American Jim Crow & Racism Explained

Now can you explain why you think what this pastor is saying is racist?
I'm not going any further down this rabbit hole

I will say this, there are plenty of white folks that have tried to step up and get involved in meaningful ways to make things better that feel that they have been unfairly branded as racist that have thrown their hands up and said "fuck it"

again, take that however you want
Youre the one that started digging the hole. You came out of left field with that one.

I think the problem with most white people is their inherent racist views. You seem to think you know best. If you want to get involved teach your fellow whites not to be racist. I dont need or desire your presence in my community trying to tell me whats best for me.

I dont think so. So what your saying is , White People.. dont come in my black community and try to make things better, I / WE can do it ourself. What you are conveniently glossing over is that YOU/ black people are AMERICANS ... we are all Americans ... your cities and towns and schools and hospitals are American hospitals... Your communities are OUR communities and OUR communities are YOURS just as well. If white people sit on the sidelines and NOT get involved what are they supposed to say?

"OH, I was waiting for other black people to get involved because those are blacks" Yeah right. We should all be getting involved in places like Detroit and Chicago to bring back jobs, eliminate gangs or whatever ....because those cities are part of the United States and it weakens the entire country.

"You seem to think you know best"

You seem to repeat this a lot, when someone has an opinion, yet you do the same damn thing. Unless another black person thinks the same as you they become an Uncle Ruffus, or an Uncle Tom... Or a house...expletive.... whatever names you would give them. Because You always know best. Never mind that its a big world out there and there is room for a lot of opinions
I disagree. My community is not yours unless you live and operate within that community. Upon living and operating in that community you see the truth and start placing blame where it should be placed....with the white power structure and the easily led white people that support it. I never said to sit on the side line. I said start teaching your fellow whites not to be racists.

I meant thiat as a general term. Whites claim to know best but they have their own problems they need to correct. I only call Blacks by those names when they dance for whites. I disagree respectfully with plenty of Black people on their views. I cant stomach boot lickin Blacks trying to get ahead on the backs of other Blacks.

LOL...I have no idea what you are talking about.
Now can you explain why you think what this pastor is saying is racist?
I'm not going any further down this rabbit hole

I will say this, there are plenty of white folks that have tried to step up and get involved in meaningful ways to make things better that feel that they have been unfairly branded as racist that have thrown their hands up and said "fuck it"

again, take that however you want
Youre the one that started digging the hole. You came out of left field with that one.

I think the problem with most white people is their inherent racist views. You seem to think you know best. If you want to get involved teach your fellow whites not to be racist. I dont need or desire your presence in my community trying to tell me whats best for me.

I dont think so. So what your saying is , White People.. dont come in my black community and try to make things better, I / WE can do it ourself. What you are conveniently glossing over is that YOU/ black people are AMERICANS ... we are all Americans ... your cities and towns and schools and hospitals are American hospitals... Your communities are OUR communities and OUR communities are YOURS just as well. If white people sit on the sidelines and NOT get involved what are they supposed to say?

"OH, I was waiting for other black people to get involved because those are blacks" Yeah right. We should all be getting involved in places like Detroit and Chicago to bring back jobs, eliminate gangs or whatever ....because those cities are part of the United States and it weakens the entire country.

"You seem to think you know best"

You seem to repeat this a lot, when someone has an opinion, yet you do the same damn thing. Unless another black person thinks the same as you they become an Uncle Ruffus, or an Uncle Tom... Or a house...expletive.... whatever names you would give them. Because You always know best. Never mind that its a big world out there and there is room for a lot of opinions
I disagree. My community is not yours unless you live and operate within that community. Upon living and operating in that community you see the truth and start placing blame where it should be placed....with the white power structure and the easily led white people that support it. I never said to sit on the side line. I said start teaching your fellow whites not to be racists.

I meant thiat as a general term. Whites claim to know best but they have their own problems they need to correct. I only call Blacks by those names when they dance for whites. I disagree respectfully with plenty of Black people on their views. I cant stomach boot lickin Blacks trying to get ahead on the backs of other Blacks.

LOL...I have no idea what you are talking about.
That may be because I am not talking to you. Dont be in a hurry to answer a post without looking at who is being addressed.
I'm not going any further down this rabbit hole

I will say this, there are plenty of white folks that have tried to step up and get involved in meaningful ways to make things better that feel that they have been unfairly branded as racist that have thrown their hands up and said "fuck it"

again, take that however you want
Youre the one that started digging the hole. You came out of left field with that one.

I think the problem with most white people is their inherent racist views. You seem to think you know best. If you want to get involved teach your fellow whites not to be racist. I dont need or desire your presence in my community trying to tell me whats best for me.

I dont think so. So what your saying is , White People.. dont come in my black community and try to make things better, I / WE can do it ourself. What you are conveniently glossing over is that YOU/ black people are AMERICANS ... we are all Americans ... your cities and towns and schools and hospitals are American hospitals... Your communities are OUR communities and OUR communities are YOURS just as well. If white people sit on the sidelines and NOT get involved what are they supposed to say?

"OH, I was waiting for other black people to get involved because those are blacks" Yeah right. We should all be getting involved in places like Detroit and Chicago to bring back jobs, eliminate gangs or whatever ....because those cities are part of the United States and it weakens the entire country.

