American Jim Crow & Racism Explained

Africa has one African philosophy? How much do you know about the hiring of witch doctors to settle scores, even in todays Tanzania and Kenya? The murder of Albinos for body parts in these ceremonies.

No body is perfect. Every society has its built in human ills. I think you over romanticize Africa a bit too much. And it has been told to me by Africans that there are still Families or clans in remote parts of Tanzania who occasionaly practice Cannibalism, mostly for ceremonial purposes but who really knows how deep it goes.

Only Europeans practiced cannibalism? did you forget about the islands of the south pacific? and they had quite a bit of contact with East Africa

Cannibalism in the African Congo 1: Trading in Human Cattle
Pretty much. African philosophy is apparent in every country I have been to in Africa. I didnt proclaim anyone to be perfect.I simply pointed out the fact that Africans/Blacks were successful long before the appearance of whites. So your assistance is not needed.

Yes only europeans practiced cannibalism. This is where the legend of Dracula comes from. Cannibalism. Also like I said the NA's have remarked on how europeans reverted to cannibalism upon arrival here in the americas.

If you note in your link, all the authors are whites from the era where they were trying their best to paint Africans as savages.

Ok, thats a myth. I guess you never heard of Fiji. To say the very least.

And, you may be black and have been to African countries, but I will take the word of my Kenyan friends over yours when it comes to things about East Africa... your assistance not really needed
Dracula may be a myth but its based on a real life cannibal in europe.

Who? If your talking about Vlad the Impaler, tales of his eating his dead enemies is folklore and has never been substantiated.
Sorry you should have at least provided some evidence. Here he is about to chow down on some of his homies.

The Real Dracula: Vlad the Impaler


Wrong. In this image he is dining in the presence of his dead enemies, not eating them. I researched and found that this image is a woodcut done in Germany in 1499 and all the sources I found say the same thing: Vlad the Impaler dining amongst his dead enemies.

Below are four sources.
Vlad the Impaler - Wikipedia

The Real Dracula: Vlad the Impaler

The Real-Life Dracula Was Much Worse Than The Count Ever Was

The Impalings of Vlad the Impaler -

It doesn't matter to me if the guy was a cannibal or not but I think we should stick with what we know. Vlad III was obviously crazier than a shithouse rat and if he did eat human flesh, it was because of that, not because cannibalism was a common practice among whites.
Africa has one African philosophy? How much do you know about the hiring of witch doctors to settle scores, even in todays Tanzania and Kenya? The murder of Albinos for body parts in these ceremonies.

No body is perfect. Every society has its built in human ills. I think you over romanticize Africa a bit too much. And it has been told to me by Africans that there are still Families or clans in remote parts of Tanzania who occasionaly practice Cannibalism, mostly for ceremonial purposes but who really knows how deep it goes.

Only Europeans practiced cannibalism? did you forget about the islands of the south pacific? and they had quite a bit of contact with East Africa

Cannibalism in the African Congo 1: Trading in Human Cattle
Pretty much. African philosophy is apparent in every country I have been to in Africa. I didnt proclaim anyone to be perfect.I simply pointed out the fact that Africans/Blacks were successful long before the appearance of whites. So your assistance is not needed.

Yes only europeans practiced cannibalism. This is where the legend of Dracula comes from. Cannibalism. Also like I said the NA's have remarked on how europeans reverted to cannibalism upon arrival here in the americas.

If you note in your link, all the authors are whites from the era where they were trying their best to paint Africans as savages.

Ok, thats a myth. I guess you never heard of Fiji. To say the very least.

And, you may be black and have been to African countries, but I will take the word of my Kenyan friends over yours when it comes to things about East Africa... your assistance not really needed
Dracula may be a myth but its based on a real life cannibal in europe.

Who? If your talking about Vlad the Impaler, tales of his eating his dead enemies is folklore and has never been substantiated.

