American Jim Crow & Racism Explained

Dumbass that is your logic. You are of course black and I am of course a Jew. But that is irrelevant to me. What is relevant is that I am an educated and tax paying member of society and you're an unemployed dumbass.
But your not a Hebrew. You took up the religion but you are a fraud for not giving credit to where it came from. Hence youre a fake jew.

I am not? Do tell. How am I not Hebrew?

So you're not African American? You're fake MarcATL?
Youre not Black by your own admission. Thats how youre not a real Hebrew. There were no whites in that area of the planet when the Hebrews came to be. Read Genesis.

So where did whites come from? Do tell. LMAO. You do realize that Jews were around long before Christians, right? Were Egyptians black too?
Whites came from europe. Yes Egyptians were Black. Thats why Hebrews were often mistaken for Egyptians. If you dont believe me take the Greeks word for it. A couple of them definitively stated that the Egyptians were Black. Not sure why you thought your comment about christians was relevant. Can you elaborate?

Christians wrote the Bible. Jews and Egyptians were olive skinned not black. This predates the Bible. You do realize we all originated in Africa, right? We were all black at one time.
Dumbass that is your logic. You are of course black and I am of course a Jew. But that is irrelevant to me. What is relevant is that I am an educated and tax paying member of society and you're an unemployed dumbass.
But your not a Hebrew. You took up the religion but you are a fraud for not giving credit to where it came from. Hence youre a fake jew.

I am not? Do tell. How am I not Hebrew?

So you're not African American? You're fake MarcATL?
Youre not Black by your own admission. Thats how youre not a real Hebrew. There were no whites in that area of the planet when the Hebrews came to be. Read Genesis.

So where did whites come from? Do tell. LMAO. You do realize that Jews were around long before Christians, right? Were Egyptians black too?
Whites came from europe. Yes Egyptians were Black. Thats why Hebrews were often mistaken for Egyptians. If you dont believe me take the Greeks word for it. A couple of them definitively stated that the Egyptians were Black. Not sure why you thought your comment about christians was relevant. Can you elaborate?

King Tut Exhibit Prompts Debate on His Skin Color
But your not a Hebrew. You took up the religion but you are a fraud for not giving credit to where it came from. Hence youre a fake jew.

I am not? Do tell. How am I not Hebrew?

So you're not African American? You're fake MarcATL?
Youre not Black by your own admission. Thats how youre not a real Hebrew. There were no whites in that area of the planet when the Hebrews came to be. Read Genesis.

So where did whites come from? Do tell. LMAO. You do realize that Jews were around long before Christians, right? Were Egyptians black too?
Whites came from europe. Yes Egyptians were Black. Thats why Hebrews were often mistaken for Egyptians. If you dont believe me take the Greeks word for it. A couple of them definitively stated that the Egyptians were Black. Not sure why you thought your comment about christians was relevant. Can you elaborate?

Christians wrote the Bible. Jews and Egyptians were olive skinned not black. This predates the Bible. You do realize we all originated in Africa, right? We were all black at one time.
The copied the OT from the Torah. Swing and a miss. If the Egyptians were olive skinned why did the Greeks say they were Black? If the Hebrews were olive skinned how were they described as Black in the bible?
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But your not a Hebrew. You took up the religion but you are a fraud for not giving credit to where it came from. Hence youre a fake jew.

I am not? Do tell. How am I not Hebrew?

So you're not African American? You're fake MarcATL?
Youre not Black by your own admission. Thats how youre not a real Hebrew. There were no whites in that area of the planet when the Hebrews came to be. Read Genesis.

So where did whites come from? Do tell. LMAO. You do realize that Jews were around long before Christians, right? Were Egyptians black too?
Whites came from europe. Yes Egyptians were Black. Thats why Hebrews were often mistaken for Egyptians. If you dont believe me take the Greeks word for it. A couple of them definitively stated that the Egyptians were Black. Not sure why you thought your comment about christians was relevant. Can you elaborate?

King Tut Exhibit Prompts Debate on His Skin Color
No debate. Here are the words of people that actually laid eyes on them. Mind you this is after several invasions from what we now call the middle east.

"the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.)

Lycinus (describing a young Egyptian): "This boy is not merely black; he has thick lips and his legs are too thin . . . his hair worn in a plait behind shows that he is not a freeman."

Timolaus: "But that is a sign of really distinguished birth in Egypt, Lycinus, All freeborn children plait their hair until they reach manhood. It is the exact opposite of the custom of our ancestors who thought it seemly for old men to secure their hair with a gold brooch to keep it in place."
(Lucian, Navigations, paras 2-3)

"Why are the Ethiopians and Egyptians bandy-legged? Is it because the bodies of living creatures become distorted by heat, like logs of wood when they become dry? The condition of their hair supports this theory; for it is curlier than that of other nations, and curliness as it were crookedness of hair."

