this view

I don't think I know best, but I am convinced that my observations are not far off the mark, many leaders in the black community feel the same way

your last statement is a great example of why a lot of white folks have thrown their hands up in frustration on this issue

I have been civil, polite and respectful; and you have given me many easy opportunities to respond with snark, I am going to move forward with that here, but only mildly - if you don't want my input, quit asking for my money in the form of higher taxes and for quota based opportunities...

I will close with this, it isn't about "telling you what is best for you"; it is about realistically identifying the problem and finding workable solutions
Next time you should announce your point before blind siding me with some random claim of racist views by a preacher.

You can be convinced. I dont mind that. However, that doesnt change my conviction that you are miles off the mark.

I'm not concerned with what whites are frustrated with. Its apparent you arent frustrated with the things that hinder Black success like white racism. Thats all that I am concerned with. I appreciate you being civil and not responding with snark. However, it really doesnt make a difference. Ignorance stated in a civil manner is still ignorance. You cant dress it up and call knowledge just because you were civil when you said it.

I have never asked for your money. I have never asked you for quotas. The only thing I ask is for you to get out of the way and let me outwork you instead of trying to hold me back with your racist obstacle course.
Youre the one that started digging the hole. You came out of left field with that one.
maybe, the point I was trying to make is that there is most certainly a double standard applied to whites and blacks for saying and doing the same things

I think the problem with most white people is their inherent racist views. You seem to think you know best. If you want to get involved teach your fellow whites not to be racist. I dont need or desire your presence in my community trying to tell me whats best for me.

this statement and general attitude is part of the problem here, and you are not alone in holding this view

I don't think I know best, but I am convinced that my observations are not far off the mark, many leaders in the black community feel the same way

your last statement is a great example of why a lot of white folks have thrown their hands up in frustration on this issue

I have been civil, polite and respectful; and you have given me many easy opportunities to respond with snark, I am going to move forward with that here, but only mildly - if you don't want my input, quit asking for my money in the form of higher taxes and for quota based opportunities...

I will close with this, it isn't about "telling you what is best for you"; it is about realistically identifying the problem and finding workable solutions
Next time you should announce your point before blind siding me with some random claim of racist views by a preacher.

You can be convinced. I dont mind that. However, that doesnt change my conviction that you are miles off the mark.

I'm not concerned with what whites are frustrated with. Its apparent you arent frustrated with the things that hinder Black success like white racism. Thats all that I am concerned with. I appreciate you being civil and not responding with snark. However, it really doesnt make a difference. Ignorance stated in a civil manner is still ignorance. You cant dress it up and call knowledge just because you were civil when you said it.

I have never asked for your money. I have never asked you for quotas. The only thing I ask is for you to get out of the way and let me outwork you instead of trying to hold me back with your racist obstacle course.

Are you a good hoops player?
You are entitled to your opinion. However, I ask again. How can systemic racism exist without the support of the majority? So far all you whites that disagree that most whites are racist have avoided answering this question. You must have some answer to this dont you?
Most white people have no power or authority for you to associate them with being systemic.
You dont seem to understand the meaning of systemic. Every white person has power in such a dynamic.
You are mistaken. What power do i have that you do not have?
You have the power of belonging to the race that controls the resources and opportunities.
Thats like saying you are black, you can control all blacks.
Not at all. Its more like saying you belong to the race that controls the resources and opportunities that are systemically denied Blacks.
Most white people have no power or authority for you to associate them with being systemic.
You dont seem to understand the meaning of systemic. Every white person has power in such a dynamic.
You are mistaken. What power do i have that you do not have?
You have the power of belonging to the race that controls the resources and opportunities.
Thats like saying you are black, you can control all blacks.
Not at all. Its more like saying you belong to the race that controls the resources and opportunities that are systemically denied Blacks.

Why is the NBA 75% black? Country is only 13% black?
Youre the one that started digging the hole. You came out of left field with that one.
maybe, the point I was trying to make is that there is most certainly a double standard applied to whites and blacks for saying and doing the same things

I think the problem with most white people is their inherent racist views. You seem to think you know best. If you want to get involved teach your fellow whites not to be racist. I dont need or desire your presence in my community trying to tell me whats best for me.

this statement and general attitude is part of the problem here, and you are not alone in holding this view

I don't think I know best, but I am convinced that my observations are not far off the mark, many leaders in the black community feel the same way

your last statement is a great example of why a lot of white folks have thrown their hands up in frustration on this issue

I have been civil, polite and respectful; and you have given me many easy opportunities to respond with snark, I am going to move forward with that here, but only mildly - if you don't want my input, quit asking for my money in the form of higher taxes and for quota based opportunities...