Actually I dont think its so far fetched at all. I mean after all they were butchering each other left and right. Life was cheap and there has long been a belief that eating human flesh gave the eaters super powers.
Considering that there are numerous documented instances where the starving had to resort to cannibalism to survive and even they said they were disgusted by it, I doubt someone would do it to simply scare his enemies.
Africa has one African philosophy? How much do you know about the hiring of witch doctors to settle scores, even in todays Tanzania and Kenya? The murder of Albinos for body parts in these ceremonies.

No body is perfect. Every society has its built in human ills. I think you over romanticize Africa a bit too much. And it has been told to me by Africans that there are still Families or clans in remote parts of Tanzania who occasionaly practice Cannibalism, mostly for ceremonial purposes but who really knows how deep it goes.

Only Europeans practiced cannibalism? did you forget about the islands of the south pacific? and they had quite a bit of contact with East Africa

Cannibalism in the African Congo 1: Trading in Human Cattle
Pretty much. African philosophy is apparent in every country I have been to in Africa. I didnt proclaim anyone to be perfect.I simply pointed out the fact that Africans/Blacks were successful long before the appearance of whites. So your assistance is not needed.

Yes only europeans practiced cannibalism. This is where the legend of Dracula comes from. Cannibalism. Also like I said the NA's have remarked on how europeans reverted to cannibalism upon arrival here in the americas.

If you note in your link, all the authors are whites from the era where they were trying their best to paint Africans as savages.

Ok, thats a myth. I guess you never heard of Fiji. To say the very least.

And, you may be black and have been to African countries, but I will take the word of my Kenyan friends over yours when it comes to things about East Africa... your assistance not really needed
Dracula may be a myth but its based on a real life cannibal in europe.

Who? If your talking about Vlad the Impaler, tales of his eating his dead enemies is folklore and has never been substantiated.

Actually I dont think its so far fetched at all. I mean after all they were butchering each other left and right. Life was cheap and there has long been a belief that eating human flesh gave the eaters super powers.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if he did. It just wasn't something commonly done at that time.
Being of a system. I have no power
No ma'am, no it's not. That's not it.


However, you can get educated here: What is Systemic Racism? [VIDEOS]
It means something that affects the whole, not just its parts. Your post is speculation or probably not the whole truths. Why are more whites wealthy? You really believe it all due to racism? There are poor people of all races. I do t doubt that racism sometimes plays a part, but not always.
Being of a system. I have no power
No ma'am, no it's not. That's not it.


However, you can get educated here: What is Systemic Racism? [VIDEOS]
It means something that affects the whole, not just its parts. Your post is speculation or probably not the whole truths. Why are more whites wealthy? You really believe it all due to racism? There are poor people of all races. I do t doubt that racism sometimes plays a part, but not always.
Racism plays a part in the opposite direction more than you know.
Wow, Im stunned by your lack of knowledge. Cannibalism had more to do than just food. there was a whole aspect to it that was religious or steeped in mysticism. A lot of cultures shared this, sorry to have to tell you this.
I mean, considering i'm white
Dont be stunned. You should realize by now I dont fall for white propaganda.

So your pushing obvious Black propaganda, which is quite unnecessary. Why is it so hard for you to believe the Cannibalism which goes on in Tanzania? People throughout Africa are extremely ritualistic when you get outside the cities especially. The spirit world is very alive for them, and in the extreme cases cannibalism is still part of that. Including dismembering albinos.
I'm sorry but you cant say only white people have been cannibals without being a liar. But I understand the game you are playing.
Its so hard to believe because I know some Tanzanians and they have never mentioned anything about cannibalism. In fact they say the same thing people from Africa and other parts of the world always say. They say whites are liars that cant be trusted.

It's hard to believe? thats funny. Nothing that humans do really supprises me. So your Tanzanian friends didnt mention anything to you? well, it's not exactly the kind of thing someone would just bring up out of the blue either. I had just spent a month there or so in Kenya/ Tanzania and the conversation did happen to come up for some reason. Are you calling my friends over there liars? No, I'm sorry. cannibalism still exists in africa as it has in other parts of the earth for centuries. You can find documentary after documentary

So hey did your friend tell you about this?

