American Jim Crow & Racism Explained

I dont think so. So what your saying is , White People.. dont come in my black community and try to make things better, I / WE can do it ourself. What you are conveniently glossing over is that YOU/ black people are AMERICANS ... we are all Americans ... your cities and towns and schools and hospitals are American hospitals... Your communities are OUR communities and OUR communities are YOURS just as well. If white people sit on the sidelines and NOT get involved what are they supposed to say?

"OH, I was waiting for other black people to get involved because those are blacks" Yeah right. We should all be getting involved in places like Detroit and Chicago to bring back jobs, eliminate gangs or whatever ....because those cities are part of the United States and it weakens the entire country.

"You seem to think you know best"

You seem to repeat this a lot, when someone has an opinion, yet you do the same damn thing. Unless another black person thinks the same as you they become an Uncle Ruffus, or an Uncle Tom... Or a house...expletive.... whatever names you would give them. Because You always know best. Never mind that its a big world out there and there is room for a lot of opinions
I disagree. My community is not yours unless you live and operate within that community. Upon living and operating in that community you see the truth and start placing blame where it should be placed....with the white power structure and the easily led white people that support it. I never said to sit on the side line. I said start teaching your fellow whites not to be racists.

I meant thiat as a general term. Whites claim to know best but they have their own problems they need to correct. I only call Blacks by those names when they dance for whites. I disagree respectfully with plenty of Black people on their views. I cant stomach boot lickin Blacks trying to get ahead on the backs of other Blacks.

True, it is your community. But in the larger sense we are all still Americans. What you say is great if there are actually people like you doing things. But what happens if you end up with a Mayor Dinkins? remember that guy? What happens if the community gets worse and worse? often it is people inside poor communities calling the cops to come in, so at some point things can be done by outsiders (whites or whoever) or should be. Are people supposed to wait hoping that there is an Asclepias to save them? what if there isnt? I would say there is plenty of community outreach that is a joint venture across racial lines and really when your talking about bringing jobs and industry back to some areas it takes some political will to help facilitate that. that might include white people getting involved.

And this is not to deflect from the fact there are a lot of white communities where drug abuse and crime are also rampant... But the same answer applies to both communities in many cases
America is where I live...its not what I am. I am a Black/African/Indigenous man first and foremost. You dont have to worry about what happens. You should concentrate on your issues. Sometimes you have to go backwards before you can go forwards. We will make it through without your help like we did for thousands upon thousands of years before a mutation caused your appearance. We made it through by building civilizations long before you appeared. We made it through by being the first to practice the sciences, math, philosophy etc. Pretty sure we can do it again without your help.

before a mutation caused your appearance.

LOL, I embrace my mutantism... hate to tell you but your DNA contains mutations here and there as well as do we all.

It was a small minority of black people who advanced into higher learning. At the same time the continent contained black people still living in tribalism and cannibalism... etc... they were far removed from Egypt. they might as well have lived in uhmm Germany. Unless you want to deny that people actually lived in remote jungle/ savanah areas of Africa from the beginning until now.
Were those people stupid? no... not anymore than northern tribes in the steppes of Europe.

Correct. All DNA contains mutations. That is the basis of life. Some mutations are good and some are harmful. The recessive mutations typically denote the the harmful ones.

It wasnt a small minority of Black people that advanced into higher learning and Egypt wasnt the only place this higher learning occurred. Who do you think taught Egyptians? Where do you think that knowledge came from? Yes there were tribes but tribes doesnt equal no higher learning. Only europeans practiced cannibalism. They even did so when they first appeared in north america. Your claims are the results of european lies doing exactly what I pointed out. Trying to influence Black americans that Africa is a horrible place. Of course those tribal people were not stupid. They practiced African philosophy.

Africa has one African philosophy? How much do you know about the hiring of witch doctors to settle scores, even in todays Tanzania and Kenya? The murder of Albinos for body parts in these ceremonies.

No body is perfect. Every society has its built in human ills. I think you over romanticize Africa a bit too much. And it has been told to me by Africans that there are still Families or clans in remote parts of Tanzania who occasionaly practice Cannibalism, mostly for ceremonial purposes but who really knows how deep it goes.

Only Europeans practiced cannibalism? did you forget about the islands of the south pacific? and they had quite a bit of contact with East Africa

Cannibalism in the African Congo 1: Trading in Human Cattle
The poorest blacks, more often than not, are more likely to be incarcerated for a longer sentence than the average poor white.
And the poor white is much more likely to commit suicide or OD on drugs.
Sounds like a lack of coping skills or poor genetics even though the system has been rigged to support them since the inception of this country. No wonder so many whites killed themselves during the great depression.
White people don't have racist churches they can go to to feel better about themselves.

We also don't have a NAACP equivalent or a pro-white television station.

All of these things would dramatically decrease the number of white drug users and suicides.

The vast majority of media sources are predominantly white. The NAACP was founded by a combination of progressive whites and blacks who demanded equality in an era when equality as we know it was non existent.

As far as "racist churches" go. In the not to distant past, blacks in America had nowhere else to go except churches, for help, structure and a sense of belonging.

What "racist churches" exist now that you are referring to?

If the 9 blacks that were killed by Dylan Roof IN CHURCH, had been more racist, he surely could not have just walked in and slaughtered them.

