American Jim Crow & Racism Explained

What facts??? how about just one. The news media runs it like Mike brown was executed on his knees for no reason... sparking riots, and why did the news media show photos of him as a little kid. It made it look like the cop shot a little kid while in reality he was almost three hundred pounds... and tried to take the gun away from the cop and actually fired a round off inside the car.
Reckless news media coverage. They are lucky more people didn't die because of their stupidity. Also they never give equal air time to retract things .. when they could help calm a situation.
You people like to bring up Micheal Brown, as if there's something wrong with blacks coming to his defense, as if he deserved it, but you fail to mention of the following...
  • Eric Garner, choked to death by a group of police for allegedly selling loosies, police turned around and said that they didn't choke him, that he had asthma
  • Tamir Rice, gunned down in cold blood by a cop who shot him within 2 seconds of arriving on the scene w/a toy gun in his hand, in a right to carry state
  • Freddie Gray, beaten to the point of breaking his spine, by a group of cops for no good reason
  • Sandra Bland, died while in custody after being arrested for no reason
  • John Crawford III, shot to death by a cop in Walmart, after a report came in that a guy had a gun in Walmart, a right to carry state
  • Alton Sterling, shot to death at close range by two white Baton Rouge cops
  • Philando Castile, shot to death in the passenger seat of his gf's car, while telling the cop that he had a gun and a license to carry the gun, in a right to carry state
  • Brennan Walker, 14, stopped at a neighbor's home April 12 to ask for directions after missing a bus in Rochester Hills, Mich. A man inside fired a gun at him.
  • Jordan Davis, 17, killed by a crazed old white man upset that him and his buddies were blasting their rap music
  • The Dylann Roof shooting, cold-blooded white supremacist murderer that felt it necessary to gun-down innocent black church parishioners during their Wednesday night prayer meeting, AFTER fellowshiping with them

President Barack Obama didn't have one blessed thing to do with the so-called "race relations" downturn in America. For one, there's no down-turn in "race relations", it's simply most whites getting upset that these stories are out, after blacks have been trying to tell them this for decades.

The only thing President Barack Hussein Obama is guilty of is being President during the time that social media and videos rise to prominence in society, where people are able to either record, or live stream these racist atrocities happening, so that the American people can actually SEE what's going on. No different than when the American people were able to SEE, for the first time, the white brutality on display by racist cops during the Civil Rights Movement, that were hosing down peaceful blacks for no reason whatsoever.

Like I've stated before, we're living through the second Civil Rights Movement. It's just that people IN history, seldom, if ever, recognize it.
Bullshit. I have the ultimate respect for other Black people even if I dont agree with what they say or the organizations they belong to. Witness Powell and Rice. I respect both of them even though I dont agree with them. I dont even agree with everything Obama says and does. You cant point to one single instance of me being disrespectful to another Black person unless they are a white boot licker. I challenge you to find even one instance. I wont hold my breath waiting for you proof because I know you cant find it.

More bullshit. Whites grin with glee to see the bootlickers. Thats why they love Carson and Cain.
And that Candace Owens DUNCE.
What facts??? how about just one. The news media runs it like Mike brown was executed on his knees for no reason... sparking riots, and why did the news media show photos of him as a little kid. It made it look like the cop shot a little kid while in reality he was almost three hundred pounds... and tried to take the gun away from the cop and actually fired a round off inside the car.
Reckless news media coverage. They are lucky more people didn't die because of their stupidity. Also they never give equal air time to retract things .. when they could help calm a situation.
You people like to bring up Micheal Brown, as if there's something wrong with blacks coming to his defense, as if he deserved it, but you fail to mention of the following...
  • Eric Garner, choked to death by a group of police for allegedly selling loosies, police turned around and said that they didn't choke him, that he had asthma
  • Tamir Rice, gunned down in cold blood by a cop who shot him within 2 seconds of arriving on the scene w/a toy gun in his hand, in a right to carry state
  • Freddie Gray, beaten to the point of breaking his spine, by a group of cops for no good reason
  • Sandra Bland, died while in custody after being arrested for no reason
  • John Crawford III, shot to death by a cop in Walmart, after a report came in that a guy had a gun in Walmart, a right to carry state
  • Alton Sterling, shot to death at close range by two white Baton Rouge cops
  • Philando Castile, shot to death in the passenger seat of his gf's car, while telling the cop that he had a gun and a license to carry the gun, in a right to carry state
  • Brennan Walker, 14, stopped at a neighbor's home April 12 to ask for directions after missing a bus in Rochester Hills, Mich. A man inside fired a gun at him.
  • Jordan Davis, 17, killed by a crazed old white man upset that him and his buddies were blasting their rap music
  • The Dylann Roof shooting, cold-blooded white supremacist murderer that felt it necessary to gun-down innocent black church parishioners during their Wednesday night prayer meeting, AFTER fellowshiping with them