The Fight to Stop Tanzania's Witch Doctors Butchering Albino People

How can you explain that a fair people like the people of Tanzania who have espoused the African philosophy, could allow this kind of racism and discrimination to continue? I mean, this must mean the vast majority of Tanzanians are racist towards Albinos. There is no other explanation for majority population of blacks who allow this to continue there. They must be racist to a man and woman by your same logic.

Dont be sorry. Just come up with a believable story. You whites lie all the time and actually think Black people in this day and age will believe you. Sorry but you have a long, long, history of lying when it comes to Africa. Theres pretty much nothing a white person can tell me thats negative regarding Africa that I can put any belief into.

I think I've heard the claims about killing albinos but not from any of my various African friends.[/QUOTE

Hey well if you know so little about the life in Africa, from your so called friends.... I suggest you spend a little more time away from the tourist resorts and spend some time in the country side talking to people about what they believe. you might educate yourself.
Yet at the same time, theres a whole lot of Black people who consider themselves Americans and a lot of them want something other than you want. And yes, theres a lot of white racists who would like to send all blacks back to Africa. They can go fuck themselves too... because there's to many people trying to keep us from moving forward as a country together. As I said. We had been making more progress until about the last 8 years and I suppose we still are. Though, the insane left is trying to take away a president elected by millions of Americans.

This is stupid. I consider myself American. Whites don't get to exclusively decide what is American. Quit thinking you can speak for blacks. You don't know what blacks want. You project white racist bullshit on us like that's what we want because it's what YOU want. And we were not making progress until 8 years ago, that's a fucking lie. We are not going to move forward only by the way whites want things done. Trump has violated the law, no one is trying take shit from him. He was "elected" by less than the majority of voters, so he was not the choice of the majority of the American people, so his ass should not be president anyway. Stop lying to yourself about how Trump was duly elected by the American people when he got 3 million fewer votes from the American people than his opponent.
Being of a system. I have no power
No ma'am, no it's not. That's not it.


However, you can get educated here: What is Systemic Racism? [VIDEOS]
It means something that affects the whole, not just its parts. Your post is speculation or probably not the whole truths. Why are more whites wealthy? You really believe it all due to racism? There are poor people of all races. I do t doubt that racism sometimes plays a part, but not always.
Racism plays a part in the opposite direction more than you know.

No it doesn't. Not one bit.
Yet at the same time, theres a whole lot of Black people who consider themselves Americans and a lot of them want something other than you want. And yes, theres a lot of white racists who would like to send all blacks back to Africa. They can go fuck themselves too... because there's to many people trying to keep us from moving forward as a country together. As I said. We had been making more progress until about the last 8 years and I suppose we still are. Though, the insane left is trying to take away a president elected by millions of Americans.
You keep repeating that.

What, in your estimation, happened during those 8 years that halted progress? Please expound.

Ok, in my estimation, it was during the time of Obama's presidency that the main stream media seemed to begin this campaign of presenting facts in a skewed way. With the attempt to show that whites were gunning for black kids. case in point would be Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. Both of those were painted as execution style shootings by the media before any facts were clear.... with total disregard for what would happen in communities around the US when it came to race relations.. from that point things have only gotten much worse. The Obama justice department and Obama himself picking sides before facts came out ....This made racial tensions rise on all sides. It was a complete mishandling of the situation .. now there are even at least twice as many KKK members active in the US because they were made to feel relevant again. as well as other white supremest groups.
I know you don't agree and I don't expect you to. But I believe the guy who was supposed to be the great uniter accomplished just the opposite and we are still in a spiral in some areas.
Dont be stunned. You should realize by now I dont fall for white propaganda.