Could he?
Being predominately white solely because of the demographics of the country means absolutely nothing. Most media outlets are owned by Jews with an ax to grind btw.

And white people can't even discuss race in their churches while their churches are busy prioritizing illegals and refugees.

Dylan Roof was a kid who grew up believing in white privilege. When white privilege didn't materialize Dylan took to using drugs and eventually decided to end it all via the death penalty.

Few black churches will reject white people, but that is not because they are not racist, it is because they know the white liberal types who sometimes appear will not do anything but grin as they issue their typical anti-white and anti-western sermons.

Dylan Roof was a nutcase who believed in white supremacy. And went about what he did in a calculated manner.

Jews in America ARE white. But you are stating that they "have an axe to grind". With people of their own race?

There was a time in America when Jews flew under the radar to avoid being identified as Jewish.

I am certain that I have attended far more black churches than you have. If you have actually attended any at all.

Besides that I know a number of prominent black pastors in several different states. How many do you personally know?

Personally, it has been my observation that black churches typically teach forgiveness and unity.....almost to a fault.

Besides that, black churches like most churces focus on helping those in their congregation.

Usually the pastor more so than anyone else.

Black churches across America generally spend little if anytime at at promoting racism towards the white population.

How did you even arrive at such an opinion? If you really believe that, you know nothing about the history of black churches in America.
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the way integration went down caused more tension and hate than it had to
I don't agree - the lower class racists whites from what I've experienced would have resented the "elevation" of blacks - in general, and especially those who were elevated above them or their station in life. In their minds, that is something that just is not supposed to ever occur.
maybe, but we are talking about how people felt and acted in the late 1800's through the 1950's; it's an opinion and an observation; I don't expect everyone to agree with me
I understand you are just offering your opinion and observation, my counterpoint however is that for racist whites it matters not what year it is. The level of resentment and animus against blacks still exists for all of the reasons you outlined and this is why we still have some of the race relation issues that we do today.
The poorest blacks, more often than not, are more likely to be incarcerated for a longer sentence than the average poor white.
And the poor white is much more likely to commit suicide or OD on drugs.
Sounds like a lack of coping skills or poor genetics even though the system has been rigged to support them since the inception of this country. No wonder so many whites killed themselves during the great depression.
White people don't have racist churches they can go to to feel better about themselves.

We also don't have a NAACP equivalent or a pro-white television station.

All of these things would dramatically decrease the number of white drug users and suicides.
White people have the KKK, Nazi, Skinheads etc etc not to mention white churches.

White people dont need a NAAWP. They have the executive, judical, and legislative branches of government under their control.

Every channel on TV besides BET and Telemundo is a pro white channel.
Pure bullshit.

"White" churches are simply predominately white churches that aren't even allowed to call themselves historically white, much less conduct themselves like one.

Republicans haven't done a damn thing for white people and Democrats hate us.

Every channel on TV is anti-white. Even Fox News.

Practically every major network on television is white owned, and the vast majority of programming caters to a predominantly white demographic.
I disagree. My community is not yours unless you live and operate within that community. Upon living and operating in that community you see the truth and start placing blame where it should be placed....with the white power structure and the easily led white people that support it. I never said to sit on the side line. I said start teaching your fellow whites not to be racists.

I meant thiat as a general term. Whites claim to know best but they have their own problems they need to correct. I only call Blacks by those names when they dance for whites. I disagree respectfully with plenty of Black people on their views. I cant stomach boot lickin Blacks trying to get ahead on the backs of other Blacks.

True, it is your community. But in the larger sense we are all still Americans. What you say is great if there are actually people like you doing things. But what happens if you end up with a Mayor Dinkins? remember that guy? What happens if the community gets worse and worse? often it is people inside poor communities calling the cops to come in, so at some point things can be done by outsiders (whites or whoever) or should be. Are people supposed to wait hoping that there is an Asclepias to save them? what if there isnt? I would say there is plenty of community outreach that is a joint venture across racial lines and really when your talking about bringing jobs and industry back to some areas it takes some political will to help facilitate that. that might include white people getting involved.

And this is not to deflect from the fact there are a lot of white communities where drug abuse and crime are also rampant... But the same answer applies to both communities in many cases
America is where I live...its not what I am. I am a Black/African/Indigenous man first and foremost. You dont have to worry about what happens. You should concentrate on your issues. Sometimes you have to go backwards before you can go forwards. We will make it through without your help like we did for thousands upon thousands of years before a mutation caused your appearance. We made it through by building civilizations long before you appeared. We made it through by being the first to practice the sciences, math, philosophy etc. Pretty sure we can do it again without your help.

before a mutation caused your appearance.

LOL, I embrace my mutantism... hate to tell you but your DNA contains mutations here and there as well as do we all.

It was a small minority of black people who advanced into higher learning. At the same time the continent contained black people still living in tribalism and cannibalism... etc... they were far removed from Egypt. they might as well have lived in uhmm Germany. Unless you want to deny that people actually lived in remote jungle/ savanah areas of Africa from the beginning until now.
Were those people stupid? no... not anymore than northern tribes in the steppes of Europe.

Correct. All DNA contains mutations. That is the basis of life. Some mutations are good and some are harmful. The recessive mutations typically denote the the harmful ones.