"You seem to think you know best"

You seem to repeat this a lot, when someone has an opinion, yet you do the same damn thing. Unless another black person thinks the same as you they become an Uncle Ruffus, or an Uncle Tom... Or a house...expletive.... whatever names you would give them. Because You always know best. Never mind that its a big world out there and there is room for a lot of opinions
I disagree. My community is not yours unless you live and operate within that community. Upon living and operating in that community you see the truth and start placing blame where it should be placed....with the white power structure and the easily led white people that support it. I never said to sit on the side line. I said start teaching your fellow whites not to be racists.

I meant thiat as a general term. Whites claim to know best but they have their own problems they need to correct. I only call Blacks by those names when they dance for whites. I disagree respectfully with plenty of Black people on their views. I cant stomach boot lickin Blacks trying to get ahead on the backs of other Blacks.

LOL...I have no idea what you are talking about.
That may be because I am not talking to you. Dont be in a hurry to answer a post without looking at who is being addressed.

Oh no I read all the prior posts as well. You are incoherent.

Ok, so KKK membership estimated at three thousand nation wide. even given a large margin of error, its very minute and half of these people joined in the last three years or so.. Hardly looking like a vast majority of white guys so far. I'm willing to bet another large portion of them are a product of the Prison system where people are pretty much forced to segregate themselves for survival. Estimated around 20,000
But do you have any more facts other than assuming the vast majority of white guys are racist? Considering theres about 200 million white people in the US I would expect those indicators to be a hell of a lot higher.
I think you really want the vast majority of whites to be racist, and that would be more accurate
You do realize that an estimate is not very reliable or factual right? You must also realize that the KKK isnt the only white power group either right? What about the ones that arent in any group? Yes I have facts. A racist society cannot exist without support from the majority. The SCOTUS has admitted that there is systemic racism. Can you explain how that can exist if the majority of whites are not racist? I need facts not your assumptions.

Well, i guess a lot of people will call this a racist society as long as whites are the majority right? Is that in itself systemic racism? The vast majority of whites don't control the system any more than the majority of kenyans control the system where they live. they pretty much just live inside that system themselves. I would say it takes time for society to change from the inside out... and it had been moving in the positive direction until about the last 8 years
Thats true. As long as whites are the majority and support the system of racism that benefits them we will call it a racist society. Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient? How much time do you need to build up a head start? I know the vast majority of whites dont control the system. No one ever said that. I said that the vast majority of whites were racist. Thats because you are willingly being duped into believing you are superior. In a way it doesnt make sense. If I felt was superior I wouldnt agree to a system that held back those people I believed were inferior. I would just show I was better than them. Kind of like I do now.

Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient?

I'm not telling anyone black to be patient... I am just of the belief that IT TAKES TIME FOR SOCIETY TO CHANGE FROM THE INSIDE OUT. Its a statement... not me telling black people to be patient.
Be impatient all you want... and there you go again trying to show I'm asserting some sort of white privelege
I cant post without you reminding me I'm a WHITE. Do i need to call you a BLACK every time you post?
It doesnt take a society centuries to live out the creed they profess to believe in. Whites are fine as long as Blacks are quietly patient because they want more of a head start. Anyone that thinks a society takes centuries to adopt the things it professes to fundamentally believe in is a fool.

Independence and the Constitution were not meant to be the finalization of a promise., it was the beginning of the country. It existed in a world where slavery had already existed for a thousand plus years, but YES the US history is full of failures.... yet amazingly at the same time it is a place of opportunity and people have desired to come here for our freedoms. Why is that? Even African Americans are not looking to move to Africa en mass... why is that? probably because there is more opportunity here. How can that be in a place that is supposed to hate them that much? Most white people are just going to work and raise their kids.... not get a head start on black people... as if that had any bearing on anything. Opportunity and wealth is something that can be created at any time. I don't have to take away from one person to get something myself.

Societal change doesn't happen in a linear pattern, especially with a country as large as the US which has had an influx of immigrants from all over the world. There are successes and failures at the same time depending on what your looking at. But we have been moving in the right direction despite those who want to keep on dragging us back to a place where we dont like each other. Show me where you are not protected under the law just as much as anyone else.
White Privilege.

But you knew that was coming, didntcha?
White privilege is a lie.

I am a white person, I know.
You have to go pickup your white privilege now days. You cant lay on your ass and expect it to be delivered. This is why you have failed in life. Go take a bath. Get a haircut and use deodorant. Go outside your trailer park and seek employment. Once you do that you can compete with college educated Blacks for a job even though you barely got your HS Diploma..
My High School diploma is worth more than most college degrees these days.

But of course I didn't go to a worthless local public high school, so that mostly explains why.
Thats how it works for white people so I agree. Therein lies your privilege. Thanks for admitting that.
You mean my "privilege" of doing work study for 3 years so that my middle class parents could afford to send me to a serious school after taking out loans?

Yeah, it is such evidence of privilege that white parents have to actually spend thousands of dollars on each of their childrens' high school educations(and sometimes elementary and middle school too)just so they can actually learn from a serious curriculum to then have their children be put in the back of the line in terms of employment and college acceptance if they didn't end up getting the limited scholarships that are not even exclusive to white kids.

White privilege is just as much of a lie in America as it is in South Africa. The right is just too stupid to realize this and the left is too evil to care.
I always thought the best way of getting into a good college is to get good grades and to score high on the college entrance exams. Is that not true anymore? High school & college were a long time ago for me.
You do realize that an estimate is not very reliable or factual right? You must also realize that the KKK isnt the only white power group either right? What about the ones that arent in any group? Yes I have facts. A racist society cannot exist without support from the majority. The SCOTUS has admitted that there is systemic racism. Can you explain how that can exist if the majority of whites are not racist? I need facts not your assumptions.