So your pushing obvious Black propaganda, which is quite unnecessary. Why is it so hard for you to believe the Cannibalism which goes on in Tanzania? People throughout Africa are extremely ritualistic when you get outside the cities especially. The spirit world is very alive for them, and in the extreme cases cannibalism is still part of that. Including dismembering albinos.
I'm sorry but you cant say only white people have been cannibals without being a liar. But I understand the game you are playing.
Its so hard to believe because I know some Tanzanians and they have never mentioned anything about cannibalism. In fact they say the same thing people from Africa and other parts of the world always say. They say whites are liars that cant be trusted.

It's hard to believe? thats funny. Nothing that humans do really supprises me. So your Tanzanian friends didnt mention anything to you? well, it's not exactly the kind of thing someone would just bring up out of the blue either. I had just spent a month there or so in Kenya/ Tanzania and the conversation did happen to come up for some reason. Are you calling my friends over there liars? No, I'm sorry. cannibalism still exists in africa as it has in other parts of the earth for centuries. You can find documentary after documentary

So hey did your friend tell you about this?

The Fight to Stop Tanzania's Witch Doctors Butchering Albino People

How can you explain that a fair people like the people of Tanzania who have espoused the African philosophy, could allow this kind of racism and discrimination to continue? I mean, this must mean the vast majority of Tanzanians are racist towards Albinos. There is no other explanation for majority population of blacks who allow this to continue there. They must be racist to a man and woman by your same logic.

Dont be sorry. Just come up with a believable story. You whites lie all the time and actually think Black people in this day and age will believe you. Sorry but you have a long, long, history of lying when it comes to Africa. Theres pretty much nothing a white person can tell me thats negative regarding Africa that I can put any belief into.

I think I've heard the claims about killing albinos but not from any of my various African friends.[/QUOTE

Hey well if you know so little about the life in Africa, from your so called friends.... I suggest you spend a little more time away from the tourist resorts and spend some time in the country side talking to people about what they believe. you might educate yourself.

What I suggest is you quit talking about a few Africans on a continent of over 1 billion people.
Yet at the same time, theres a whole lot of Black people who consider themselves Americans and a lot of them want something other than you want. And yes, theres a lot of white racists who would like to send all blacks back to Africa. They can go fuck themselves too... because there's to many people trying to keep us from moving forward as a country together. As I said. We had been making more progress until about the last 8 years and I suppose we still are. Though, the insane left is trying to take away a president elected by millions of Americans.

This is stupid. I consider myself American. Whites don't get to exclusively decide what is American. Quit thinking you can speak for blacks. You don't know what blacks want. You project white racist bullshit on us like that's what we want because it's what YOU want. And we were not making progress until 8 years ago, that's a fucking lie. We are not going to move forward only by the way whites want things done. Trump has violated the law, no one is trying take shit from him. He was "elected" by less than the majority of voters, so he was not the choice of the majority of the American people, so his ass should not be president anyway. Stop lying to yourself about how Trump was duly elected by the American people when he got 3 million fewer votes from the American people than his opponent.

This is stupid. I consider myself American

Good for you. Asclepias said he doesnt consider himself American, so you prove my point. I'm not speaking for Blacks.. I'm simply telling Asclepias he doesnt speak for them all himself. No more than I can speak for whites. How the fuck can I speak for other whites just because my skin is white? Thats fucking racist and I'm pretty confident thats what Aslepias is . A racist.. by his own posts.
African Americans who feel they have done well here for themslves... hey they are just an Uncle Tom to him.
I'm sorry but I cant be into your guys hatred. I dont buy into that
So your pushing obvious Black propaganda, which is quite unnecessary. Why is it so hard for you to believe the Cannibalism which goes on in Tanzania? People throughout Africa are extremely ritualistic when you get outside the cities especially. The spirit world is very alive for them, and in the extreme cases cannibalism is still part of that. Including dismembering albinos.
I'm sorry but you cant say only white people have been cannibals without being a liar. But I understand the game you are playing.
Its so hard to believe because I know some Tanzanians and they have never mentioned anything about cannibalism. In fact they say the same thing people from Africa and other parts of the world always say. They say whites are liars that cant be trusted.