It wasnt a small minority of Black people that advanced into higher learning and Egypt wasnt the only place this higher learning occurred. Who do you think taught Egyptians? Where do you think that knowledge came from? Yes there were tribes but tribes doesnt equal no higher learning. Only europeans practiced cannibalism. They even did so when they first appeared in north america. Your claims are the results of european lies doing exactly what I pointed out. Trying to influence Black americans that Africa is a horrible place. Of course those tribal people were not stupid. They practiced African philosophy.

Africa has one African philosophy? How much do you know about the hiring of witch doctors to settle scores, even in todays Tanzania and Kenya? The murder of Albinos for body parts in these ceremonies.

No body is perfect. Every society has its built in human ills. I think you over romanticize Africa a bit too much. And it has been told to me by Africans that there are still Families or clans in remote parts of Tanzania who occasionaly practice Cannibalism, mostly for ceremonial purposes but who really knows how deep it goes.

Only Europeans practiced cannibalism? did you forget about the islands of the south pacific? and they had quite a bit of contact with East Africa

Cannibalism in the African Congo 1: Trading in Human Cattle
Pretty much. African philosophy is apparent in every country I have been to in Africa. I didnt proclaim anyone to be perfect.I simply pointed out the fact that Africans/Blacks were successful long before the appearance of whites. So your assistance is not needed.

Yes only europeans practiced cannibalism. This is where the legend of Dracula comes from. Cannibalism. Also like I said the NA's have remarked on how europeans reverted to cannibalism upon arrival here in the americas.

If you note in your link, all the authors are whites from the era where they were trying their best to paint Africans as savages.
So, if white children who do not receive the benefits of a private school education, where and how are they being "put to the back of the line" in the workforce?

The common argument is that they are losing out to the beneficiaries of AA.

But that makes no sense, because even as the relative population size of white people becomes smaller, their share of the better paying jobs in management capacities remains constant.

You can't blame what you're stating on the presence of Hispanics. Generally, they do the jobs that no one else wants to do.

The black population is not displacing whites out the workforce. The unemployment rates of the black population prove that.

So who is this ubiquitous presence that is causing the woes of white millennials like you?

That's an honest question.
Because the poorest whites are simply dying and the poorest blacks are counted as unemployed.

It is extremely obvious.

The poorest blacks, more often than not, are more likely to be incarcerated for a longer sentence than the average poor white.
And the poor white is much more likely to commit suicide or OD on drugs.

And why would that be? Suicide and drug use that leads to despair and ultimately suicide, are personal choices.

Are you implying that it's due to anti white discrimination?

Or is it possible that the root cause could be despair based on a sense of entitlement that ends up being unfulfilled?
More like it is despair based on a sense that a magical safety net called white privilege will assure their survival that ends up with the realization that white people are literally the only people who can be legally racially discriminated against.

Not to mention the bullshit about how white people don't have our own culture that directly leads to heavy drinking and drug usage "culture" to counter that sense of emptiness that idiot white Democrat kids have.

So, the very "white privilege" that you say does not exist, causes "despair" leading to substance abuse and often death because it is perceived as a "magical safety net" by the casualties who ultimately discover that it really does not exist?

Did I summarize that thought correctly?

I guess my question to that would be, when do older more responsible people begin teaching these suicide prone potential casualties that they are no better than anyone else, and that there is no "safety net", unless you are born into monetary privilege?
Thanks, but I'm not catering to your delusional racial obsessions.
LOL...history is "[my] delusional racial obsessions?"

#TooFunny #LOLGOP #Classic


Just in passing, have you ever discussed the issue and passage of the Jim Crow laws by Democrats with your Progressive friends? Surely they have never admitted that Democrats were the progenitors and creators of these draconian, racist laws.

Disenfranchisement after the Reconstruction Era - Wikipedia
Following continuing violence around elections as insurgents worked to suppress black voting, ... The results could be seen across the South. After Reconstruction, Tennessee initially had the most "consistently competitive political system in the South". ... Jim Crow laws; Nadir of American race relations; Judicial aspects of race in the United .
Thanks, but I'm not catering to your delusional racial obsessions.
LOL...history is "[my] delusional racial obsessions?"

#TooFunny #LOLGOP #Classic


Just in passing, have you ever discussed the issue and passage of the Jim Crow laws by Democrats with your Progressive friends? Surely they have never admitted that Democrats were the progenitors and creators of these draconian, racist laws.

Disenfranchisement after the Reconstruction Era - Wikipedia
Following continuing violence around elections as insurgents worked to suppress black voting, ... The results could be seen across the South. After Reconstruction, Tennessee initially had the most "consistently competitive political system in the South". ... Jim Crow laws; Nadir of American race relations; Judicial aspects of race in the United .
Just in passing have you ever discussed the issue of the Southern Strategy by republicans with your conservative friends? You know the one that 2 RNC chairmen and Nixon admitted to?
Non-white parents pretty much all send their kids to public schools, which costs nothing.

White parents are increasingly forced to send their kids to private schools because of how terrible the public schools are, and private schools can cost as much as a community college.