- Aristotle (or Aristolian), circa Third BCE
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Requiring a century of history to be taught in three minutes is patently absurd.

What NC means is he doesn't have the stomach, or attention span, for it. That's his issue. Learning has no "time limit". Learning is an onion --- there's always another layer.

No, that wasn't it. I generally will sit through a video presentation if it's history related or a constitutional discussion.

I was trying to help Marc, believe it or not. I don't disagree with a lot of the general content in this area of the board in so far as the issue itself. But function is lost as a consequence of tenor and misguided motive in most cases. Human nature prevails.

It doesn't have to be that way. We're all up against the same tyrant, pride be damned.

OK that's pretty cryptic but whatever it means I stand behind my post --- to try to condense history (any history) into three minutes, does the content of that history a disservice. Period. I am compelled to reiterate, learning has no time limit. Because it has no "end".
You just keep digging that hole, Assclepias. Do you and Marc have a date night tonight?
Digging what hole? Your logic is that I cant be a real Black because you assume I am not in Africa yet you are not in Israel. This is how I know you have to be a fake jew.

Dumbass that is your logic. You are of course black and I am of course a Jew. But that is irrelevant to me. What is relevant is that I am an educated and tax paying member of society and you're an unemployed dumbass.
But your not a Hebrew. You took up the religion but you are a fraud for not giving credit to where it came from. Hence youre a fake jew.

I am not? Do tell. How am I not Hebrew?

So you're not African American? You're fake MarcATL?
Youre not Black by your own admission. Thats how youre not a real Hebrew. There were no whites in that area of the planet when the Hebrews came to be. Read Genesis.

Bible is Fiction. Christ you're dumb. See what I did there....LOL.
Digging what hole? Your logic is that I cant be a real Black because you assume I am not in Africa yet you are not in Israel. This is how I know you have to be a fake jew.

Dumbass that is your logic. You are of course black and I am of course a Jew. But that is irrelevant to me. What is relevant is that I am an educated and tax paying member of society and you're an unemployed dumbass.
But your not a Hebrew. You took up the religion but you are a fraud for not giving credit to where it came from. Hence youre a fake jew.

I am not? Do tell. How am I not Hebrew?

So you're not African American? You're fake MarcATL?
Youre not Black by your own admission. Thats how youre not a real Hebrew. There were no whites in that area of the planet when the Hebrews came to be. Read Genesis.

Bible is Fiction. Christ you're dumb. See what I did there....LOL.

Yes I see what you did there. You just contradicted yourself. If your claim is that the bible is fiction then youre definitely not a Hebrew. You have a choice to make now dont you?

I guess you are afraid to comment on the Egyptians being Black after the Greeks told you what they saw with their own eyes eh?
Dumbass that is your logic. You are of course black and I am of course a Jew. But that is irrelevant to me. What is relevant is that I am an educated and tax paying member of society and you're an unemployed dumbass.
But your not a Hebrew. You took up the religion but you are a fraud for not giving credit to where it came from. Hence youre a fake jew.

I am not? Do tell. How am I not Hebrew?

So you're not African American? You're fake MarcATL?
Youre not Black by your own admission. Thats how youre not a real Hebrew. There were no whites in that area of the planet when the Hebrews came to be. Read Genesis.

Bible is Fiction. Christ you're dumb. See what I did there....LOL.

If your claim is that the bible is fiction then youre definitely not a Hebrew. You have a choice to make now dont you?

I already explained culture vs. religion to you. I think the stereotypes that African Americans are dumber are false and racist but you are not helping the cause. I've seen smarter rocks.
But your not a Hebrew. You took up the religion but you are a fraud for not giving credit to where it came from. Hence youre a fake jew.

I am not? Do tell. How am I not Hebrew?

So you're not African American? You're fake MarcATL?
Youre not Black by your own admission. Thats how youre not a real Hebrew. There were no whites in that area of the planet when the Hebrews came to be. Read Genesis.

Bible is Fiction. Christ you're dumb. See what I did there....LOL.

If your claim is that the bible is fiction then youre definitely not a Hebrew. You have a choice to make now dont you?

I already explained culture vs. religion to you. I think the stereotypes that African Americans are dumber are false and racist but you are not helping the cause. I've seen smarter rocks.
You didnt explain anything other than the fact you think that you could be a Hebrew.
I am not? Do tell. How am I not Hebrew?

So you're not African American? You're fake MarcATL?
Youre not Black by your own admission. Thats how youre not a real Hebrew. There were no whites in that area of the planet when the Hebrews came to be. Read Genesis.