I will close with this, it isn't about "telling you what is best for you"; it is about realistically identifying the problem and finding workable solutions
Next time you should announce your point before blind siding me with some random claim of racist views by a preacher.

You can be convinced. I dont mind that. However, that doesnt change my conviction that you are miles off the mark.

I'm not concerned with what whites are frustrated with. Its apparent you arent frustrated with the things that hinder Black success like white racism. Thats all that I am concerned with. I appreciate you being civil and not responding with snark. However, it really doesnt make a difference. Ignorance stated in a civil manner is still ignorance. You cant dress it up and call knowledge just because you were civil when you said it.

I have never asked for your money. I have never asked you for quotas. The only thing I ask is for you to get out of the way and let me outwork you instead of trying to hold me back with your racist obstacle course.

Are you a good hoops player?
I was good enough to get paid for playing in my youth. Why do you ask?
I have never asked for your money. I have never asked you for quotas. The only thing I ask is for you to get out of the way and let me outwork you instead of trying to hold me back with your racist obstacle course.
glad you feel that way, you should start voting for republicans, especially Trump

You dont seem to understand the meaning of systemic. Every white person has power in such a dynamic.
You are mistaken. What power do i have that you do not have?
You have the power of belonging to the race that controls the resources and opportunities.
Thats like saying you are black, you can control all blacks.
Not at all. Its more like saying you belong to the race that controls the resources and opportunities that are systemically denied Blacks.

Why is the NBA 75% black? Country is only 13% black?
Because the vast majority of white guys from the US are intimidated since Blacks integrated the NBA.
I have never asked for your money. I have never asked you for quotas. The only thing I ask is for you to get out of the way and let me outwork you instead of trying to hold me back with your racist obstacle course.
glad you feel that way, you should start voting for republicans, especially Trump

Why would I vote for a party of racists led by a racist? Thats exactly what I am trying to destroy.
Youre the one that started digging the hole. You came out of left field with that one.
maybe, the point I was trying to make is that there is most certainly a double standard applied to whites and blacks for saying and doing the same things

I think the problem with most white people is their inherent racist views. You seem to think you know best. If you want to get involved teach your fellow whites not to be racist. I dont need or desire your presence in my community trying to tell me whats best for me.

this statement and general attitude is part of the problem here, and you are not alone in holding this view

I don't think I know best, but I am convinced that my observations are not far off the mark, many leaders in the black community feel the same way

your last statement is a great example of why a lot of white folks have thrown their hands up in frustration on this issue

I have been civil, polite and respectful; and you have given me many easy opportunities to respond with snark, I am going to move forward with that here, but only mildly - if you don't want my input, quit asking for my money in the form of higher taxes and for quota based opportunities...

I will close with this, it isn't about "telling you what is best for you"; it is about realistically identifying the problem and finding workable solutions
Next time you should announce your point before blind siding me with some random claim of racist views by a preacher.

You can be convinced. I dont mind that. However, that doesnt change my conviction that you are miles off the mark.

I'm not concerned with what whites are frustrated with. Its apparent you arent frustrated with the things that hinder Black success like white racism. Thats all that I am concerned with. I appreciate you being civil and not responding with snark. However, it really doesnt make a difference. Ignorance stated in a civil manner is still ignorance. You cant dress it up and call knowledge just because you were civil when you said it.

I have never asked for your money. I have never asked you for quotas. The only thing I ask is for you to get out of the way and let me outwork you instead of trying to hold me back with your racist obstacle course.

Are you a good hoops player?
I was good enough to get paid for playing in my youth. Why do you ask?

Would you agree that blacks are on average better than whites? So you have privilege in that sport?
You are mistaken. What power do i have that you do not have?
You have the power of belonging to the race that controls the resources and opportunities.
Thats like saying you are black, you can control all blacks.
Not at all. Its more like saying you belong to the race that controls the resources and opportunities that are systemically denied Blacks.

Why is the NBA 75% black? Country is only 13% black?
Because white guys from the US are intimidated since Blacks integrated the NBA.

But they aren't in baseball? I think you know the real answer.
A huge PRIVILEGE is Two-Parent Privilege. If you are raised by a father and mother, you enter adulthood with more privileges than anyone else in American society, irrespective of race, ethnicity, or sex. That’s why the poverty rate among two-parent black families is only 7%. Compare that with a 22% poverty rate among whites in single-parent homes.