You are an idiot if you think that balances out any time.
What part of the country do you live in? I went to public schools and I think I got a pretty good education. I got as far as algebra 2 I think, geometry & trig, no calculus though and I tested out of all of the entry level classes when I started college so that means I began college at an advanced enough level to not have to take any of the basic courses. All free via the Compton School District and then later on the public school districts in the South Bay.
Louisville, Kentucky.

I would be surprised if Compton schools even still teach math.
Does this help? You can enter any number of comparisons you'd like:
Compare Cities | Education Equality Index
True, it is your community. But in the larger sense we are all still Americans. What you say is great if there are actually people like you doing things. But what happens if you end up with a Mayor Dinkins? remember that guy? What happens if the community gets worse and worse? often it is people inside poor communities calling the cops to come in, so at some point things can be done by outsiders (whites or whoever) or should be. Are people supposed to wait hoping that there is an Asclepias to save them? what if there isnt? I would say there is plenty of community outreach that is a joint venture across racial lines and really when your talking about bringing jobs and industry back to some areas it takes some political will to help facilitate that. that might include white people getting involved.

And this is not to deflect from the fact there are a lot of white communities where drug abuse and crime are also rampant... But the same answer applies to both communities in many cases
America is where I live...its not what I am. I am a Black/African/Indigenous man first and foremost. You dont have to worry about what happens. You should concentrate on your issues. Sometimes you have to go backwards before you can go forwards. We will make it through without your help like we did for thousands upon thousands of years before a mutation caused your appearance. We made it through by building civilizations long before you appeared. We made it through by being the first to practice the sciences, math, philosophy etc. Pretty sure we can do it again without your help.

before a mutation caused your appearance.

LOL, I embrace my mutantism... hate to tell you but your DNA contains mutations here and there as well as do we all.

It was a small minority of black people who advanced into higher learning. At the same time the continent contained black people still living in tribalism and cannibalism... etc... they were far removed from Egypt. they might as well have lived in uhmm Germany. Unless you want to deny that people actually lived in remote jungle/ savanah areas of Africa from the beginning until now.
Were those people stupid? no... not anymore than northern tribes in the steppes of Europe.

Correct. All DNA contains mutations. That is the basis of life. Some mutations are good and some are harmful. The recessive mutations typically denote the the harmful ones.

It wasnt a small minority of Black people that advanced into higher learning and Egypt wasnt the only place this higher learning occurred. Who do you think taught Egyptians? Where do you think that knowledge came from? Yes there were tribes but tribes doesnt equal no higher learning. Only europeans practiced cannibalism. They even did so when they first appeared in north america. Your claims are the results of european lies doing exactly what I pointed out. Trying to influence Black americans that Africa is a horrible place. Of course those tribal people were not stupid. They practiced African philosophy.

Africa has one African philosophy? How much do you know about the hiring of witch doctors to settle scores, even in todays Tanzania and Kenya? The murder of Albinos for body parts in these ceremonies.

No body is perfect. Every society has its built in human ills. I think you over romanticize Africa a bit too much. And it has been told to me by Africans that there are still Families or clans in remote parts of Tanzania who occasionaly practice Cannibalism, mostly for ceremonial purposes but who really knows how deep it goes.

Only Europeans practiced cannibalism? did you forget about the islands of the south pacific? and they had quite a bit of contact with East Africa

Cannibalism in the African Congo 1: Trading in Human Cattle
Pretty much. African philosophy is apparent in every country I have been to in Africa. I didnt proclaim anyone to be perfect.I simply pointed out the fact that Africans/Blacks were successful long before the appearance of whites. So your assistance is not needed.

Yes only europeans practiced cannibalism. This is where the legend of Dracula comes from. Cannibalism. Also like I said the NA's have remarked on how europeans reverted to cannibalism upon arrival here in the americas.

If you note in your link, all the authors are whites from the era where they were trying their best to paint Africans as savages.

Ok, thats a myth. I guess you never heard of Fiji. To say the very least.

And, you may be black and have been to African countries, but I will take the word of my Kenyan friends over yours when it comes to things about East Africa... your assistance not really needed
America is where I live...its not what I am. I am a Black/African/Indigenous man first and foremost. You dont have to worry about what happens. You should concentrate on your issues. Sometimes you have to go backwards before you can go forwards. We will make it through without your help like we did for thousands upon thousands of years before a mutation caused your appearance. We made it through by building civilizations long before you appeared. We made it through by being the first to practice the sciences, math, philosophy etc. Pretty sure we can do it again without your help.

before a mutation caused your appearance.

LOL, I embrace my mutantism... hate to tell you but your DNA contains mutations here and there as well as do we all.

It was a small minority of black people who advanced into higher learning. At the same time the continent contained black people still living in tribalism and cannibalism... etc... they were far removed from Egypt. they might as well have lived in uhmm Germany. Unless you want to deny that people actually lived in remote jungle/ savanah areas of Africa from the beginning until now.
Were those people stupid? no... not anymore than northern tribes in the steppes of Europe.

Correct. All DNA contains mutations. That is the basis of life. Some mutations are good and some are harmful. The recessive mutations typically denote the the harmful ones.

It wasnt a small minority of Black people that advanced into higher learning and Egypt wasnt the only place this higher learning occurred. Who do you think taught Egyptians? Where do you think that knowledge came from? Yes there were tribes but tribes doesnt equal no higher learning. Only europeans practiced cannibalism. They even did so when they first appeared in north america. Your claims are the results of european lies doing exactly what I pointed out. Trying to influence Black americans that Africa is a horrible place. Of course those tribal people were not stupid. They practiced African philosophy.

