American Jim Crow & Racism Explained

What do you think the real answer is?

They are genetically superior to play that sport. Just like the Scandanavians are genetically superior when it comes to lifting and Jews when it comes to financial matters.
So now youre claiming genetic superiority. If that was the case why dont pure blooded Africans dominate in the NBA?

They do when they get a chance to play. What do you mean? Joel Embiid, Olajuwon, Bol, Thon Maker...same in Europe. Keep in mind you have to develop those skills too and the fact that all those mentioned started playing later in their life (teens) and still made the highest level illustrates how good they are naturally and superior genetically.

I have zero issue stating that on AVERAGE blacks are superior athletes to any other race. None. Don't care if you think that makes me racist.
Of the guys you listed only Hakeem is considered great and he is an entire generation removed. Having a few Africans is not domination. There are exponentially more american Blacks that dominate the game.

Is Giannis not great? Embiid is pretty dominant. Bol was pretty good for never playing HS ball really. Maker is still young.

Want more: Serge Ibaka, Luol Deng? Remember Africa is 3rd world. Kids don't get sneakers or nice courts to practice and still they have more players in the NBA than say Russia, which is organized or Greece or England.
Giannas and Embild are good players. They arent great. They havent done anything yet. You have to be joking about Serge and Luol. They are role players.
Most white people have no power or authority for you to associate them with being systemic.
This is too funny.

Miss, do you mind posting what your definition, or understanding of "systematic racism" is?
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Your question is stupid. Society doesn't reward anyone. Are you asking if all things are equal does the white kid have a better shot at success?

If they both have only one parent, they are equally disadvantaged. The harder working kid will succeed.
Too bad American history hasn't born this out.

How so? Are you looking at stats? Is the NBA racist? 13% of the US is black. 75% of the NBA is black. 70% of the NFL is black. Please explain.
White boys are easily intimidated in the more physical sports would be my guess.

The physical part the whites do fine in--- O LINE, D Line. But skill positions such as CB, RB, WR...the blacks dominate. In hoops the white guys are the enforcer centers...the blacks are the skilled players. So it is not physicality. Try again.
Steve Nash was an enforcer? Gordon Hayward? JJ Redock? You must be drunk man. :laugh:

Steve Nash was awesome and an MVP...Hayward is really good. Redick is a shooter. You named THREE. I can name many more of physical white guys.

Plumlees, Baynes, Gasol bros., Theis, Love, Steven Adams, Olynyk, Nurkic, Leonard, Leuer, Sabonis...

We can go back to Laimbeer too. You are dumb. Again 13% black pop. 75% of the NBA is black. Seems like privilege to me.
Abraham Lincoln's decision on emancipation set the stage for a lot of heartbreak and problems that could have been mitigated and minimized. Slavery, as an institution, was not going to continue for much longer in our country because it was not economically sustainable, and the Republican push on Reconstruction exacerbated racial problems. Why? How? It fanned the fumes of fear, particularly in the "lower classes" or "working class". Lower class whites, although they were economically depressed, held on to the notion that "I may be po white trash, but at least I am better than a ******" - the way emancipation went down; backed by the force of an occupying army, heightened their fears and made the situation worse than it had to be.

Instead of creating opportunities for blacks within their own community, what happened was that blacks were suddenly pushed into a position that put them at odds with lower class working whites; they became "the competition" and therefore "the enemy" - a force that threatened their social status and economic security.

Wealthy whites had an incentive to push the status quo, because they wanted to protect their wealth and status, and it was really easy to fan the flames of racism, because lower class whites did indeed feel threatened (we see the same thing happening today between lower class blacks and Hispanic immigrants, legal and illegal, today)
Referencing the first bolded item, we still see that today. How many white people were incensed that a black man was elected as President of the United States and it didn't matter how educated, articulate, knowledgable, emphathetic, etc. he was, there were still an astoundingly large number of whites some of whom barely had a pot to piss in, who reverted back to the "I may be po white trash but at least I am better than THAT ******". Hell some of the USMB members who post here ooze that same sentiment. Nothing has changed in that respect.

