American Jim Crow & Racism Explained

Did you really just post a picture by a white french artist instead of a picture the Egyptians made of themselves? :laugh:

Ever been to Egypt and or Israel. I have seen 100s. They were olive. You're dumb.
Now youre acting like an idiot. You were in Egypt and Israel when they were founded? You actually saw the people that populated those areas from the beginning? How old are you? :laugh:

LOL so literal.
Why are there not any black Jews now? Most are white or olive skinned? You’re dumb.
You literally claimed that because you went to Egypt and Israel and saw olive skinned people then the indigenous people must have been olive skinned. Youre an idiot. Some guy in the future thats an idiot like you is going to come to the Vermont and claim the indigenous people of the US must have white because most of the people there are white. :laugh:

Just Genesis : What Color Was Abraham?

Nope I said I went there and visited historical sites and museums. You are the one who interpreted it in your own uneducated way. Here is a link about Abraham that is consistent with numerous other writings. Jews were olive/reddish/tan skinned.

You’re dumb.
You must not have looked at your link. :laughing0301:

From your link....

"... but it is evident that he was not a white European. He was a descendant of Ham and Kush, through Nimrod, and he resided most of his life in Egypt, Canaan and Arabia. Abraham was also a descendant of Shem, but since the lines of Ham and Shem exclusively intermarried, their descendants would have had similar skin tone"
If you think thats olive skinned then you must be blind. :laugh:

I bet after a week in Aruba I am as dark as you. They lived there all their life. You're dumb. And ugly. And stupid. And a coward. Shall I go on?
I have no issue with your emotional rant. Its actually kinda cute. I see it as a sign of weakness in your argument. Let me give you a hint. Dont get emotional. Get a better argument.

Do you think King Tut was black? Evidence shows otherwise. You don’t listen to reason because you are dumb. Why aren’t there any black Jews now?
DNA shows King Tut was Black. Would you like me to post it?

I already posted that it does not. Dummy. Why are all the current Jews olive skinned or white? Why was Jesus olive skinned? Why was Abraham olive skinned? Why was Moses olive skinned?


King Tut Exhibit Prompts Debate on His Skin Color
You made a claim. I have the DNA results. Jesus wasnt olive skinned. He was described as bronze. Moses wasnt olive skinned. He was Black as well.

The King Tut Gene - DNA Consultants

"Tutankhamun (also spelled Tutenkhamen) is the most famous of all pharaohs. He was the son and successor of Akhenaten, grandson of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye and great-grandson of the royal matriarch Queen Thuya. Archeologist Howard Carter’s opening of his intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 ranks among the most splendid discoveries of history. In 2010, genetic fingerprinting of his mummy determined that he died at the early age of 19 as the result of violence or an accident to which the incestuous relationship of his parents and several genetic defects contributed. Tutankhamun actually carries a “double dose” of the allele named for him. Like most of the other genes in the family, it is Central African in ancient origin, but unlike the other markers it has a sparse distribution outside Africa with a worldwide average frequency of 4%. Still, Africans and African-influenced populations (1 in about 10) are about twice or three times as likely to have it as non-Africans."
I bet after a week in Aruba I am as dark as you. They lived there all their life. You're dumb. And ugly. And stupid. And a coward. Shall I go on?
I have no issue with your emotional rant. Its actually kinda cute. I see it as a sign of weakness in your argument. Let me give you a hint. Dont get emotional. Get a better argument.

Do you think King Tut was black? Evidence shows otherwise. You don’t listen to reason because you are dumb. Why aren’t there any black Jews now?
DNA shows King Tut was Black. Would you like me to post it?

I already posted that it does not. Dummy. Why are all the current Jews olive skinned or white? Why was Jesus olive skinned? Why was Abraham olive skinned? Why was Moses olive skinned?


King Tut Exhibit Prompts Debate on His Skin Color
You made a claim. I have the DNA results. Jesus wasnt olive skinned. He was described as bronze. Moses wasnt olive skinned. He was Black as well.

The King Tut Gene - DNA Consultants

"Tutankhamun (also spelled Tutenkhamen) is the most famous of all pharaohs. He was the son and successor of Akhenaten, grandson of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye and great-grandson of the royal matriarch Queen Thuya. Archeologist Howard Carter’s opening of his intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 ranks among the most splendid discoveries of history. In 2010, genetic fingerprinting of his mummy determined that he died at the early age of 19 as the result of violence or an accident to which the incestuous relationship of his parents and several genetic defects contributed. Tutankhamun actually carries a “double dose” of the allele named for him. Like most of the other genes in the family, it is Central African in ancient origin, but unlike the other markers it has a sparse distribution outside Africa with a worldwide average frequency of 4%. Still, Africans and African-influenced populations (1 in about 10) are about twice or three times as likely to have it as non-Africans."