Single parents is a primary issue. If you want to talk privilege, Affirmative Action is a privilege, quotas are a privilege. Explain why 70% of African American kids are raised by one parent (was 20% in the 60s). Explain why African Americans commit 50% of the crimes when they comprise only 13% of the population? Is that due to "white privilege"?

Do you really believe it is beneficial to teach an entire generation of African American kids and teens that Ameirca is racist to a point where they cannot overcome it? This is an utter lie and hurts them more than helps them. Would it not make more sense to teach ALL young people not to become single parents?

I am Jew. My people have a history of oppression dating back 1000s of years. I don't feel as though anyone owes me anything.

With all this, you still failed to respond to my statement.

Specically, I posed the question, 1-parent white, 1-parent black, all things being equal...who does society reward more?
I have never asked for your money. I have never asked you for quotas. The only thing I ask is for you to get out of the way and let me outwork you instead of trying to hold me back with your racist obstacle course.
glad you feel that way, you should start voting for republicans, especially Trump

Why would I vote for a party of racists led by a racist? Thats exactly what I am trying to destroy.

How is Trump racist? You seem to be more racist than him. You just said I wasn't a real Jew. LOL.
Youre the one that started digging the hole. You came out of left field with that one.
maybe, the point I was trying to make is that there is most certainly a double standard applied to whites and blacks for saying and doing the same things

I think the problem with most white people is their inherent racist views. You seem to think you know best. If you want to get involved teach your fellow whites not to be racist. I dont need or desire your presence in my community trying to tell me whats best for me.

this statement and general attitude is part of the problem here, and you are not alone in holding this view

I don't think I know best, but I am convinced that my observations are not far off the mark, many leaders in the black community feel the same way

your last statement is a great example of why a lot of white folks have thrown their hands up in frustration on this issue

I have been civil, polite and respectful; and you have given me many easy opportunities to respond with snark, I am going to move forward with that here, but only mildly - if you don't want my input, quit asking for my money in the form of higher taxes and for quota based opportunities...

I will close with this, it isn't about "telling you what is best for you"; it is about realistically identifying the problem and finding workable solutions
Next time you should announce your point before blind siding me with some random claim of racist views by a preacher.

You can be convinced. I dont mind that. However, that doesnt change my conviction that you are miles off the mark.

I'm not concerned with what whites are frustrated with. Its apparent you arent frustrated with the things that hinder Black success like white racism. Thats all that I am concerned with. I appreciate you being civil and not responding with snark. However, it really doesnt make a difference. Ignorance stated in a civil manner is still ignorance. You cant dress it up and call knowledge just because you were civil when you said it.

I have never asked for your money. I have never asked you for quotas. The only thing I ask is for you to get out of the way and let me outwork you instead of trying to hold me back with your racist obstacle course.

Are you a good hoops player?
I was good enough to get paid for playing in my youth. Why do you ask?

Would you agree that blacks are on average better than whites? So you have privilege in that sport?
Its kind of apparent that Blacks are better at hoop because the NBA is level playing field and Blacks outwork the whites. Its not privilege. White boys can work just as hard and be good.
A huge PRIVILEGE is Two-Parent Privilege. If you are raised by a father and mother, you enter adulthood with more privileges than anyone else in American society, irrespective of race, ethnicity, or sex. That’s why the poverty rate among two-parent black families is only 7%. Compare that with a 22% poverty rate among whites in single-parent homes.

Single parents is a primary issue. If you want to talk privilege, Affirmative Action is a privilege, quotas are a privilege. Explain why 70% of African American kids are raised by one parent (was 20% in the 60s). Explain why African Americans commit 50% of the crimes when they comprise only 13% of the population? Is that due to "white privilege"?

Do you really believe it is beneficial to teach an entire generation of African American kids and teens that Ameirca is racist to a point where they cannot overcome it? This is an utter lie and hurts them more than helps them. Would it not make more sense to teach ALL young people not to become single parents?

I am Jew. My people have a history of oppression dating back 1000s of years. I don't feel as though anyone owes me anything.

With all this, you still failed to respond to my statement.

Specically, I posed the question, 1-parent white, 1-parent black, all things being equal...who does society reward more?

Your question is stupid. Society doesn't reward anyone. Are you asking if all things are equal does the white kid have a better shot at success?

If they both have only one parent, they are equally disadvantaged. The harder working kid will succeed.

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