President Barack Obama didn't have one blessed thing to do with the so-called "race relations" downturn in America. For one, there's no down-turn in "race relations", it's simply most whites getting upset that these stories are out, after blacks have been trying to tell them this for decades.

The only thing President Barack Hussein Obama is guilty of is being President during the time that social media and videos rise to prominence in society, where people are able to either record, or live stream these racist atrocities happening, so that the American people can actually SEE what's going on. No different than when the American people were able to SEE, for the first time, the white brutality on display by racist cops during the Civil Rights Movement, that were hosing down peaceful blacks for no reason whatsoever.

Like I've stated before, we're living through the second Civil Rights Movement. It's just that people IN history, seldom, if ever, recognize it.

Your hate is misguided. Blacks are killing blacks in Chicago and other urban areas at super high rates. You listed like 10 people. 1000s are killed by black on black crime. You need to focus there not on random police shootings and I can dispute your claims one by one but you'd just respond with an emoji. During the first civil rights movement, 20% of blacks grew up with one parent. Today it is 70%. Maybe focus on that and the black on black crime vs. whining against biased police officers.

Your racism is insane.
Your hate is misguided. Blacks are killing blacks in Chicago and other urban areas at super high rates. You listed like 10 people. 1000s are killed by black on black crime. You need to focus there not on random police shootings and I can dispute your claims one by one but you'd just respond with an emoji. During the first civil rights movement, 20% of blacks grew up with one parent. Today it is 70%. Maybe focus on that and the black on black crime vs. whining against biased police officers.

Your racism is insane.
Why aren't you worried about white-on-white crime?

Your hatred and racism is insane.
Your hate is misguided. Blacks are killing blacks in Chicago and other urban areas at super high rates. You listed like 10 people. 1000s are killed by black on black crime. You need to focus there not on random police shootings and I can dispute your claims one by one but you'd just respond with an emoji. During the first civil rights movement, 20% of blacks grew up with one parent. Today it is 70%. Maybe focus on that and the black on black crime vs. whining against biased police officers.

Your racism is insane.
Why aren't you worried about white-on-white crime?

Your hatred and racism is insane.

I am worried about all crime. I donate to my local police force annually. I have two kids and worry about the drugs in the school system. I am just not going to allow your race baiting bullshit to sit here and not challenge it.
I am worried about all crime. I donate to my local police force annually. I have two kids and worry about the drugs in the school system. I am just not going to allow your race baiting bullshit to sit here and not challenge it.
Define "race baiting", let's get to the bottom of it.
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The same person complaining about anti semitism posts racist garbage. There is no comparison to be made between blacks and Jews.
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Dont be sorry. Just come up with a believable story. You whites lie all the time and actually think Black people in this day and age will believe you. Sorry but you have a long, long, history of lying when it comes to Africa. Theres pretty much nothing a white person can tell me thats negative regarding Africa that I can put any belief into.

I think I've heard the claims about killing albinos but not from any of my various African friends.[/QUOTE

Hey well if you know so little about the life in Africa, from your so called friends.... I suggest you spend a little more time away from the tourist resorts and spend some time in the country side talking to people about what they believe. you might educate yourself.

What I suggest is you quit talking about a few Africans on a continent of over 1 billion people.