Africa has one African philosophy? How much do you know about the hiring of witch doctors to settle scores, even in todays Tanzania and Kenya? The murder of Albinos for body parts in these ceremonies.

No body is perfect. Every society has its built in human ills. I think you over romanticize Africa a bit too much. And it has been told to me by Africans that there are still Families or clans in remote parts of Tanzania who occasionaly practice Cannibalism, mostly for ceremonial purposes but who really knows how deep it goes.

Only Europeans practiced cannibalism? did you forget about the islands of the south pacific? and they had quite a bit of contact with East Africa

Cannibalism in the African Congo 1: Trading in Human Cattle
Pretty much. African philosophy is apparent in every country I have been to in Africa. I didnt proclaim anyone to be perfect.I simply pointed out the fact that Africans/Blacks were successful long before the appearance of whites. So your assistance is not needed.

Yes only europeans practiced cannibalism. This is where the legend of Dracula comes from. Cannibalism. Also like I said the NA's have remarked on how europeans reverted to cannibalism upon arrival here in the americas.

If you note in your link, all the authors are whites from the era where they were trying their best to paint Africans as savages.

Ok, thats a myth. I guess you never heard of Fiji. To say the very least.

And, you may be black and have been to African countries, but I will take the word of my Kenyan friends over yours when it comes to things about East Africa... your assistance not really needed
Dracula may be a myth but its based on a real life cannibal in europe. I have heard of Fiji. Had a girlfriend from there. She says white people have chronically lied about Fiji.

I dont care what you take the word of. I wasnt trying to convince you. Youre white. I was balancing your lies with the truth.
before a mutation caused your appearance.

LOL, I embrace my mutantism... hate to tell you but your DNA contains mutations here and there as well as do we all.

It was a small minority of black people who advanced into higher learning. At the same time the continent contained black people still living in tribalism and cannibalism... etc... they were far removed from Egypt. they might as well have lived in uhmm Germany. Unless you want to deny that people actually lived in remote jungle/ savanah areas of Africa from the beginning until now.
Were those people stupid? no... not anymore than northern tribes in the steppes of Europe.

Correct. All DNA contains mutations. That is the basis of life. Some mutations are good and some are harmful. The recessive mutations typically denote the the harmful ones.

It wasnt a small minority of Black people that advanced into higher learning and Egypt wasnt the only place this higher learning occurred. Who do you think taught Egyptians? Where do you think that knowledge came from? Yes there were tribes but tribes doesnt equal no higher learning. Only europeans practiced cannibalism. They even did so when they first appeared in north america. Your claims are the results of european lies doing exactly what I pointed out. Trying to influence Black americans that Africa is a horrible place. Of course those tribal people were not stupid. They practiced African philosophy.

Africa has one African philosophy? How much do you know about the hiring of witch doctors to settle scores, even in todays Tanzania and Kenya? The murder of Albinos for body parts in these ceremonies.

No body is perfect. Every society has its built in human ills. I think you over romanticize Africa a bit too much. And it has been told to me by Africans that there are still Families or clans in remote parts of Tanzania who occasionaly practice Cannibalism, mostly for ceremonial purposes but who really knows how deep it goes.

Only Europeans practiced cannibalism? did you forget about the islands of the south pacific? and they had quite a bit of contact with East Africa

Cannibalism in the African Congo 1: Trading in Human Cattle
Pretty much. African philosophy is apparent in every country I have been to in Africa. I didnt proclaim anyone to be perfect.I simply pointed out the fact that Africans/Blacks were successful long before the appearance of whites. So your assistance is not needed.

Yes only europeans practiced cannibalism. This is where the legend of Dracula comes from. Cannibalism. Also like I said the NA's have remarked on how europeans reverted to cannibalism upon arrival here in the americas.

If you note in your link, all the authors are whites from the era where they were trying their best to paint Africans as savages.

Ok, thats a myth. I guess you never heard of Fiji. To say the very least.

And, you may be black and have been to African countries, but I will take the word of my Kenyan friends over yours when it comes to things about East Africa... your assistance not really needed
Dracula may be a myth but its based on a real life cannibal in europe. I have heard of Fiji. Had a girlfriend from there. She says white people have chronically lied about Fiji.

I dont care what you take the word of. I wasnt trying to convince you. Youre white. I was balancing your lies with the truth.

Your Black. So what? it's well known Cannibalism has been prevalent throughout the world despite your revisionist history. Your Fiji girlfriend wasnt there when they had cannibalism. I'm not sure why your trying to promote the myth that ONLY white people have been cannibals. Its really an unnecessary lie.
Correct. All DNA contains mutations. That is the basis of life. Some mutations are good and some are harmful. The recessive mutations typically denote the the harmful ones.

It wasnt a small minority of Black people that advanced into higher learning and Egypt wasnt the only place this higher learning occurred. Who do you think taught Egyptians? Where do you think that knowledge came from? Yes there were tribes but tribes doesnt equal no higher learning. Only europeans practiced cannibalism. They even did so when they first appeared in north america. Your claims are the results of european lies doing exactly what I pointed out. Trying to influence Black americans that Africa is a horrible place. Of course those tribal people were not stupid. They practiced African philosophy.