Well, i guess a lot of people will call this a racist society as long as whites are the majority right? Is that in itself systemic racism? The vast majority of whites don't control the system any more than the majority of kenyans control the system where they live. they pretty much just live inside that system themselves. I would say it takes time for society to change from the inside out... and it had been moving in the positive direction until about the last 8 years
Thats true. As long as whites are the majority and support the system of racism that benefits them we will call it a racist society. Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient? How much time do you need to build up a head start? I know the vast majority of whites dont control the system. No one ever said that. I said that the vast majority of whites were racist. Thats because you are willingly being duped into believing you are superior. In a way it doesnt make sense. If I felt was superior I wouldnt agree to a system that held back those people I believed were inferior. I would just show I was better than them. Kind of like I do now.

Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient?

I'm not telling anyone black to be patient... I am just of the belief that IT TAKES TIME FOR SOCIETY TO CHANGE FROM THE INSIDE OUT. Its a statement... not me telling black people to be patient.
Be impatient all you want... and there you go again trying to show I'm asserting some sort of white privelege
I cant post without you reminding me I'm a WHITE. Do i need to call you a BLACK every time you post?
It doesnt take a society centuries to live out the creed they profess to believe in. Whites are fine as long as Blacks are quietly patient because they want more of a head start. Anyone that thinks a society takes centuries to adopt the things it professes to fundamentally believe in is a fool.

Independence and the Constitution were not meant to be the finalization of a promise., it was the beginning of the country. It existed in a world where slavery had already existed for a thousand plus years, but YES the US history is full of failures.... yet amazingly at the same time it is a place of opportunity and people have desired to come here for our freedoms. Why is that? Even African Americans are not looking to move to Africa en mass... why is that? probably because there is more opportunity here. How can that be in a place that is supposed to hate them that much? Most white people are just going to work and raise their kids.... not get a head start on black people... as if that had any bearing on anything. Opportunity and wealth is something that can be created at any time. I don't have to take away from one person to get something myself.

Societal change doesn't happen in a linear pattern, especially with a country as large as the US which has had an influx of immigrants from all over the world. There are successes and failures at the same time depending on what your looking at. But we have been moving in the right direction despite those who want to keep on dragging us back to a place where we dont like each other. Show me where you are not protected under the law just as much as anyone else.
I call bullshit. The constitution and declaration were emphatic statements. We know because the founding fathers debated ending slavery at that moment. They decided not to out of hypocrisy.

Most people are not looking to move to the US. Can you explain that? Most Blacks are not looking to move to Africa out of ignorance and or family obligations. They have been told all sorts of tall tales regarding Africa.

I think the fact that there had to be separate legislation to address the rights that all american citizens should have enjoyed from the start is more than enough evidence Blacks are not protected just as much as whites. Well that and the fact that the SCOTUS admitted to the systemic racism in the US.

Also whites seem to be able to move at warp speed when it comes to implementing the things they feel are important so I am not buying that bullshit about taking a long time.
the way integration went down caused more tension and hate than it had to
I don't agree - the lower class racists whites from what I've experienced would have resented the "elevation" of blacks - in general, and especially those who were elevated above them or their station in life. In their minds, that is something that just is not supposed to ever occur.
I don't disagree, there was never a way to integrate without hurt feelings and growing pains; I am just saying that it went down worse than it might have
White privilege is a lie.

I am a white person, I know.
You have to go pickup your white privilege now days. You cant lay on your ass and expect it to be delivered. This is why you have failed in life. Go take a bath. Get a haircut and use deodorant. Go outside your trailer park and seek employment. Once you do that you can compete with college educated Blacks for a job even though you barely got your HS Diploma..
My High School diploma is worth more than most college degrees these days.

But of course I didn't go to a worthless local public high school, so that mostly explains why.
Thats how it works for white people so I agree. Therein lies your privilege. Thanks for admitting that.
You mean my "privilege" of doing work study for 3 years so that my middle class parents could afford to send me to a serious school after taking out loans?

Yeah, it is such evidence of privilege that white parents have to actually spend thousands of dollars on each of their childrens' high school educations(and sometimes elementary and middle school too)just so they can actually learn from a serious curriculum to then have their children be put in the back of the line in terms of employment and college acceptance if they didn't end up getting the limited scholarships that are not even exclusive to white kids.

White privilege is just as much of a lie in America as it is in South Africa. The right is just too stupid to realize this and the left is too evil to care.
I always thought the best way of getting into a good college is to get good grades and to score high on the college entrance exams. Is that not true anymore? High school & college were a long time ago for me.
PTBW is a whiny white boy that cant handle the competition. He is the type that will found a KKK chapter claiming how its all so unfair he cant be given an education without having to work for it.
Now can you explain why you think what this pastor is saying is racist?
I'm not going any further down this rabbit hole

I will say this, there are plenty of white folks that have tried to step up and get involved in meaningful ways to make things better that feel that they have been unfairly branded as racist that have thrown their hands up and said "fuck it"

again, take that however you want
Youre the one that started digging the hole. You came out of left field with that one.

I think the problem with most white people is their inherent racist views. You seem to think you know best. If you want to get involved teach your fellow whites not to be racist. I dont need or desire your presence in my community trying to tell me whats best for me.