In regards to the 2nd paragraph and the bolded items within we again see that it's all about whites feeling threatened. This is one of the major complaints we hear constantly about affirmative action - now whites have competition for jobs blacks had been excluded from and the whites see this as those jobs being taken from them - they feel there should be no competition for them and therefore they oftentimes do engage in unlawful acts and sabatoge to eliminate their competition or simply to inflict harm in the manner that racist whites have always inflicted harm upon those whom they consider "*******". In spite of the passage of a multitude of laws effectively banishing the white supremacist origins of our country, many racist individuals still engage in unlawful discriminatory acts against African Americans and other people of color TODAY.

Now, I can easily see how my observations would frustrate and even anger you; but I will say that we need to look at other minority populations that have achieved success and built wealth, namely Asians, Hispanics and Jews (Jewish folks work as an example, but I will cede that it was easier for them to assimilate into "white society" than it was for the other groups).
What you're glossing over is that none of those groups are BLACK. Being black in America, being of African descent as it is defined and described in countless local, state and federal statutes and court rulings has a stigma attached to it. A stigma that was legally sanctioned. So it is beyond disengenuous to say "well other groups have done well and made something of their lives" when none of those groups were hindered by the same stigma as people of African descent. All things were not equal and never have been.
They are genetically superior to play that sport. Just like the Scandanavians are genetically superior when it comes to lifting and Jews when it comes to financial matters.
So now youre claiming genetic superiority. If that was the case why dont pure blooded Africans dominate in the NBA?

They do when they get a chance to play. What do you mean? Joel Embiid, Olajuwon, Bol, Thon Maker...same in Europe. Keep in mind you have to develop those skills too and the fact that all those mentioned started playing later in their life (teens) and still made the highest level illustrates how good they are naturally and superior genetically.

I have zero issue stating that on AVERAGE blacks are superior athletes to any other race. None. Don't care if you think that makes me racist.
Of the guys you listed only Hakeem is considered great and he is an entire generation removed. Having a few Africans is not domination. There are exponentially more american Blacks that dominate the game.

Is Giannis not great? Embiid is pretty dominant. Bol was pretty good for never playing HS ball really. Maker is still young.

Want more: Serge Ibaka, Luol Deng? Remember Africa is 3rd world. Kids don't get sneakers or nice courts to practice and still they have more players in the NBA than say Russia, which is organized or Greece or England.
Giannas and Embild are good players. They arent great. They havent done anything yet. You have to be joking about Serge and Luol. They are role players.

Salaries state otherwise and Giannis and Embiid are great right now. Giannis may be the best player in the NBA actually. In terms of fantasy hoops he is the #1 pick. He started playing at 16. LOL.

Why do you deny that you are naturally superior when it comes to athletics to me? Are you abashed?
Too bad American history hasn't born this out.

How so? Are you looking at stats? Is the NBA racist? 13% of the US is black. 75% of the NBA is black. 70% of the NFL is black. Please explain.
White boys are easily intimidated in the more physical sports would be my guess.

The physical part the whites do fine in--- O LINE, D Line. But skill positions such as CB, RB, WR...the blacks dominate. In hoops the white guys are the enforcer centers...the blacks are the skilled players. So it is not physicality. Try again.
Steve Nash was an enforcer? Gordon Hayward? JJ Redock? You must be drunk man. :laugh:

Steve Nash was awesome and an MVP...Hayward is really good. Redick is a shooter. You named THREE. I can name many more of physical white guys.

Plumlees, Baynes, Gasol bros., Theis, Love, Steven Adams, Olynyk, Nurkic, Leonard, Leuer, Sabonis...

We can go back to Laimbeer too. You are dumb. Again 13% black pop. 75% of the NBA is black. Seems like privilege to me.
of the people you named few are american whites you moron.

I think only the Plumlees are american.

Some arent even white. Steven Adams isnt white. He's half Tongan. What an idiot you are.