It's hard to believe? thats funny. Nothing that humans do really supprises me. So your Tanzanian friends didnt mention anything to you? well, it's not exactly the kind of thing someone would just bring up out of the blue either. I had just spent a month there or so in Kenya/ Tanzania and the conversation did happen to come up for some reason. Are you calling my friends over there liars? No, I'm sorry. cannibalism still exists in africa as it has in other parts of the earth for centuries. You can find documentary after documentary

So hey did your friend tell you about this?

The Fight to Stop Tanzania's Witch Doctors Butchering Albino People

How can you explain that a fair people like the people of Tanzania who have espoused the African philosophy, could allow this kind of racism and discrimination to continue? I mean, this must mean the vast majority of Tanzanians are racist towards Albinos. There is no other explanation for majority population of blacks who allow this to continue there. They must be racist to a man and woman by your same logic.

Dont be sorry. Just come up with a believable story. You whites lie all the time and actually think Black people in this day and age will believe you. Sorry but you have a long, long, history of lying when it comes to Africa. Theres pretty much nothing a white person can tell me thats negative regarding Africa that I can put any belief into.

I think I've heard the claims about killing albinos but not from any of my various African friends.[/QUOTE

Hey well if you know so little about the life in Africa, from your so called friends.... I suggest you spend a little more time away from the tourist resorts and spend some time in the country side talking to people about what they believe. you might educate yourself.

What I suggest is you quit talking about a few Africans on a continent of over 1 billion people.

In case you didnt catch the conversation I was having with Asclepias. It was about his contention that ONLY white people in the whole history of the world have been cannibals and can be cannibals... yeah forget about New Guinnea, the Islands of the South Pacific.. the Aztecs, and yes people in Africa. I'm very sorry but it happened there too. He contends all that are stories made up by white people.
Yet at the same time, theres a whole lot of Black people who consider themselves Americans and a lot of them want something other than you want. And yes, theres a lot of white racists who would like to send all blacks back to Africa. They can go fuck themselves too... because there's to many people trying to keep us from moving forward as a country together. As I said. We had been making more progress until about the last 8 years and I suppose we still are. Though, the insane left is trying to take away a president elected by millions of Americans.

This is stupid. I consider myself American. Whites don't get to exclusively decide what is American. Quit thinking you can speak for blacks. You don't know what blacks want. You project white racist bullshit on us like that's what we want because it's what YOU want. And we were not making progress until 8 years ago, that's a fucking lie. We are not going to move forward only by the way whites want things done. Trump has violated the law, no one is trying take shit from him. He was "elected" by less than the majority of voters, so he was not the choice of the majority of the American people, so his ass should not be president anyway. Stop lying to yourself about how Trump was duly elected by the American people when he got 3 million fewer votes from the American people than his opponent.

Trump has violated the law,

And what law was that ?
So your pushing obvious Black propaganda, which is quite unnecessary. Why is it so hard for you to believe the Cannibalism which goes on in Tanzania? People throughout Africa are extremely ritualistic when you get outside the cities especially. The spirit world is very alive for them, and in the extreme cases cannibalism is still part of that. Including dismembering albinos.
I'm sorry but you cant say only white people have been cannibals without being a liar. But I understand the game you are playing.
Its so hard to believe because I know some Tanzanians and they have never mentioned anything about cannibalism. In fact they say the same thing people from Africa and other parts of the world always say. They say whites are liars that cant be trusted.

It's hard to believe? thats funny. Nothing that humans do really supprises me. So your Tanzanian friends didnt mention anything to you? well, it's not exactly the kind of thing someone would just bring up out of the blue either. I had just spent a month there or so in Kenya/ Tanzania and the conversation did happen to come up for some reason. Are you calling my friends over there liars? No, I'm sorry. cannibalism still exists in africa as it has in other parts of the earth for centuries. You can find documentary after documentary

So hey did your friend tell you about this?