I dont think so. So what your saying is , White People.. dont come in my black community and try to make things better, I / WE can do it ourself. What you are conveniently glossing over is that YOU/ black people are AMERICANS ... we are all Americans ... your cities and towns and schools and hospitals are American hospitals... Your communities are OUR communities and OUR communities are YOURS just as well. If white people sit on the sidelines and NOT get involved what are they supposed to say?

"OH, I was waiting for other black people to get involved because those are blacks" Yeah right. We should all be getting involved in places like Detroit and Chicago to bring back jobs, eliminate gangs or whatever ....because those cities are part of the United States and it weakens the entire country.

"You seem to think you know best"

You seem to repeat this a lot, when someone has an opinion, yet you do the same damn thing. Unless another black person thinks the same as you they become an Uncle Ruffus, or an Uncle Tom... Or a house...expletive.... whatever names you would give them. Because You always know best. Never mind that its a big world out there and there is room for a lot of opinions
I disagree. My community is not yours unless you live and operate within that community. Upon living and operating in that community you see the truth and start placing blame where it should be placed....with the white power structure and the easily led white people that support it. I never said to sit on the side line. I said start teaching your fellow whites not to be racists.

I meant thiat as a general term. Whites claim to know best but they have their own problems they need to correct. I only call Blacks by those names when they dance for whites. I disagree respectfully with plenty of Black people on their views. I cant stomach boot lickin Blacks trying to get ahead on the backs of other Blacks.

True, it is your community. But in the larger sense we are all still Americans. What you say is great if there are actually people like you doing things. But what happens if you end up with a Mayor Dinkins? remember that guy? What happens if the community gets worse and worse? often it is people inside poor communities calling the cops to come in, so at some point things can be done by outsiders (whites or whoever) or should be. Are people supposed to wait hoping that there is an Asclepias to save them? what if there isnt? I would say there is plenty of community outreach that is a joint venture across racial lines and really when your talking about bringing jobs and industry back to some areas it takes some political will to help facilitate that. that might include white people getting involved.

And this is not to deflect from the fact there are a lot of white communities where drug abuse and crime are also rampant... But the same answer applies to both communities in many cases
Non-white parents pretty much all send their kids to public schools, which costs nothing.

White parents are increasingly forced to send their kids to private schools because of how terrible the public schools are, and private schools can cost as much as a community college.

You are an idiot if you think that balances out any time.
What part of the country do you live in? I went to public schools and I think I got a pretty good education. I got as far as algebra 2 I think, geometry & trig, no calculus though and I tested out of all of the entry level classes when I started college so that means I began college at an advanced enough level to not have to take any of the basic courses. All free via the Compton School District and then later on the public school districts in the South Bay.
Well, i guess a lot of people will call this a racist society as long as whites are the majority right? Is that in itself systemic racism? The vast majority of whites don't control the system any more than the majority of kenyans control the system where they live. they pretty much just live inside that system themselves. I would say it takes time for society to change from the inside out... and it had been moving in the positive direction until about the last 8 years
Thats true. As long as whites are the majority and support the system of racism that benefits them we will call it a racist society. Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient? How much time do you need to build up a head start? I know the vast majority of whites dont control the system. No one ever said that. I said that the vast majority of whites were racist. Thats because you are willingly being duped into believing you are superior. In a way it doesnt make sense. If I felt was superior I wouldnt agree to a system that held back those people I believed were inferior. I would just show I was better than them. Kind of like I do now.

Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient?

I'm not telling anyone black to be patient... I am just of the belief that IT TAKES TIME FOR SOCIETY TO CHANGE FROM THE INSIDE OUT. Its a statement... not me telling black people to be patient.
Be impatient all you want... and there you go again trying to show I'm asserting some sort of white privelege
I cant post without you reminding me I'm a WHITE. Do i need to call you a BLACK every time you post?
It doesnt take a society centuries to live out the creed they profess to believe in. Whites are fine as long as Blacks are quietly patient because they want more of a head start. Anyone that thinks a society takes centuries to adopt the things it professes to fundamentally believe in is a fool.

Independence and the Constitution were not meant to be the finalization of a promise., it was the beginning of the country. It existed in a world where slavery had already existed for a thousand plus years, but YES the US history is full of failures.... yet amazingly at the same time it is a place of opportunity and people have desired to come here for our freedoms. Why is that? Even African Americans are not looking to move to Africa en mass... why is that? probably because there is more opportunity here. How can that be in a place that is supposed to hate them that much? Most white people are just going to work and raise their kids.... not get a head start on black people... as if that had any bearing on anything. Opportunity and wealth is something that can be created at any time. I don't have to take away from one person to get something myself.

Societal change doesn't happen in a linear pattern, especially with a country as large as the US which has had an influx of immigrants from all over the world. There are successes and failures at the same time depending on what your looking at. But we have been moving in the right direction despite those who want to keep on dragging us back to a place where we dont like each other. Show me where you are not protected under the law just as much as anyone else.
I call bullshit. The constitution and declaration were emphatic statements. We know because the founding fathers debated ending slavery at that moment. They decided not to out of hypocrisy.

Most people are not looking to move to the US. Can you explain that? Most Blacks are not looking to move to Africa out of ignorance and or family obligations. They have been told all sorts of tall tales regarding Africa.

I think the fact that there had to be separate legislation to address the rights that all american citizens should have enjoyed from the start is more than enough evidence Blacks are not protected just as much as whites. Well that and the fact that the SCOTUS admitted to the systemic racism in the US.