OMG so you read the links that only support your arguments. So why are there no black Jews in Israel? All are olive skinned or white?

You've stuck your foot so far up that kids ass he is one of your shoes.


So you believe ancient Jews were black but zero are black now? And I am the stupid one? LMAO. No wonder you cry oppression. You're a freaking dolt.
Yes the ancient Hebrews were Black. I already pointed you to a book by a white German that says the same thing. Who said zero are Black now? I know I didnt.

The Ancient Black Hebrews by Gert Muller

So you think Jesus was black? LOL

Was he a good hoops player with a 40 inch vertical? This is fascinating. Where did white people come from? An alien space craft? You do realize the Christianity spawned from Judaism right? So by your theory only blacks are true Christians. LMAO.
White woolly hair and bronze skin. No one has woolly hair except for Black people. I know for damn sure he wasnt white.

I already told you where white people come from. They come from the caves of europe.

LMAO?! Are you serious? You sound idiotic. We all came from Africa originally. Caves in Europe. LOL. There was no Europe. Dummy. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Laughing at your expense is priceless.
Of course we all came from Africa originally. However the ones that got stuck in europe and interbred with neanderthals became white people. :laugh:
I have no issue with your emotional rant. Its actually kinda cute. I see it as a sign of weakness in your argument. Let me give you a hint. Dont get emotional. Get a better argument.

Do you think King Tut was black? Evidence shows otherwise. You don’t listen to reason because you are dumb. Why aren’t there any black Jews now?
DNA shows King Tut was Black. Would you like me to post it?

I already posted that it does not. Dummy. Why are all the current Jews olive skinned or white? Why was Jesus olive skinned? Why was Abraham olive skinned? Why was Moses olive skinned?


King Tut Exhibit Prompts Debate on His Skin Color
You made a claim. I have the DNA results. Jesus wasnt olive skinned. He was described as bronze. Moses wasnt olive skinned. He was Black as well.

The King Tut Gene - DNA Consultants

"Tutankhamun (also spelled Tutenkhamen) is the most famous of all pharaohs. He was the son and successor of Akhenaten, grandson of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye and great-grandson of the royal matriarch Queen Thuya. Archeologist Howard Carter’s opening of his intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 ranks among the most splendid discoveries of history. In 2010, genetic fingerprinting of his mummy determined that he died at the early age of 19 as the result of violence or an accident to which the incestuous relationship of his parents and several genetic defects contributed. Tutankhamun actually carries a “double dose” of the allele named for him. Like most of the other genes in the family, it is Central African in ancient origin, but unlike the other markers it has a sparse distribution outside Africa with a worldwide average frequency of 4%. Still, Africans and African-influenced populations (1 in about 10) are about twice or three times as likely to have it as non-Africans."

OMG so you read the links that only support your arguments. So why are there no black Jews in Israel? All are olive skinned or white?


Are you sure you have been to Israel? Got caught lying didnt you! :laugh:

So you believe ancient Jews were black but zero are black now? And I am the stupid one? LMAO. No wonder you cry oppression. You're a freaking dolt.
Yes the ancient Hebrews were Black. I already pointed you to a book by a white German that says the same thing. Who said zero are Black now? I know I didnt.

The Ancient Black Hebrews by Gert Muller

So you think Jesus was black? LOL

Was he a good hoops player with a 40 inch vertical? This is fascinating. Where did white people come from? An alien space craft? You do realize the Christianity spawned from Judaism right? So by your theory only blacks are true Christians. LMAO.
White woolly hair and bronze skin. No one has woolly hair except for Black people. I know for damn sure he wasnt white.

I already told you where white people come from. They come from the caves of europe.

LMAO?! Are you serious? You sound idiotic. We all came from Africa originally. Caves in Europe. LOL. There was no Europe. Dummy. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Laughing at your expense is priceless.
Of course we all came from Africa originally. However the ones that got stuck in europe and interbred with neanderthals became white people. :laugh:

Again why are all the Jews in Israel olive skinned or white? Surely many would be black based on your logic? Why are most Egyptians olive? Was Ramses black? Cleopatra? Emojis won’t rescue your from your idiotic premise.
Do you think King Tut was black? Evidence shows otherwise. You don’t listen to reason because you are dumb. Why aren’t there any black Jews now?
DNA shows King Tut was Black. Would you like me to post it?