I dont care what it seems like. the fact that whites dominated the NBA prior to Blacks being allowed to play kinda kills your theory.
the way integration went down caused more tension and hate than it had to
I don't agree - the lower class racists whites from what I've experienced would have resented the "elevation" of blacks - in general, and especially those who were elevated above them or their station in life. In their minds, that is something that just is not supposed to ever occur.
Now can you explain why you think what this pastor is saying is racist?
I'm not going any further down this rabbit hole

I will say this, there are plenty of white folks that have tried to step up and get involved in meaningful ways to make things better that feel that they have been unfairly branded as racist that have thrown their hands up and said "fuck it"

again, take that however you want
Youre the one that started digging the hole. You came out of left field with that one.

I think the problem with most white people is their inherent racist views. You seem to think you know best. If you want to get involved teach your fellow whites not to be racist. I dont need or desire your presence in my community trying to tell me whats best for me.

I dont think so. So what your saying is , White People.. dont come in my black community and try to make things better, I / WE can do it ourself. What you are conveniently glossing over is that YOU/ black people are AMERICANS ... we are all Americans ... your cities and towns and schools and hospitals are American hospitals... Your communities are OUR communities and OUR communities are YOURS just as well. If white people sit on the sidelines and NOT get involved what are they supposed to say?

"OH, I was waiting for other black people to get involved because those are blacks" Yeah right. We should all be getting involved in places like Detroit and Chicago to bring back jobs, eliminate gangs or whatever ....because those cities are part of the United States and it weakens the entire country.

"You seem to think you know best"

You seem to repeat this a lot, when someone has an opinion, yet you do the same damn thing. Unless another black person thinks the same as you they become an Uncle Ruffus, or an Uncle Tom... Or a house...expletive.... whatever names you would give them. Because You always know best. Never mind that its a big world out there and there is room for a lot of opinions
So now youre claiming genetic superiority. If that was the case why dont pure blooded Africans dominate in the NBA?

They do when they get a chance to play. What do you mean? Joel Embiid, Olajuwon, Bol, Thon Maker...same in Europe. Keep in mind you have to develop those skills too and the fact that all those mentioned started playing later in their life (teens) and still made the highest level illustrates how good they are naturally and superior genetically.

I have zero issue stating that on AVERAGE blacks are superior athletes to any other race. None. Don't care if you think that makes me racist.
Of the guys you listed only Hakeem is considered great and he is an entire generation removed. Having a few Africans is not domination. There are exponentially more american Blacks that dominate the game.

Is Giannis not great? Embiid is pretty dominant. Bol was pretty good for never playing HS ball really. Maker is still young.

Want more: Serge Ibaka, Luol Deng? Remember Africa is 3rd world. Kids don't get sneakers or nice courts to practice and still they have more players in the NBA than say Russia, which is organized or Greece or England.
Giannas and Embild are good players. They arent great. They havent done anything yet. You have to be joking about Serge and Luol. They are role players.

Salaries state otherwise and Giannis and Embiid are great right now. Giannis may be the best player in the NBA actually. In terms of fantasy hoops he is the #1 pick. He started playing at 16. LOL.

Why do you deny that you are naturally superior when it comes to athletics to me? Are you abashed?
Neither of those guys make as much as the top Black american players. Hell a white boy makes more than both of them. Giannas doesnt even have a jumper and this isnt a fantasy league.

Because I have played with some white guys that were not afraid. They can ball with the best of them.

The 27 highest-paid players in the NBA for the 2017-18 season
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Abraham Lincoln's decision on emancipation set the stage for a lot of heartbreak and problems that could have been mitigated and minimized. Slavery, as an institution, was not going to continue for much longer in our country because it was not economically sustainable, and the Republican push on Reconstruction exacerbated racial problems. Why? How? It fanned the fumes of fear, particularly in the "lower classes" or "working class". Lower class whites, although they were economically depressed, held on to the notion that "I may be po white trash, but at least I am better than a ******" - the way emancipation went down; backed by the force of an occupying army, heightened their fears and made the situation worse than it had to be.

Instead of creating opportunities for blacks within their own community, what happened was that blacks were suddenly pushed into a position that put them at odds with lower class working whites; they became "the competition" and therefore "the enemy" - a force that threatened their social status and economic security.