Also whites seem to be able to move at warp speed when it comes to implementing the things they feel are important so I am not buying that bullshit about taking a long time.

The constitution and declaration were emphatic statements.

yeah, on paper. do you think ever white person in the world had a bell that rang in their ear at the moment the paper was signed?
They debated things and came up with what they came up with and it was the beginning. I'm sure they realized that their descendants would have to perfect what they started.
Now can you explain why you think what this pastor is saying is racist?
I'm not going any further down this rabbit hole

I will say this, there are plenty of white folks that have tried to step up and get involved in meaningful ways to make things better that feel that they have been unfairly branded as racist that have thrown their hands up and said "fuck it"

again, take that however you want
Youre the one that started digging the hole. You came out of left field with that one.

I think the problem with most white people is their inherent racist views. You seem to think you know best. If you want to get involved teach your fellow whites not to be racist. I dont need or desire your presence in my community trying to tell me whats best for me.

I dont think so. So what your saying is , White People.. dont come in my black community and try to make things better, I / WE can do it ourself. What you are conveniently glossing over is that YOU/ black people are AMERICANS ... we are all Americans ... your cities and towns and schools and hospitals are American hospitals... Your communities are OUR communities and OUR communities are YOURS just as well. If white people sit on the sidelines and NOT get involved what are they supposed to say?

"OH, I was waiting for other black people to get involved because those are blacks" Yeah right. We should all be getting involved in places like Detroit and Chicago to bring back jobs, eliminate gangs or whatever ....because those cities are part of the United States and it weakens the entire country.

"You seem to think you know best"

You seem to repeat this a lot, when someone has an opinion, yet you do the same damn thing. Unless another black person thinks the same as you they become an Uncle Ruffus, or an Uncle Tom... Or a house...expletive.... whatever names you would give them. Because You always know best. Never mind that its a big world out there and there is room for a lot of opinions
I disagree. My community is not yours unless you live and operate within that community. Upon living and operating in that community you see the truth and start placing blame where it should be placed....with the white power structure and the easily led white people that support it. I never said to sit on the side line. I said start teaching your fellow whites not to be racists.

I meant thiat as a general term. Whites claim to know best but they have their own problems they need to correct. I only call Blacks by those names when they dance for whites. I disagree respectfully with plenty of Black people on their views. I cant stomach boot lickin Blacks trying to get ahead on the backs of other Blacks.

True, it is your community. But in the larger sense we are all still Americans. What you say is great if there are actually people like you doing things. But what happens if you end up with a Mayor Dinkins? remember that guy? What happens if the community gets worse and worse? often it is people inside poor communities calling the cops to come in, so at some point things can be done by outsiders (whites or whoever) or should be. Are people supposed to wait hoping that there is an Asclepias to save them? what if there isnt? I would say there is plenty of community outreach that is a joint venture across racial lines and really when your talking about bringing jobs and industry back to some areas it takes some political will to help facilitate that. that might include white people getting involved.

And this is not to deflect from the fact there are a lot of white communities where drug abuse and crime are also rampant... But the same answer applies to both communities in many cases
America is where I live...its not what I am. I am a Black/African/Indigenous man first and foremost. You dont have to worry about what happens. You should concentrate on your issues. Sometimes you have to go backwards before you can go forwards. We will make it through without your help like we did for thousands upon thousands of years before a mutation caused your appearance. We made it through by building civilizations long before you appeared. We made it through by being the first to practice the sciences, math, philosophy etc. Pretty sure we can do it again without your help.
Non-white parents pretty much all send their kids to public schools, which costs nothing.

White parents are increasingly forced to send their kids to private schools because of how terrible the public schools are, and private schools can cost as much as a community college.

You are an idiot if you think that balances out any time.
What part of the country do you live in? I went to public schools and I think I got a pretty good education. I got as far as algebra 2 I think, geometry & trig, no calculus though and I tested out of all of the entry level classes when I started college so that means I began college at an advanced enough level to not have to take any of the basic courses. All free via the Compton School District and then later on the public school districts in the South Bay.
Louisville, Kentucky.

I would be surprised if Compton schools even still teach math.
Thats true. As long as whites are the majority and support the system of racism that benefits them we will call it a racist society. Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient? How much time do you need to build up a head start? I know the vast majority of whites dont control the system. No one ever said that. I said that the vast majority of whites were racist. Thats because you are willingly being duped into believing you are superior. In a way it doesnt make sense. If I felt was superior I wouldnt agree to a system that held back those people I believed were inferior. I would just show I was better than them. Kind of like I do now.

Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient?

I'm not telling anyone black to be patient... I am just of the belief that IT TAKES TIME FOR SOCIETY TO CHANGE FROM THE INSIDE OUT. Its a statement... not me telling black people to be patient.
Be impatient all you want... and there you go again trying to show I'm asserting some sort of white privelege
I cant post without you reminding me I'm a WHITE. Do i need to call you a BLACK every time you post?
It doesnt take a society centuries to live out the creed they profess to believe in. Whites are fine as long as Blacks are quietly patient because they want more of a head start. Anyone that thinks a society takes centuries to adopt the things it professes to fundamentally believe in is a fool.