I already posted that it does not. Dummy. Why are all the current Jews olive skinned or white? Why was Jesus olive skinned? Why was Abraham olive skinned? Why was Moses olive skinned?


King Tut Exhibit Prompts Debate on His Skin Color
You made a claim. I have the DNA results. Jesus wasnt olive skinned. He was described as bronze. Moses wasnt olive skinned. He was Black as well.

The King Tut Gene - DNA Consultants

"Tutankhamun (also spelled Tutenkhamen) is the most famous of all pharaohs. He was the son and successor of Akhenaten, grandson of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye and great-grandson of the royal matriarch Queen Thuya. Archeologist Howard Carter’s opening of his intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 ranks among the most splendid discoveries of history. In 2010, genetic fingerprinting of his mummy determined that he died at the early age of 19 as the result of violence or an accident to which the incestuous relationship of his parents and several genetic defects contributed. Tutankhamun actually carries a “double dose” of the allele named for him. Like most of the other genes in the family, it is Central African in ancient origin, but unlike the other markers it has a sparse distribution outside Africa with a worldwide average frequency of 4%. Still, Africans and African-influenced populations (1 in about 10) are about twice or three times as likely to have it as non-Africans."

OMG so you read the links that only support your arguments. So why are there no black Jews in Israel? All are olive skinned or white?


Are you sure you have been to Israel? Got caught lying didnt you! :laugh:


Ethiopians immigrants who converted. Try again.
Yes the ancient Hebrews were Black. I already pointed you to a book by a white German that says the same thing. Who said zero are Black now? I know I didnt.

The Ancient Black Hebrews by Gert Muller

So you think Jesus was black? LOL

Was he a good hoops player with a 40 inch vertical? This is fascinating. Where did white people come from? An alien space craft? You do realize the Christianity spawned from Judaism right? So by your theory only blacks are true Christians. LMAO.
White woolly hair and bronze skin. No one has woolly hair except for Black people. I know for damn sure he wasnt white.

I already told you where white people come from. They come from the caves of europe.

LMAO?! Are you serious? You sound idiotic. We all came from Africa originally. Caves in Europe. LOL. There was no Europe. Dummy. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Laughing at your expense is priceless.
Of course we all came from Africa originally. However the ones that got stuck in europe and interbred with neanderthals became white people. :laugh:

Again why are all the Jews in Israel olive skinned or white? Surely many would be black based on your logic? Why are most Egyptians olive? Was Ramses black? Cleopatra? Emojis won’t rescue your from your idiotic premise.
That would make sense if it was true. However since there are plenty of Black Jews in Israel your question doesnt really deserve a response. :laugh:
DNA shows King Tut was Black. Would you like me to post it?

I already posted that it does not. Dummy. Why are all the current Jews olive skinned or white? Why was Jesus olive skinned? Why was Abraham olive skinned? Why was Moses olive skinned?


King Tut Exhibit Prompts Debate on His Skin Color
You made a claim. I have the DNA results. Jesus wasnt olive skinned. He was described as bronze. Moses wasnt olive skinned. He was Black as well.

The King Tut Gene - DNA Consultants

"Tutankhamun (also spelled Tutenkhamen) is the most famous of all pharaohs. He was the son and successor of Akhenaten, grandson of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye and great-grandson of the royal matriarch Queen Thuya. Archeologist Howard Carter’s opening of his intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 ranks among the most splendid discoveries of history. In 2010, genetic fingerprinting of his mummy determined that he died at the early age of 19 as the result of violence or an accident to which the incestuous relationship of his parents and several genetic defects contributed. Tutankhamun actually carries a “double dose” of the allele named for him. Like most of the other genes in the family, it is Central African in ancient origin, but unlike the other markers it has a sparse distribution outside Africa with a worldwide average frequency of 4%. Still, Africans and African-influenced populations (1 in about 10) are about twice or three times as likely to have it as non-Africans."

OMG so you read the links that only support your arguments. So why are there no black Jews in Israel? All are olive skinned or white?


Are you sure you have been to Israel? Got caught lying didnt you! :laugh:


Ethiopians immigrants who converted. Try again.
I dont have to try again. You have to become educated. They are there because they are recognized as Israelites you idiot. :laughing0301:
Yes the ancient Hebrews were Black. I already pointed you to a book by a white German that says the same thing. Who said zero are Black now? I know I didnt.