The Fight to Stop Tanzania's Witch Doctors Butchering Albino People

How can you explain that a fair people like the people of Tanzania who have espoused the African philosophy, could allow this kind of racism and discrimination to continue? I mean, this must mean the vast majority of Tanzanians are racist towards Albinos. There is no other explanation for majority population of blacks who allow this to continue there. They must be racist to a man and woman by your same logic.

Dont be sorry. Just come up with a believable story. You whites lie all the time and actually think Black people in this day and age will believe you. Sorry but you have a long, long, history of lying when it comes to Africa. Theres pretty much nothing a white person can tell me thats negative regarding Africa that I can put any belief into.

I think I've heard the claims about killing albinos but not from any of my various African friends.[/QUOTE

Hey well if you know so little about the life in Africa, from your so called friends.... I suggest you spend a little more time away from the tourist resorts and spend some time in the country side talking to people about what they believe. you might educate yourself.

What I suggest is you quit talking about a few Africans on a continent of over 1 billion people.

I'm quite aware of the complexities of Africa.... Which is actually far far more than I know. It was Asclepias who was alluding to the fact they all share one common African philosopy... which I'm not buying.
The Continent is too diverse. Hell, Kenya itself is too diverse. The way a True Masaai sees the world and someone from the Luhya tribe are going to be COMPLETELY different. Sorry.. his theorys out the window
Yet at the same time, theres a whole lot of Black people who consider themselves Americans and a lot of them want something other than you want. And yes, theres a lot of white racists who would like to send all blacks back to Africa. They can go fuck themselves too... because there's to many people trying to keep us from moving forward as a country together. As I said. We had been making more progress until about the last 8 years and I suppose we still are. Though, the insane left is trying to take away a president elected by millions of Americans.
You keep repeating that.

What, in your estimation, happened during those 8 years that halted progress? Please expound.

Ok, in my estimation, it was during the time of Obama's presidency that the main stream media seemed to begin this campaign of presenting facts in a skewed way. With the attempt to show that whites were gunning for black kids. case in point would be Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. Both of those were painted as execution style shootings by the media before any facts were clear.... with total disregard for what would happen in communities around the US when it came to race relations.. from that point things have only gotten much worse. The Obama justice department and Obama himself picking sides before facts came out ....This made racial tensions rise on all sides. It was a complete mishandling of the situation .. now there are even at least twice as many KKK members active in the US because they were made to feel relevant again. as well as other white supremest groups.
I know you don't agree and I don't expect you to. But I believe the guy who was supposed to be the great uniter accomplished just the opposite and we are still in a spiral in some areas.

Are you crazy? What facts were presented in the 2 cases you mention. Trayvon Martin nor Mike Brown were able to testify. So these cases did not contain all the relevant facts. Race Relations have not changed all that much. And they did not get worse because whites got mad because Obama told the truth about how white racism continues. After all, he was not being politically correct. Isn't that what you whites want?
Yet at the same time, theres a whole lot of Black people who consider themselves Americans and a lot of them want something other than you want. And yes, theres a lot of white racists who would like to send all blacks back to Africa. They can go fuck themselves too... because there's to many people trying to keep us from moving forward as a country together. As I said. We had been making more progress until about the last 8 years and I suppose we still are. Though, the insane left is trying to take away a president elected by millions of Americans.

This is stupid. I consider myself American. Whites don't get to exclusively decide what is American. Quit thinking you can speak for blacks. You don't know what blacks want. You project white racist bullshit on us like that's what we want because it's what YOU want. And we were not making progress until 8 years ago, that's a fucking lie. We are not going to move forward only by the way whites want things done. Trump has violated the law, no one is trying take shit from him. He was "elected" by less than the majority of voters, so he was not the choice of the majority of the American people, so his ass should not be president anyway. Stop lying to yourself about how Trump was duly elected by the American people when he got 3 million fewer votes from the American people than his opponent.