Independence and the Constitution were not meant to be the finalization of a promise., it was the beginning of the country. It existed in a world where slavery had already existed for a thousand plus years, but YES the US history is full of failures.... yet amazingly at the same time it is a place of opportunity and people have desired to come here for our freedoms. Why is that? Even African Americans are not looking to move to Africa en mass... why is that? probably because there is more opportunity here. How can that be in a place that is supposed to hate them that much? Most white people are just going to work and raise their kids.... not get a head start on black people... as if that had any bearing on anything. Opportunity and wealth is something that can be created at any time. I don't have to take away from one person to get something myself.

Societal change doesn't happen in a linear pattern, especially with a country as large as the US which has had an influx of immigrants from all over the world. There are successes and failures at the same time depending on what your looking at. But we have been moving in the right direction despite those who want to keep on dragging us back to a place where we dont like each other. Show me where you are not protected under the law just as much as anyone else.
I call bullshit. The constitution and declaration were emphatic statements. We know because the founding fathers debated ending slavery at that moment. They decided not to out of hypocrisy.

Most people are not looking to move to the US. Can you explain that? Most Blacks are not looking to move to Africa out of ignorance and or family obligations. They have been told all sorts of tall tales regarding Africa.

I think the fact that there had to be separate legislation to address the rights that all american citizens should have enjoyed from the start is more than enough evidence Blacks are not protected just as much as whites. Well that and the fact that the SCOTUS admitted to the systemic racism in the US.

Also whites seem to be able to move at warp speed when it comes to implementing the things they feel are important so I am not buying that bullshit about taking a long time.

The constitution and declaration were emphatic statements.

yeah, on paper. do you think ever white person in the world had a bell that rang in their ear at the moment the paper was signed?
They debated things and came up with what they came up with and it was the beginning. I'm sure they realized that their descendants would have to perfect what they started.
Doesnt matter if every white person in the world heard a bell or not. The point was that the government that legislated the rules and laws upon which this country would operate was racist from the beginning despite their hypocritically claims of equality.
I'm not going any further down this rabbit hole

I will say this, there are plenty of white folks that have tried to step up and get involved in meaningful ways to make things better that feel that they have been unfairly branded as racist that have thrown their hands up and said "fuck it"

again, take that however you want
Youre the one that started digging the hole. You came out of left field with that one.

I think the problem with most white people is their inherent racist views. You seem to think you know best. If you want to get involved teach your fellow whites not to be racist. I dont need or desire your presence in my community trying to tell me whats best for me.

I dont think so. So what your saying is , White People.. dont come in my black community and try to make things better, I / WE can do it ourself. What you are conveniently glossing over is that YOU/ black people are AMERICANS ... we are all Americans ... your cities and towns and schools and hospitals are American hospitals... Your communities are OUR communities and OUR communities are YOURS just as well. If white people sit on the sidelines and NOT get involved what are they supposed to say?

"OH, I was waiting for other black people to get involved because those are blacks" Yeah right. We should all be getting involved in places like Detroit and Chicago to bring back jobs, eliminate gangs or whatever ....because those cities are part of the United States and it weakens the entire country.

"You seem to think you know best"

You seem to repeat this a lot, when someone has an opinion, yet you do the same damn thing. Unless another black person thinks the same as you they become an Uncle Ruffus, or an Uncle Tom... Or a house...expletive.... whatever names you would give them. Because You always know best. Never mind that its a big world out there and there is room for a lot of opinions
I disagree. My community is not yours unless you live and operate within that community. Upon living and operating in that community you see the truth and start placing blame where it should be placed....with the white power structure and the easily led white people that support it. I never said to sit on the side line. I said start teaching your fellow whites not to be racists.

I meant thiat as a general term. Whites claim to know best but they have their own problems they need to correct. I only call Blacks by those names when they dance for whites. I disagree respectfully with plenty of Black people on their views. I cant stomach boot lickin Blacks trying to get ahead on the backs of other Blacks.

True, it is your community. But in the larger sense we are all still Americans. What you say is great if there are actually people like you doing things. But what happens if you end up with a Mayor Dinkins? remember that guy? What happens if the community gets worse and worse? often it is people inside poor communities calling the cops to come in, so at some point things can be done by outsiders (whites or whoever) or should be. Are people supposed to wait hoping that there is an Asclepias to save them? what if there isnt? I would say there is plenty of community outreach that is a joint venture across racial lines and really when your talking about bringing jobs and industry back to some areas it takes some political will to help facilitate that. that might include white people getting involved.

And this is not to deflect from the fact there are a lot of white communities where drug abuse and crime are also rampant... But the same answer applies to both communities in many cases
America is where I live...its not what I am. I am a Black/African/Indigenous man first and foremost. You dont have to worry about what happens. You should concentrate on your issues. Sometimes you have to go backwards before you can go forwards. We will make it through without your help like we did for thousands upon thousands of years before a mutation caused your appearance. We made it through by building civilizations long before you appeared. We made it through by being the first to practice the sciences, math, philosophy etc. Pretty sure we can do it again without your help.

Yet at the same time, theres a whole lot of Black people who consider themselves Americans and a lot of them want something other than you want. And yes, theres a lot of white racists who would like to send all blacks back to Africa. They can go fuck themselves too... because there's to many people trying to keep us from moving forward as a country together. As I said. We had been making more progress until about the last 8 years and I suppose we still are. Though, the insane left is trying to take away a president elected by millions of Americans.
Youre the one that started digging the hole. You came out of left field with that one.

I think the problem with most white people is their inherent racist views. You seem to think you know best. If you want to get involved teach your fellow whites not to be racist. I dont need or desire your presence in my community trying to tell me whats best for me.