Wealthy whites had an incentive to push the status quo, because they wanted to protect their wealth and status, and it was really easy to fan the flames of racism, because lower class whites did indeed feel threatened (we see the same thing happening today between lower class blacks and Hispanic immigrants, legal and illegal, today)
Referencing the first bolded item, we still see that today. How many white people were incensed that a black man was elected as President of the United States and it didn't matter how educated, articulate, knowledgable, emphathetic, etc. he was, there were still an astoundingly large number of whites some of whom barely had a pot to piss in, who reverted back to the "I may be po white trash but at least I am better than THAT ******". Hell some of the USMB members who post here ooze that same sentiment. Nothing has changed in that respect.

In regards to the 2nd paragraph and the bolded items within we again see that it's all about whites feeling threatened. This is one of the major complaints we hear constantly about affirmative action - now whites have competition for jobs blacks had been excluded from and the whites see this as those jobs being taken from them - they feel there should be no competition for them and therefore they oftentimes do engage in unlawful acts and sabatoge to eliminate their competition or simply to inflict harm in the manner that racist whites have always inflicted harm upon those whom they consider "*******". In spite of the passage of a multitude of laws effectively banishing the white supremacist origins of our country, many racist individuals still engage in unlawful discriminatory acts against African Americans and other people of color TODAY.

Now, I can easily see how my observations would frustrate and even anger you; but I will say that we need to look at other minority populations that have achieved success and built wealth, namely Asians, Hispanics and Jews (Jewish folks work as an example, but I will cede that it was easier for them to assimilate into "white society" than it was for the other groups).
What you're glossing over is that none of those groups are BLACK. Being black in America, being of African descent as it is defined and described in countless local, state and federal statutes and court rulings has a stigma attached to it. A stigma that was legally sanctioned. So it is beyond disengenuous to say "well other groups have done well and made something of their lives" when none of those groups were hindered by the same stigma as people of African descent. All things were not equal and never have been.
I was addressing the points made in the video and offering insight into why the racial divide has been so vitriolic and the reasons behind the Jim Crow laws, so yeah, the fact that whites felt threatened, moreso than was necessary as far as I am concerned, was a huge factor in why the Jim Crow laws were as pernicious as they were

I was not glossing over anything, I was answering the question that was asked
How so? Are you looking at stats? Is the NBA racist? 13% of the US is black. 75% of the NBA is black. 70% of the NFL is black. Please explain.
White boys are easily intimidated in the more physical sports would be my guess.

The physical part the whites do fine in--- O LINE, D Line. But skill positions such as CB, RB, WR...the blacks dominate. In hoops the white guys are the enforcer centers...the blacks are the skilled players. So it is not physicality. Try again.
Steve Nash was an enforcer? Gordon Hayward? JJ Redock? You must be drunk man. :laugh:

Steve Nash was awesome and an MVP...Hayward is really good. Redick is a shooter. You named THREE. I can name many more of physical white guys.

Plumlees, Baynes, Gasol bros., Theis, Love, Steven Adams, Olynyk, Nurkic, Leonard, Leuer, Sabonis...

We can go back to Laimbeer too. You are dumb. Again 13% black pop. 75% of the NBA is black. Seems like privilege to me.
of the people you named few are american whites you moron.

I think only the Plumlees are american.

Some arent even white. Steven Adams isnt white. He's half Tongan. What an idiot you are.

I dont care what it seems like. the fact that whites dominated the NBA prior to Blacks being allowed to play kinda kills your theory.

So white is not a color it is a race? LOL

Steve Nash was a Canuck so I guess you cannot use him as an example either. Thanks. Dummy.
the way integration went down caused more tension and hate than it had to
I don't agree - the lower class racists whites from what I've experienced would have resented the "elevation" of blacks - in general, and especially those who were elevated above them or their station in life. In their minds, that is something that just is not supposed to ever occur.
maybe, but we are talking about how people felt and acted in the late 1800's through the 1950's; it's an opinion and an observation; I don't expect everyone to agree with me
How so? Are you looking at stats? Is the NBA racist? 13% of the US is black. 75% of the NBA is black. 70% of the NFL is black. Please explain.
Hint: The exception is not the rule.