Trump has violated the law,

And what law was that ?

I think it's been explained that acting with a foreign country to affect elections is a violation of law, and so is the obstruction of justice during a investigation. Not to mention emoluments and other ethics violations.
What facts??? how about just one. The news media runs it like Mike brown was executed on his knees for no reason... sparking riots, and why did the news media show photos of him as a little kid. It made it look like the cop shot a little kid while in reality he was almost three hundred pounds... and tried to take the gun away from the cop and actually fired a round off inside the car.
Reckless news media coverage. They are lucky more people didn't die because of their stupidity. Also they never give equal air time to retract things .. when they could help calm a situation.
Yet at the same time, theres a whole lot of Black people who consider themselves Americans and a lot of them want something other than you want. And yes, theres a lot of white racists who would like to send all blacks back to Africa. They can go fuck themselves too... because there's to many people trying to keep us from moving forward as a country together. As I said. We had been making more progress until about the last 8 years and I suppose we still are. Though, the insane left is trying to take away a president elected by millions of Americans.

This is stupid. I consider myself American. Whites don't get to exclusively decide what is American. Quit thinking you can speak for blacks. You don't know what blacks want. You project white racist bullshit on us like that's what we want because it's what YOU want. And we were not making progress until 8 years ago, that's a fucking lie. We are not going to move forward only by the way whites want things done. Trump has violated the law, no one is trying take shit from him. He was "elected" by less than the majority of voters, so he was not the choice of the majority of the American people, so his ass should not be president anyway. Stop lying to yourself about how Trump was duly elected by the American people when he got 3 million fewer votes from the American people than his opponent.

Trump has violated the law,

And what law was that ?

I think it's been explained that acting with a foreign country to affect elections is a violation of law, and so is the obstruction of justice during a investigation. Not to mention emoluments and other ethics violations.

Except, that has not been proven. But it has been proven the Clinton campaign actually PAID for information from Russians to spread dirt on Trump.
And I havnt seen any obstruction of justice that comes close to the destruction of hard drives and wiping out of emails AFTER they had been subpoenaed by the FBI .. how the hell does that not end up in an arrest unless you have someone on the inside changing the rules in your favor?
Dont be stunned. You should realize by now I dont fall for white propaganda.

So your pushing obvious Black propaganda, which is quite unnecessary. Why is it so hard for you to believe the Cannibalism which goes on in Tanzania? People throughout Africa are extremely ritualistic when you get outside the cities especially. The spirit world is very alive for them, and in the extreme cases cannibalism is still part of that. Including dismembering albinos.
I'm sorry but you cant say only white people have been cannibals without being a liar. But I understand the game you are playing.
Its so hard to believe because I know some Tanzanians and they have never mentioned anything about cannibalism. In fact they say the same thing people from Africa and other parts of the world always say. They say whites are liars that cant be trusted.

It's hard to believe? thats funny. Nothing that humans do really supprises me. So your Tanzanian friends didnt mention anything to you? well, it's not exactly the kind of thing someone would just bring up out of the blue either. I had just spent a month there or so in Kenya/ Tanzania and the conversation did happen to come up for some reason. Are you calling my friends over there liars? No, I'm sorry. cannibalism still exists in africa as it has in other parts of the earth for centuries. You can find documentary after documentary

So hey did your friend tell you about this?

The Fight to Stop Tanzania's Witch Doctors Butchering Albino People

How can you explain that a fair people like the people of Tanzania who have espoused the African philosophy, could allow this kind of racism and discrimination to continue? I mean, this must mean the vast majority of Tanzanians are racist towards Albinos. There is no other explanation for majority population of blacks who allow this to continue there. They must be racist to a man and woman by your same logic.

Dont be sorry. Just come up with a believable story. You whites lie all the time and actually think Black people in this day and age will believe you. Sorry but you have a long, long, history of lying when it comes to Africa. Theres pretty much nothing a white person can tell me thats negative regarding Africa that I can put any belief into.