In case you didnt catch the conversation I was having with Asclepias. It was about his contention that ONLY white people in the whole history of the world have been cannibals and can be cannibals... yeah forget about New Guinnea, the Islands of the South Pacific.. the Aztecs, and yes people in Africa. I'm very sorry but it happened there too. He contends all that are stories made up by white people.

Yeah and if you haven't seen the shit from whites here A has dealt with calling blacks cannibals then you would understand how fucking tired he must be of read another dumb ass white person talking about blacks and cannibalism. Your ass says nothing to whites saying this shit. So when you can do that. let me know..

Wouldn't have been an issue if he didn't come out with straight up Lies... saying only white people in the history of the world were cannibals. I in no way mean to put down the people of Africa. In my estimation its an awesome place but like anywhere including the US it has its contradictions. His need to lie about those things is completely unecessary. I was told straight up by people in Kenya that there is still some cannibalism going on in Tanzania.. and thats not the only place. Only Asclepias could say its stories made up by white people.
Its a historical fact Cannibalism occurred all over the world, so why the unecessary lies when it doesnt even matter?

It was made a mother fucking issue by the white racists declaring every body in Africa is a cannibal in order deflect from the conversations that were being discussed. You shut your fucking mouth up about that. Either do the same now or say the same things to whites.
I am worried about all crime. I donate to my local police force annually. I have two kids and worry about the drugs in the school system. I am just not going to allow your race baiting bullshit to sit here and not challenge it.
Define "race baiting", let's get to the bottom of it.

Attempting to cloud logic and facts by appealing to emotion through false accusations of racial discrimination. A favorite spin tactic of politicians and MarcATL used to manipulate people of low intelligence.
So are you going to dodge the question? Why in the black kid at a disadvantage? Your boy friend ASSclepias used white guys as the exception and that was fine? LOL. Hypocritical much?
I doubt you really want to know. I mean, even having a black name is detrimental to your this country. And that's old news.

New Study Confirms Depressing Truth About Names And Racial Bias | HuffPost

America has a lot of work to do. Are you ready to do your part? don't think the same applies to people with Jewish names? Like Ari Weinberg? Jewish people like myself just overcome the bigotry. You whine about it. Huffington Post is a Liberal Rag. Fake News. BS.

No they don't. If they did, the studies would show this. You are white. Your religion has nothing to do with this conversation. There is a section for religion here at USMB.
So are you going to dodge the question? Why in the black kid at a disadvantage? Your boy friend ASSclepias used white guys as the exception and that was fine? LOL. Hypocritical much?
I doubt you really want to know. I mean, even having a black name is detrimental to your this country. And that's old news.

New Study Confirms Depressing Truth About Names And Racial Bias | HuffPost

America has a lot of work to do. Are you ready to do your part? don't think the same applies to people with Jewish names? Like Ari Weinberg? Jewish people like myself just overcome the bigotry. You whine about it. Huffington Post is a Liberal Rag. Fake News. BS.

No they don't. If they did, the studies would show this. You are white. Your religion has nothing to do with this conversation. There is a section for religion here at USMB.

Judaism is also an ethnicity.

Judaism can be thought of as being simultaneously a religion, a nationality and a culture. Don't tell me what I am and am not. I have had freaking swastikas painted on my parents house. Don't tell me it is a "religion".

Are Jews a Nation or a Religion?
I am worried about all crime. I donate to my local police force annually. I have two kids and worry about the drugs in the school system. I am just not going to allow your race baiting bullshit to sit here and not challenge it.
Define "race baiting", let's get to the bottom of it.

Attempting to cloud logic and facts by appealing to emotion through false accusations of racial discrimination. A favorite spin tactic of politicians and MarcATL used to manipulate people of low intelligence.

The only people race baiting is whites like you.
So are you going to dodge the question? Why in the black kid at a disadvantage? Your boy friend ASSclepias used white guys as the exception and that was fine? LOL. Hypocritical much?
I doubt you really want to know. I mean, even having a black name is detrimental to your this country. And that's old news.

New Study Confirms Depressing Truth About Names And Racial Bias | HuffPost

America has a lot of work to do. Are you ready to do your part? don't think the same applies to people with Jewish names? Like Ari Weinberg? Jewish people like myself just overcome the bigotry. You whine about it. Huffington Post is a Liberal Rag. Fake News. BS.