Africa has one African philosophy? How much do you know about the hiring of witch doctors to settle scores, even in todays Tanzania and Kenya? The murder of Albinos for body parts in these ceremonies.

No body is perfect. Every society has its built in human ills. I think you over romanticize Africa a bit too much. And it has been told to me by Africans that there are still Families or clans in remote parts of Tanzania who occasionaly practice Cannibalism, mostly for ceremonial purposes but who really knows how deep it goes.

Only Europeans practiced cannibalism? did you forget about the islands of the south pacific? and they had quite a bit of contact with East Africa

Cannibalism in the African Congo 1: Trading in Human Cattle
Pretty much. African philosophy is apparent in every country I have been to in Africa. I didnt proclaim anyone to be perfect.I simply pointed out the fact that Africans/Blacks were successful long before the appearance of whites. So your assistance is not needed.

Yes only europeans practiced cannibalism. This is where the legend of Dracula comes from. Cannibalism. Also like I said the NA's have remarked on how europeans reverted to cannibalism upon arrival here in the americas.

If you note in your link, all the authors are whites from the era where they were trying their best to paint Africans as savages.

Ok, thats a myth. I guess you never heard of Fiji. To say the very least.

And, you may be black and have been to African countries, but I will take the word of my Kenyan friends over yours when it comes to things about East Africa... your assistance not really needed
Dracula may be a myth but its based on a real life cannibal in europe. I have heard of Fiji. Had a girlfriend from there. She says white people have chronically lied about Fiji.

I dont care what you take the word of. I wasnt trying to convince you. Youre white. I was balancing your lies with the truth.

Your Black. So what? it's well known Cannibalism has been prevalent throughout the world despite your revisionist history. Your Fiji girlfriend wasnt there when they had cannibalism. I'm not sure why your trying to promote the myth that ONLY white people have been cannibals. Its really an unnecessary lie.
Being Black I know more about the lies your claims are based in. Cannibalism was never prevalent anywhere other than europe for a very simple reason. Europes lack of resources required its inhabitants to eat each other. All other areas of the planet with humans had plenty of food.
before a mutation caused your appearance.

LOL, I embrace my mutantism... hate to tell you but your DNA contains mutations here and there as well as do we all.

It was a small minority of black people who advanced into higher learning. At the same time the continent contained black people still living in tribalism and cannibalism... etc... they were far removed from Egypt. they might as well have lived in uhmm Germany. Unless you want to deny that people actually lived in remote jungle/ savanah areas of Africa from the beginning until now.
Were those people stupid? no... not anymore than northern tribes in the steppes of Europe.

Correct. All DNA contains mutations. That is the basis of life. Some mutations are good and some are harmful. The recessive mutations typically denote the the harmful ones.

It wasnt a small minority of Black people that advanced into higher learning and Egypt wasnt the only place this higher learning occurred. Who do you think taught Egyptians? Where do you think that knowledge came from? Yes there were tribes but tribes doesnt equal no higher learning. Only europeans practiced cannibalism. They even did so when they first appeared in north america. Your claims are the results of european lies doing exactly what I pointed out. Trying to influence Black americans that Africa is a horrible place. Of course those tribal people were not stupid. They practiced African philosophy.

Africa has one African philosophy? How much do you know about the hiring of witch doctors to settle scores, even in todays Tanzania and Kenya? The murder of Albinos for body parts in these ceremonies.

No body is perfect. Every society has its built in human ills. I think you over romanticize Africa a bit too much. And it has been told to me by Africans that there are still Families or clans in remote parts of Tanzania who occasionaly practice Cannibalism, mostly for ceremonial purposes but who really knows how deep it goes.

Only Europeans practiced cannibalism? did you forget about the islands of the south pacific? and they had quite a bit of contact with East Africa

Cannibalism in the African Congo 1: Trading in Human Cattle
Pretty much. African philosophy is apparent in every country I have been to in Africa. I didnt proclaim anyone to be perfect.I simply pointed out the fact that Africans/Blacks were successful long before the appearance of whites. So your assistance is not needed.

Yes only europeans practiced cannibalism. This is where the legend of Dracula comes from. Cannibalism. Also like I said the NA's have remarked on how europeans reverted to cannibalism upon arrival here in the americas.

If you note in your link, all the authors are whites from the era where they were trying their best to paint Africans as savages.

Ok, thats a myth. I guess you never heard of Fiji. To say the very least.

And, you may be black and have been to African countries, but I will take the word of my Kenyan friends over yours when it comes to things about East Africa... your assistance not really needed
Dracula may be a myth but its based on a real life cannibal in europe. I have heard of Fiji. Had a girlfriend from there. She says white people have chronically lied about Fiji.

I dont care what you take the word of. I wasnt trying to convince you. Youre white. I was balancing your lies with the truth.

let me know when this happens in Appalachia.

Again, its nothing to be ashamed of. Africa is a huge continent theres so many peoples and customs, so many languages and mother tounges. Which is why I was curious why you seemed to think Africa had only one African philosophy. It just doesnt make any logical sense
Correct. All DNA contains mutations. That is the basis of life. Some mutations are good and some are harmful. The recessive mutations typically denote the the harmful ones.