I think I've heard the claims about killing albinos but not from any of my various African friends.[/QUOTE

Hey well if you know so little about the life in Africa, from your so called friends.... I suggest you spend a little more time away from the tourist resorts and spend some time in the country side talking to people about what they believe. you might educate yourself.
Who told you I know so little? I've never been to a tourist resort in Africa so please stop guessing. Its kind of embarrassing for you.
Yet at the same time, theres a whole lot of Black people who consider themselves Americans and a lot of them want something other than you want. And yes, theres a lot of white racists who would like to send all blacks back to Africa. They can go fuck themselves too... because there's to many people trying to keep us from moving forward as a country together. As I said. We had been making more progress until about the last 8 years and I suppose we still are. Though, the insane left is trying to take away a president elected by millions of Americans.

This is stupid. I consider myself American. Whites don't get to exclusively decide what is American. Quit thinking you can speak for blacks. You don't know what blacks want. You project white racist bullshit on us like that's what we want because it's what YOU want. And we were not making progress until 8 years ago, that's a fucking lie. We are not going to move forward only by the way whites want things done. Trump has violated the law, no one is trying take shit from him. He was "elected" by less than the majority of voters, so he was not the choice of the majority of the American people, so his ass should not be president anyway. Stop lying to yourself about how Trump was duly elected by the American people when he got 3 million fewer votes from the American people than his opponent.

Trump has violated the law,

And what law was that ?
Money laundering for starters and getting aid from a foreign hostile power. Not to mention sexual assault and child molestation.
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Its so hard to believe because I know some Tanzanians and they have never mentioned anything about cannibalism. In fact they say the same thing people from Africa and other parts of the world always say. They say whites are liars that cant be trusted.

It's hard to believe? thats funny. Nothing that humans do really supprises me. So your Tanzanian friends didnt mention anything to you? well, it's not exactly the kind of thing someone would just bring up out of the blue either. I had just spent a month there or so in Kenya/ Tanzania and the conversation did happen to come up for some reason. Are you calling my friends over there liars? No, I'm sorry. cannibalism still exists in africa as it has in other parts of the earth for centuries. You can find documentary after documentary

So hey did your friend tell you about this?

The Fight to Stop Tanzania's Witch Doctors Butchering Albino People

How can you explain that a fair people like the people of Tanzania who have espoused the African philosophy, could allow this kind of racism and discrimination to continue? I mean, this must mean the vast majority of Tanzanians are racist towards Albinos. There is no other explanation for majority population of blacks who allow this to continue there. They must be racist to a man and woman by your same logic.

Dont be sorry. Just come up with a believable story. You whites lie all the time and actually think Black people in this day and age will believe you. Sorry but you have a long, long, history of lying when it comes to Africa. Theres pretty much nothing a white person can tell me thats negative regarding Africa that I can put any belief into.

I think I've heard the claims about killing albinos but not from any of my various African friends.[/QUOTE

Hey well if you know so little about the life in Africa, from your so called friends.... I suggest you spend a little more time away from the tourist resorts and spend some time in the country side talking to people about what they believe. you might educate yourself.

What I suggest is you quit talking about a few Africans on a continent of over 1 billion people.

I'm quite aware of the complexities of Africa.... Which is actually far far more than I know. It was Asclepias who was alluding to the fact they all share one common African philosopy... which I'm not buying.
The Continent is too diverse. Hell, Kenya itself is too diverse. The way a True Masaai sees the world and someone from the Luhya tribe are going to be COMPLETELY different. Sorry.. his theorys out the window

I think A knows that's not the case. You and most of the whites here are real good a thinking you can assume what black people here think when you have not the first fucking clue. There is a difference in the philosophies of subsections of whites in Europe. But there is a general philosophy that Europeans have just as well. The same goes for Africans. But you whites are always ready to tell us what we don't know when the fact is we do.

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