Bible is Fiction. Christ you're dumb. See what I did there....LOL.

If your claim is that the bible is fiction then youre definitely not a Hebrew. You have a choice to make now dont you?

I already explained culture vs. religion to you. I think the stereotypes that African Americans are dumber are false and racist but you are not helping the cause. I've seen smarter rocks.
You didnt explain anything other than the fact you think that you could be a Hebrew.

Hebrews have been around longer than the Bible. Egyptians and ancient Israelites were olive skinned not black. Wtf?!! Do you understand how to read LOL. Google is your friend.
Youre not Black by your own admission. Thats how youre not a real Hebrew. There were no whites in that area of the planet when the Hebrews came to be. Read Genesis.

Bible is Fiction. Christ you're dumb. See what I did there....LOL.

If your claim is that the bible is fiction then youre definitely not a Hebrew. You have a choice to make now dont you?

I already explained culture vs. religion to you. I think the stereotypes that African Americans are dumber are false and racist but you are not helping the cause. I've seen smarter rocks.
You didnt explain anything other than the fact you think that you could be a Hebrew.

Hebrews have been around longer than the Bible. Egyptians and ancient Israelites were olive skinned not black. Wtf?!! Do you understand how to read LOL. Google is your friend.
I agree Hebrews have been around for longer than the bible. The first people on the planet were Black people. Yes I know how to read. I even suggested a book for you to read regarding the Hebrews and obviously the prospect was too challenging for you. I even posted where people that actually laid eyes on the Egyptians described them as Black. I guess I am going to have post pictures as this appears to be the only thing your puerile mind can digest. You call this olive skinned? This is how they saw themselves which jibes with what the Greeks said they looked like.


OK that's pretty cryptic but whatever it means I stand behind my post --- to try to condense history (any history) into three minutes, does the content of that history a disservice. Period. I am compelled to reiterate, learning has no time limit. Because it has no "end".

I don't want to condense it. I want to change its course. That's how winning is done. The fight is not against each other. Again, we're all subject to the same tyrant. That's where the fight lives.

Look at this thread. It's pathetic. Heck, look at the entire race relations sub forum. It's a big mess full of divide and conquer.

You people have more power than you know. But it's wasted.
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Bible is Fiction. Christ you're dumb. See what I did there....LOL.

If your claim is that the bible is fiction then youre definitely not a Hebrew. You have a choice to make now dont you?

I already explained culture vs. religion to you. I think the stereotypes that African Americans are dumber are false and racist but you are not helping the cause. I've seen smarter rocks.
You didnt explain anything other than the fact you think that you could be a Hebrew.

Hebrews have been around longer than the Bible. Egyptians and ancient Israelites were olive skinned not black. Wtf?!! Do you understand how to read LOL. Google is your friend.
I agree Hebrews have been around for longer than the bible. The first people on the planet were Black people. Yes I know how to read. I even suggested a book for you to read regarding the Hebrews and obviously the prospect was too challenging for you. I even posted where people that actually laid eyes on the Egyptians described them as Black. I guess I am going to have post pictures as this appears to be the only thing your puerile mind can digest. You call this olive skinned? This is how they saw themselves which jibes with what the Greeks said they looked like.



I shared the King Tut link with you. Did you bother to click on it? Yes that is olive skinned.
Bible is Fiction. Christ you're dumb. See what I did there....LOL.

If your claim is that the bible is fiction then youre definitely not a Hebrew. You have a choice to make now dont you?

I already explained culture vs. religion to you. I think the stereotypes that African Americans are dumber are false and racist but you are not helping the cause. I've seen smarter rocks.
You didnt explain anything other than the fact you think that you could be a Hebrew.

Hebrews have been around longer than the Bible. Egyptians and ancient Israelites were olive skinned not black. Wtf?!! Do you understand how to read LOL. Google is your friend.
I agree Hebrews have been around for longer than the bible. The first people on the planet were Black people. Yes I know how to read. I even suggested a book for you to read regarding the Hebrews and obviously the prospect was too challenging for you. I even posted where people that actually laid eyes on the Egyptians described them as Black. I guess I am going to have post pictures as this appears to be the only thing your puerile mind can digest. You call this olive skinned? This is how they saw themselves which jibes with what the Greeks said they looked like.




Were the ancient Hebrews black? | Egyptsearch Reloaded

If your claim is that the bible is fiction then youre definitely not a Hebrew. You have a choice to make now dont you?

I already explained culture vs. religion to you. I think the stereotypes that African Americans are dumber are false and racist but you are not helping the cause. I've seen smarter rocks.
You didnt explain anything other than the fact you think that you could be a Hebrew.