So are you going to dodge the question? Why in the black kid at a disadvantage? Your boy friend ASSclepias used white guys as the exception and that was fine? LOL. Hypocritical much?
Now can you explain why you think what this pastor is saying is racist?
I'm not going any further down this rabbit hole

I will say this, there are plenty of white folks that have tried to step up and get involved in meaningful ways to make things better that feel that they have been unfairly branded as racist that have thrown their hands up and said "fuck it"

again, take that however you want
Youre the one that started digging the hole. You came out of left field with that one.

I think the problem with most white people is their inherent racist views. You seem to think you know best. If you want to get involved teach your fellow whites not to be racist. I dont need or desire your presence in my community trying to tell me whats best for me.

I dont think so. So what your saying is , White People.. dont come in my black community and try to make things better, I / WE can do it ourself. What you are conveniently glossing over is that YOU/ black people are AMERICANS ... we are all Americans ... your cities and towns and schools and hospitals are American hospitals... Your communities are OUR communities and OUR communities are YOURS just as well. If white people sit on the sidelines and NOT get involved what are they supposed to say?

"OH, I was waiting for other black people to get involved because those are blacks" Yeah right. We should all be getting involved in places like Detroit and Chicago to bring back jobs, eliminate gangs or whatever ....because those cities are part of the United States and it weakens the entire country.

"You seem to think you know best"

You seem to repeat this a lot, when someone has an opinion, yet you do the same damn thing. Unless another black person thinks the same as you they become an Uncle Ruffus, or an Uncle Tom... Or a house...expletive.... whatever names you would give them. Because You always know best. Never mind that its a big world out there and there is room for a lot of opinions
I disagree. My community is not yours unless you live and operate within that community. Upon living and operating in that community you see the truth and start placing blame where it should be placed....with the white power structure and the easily led white people that support it. I never said to sit on the side line. I said start teaching your fellow whites not to be racists.

I meant thiat as a general term. Whites claim to know best but they have their own problems they need to correct. I only call Blacks by those names when they dance for whites. I disagree respectfully with plenty of Black people on their views. I cant stomach boot lickin Blacks trying to get ahead on the backs of other Blacks.
They do when they get a chance to play. What do you mean? Joel Embiid, Olajuwon, Bol, Thon Maker...same in Europe. Keep in mind you have to develop those skills too and the fact that all those mentioned started playing later in their life (teens) and still made the highest level illustrates how good they are naturally and superior genetically.

I have zero issue stating that on AVERAGE blacks are superior athletes to any other race. None. Don't care if you think that makes me racist.
Of the guys you listed only Hakeem is considered great and he is an entire generation removed. Having a few Africans is not domination. There are exponentially more american Blacks that dominate the game.

Is Giannis not great? Embiid is pretty dominant. Bol was pretty good for never playing HS ball really. Maker is still young.

Want more: Serge Ibaka, Luol Deng? Remember Africa is 3rd world. Kids don't get sneakers or nice courts to practice and still they have more players in the NBA than say Russia, which is organized or Greece or England.
Giannas and Embild are good players. They arent great. They havent done anything yet. You have to be joking about Serge and Luol. They are role players.

Salaries state otherwise and Giannis and Embiid are great right now. Giannis may be the best player in the NBA actually. In terms of fantasy hoops he is the #1 pick. He started playing at 16. LOL.

Why do you deny that you are naturally superior when it comes to athletics to me? Are you abashed?
Neither of those guys make as much as the top Black american players. Giannas doesnt even have a jumper and this isnt a fantasy league.

Because I have played with some white guys that were not afraid. They can ball with the best of them.

Your prison pick up leagues don't impress me. NBA is 75% black. Top 30 NBA prospects for 2019 are black. Nothing to do with fear. LBJ didn't have a J early in his career either. Keep trying.
I'm sure you believe that to be true.

But put a white person from a 1-parent home and a black person from a 1-parent home in the same situation and who does society reward more? All things being the same.

You can't escape this country's original sin bub, just can't.
The situations are framed differently. The white single mom who struggled to raise her kid vs the black single mom who is just a [fill in the blank]

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