It wasnt a small minority of Black people that advanced into higher learning and Egypt wasnt the only place this higher learning occurred. Who do you think taught Egyptians? Where do you think that knowledge came from? Yes there were tribes but tribes doesnt equal no higher learning. Only europeans practiced cannibalism. They even did so when they first appeared in north america. Your claims are the results of european lies doing exactly what I pointed out. Trying to influence Black americans that Africa is a horrible place. Of course those tribal people were not stupid. They practiced African philosophy.

Africa has one African philosophy? How much do you know about the hiring of witch doctors to settle scores, even in todays Tanzania and Kenya? The murder of Albinos for body parts in these ceremonies.

No body is perfect. Every society has its built in human ills. I think you over romanticize Africa a bit too much. And it has been told to me by Africans that there are still Families or clans in remote parts of Tanzania who occasionaly practice Cannibalism, mostly for ceremonial purposes but who really knows how deep it goes.

Only Europeans practiced cannibalism? did you forget about the islands of the south pacific? and they had quite a bit of contact with East Africa

Cannibalism in the African Congo 1: Trading in Human Cattle
Pretty much. African philosophy is apparent in every country I have been to in Africa. I didnt proclaim anyone to be perfect.I simply pointed out the fact that Africans/Blacks were successful long before the appearance of whites. So your assistance is not needed.

Yes only europeans practiced cannibalism. This is where the legend of Dracula comes from. Cannibalism. Also like I said the NA's have remarked on how europeans reverted to cannibalism upon arrival here in the americas.

If you note in your link, all the authors are whites from the era where they were trying their best to paint Africans as savages.

Ok, thats a myth. I guess you never heard of Fiji. To say the very least.

And, you may be black and have been to African countries, but I will take the word of my Kenyan friends over yours when it comes to things about East Africa... your assistance not really needed
Dracula may be a myth but its based on a real life cannibal in europe. I have heard of Fiji. Had a girlfriend from there. She says white people have chronically lied about Fiji.

I dont care what you take the word of. I wasnt trying to convince you. Youre white. I was balancing your lies with the truth.

let me know when this happens in Appalachia.

Again, its nothing to be ashamed of. Africa is a huge continent theres so many peoples and customs, so many languages and mother tounges. Which is why I was curious why you seemed to think Africa had only one African philosophy. It just doesnt make any logical sense
Let me know when it happens in S. Africa. Your own link says " allegedly"

Author James Crissmman claims that reports from the 1930s indicate that residents of the Appalachian Mountains practised a form of ritualistic cannibalism, during which cannibals ate parts of their dead relatives in order to honour them
Africa has one African philosophy? How much do you know about the hiring of witch doctors to settle scores, even in todays Tanzania and Kenya? The murder of Albinos for body parts in these ceremonies.

No body is perfect. Every society has its built in human ills. I think you over romanticize Africa a bit too much. And it has been told to me by Africans that there are still Families or clans in remote parts of Tanzania who occasionaly practice Cannibalism, mostly for ceremonial purposes but who really knows how deep it goes.

Only Europeans practiced cannibalism? did you forget about the islands of the south pacific? and they had quite a bit of contact with East Africa

Cannibalism in the African Congo 1: Trading in Human Cattle
Pretty much. African philosophy is apparent in every country I have been to in Africa. I didnt proclaim anyone to be perfect.I simply pointed out the fact that Africans/Blacks were successful long before the appearance of whites. So your assistance is not needed.

Yes only europeans practiced cannibalism. This is where the legend of Dracula comes from. Cannibalism. Also like I said the NA's have remarked on how europeans reverted to cannibalism upon arrival here in the americas.

If you note in your link, all the authors are whites from the era where they were trying their best to paint Africans as savages.

Ok, thats a myth. I guess you never heard of Fiji. To say the very least.

And, you may be black and have been to African countries, but I will take the word of my Kenyan friends over yours when it comes to things about East Africa... your assistance not really needed
Dracula may be a myth but its based on a real life cannibal in europe. I have heard of Fiji. Had a girlfriend from there. She says white people have chronically lied about Fiji.

I dont care what you take the word of. I wasnt trying to convince you. Youre white. I was balancing your lies with the truth.

Your Black. So what? it's well known Cannibalism has been prevalent throughout the world despite your revisionist history. Your Fiji girlfriend wasnt there when they had cannibalism. I'm not sure why your trying to promote the myth that ONLY white people have been cannibals. Its really an unnecessary lie.
Being Black I know more about the lies your claims are based in. Cannibalism was never prevalent anywhere other than europe for a very simple reason. Europes lack of resources required its inhabitants to eat each other. All other areas of the planet with humans had plenty of food.

Wow, Im stunned by your lack of knowledge. Cannibalism had more to do than just food. there was a whole aspect to it that was religious or steeped in mysticism. A lot of cultures shared this, sorry to have to tell you this.
I mean, considering i'm white
Pretty much. African philosophy is apparent in every country I have been to in Africa. I didnt proclaim anyone to be perfect.I simply pointed out the fact that Africans/Blacks were successful long before the appearance of whites. So your assistance is not needed.

Yes only europeans practiced cannibalism. This is where the legend of Dracula comes from. Cannibalism. Also like I said the NA's have remarked on how europeans reverted to cannibalism upon arrival here in the americas.