The Ancient Black Hebrews by Gert Muller

So you think Jesus was black? LOL

Was he a good hoops player with a 40 inch vertical? This is fascinating. Where did white people come from? An alien space craft? You do realize the Christianity spawned from Judaism right? So by your theory only blacks are true Christians. LMAO.
White woolly hair and bronze skin. No one has woolly hair except for Black people. I know for damn sure he wasnt white.

I already told you where white people come from. They come from the caves of europe.

LMAO?! Are you serious? You sound idiotic. We all came from Africa originally. Caves in Europe. LOL. There was no Europe. Dummy. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Laughing at your expense is priceless.
Of course we all came from Africa originally. However the ones that got stuck in europe and interbred with neanderthals became white people. :laugh:

Again why are all the Jews in Israel olive skinned or white? Surely many would be black based on your logic? Why are most Egyptians olive? Was Ramses black? Cleopatra? Emojis won’t rescue your from your idiotic premise.
Ramses was definitely Black. Cleopatra was what we would call mixed race now.
I already posted that it does not. Dummy. Why are all the current Jews olive skinned or white? Why was Jesus olive skinned? Why was Abraham olive skinned? Why was Moses olive skinned?


King Tut Exhibit Prompts Debate on His Skin Color
You made a claim. I have the DNA results. Jesus wasnt olive skinned. He was described as bronze. Moses wasnt olive skinned. He was Black as well.

The King Tut Gene - DNA Consultants

"Tutankhamun (also spelled Tutenkhamen) is the most famous of all pharaohs. He was the son and successor of Akhenaten, grandson of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye and great-grandson of the royal matriarch Queen Thuya. Archeologist Howard Carter’s opening of his intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 ranks among the most splendid discoveries of history. In 2010, genetic fingerprinting of his mummy determined that he died at the early age of 19 as the result of violence or an accident to which the incestuous relationship of his parents and several genetic defects contributed. Tutankhamun actually carries a “double dose” of the allele named for him. Like most of the other genes in the family, it is Central African in ancient origin, but unlike the other markers it has a sparse distribution outside Africa with a worldwide average frequency of 4%. Still, Africans and African-influenced populations (1 in about 10) are about twice or three times as likely to have it as non-Africans."

OMG so you read the links that only support your arguments. So why are there no black Jews in Israel? All are olive skinned or white?


Are you sure you have been to Israel? Got caught lying didnt you! :laugh:


Ethiopians immigrants who converted. Try again.
I dont have to try again. You have to become educated. They are there because they are recognized as Israelites you idiot. :laughing0301:

You think those are ethnic Jews? Seriously? Google a pic of the IDF... see their skin tones. Man you are dumb.
So you think Jesus was black? LOL

Was he a good hoops player with a 40 inch vertical? This is fascinating. Where did white people come from? An alien space craft? You do realize the Christianity spawned from Judaism right? So by your theory only blacks are true Christians. LMAO.
White woolly hair and bronze skin. No one has woolly hair except for Black people. I know for damn sure he wasnt white.

I already told you where white people come from. They come from the caves of europe.

LMAO?! Are you serious? You sound idiotic. We all came from Africa originally. Caves in Europe. LOL. There was no Europe. Dummy. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Laughing at your expense is priceless.
Of course we all came from Africa originally. However the ones that got stuck in europe and interbred with neanderthals became white people. :laugh:

Again why are all the Jews in Israel olive skinned or white? Surely many would be black based on your logic? Why are most Egyptians olive? Was Ramses black? Cleopatra? Emojis won’t rescue your from your idiotic premise.
Ramses was definitely Black. Cleopatra was what we would call mixed race now.

How do you know were you there? You’re definitely dumb.
So you think Jesus was black? LOL

Was he a good hoops player with a 40 inch vertical? This is fascinating. Where did white people come from? An alien space craft? You do realize the Christianity spawned from Judaism right? So by your theory only blacks are true Christians. LMAO.
White woolly hair and bronze skin. No one has woolly hair except for Black people. I know for damn sure he wasnt white.

I already told you where white people come from. They come from the caves of europe.