No they don't. If they did, the studies would show this. You are white. Your religion has nothing to do with this conversation. There is a section for religion here at USMB.

Judaism is also an ethnicity.

Judaism can be thought of as being simultaneously a religion, a nationality and a culture. Don't tell me what I am and am not. I have had freaking swastikas painted on my parents house. Don't tell me it is a "religion".

Are Jews a Nation or a Religion?
Nope its a just a religion for you. Youre white.
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I am worried about all crime. I donate to my local police force annually. I have two kids and worry about the drugs in the school system. I am just not going to allow your race baiting bullshit to sit here and not challenge it.
Define "race baiting", let's get to the bottom of it.

Attempting to cloud logic and facts by appealing to emotion through false accusations of racial discrimination. A favorite spin tactic of politicians and MarcATL used to manipulate people of low intelligence.

There is Marc's goto...the emoji.
So are you going to dodge the question? Why in the black kid at a disadvantage? Your boy friend ASSclepias used white guys as the exception and that was fine? LOL. Hypocritical much?
I doubt you really want to know. I mean, even having a black name is detrimental to your this country. And that's old news.

New Study Confirms Depressing Truth About Names And Racial Bias | HuffPost

America has a lot of work to do. Are you ready to do your part? don't think the same applies to people with Jewish names? Like Ari Weinberg? Jewish people like myself just overcome the bigotry. You whine about it. Huffington Post is a Liberal Rag. Fake News. BS.

No they don't. If they did, the studies would show this. You are white. Your religion has nothing to do with this conversation. There is a section for religion here at USMB.

Judaism is also an ethnicity.

Judaism can be thought of as being simultaneously a religion, a nationality and a culture. Don't tell me what I am and am not. I have had freaking swastikas painted on my parents house. Don't tell me it is a "religion".

Are Jews a Nation or a Religion?
Nope its a just a religion for you. Youre white.

Opinions vary. Your boyfriend Marc likely agrees.
Opinions vary. Your boyfriend Marc likely agrees.
Asclepias is my brother, not my boyfriend.

However, if you're jealous because you don't have a man in your life, then I suggest you stop putting out so easyily.

Just keep your legs closed, be patient and don't rush into anything, don't worry, a good man will come along.

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Opinions vary. Your boyfriend Marc likely agrees.
Asclepias is my brother, not my boyfriend.

However, if you're jealous because you don't have a man in your life, then I suggest you stop putting out so easy.

Just keep your legs closed, be patient and a good man will come along.


FAIL...nice attempt at humor. Why so defensive? It is the 21st century. You and Assclepias should come out in public. Be free. Be proud.
So are you going to dodge the question? Why in the black kid at a disadvantage? Your boy friend ASSclepias used white guys as the exception and that was fine? LOL. Hypocritical much?
I doubt you really want to know. I mean, even having a black name is detrimental to your this country. And that's old news.

New Study Confirms Depressing Truth About Names And Racial Bias | HuffPost

America has a lot of work to do. Are you ready to do your part? don't think the same applies to people with Jewish names? Like Ari Weinberg? Jewish people like myself just overcome the bigotry. You whine about it. Huffington Post is a Liberal Rag. Fake News. BS.

No they don't. If they did, the studies would show this. You are white. Your religion has nothing to do with this conversation. There is a section for religion here at USMB.

Judaism is also an ethnicity.

Judaism can be thought of as being simultaneously a religion, a nationality and a culture. Don't tell me what I am and am not. I have had freaking swastikas painted on my parents house. Don't tell me it is a "religion".

Are Jews a Nation or a Religion?

You got some nerve. You tell us how what we see and live through is fake but we must all recognize and respect what your punk ass suffers as a jew. Fuck you. You are white. Judaism is a religion. And if you face anti Semitism then you need to respect that we face racism. I don't give a fuck what was painted on your parents house since you can't respect us and our lived experiences.. I should be like you and say that's fake, but I'm not some punk ass low life. Because you are here siding with the same types who painted swastikas on your parents house.

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