I dont think so. So what your saying is , White People.. dont come in my black community and try to make things better, I / WE can do it ourself. What you are conveniently glossing over is that YOU/ black people are AMERICANS ... we are all Americans ... your cities and towns and schools and hospitals are American hospitals... Your communities are OUR communities and OUR communities are YOURS just as well. If white people sit on the sidelines and NOT get involved what are they supposed to say?

"OH, I was waiting for other black people to get involved because those are blacks" Yeah right. We should all be getting involved in places like Detroit and Chicago to bring back jobs, eliminate gangs or whatever ....because those cities are part of the United States and it weakens the entire country.

"You seem to think you know best"

You seem to repeat this a lot, when someone has an opinion, yet you do the same damn thing. Unless another black person thinks the same as you they become an Uncle Ruffus, or an Uncle Tom... Or a house...expletive.... whatever names you would give them. Because You always know best. Never mind that its a big world out there and there is room for a lot of opinions
I disagree. My community is not yours unless you live and operate within that community. Upon living and operating in that community you see the truth and start placing blame where it should be placed....with the white power structure and the easily led white people that support it. I never said to sit on the side line. I said start teaching your fellow whites not to be racists.

I meant thiat as a general term. Whites claim to know best but they have their own problems they need to correct. I only call Blacks by those names when they dance for whites. I disagree respectfully with plenty of Black people on their views. I cant stomach boot lickin Blacks trying to get ahead on the backs of other Blacks.

True, it is your community. But in the larger sense we are all still Americans. What you say is great if there are actually people like you doing things. But what happens if you end up with a Mayor Dinkins? remember that guy? What happens if the community gets worse and worse? often it is people inside poor communities calling the cops to come in, so at some point things can be done by outsiders (whites or whoever) or should be. Are people supposed to wait hoping that there is an Asclepias to save them? what if there isnt? I would say there is plenty of community outreach that is a joint venture across racial lines and really when your talking about bringing jobs and industry back to some areas it takes some political will to help facilitate that. that might include white people getting involved.

And this is not to deflect from the fact there are a lot of white communities where drug abuse and crime are also rampant... But the same answer applies to both communities in many cases
America is where I live...its not what I am. I am a Black/African/Indigenous man first and foremost. You dont have to worry about what happens. You should concentrate on your issues. Sometimes you have to go backwards before you can go forwards. We will make it through without your help like we did for thousands upon thousands of years before a mutation caused your appearance. We made it through by building civilizations long before you appeared. We made it through by being the first to practice the sciences, math, philosophy etc. Pretty sure we can do it again without your help.

Yet at the same time, theres a whole lot of Black people who consider themselves Americans and a lot of them want something other than you want. And yes, theres a lot of white racists who would like to send all blacks back to Africa. They can go fuck themselves too... because there's to many people trying to keep us from moving forward as a country together. As I said. We had been making more progress until about the last 8 years and I suppose we still are. Though, the insane left is trying to take away a president elected by millions of Americans.
Luckily I dont have that problem. My way of looking at it is why would I consider myself an american if...
1. I was never intended to be a citizen.
2. Extra verbiage had to be included for me to have rights.
3. I am still treated like a second class citizen with obstacles thrown in my path.

We cant move forward as a country with any type of truthfulness until the issues are addressed.
The clown in the white house was gifted a presidency by the electoral college not americans. He lost the popular vote.
I'm not going any further down this rabbit hole

I will say this, there are plenty of white folks that have tried to step up and get involved in meaningful ways to make things better that feel that they have been unfairly branded as racist that have thrown their hands up and said "fuck it"

again, take that however you want
Youre the one that started digging the hole. You came out of left field with that one.

I think the problem with most white people is their inherent racist views. You seem to think you know best. If you want to get involved teach your fellow whites not to be racist. I dont need or desire your presence in my community trying to tell me whats best for me.

I dont think so. So what your saying is , White People.. dont come in my black community and try to make things better, I / WE can do it ourself. What you are conveniently glossing over is that YOU/ black people are AMERICANS ... we are all Americans ... your cities and towns and schools and hospitals are American hospitals... Your communities are OUR communities and OUR communities are YOURS just as well. If white people sit on the sidelines and NOT get involved what are they supposed to say?

"OH, I was waiting for other black people to get involved because those are blacks" Yeah right. We should all be getting involved in places like Detroit and Chicago to bring back jobs, eliminate gangs or whatever ....because those cities are part of the United States and it weakens the entire country.

"You seem to think you know best"

You seem to repeat this a lot, when someone has an opinion, yet you do the same damn thing. Unless another black person thinks the same as you they become an Uncle Ruffus, or an Uncle Tom... Or a house...expletive.... whatever names you would give them. Because You always know best. Never mind that its a big world out there and there is room for a lot of opinions
I disagree. My community is not yours unless you live and operate within that community. Upon living and operating in that community you see the truth and start placing blame where it should be placed....with the white power structure and the easily led white people that support it. I never said to sit on the side line. I said start teaching your fellow whites not to be racists.

I meant thiat as a general term. Whites claim to know best but they have their own problems they need to correct. I only call Blacks by those names when they dance for whites. I disagree respectfully with plenty of Black people on their views. I cant stomach boot lickin Blacks trying to get ahead on the backs of other Blacks.