If you note in your link, all the authors are whites from the era where they were trying their best to paint Africans as savages.

Ok, thats a myth. I guess you never heard of Fiji. To say the very least.

And, you may be black and have been to African countries, but I will take the word of my Kenyan friends over yours when it comes to things about East Africa... your assistance not really needed
Dracula may be a myth but its based on a real life cannibal in europe. I have heard of Fiji. Had a girlfriend from there. She says white people have chronically lied about Fiji.

I dont care what you take the word of. I wasnt trying to convince you. Youre white. I was balancing your lies with the truth.

Your Black. So what? it's well known Cannibalism has been prevalent throughout the world despite your revisionist history. Your Fiji girlfriend wasnt there when they had cannibalism. I'm not sure why your trying to promote the myth that ONLY white people have been cannibals. Its really an unnecessary lie.
Being Black I know more about the lies your claims are based in. Cannibalism was never prevalent anywhere other than europe for a very simple reason. Europes lack of resources required its inhabitants to eat each other. All other areas of the planet with humans had plenty of food.

Wow, Im stunned by your lack of knowledge. Cannibalism had more to do than just food. there was a whole aspect to it that was religious or steeped in mysticism. A lot of cultures shared this, sorry to have to tell you this.
I mean, considering i'm white
Dont be stunned. You should realize by now I dont fall for white propaganda.
Africa has one African philosophy? How much do you know about the hiring of witch doctors to settle scores, even in todays Tanzania and Kenya? The murder of Albinos for body parts in these ceremonies.

No body is perfect. Every society has its built in human ills. I think you over romanticize Africa a bit too much. And it has been told to me by Africans that there are still Families or clans in remote parts of Tanzania who occasionaly practice Cannibalism, mostly for ceremonial purposes but who really knows how deep it goes.

Only Europeans practiced cannibalism? did you forget about the islands of the south pacific? and they had quite a bit of contact with East Africa

Cannibalism in the African Congo 1: Trading in Human Cattle
Pretty much. African philosophy is apparent in every country I have been to in Africa. I didnt proclaim anyone to be perfect.I simply pointed out the fact that Africans/Blacks were successful long before the appearance of whites. So your assistance is not needed.

Yes only europeans practiced cannibalism. This is where the legend of Dracula comes from. Cannibalism. Also like I said the NA's have remarked on how europeans reverted to cannibalism upon arrival here in the americas.

If you note in your link, all the authors are whites from the era where they were trying their best to paint Africans as savages.

Ok, thats a myth. I guess you never heard of Fiji. To say the very least.

And, you may be black and have been to African countries, but I will take the word of my Kenyan friends over yours when it comes to things about East Africa... your assistance not really needed
Dracula may be a myth but its based on a real life cannibal in europe. I have heard of Fiji. Had a girlfriend from there. She says white people have chronically lied about Fiji.

I dont care what you take the word of. I wasnt trying to convince you. Youre white. I was balancing your lies with the truth.

let me know when this happens in Appalachia.

Again, its nothing to be ashamed of. Africa is a huge continent theres so many peoples and customs, so many languages and mother tounges. Which is why I was curious why you seemed to think Africa had only one African philosophy. It just doesnt make any logical sense
Let me know when it happens in S. Africa. Your own link says " allegedly"

Author James Crissmman claims that reports from the 1930s indicate that residents of the Appalachian Mountains practised a form of ritualistic cannibalism, during which cannibals ate parts of their dead relatives in order to honour them

The four people were actually arrested. They actually had body parts. Allegedly hundreds of people confessed. Alledgedly is standard language before a trial.
Ok, thats a myth. I guess you never heard of Fiji. To say the very least.

And, you may be black and have been to African countries, but I will take the word of my Kenyan friends over yours when it comes to things about East Africa... your assistance not really needed
Dracula may be a myth but its based on a real life cannibal in europe. I have heard of Fiji. Had a girlfriend from there. She says white people have chronically lied about Fiji.

I dont care what you take the word of. I wasnt trying to convince you. Youre white. I was balancing your lies with the truth.

Your Black. So what? it's well known Cannibalism has been prevalent throughout the world despite your revisionist history. Your Fiji girlfriend wasnt there when they had cannibalism. I'm not sure why your trying to promote the myth that ONLY white people have been cannibals. Its really an unnecessary lie.
Being Black I know more about the lies your claims are based in. Cannibalism was never prevalent anywhere other than europe for a very simple reason. Europes lack of resources required its inhabitants to eat each other. All other areas of the planet with humans had plenty of food.

Wow, Im stunned by your lack of knowledge. Cannibalism had more to do than just food. there was a whole aspect to it that was religious or steeped in mysticism. A lot of cultures shared this, sorry to have to tell you this.
I mean, considering i'm white
Dont be stunned. You should realize by now I dont fall for white propaganda.

So your pushing obvious Black propaganda, which is quite unnecessary. Why is it so hard for you to believe the Cannibalism which goes on in Tanzania? People throughout Africa are extremely ritualistic when you get outside the cities especially. The spirit world is very alive for them, and in the extreme cases cannibalism is still part of that. Including dismembering albinos.
I'm sorry but you cant say only white people have been cannibals without being a liar. But I understand the game you are playing.

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