Hebrews have been around longer than the Bible. Egyptians and ancient Israelites were olive skinned not black. Wtf?!! Do you understand how to read LOL. Google is your friend.
I agree Hebrews have been around for longer than the bible. The first people on the planet were Black people. Yes I know how to read. I even suggested a book for you to read regarding the Hebrews and obviously the prospect was too challenging for you. I even posted where people that actually laid eyes on the Egyptians described them as Black. I guess I am going to have post pictures as this appears to be the only thing your puerile mind can digest. You call this olive skinned? This is how they saw themselves which jibes with what the Greeks said they looked like.




Were the ancient Hebrews black? | Egyptsearch Reloaded

Did you really just post a picture by a white french artist instead of a picture the Egyptians made of themselves? :laugh:
If your claim is that the bible is fiction then youre definitely not a Hebrew. You have a choice to make now dont you?

I already explained culture vs. religion to you. I think the stereotypes that African Americans are dumber are false and racist but you are not helping the cause. I've seen smarter rocks.
You didnt explain anything other than the fact you think that you could be a Hebrew.

Hebrews have been around longer than the Bible. Egyptians and ancient Israelites were olive skinned not black. Wtf?!! Do you understand how to read LOL. Google is your friend.
I agree Hebrews have been around for longer than the bible. The first people on the planet were Black people. Yes I know how to read. I even suggested a book for you to read regarding the Hebrews and obviously the prospect was too challenging for you. I even posted where people that actually laid eyes on the Egyptians described them as Black. I guess I am going to have post pictures as this appears to be the only thing your puerile mind can digest. You call this olive skinned? This is how they saw themselves which jibes with what the Greeks said they looked like.



I shared the King Tut link with you. Did you bother to click on it? Yes that is olive skinned.
If you think thats olive skinned then you must be blind. :laugh:
I already explained culture vs. religion to you. I think the stereotypes that African Americans are dumber are false and racist but you are not helping the cause. I've seen smarter rocks.
You didnt explain anything other than the fact you think that you could be a Hebrew.

Hebrews have been around longer than the Bible. Egyptians and ancient Israelites were olive skinned not black. Wtf?!! Do you understand how to read LOL. Google is your friend.
I agree Hebrews have been around for longer than the bible. The first people on the planet were Black people. Yes I know how to read. I even suggested a book for you to read regarding the Hebrews and obviously the prospect was too challenging for you. I even posted where people that actually laid eyes on the Egyptians described them as Black. I guess I am going to have post pictures as this appears to be the only thing your puerile mind can digest. You call this olive skinned? This is how they saw themselves which jibes with what the Greeks said they looked like.



I shared the King Tut link with you. Did you bother to click on it? Yes that is olive skinned.
If you think thats olive skinned then you must be blind. :laugh:

You've stuck your foot so far up that kids ass he is one of your shoes.

And by a white guy to boot...

Before you post, especially to our white self-proclaimed conservatives on here, please have watched the video in it's entirety. And if there are any objections to his historical reference, please specify which one/s exactly.


"Video Unavailable".

Sorry buddy.
American Negroes keep forgetting that it was 600,000 White Yankees and President Lincoln who died to free them from Southern slavery.
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But your not a Hebrew. You took up the religion but you are a fraud for not giving credit to where it came from. Hence youre a fake jew.

I am not? Do tell. How am I not Hebrew?

So you're not African American? You're fake MarcATL?
Youre not Black by your own admission. Thats how youre not a real Hebrew. There were no whites in that area of the planet when the Hebrews came to be. Read Genesis.

So where did whites come from? Do tell. LMAO. You do realize that Jews were around long before Christians, right? Were Egyptians black too?
Whites came from europe. Yes Egyptians were Black. Thats why Hebrews were often mistaken for Egyptians. If you dont believe me take the Greeks word for it. A couple of them definitively stated that the Egyptians were Black. Not sure why you thought your comment about christians was relevant. Can you elaborate?

Christians wrote the Bible. Jews and Egyptians were olive skinned not black. This predates the Bible. You do realize we all originated in Africa, right? We were all black at one time.
We don't really know where the tree was that the descendants of the prehistoric Catus (the bears, wolves, lions, tigers, hyenas, and apes) came from and dropped onto the forest floor and later evolved into humans from the ape line.

Could have been Africa sure. Or instead Asia. Or Asia Minor, Or India.

Europe was way too cold and under sheets of ice.

The Asians and Indians believe they are superior life because they outnumber the rest of us.

It is possible that the Negroes simply stayed in the trees longer than the Asians, Indian, and Aryan/Europeans.

And that's why they are darker and have bigger jaws.

Anything is possible.
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