True, it is your community. But in the larger sense we are all still Americans. What you say is great if there are actually people like you doing things. But what happens if you end up with a Mayor Dinkins? remember that guy? What happens if the community gets worse and worse? often it is people inside poor communities calling the cops to come in, so at some point things can be done by outsiders (whites or whoever) or should be. Are people supposed to wait hoping that there is an Asclepias to save them? what if there isnt? I would say there is plenty of community outreach that is a joint venture across racial lines and really when your talking about bringing jobs and industry back to some areas it takes some political will to help facilitate that. that might include white people getting involved.

And this is not to deflect from the fact there are a lot of white communities where drug abuse and crime are also rampant... But the same answer applies to both communities in many cases
America is where I live...its not what I am. I am a Black/African/Indigenous man first and foremost. You dont have to worry about what happens. You should concentrate on your issues. Sometimes you have to go backwards before you can go forwards. We will make it through without your help like we did for thousands upon thousands of years before a mutation caused your appearance. We made it through by building civilizations long before you appeared. We made it through by being the first to practice the sciences, math, philosophy etc. Pretty sure we can do it again without your help.

before a mutation caused your appearance.

LOL, I embrace my mutantism... hate to tell you but your DNA contains mutations here and there as well as do we all.

It was a small minority of black people who advanced into higher learning. At the same time the continent contained black people still living in tribalism and cannibalism... etc... they were far removed from Egypt. they might as well have lived in uhmm Germany. Unless you want to deny that people actually lived in remote jungle/ savanah areas of Africa from the beginning until now.
Were those people stupid? no... not anymore than northern tribes in the steppes of Europe.
Youre the one that started digging the hole. You came out of left field with that one.

I think the problem with most white people is their inherent racist views. You seem to think you know best. If you want to get involved teach your fellow whites not to be racist. I dont need or desire your presence in my community trying to tell me whats best for me.

I dont think so. So what your saying is , White People.. dont come in my black community and try to make things better, I / WE can do it ourself. What you are conveniently glossing over is that YOU/ black people are AMERICANS ... we are all Americans ... your cities and towns and schools and hospitals are American hospitals... Your communities are OUR communities and OUR communities are YOURS just as well. If white people sit on the sidelines and NOT get involved what are they supposed to say?

"OH, I was waiting for other black people to get involved because those are blacks" Yeah right. We should all be getting involved in places like Detroit and Chicago to bring back jobs, eliminate gangs or whatever ....because those cities are part of the United States and it weakens the entire country.

"You seem to think you know best"

You seem to repeat this a lot, when someone has an opinion, yet you do the same damn thing. Unless another black person thinks the same as you they become an Uncle Ruffus, or an Uncle Tom... Or a house...expletive.... whatever names you would give them. Because You always know best. Never mind that its a big world out there and there is room for a lot of opinions
I disagree. My community is not yours unless you live and operate within that community. Upon living and operating in that community you see the truth and start placing blame where it should be placed....with the white power structure and the easily led white people that support it. I never said to sit on the side line. I said start teaching your fellow whites not to be racists.

I meant thiat as a general term. Whites claim to know best but they have their own problems they need to correct. I only call Blacks by those names when they dance for whites. I disagree respectfully with plenty of Black people on their views. I cant stomach boot lickin Blacks trying to get ahead on the backs of other Blacks.

True, it is your community. But in the larger sense we are all still Americans. What you say is great if there are actually people like you doing things. But what happens if you end up with a Mayor Dinkins? remember that guy? What happens if the community gets worse and worse? often it is people inside poor communities calling the cops to come in, so at some point things can be done by outsiders (whites or whoever) or should be. Are people supposed to wait hoping that there is an Asclepias to save them? what if there isnt? I would say there is plenty of community outreach that is a joint venture across racial lines and really when your talking about bringing jobs and industry back to some areas it takes some political will to help facilitate that. that might include white people getting involved.

And this is not to deflect from the fact there are a lot of white communities where drug abuse and crime are also rampant... But the same answer applies to both communities in many cases
America is where I live...its not what I am. I am a Black/African/Indigenous man first and foremost. You dont have to worry about what happens. You should concentrate on your issues. Sometimes you have to go backwards before you can go forwards. We will make it through without your help like we did for thousands upon thousands of years before a mutation caused your appearance. We made it through by building civilizations long before you appeared. We made it through by being the first to practice the sciences, math, philosophy etc. Pretty sure we can do it again without your help.

before a mutation caused your appearance.

LOL, I embrace my mutantism... hate to tell you but your DNA contains mutations here and there as well as do we all.

It was a small minority of black people who advanced into higher learning. At the same time the continent contained black people still living in tribalism and cannibalism... etc... they were far removed from Egypt. they might as well have lived in uhmm Germany. Unless you want to deny that people actually lived in remote jungle/ savanah areas of Africa from the beginning until now.
Were those people stupid? no... not anymore than northern tribes in the steppes of Europe.

Correct. All DNA contains mutations. That is the basis of life. Some mutations are good and some are harmful. The recessive mutations typically denote the the harmful ones.

It wasnt a small minority of Black people that advanced into higher learning and Egypt wasnt the only place this higher learning occurred. Who do you think taught Egyptians? Where do you think that knowledge came from? Yes there were tribes but tribes doesnt equal no higher learning. Only europeans practiced cannibalism. They even did so when they first appeared in north america. Your claims are the results of european lies doing exactly what I pointed out. Trying to influence Black americans that Africa is a horrible place. Of course those tribal people were not stupid. They practiced African philosophy.

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