LMAO?! Are you serious? You sound idiotic. We all came from Africa originally. Caves in Europe. LOL. There was no Europe. Dummy. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Laughing at your expense is priceless.
Of course we all came from Africa originally. However the ones that got stuck in europe and interbred with neanderthals became white people. :laugh:

Again why are all the Jews in Israel olive skinned or white? Surely many would be black based on your logic? Why are most Egyptians olive? Was Ramses black? Cleopatra? Emojis won’t rescue your from your idiotic premise.
Ramses was definitely Black. Cleopatra was what we would call mixed race now.


iDf - Google Search:

Yep all those black Israeli soldiers. LOL
You made a claim. I have the DNA results. Jesus wasnt olive skinned. He was described as bronze. Moses wasnt olive skinned. He was Black as well.

The King Tut Gene - DNA Consultants

"Tutankhamun (also spelled Tutenkhamen) is the most famous of all pharaohs. He was the son and successor of Akhenaten, grandson of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye and great-grandson of the royal matriarch Queen Thuya. Archeologist Howard Carter’s opening of his intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 ranks among the most splendid discoveries of history. In 2010, genetic fingerprinting of his mummy determined that he died at the early age of 19 as the result of violence or an accident to which the incestuous relationship of his parents and several genetic defects contributed. Tutankhamun actually carries a “double dose” of the allele named for him. Like most of the other genes in the family, it is Central African in ancient origin, but unlike the other markers it has a sparse distribution outside Africa with a worldwide average frequency of 4%. Still, Africans and African-influenced populations (1 in about 10) are about twice or three times as likely to have it as non-Africans."

OMG so you read the links that only support your arguments. So why are there no black Jews in Israel? All are olive skinned or white?


Are you sure you have been to Israel? Got caught lying didnt you! :laugh:


Ethiopians immigrants who converted. Try again.
I dont have to try again. You have to become educated. They are there because they are recognized as Israelites you idiot. :laughing0301:

You think those are ethnic Jews? Seriously? Google a pic of the IDF... see their skin tones. Man you are dumb.
I know they are ethnic Jews. We know because Israel brought them to there. Where have been living? Under a rock? :laughing0301:

Operation Solomon - Wikipedia

Operation Solomon (Hebrew: מבצע שלמה‎, Mivtza Shlomo) was a covert Israeli military operation to airlift Ethiopian Jews to Israel from May 24 to May 25, 1991. Non-stop flights of 35 Israeli aircraft, including Israeli Air Force C-130s and El Al Boeing 747s, transported 14,325 Ethiopian Jews to Israel in 36 hours"

Operation Solomon

Ethiopian Jews disembarking from a jet plane at an Israeli Air Force base, 24 May 1991
Location Ethiopia–Israel
Planned by Israeli government and Israeli Defense Forces
Objective To airlift Ethiopian Jews to Israel
Outcome Transported 14,325 Ethiopian Jews to Israel in 36 hours

An abandoned Synagogue on a Jewish village which became a tourist attraction after desertion of its inhabitants on 1991. No rural Jewish communities were left in Ethiopia after the transfer operation to Addis Ababathat had taken place between 1988 and 1991.
OMG so you read the links that only support your arguments. So why are there no black Jews in Israel? All are olive skinned or white?


Are you sure you have been to Israel? Got caught lying didnt you! :laugh:


Ethiopians immigrants who converted. Try again.
I dont have to try again. You have to become educated. They are there because they are recognized as Israelites you idiot. :laughing0301:

You think those are ethnic Jews? Seriously? Google a pic of the IDF... see their skin tones. Man you are dumb.
I know they are ethnic Jews. We know because Israel brought them to there. Where have been living? Under a rock? :laughing0301:

iDf - Google Search:

OMG so you read the links that only support your arguments. So why are there no black Jews in Israel? All are olive skinned or white?


Are you sure you have been to Israel? Got caught lying didnt you! :laugh:


Ethiopians immigrants who converted. Try again.
I dont have to try again. You have to become educated. They are there because they are recognized as Israelites you idiot. :laughing0301:

You think those are ethnic Jews? Seriously? Google a pic of the IDF... see their skin tones. Man you are dumb.
I know they are ethnic Jews. We know because Israel brought them to there. Where have been living? Under a rock? :laughing0301:

Operation Solomon - Wikipedia

Nope. Nice try. There are very few blacks in Israel and those who are there were not there in 1948. You’re dumb. Again why are 99% if Jews in Israel white and or olive? Waiting....
OMG so you read the links that only support your arguments. So why are there no black Jews in Israel? All are olive skinned or white?


Are you sure you have been to Israel? Got caught lying didnt you! :laugh:


Ethiopians immigrants who converted. Try again.
I dont have to try again. You have to become educated. They are there because they are recognized as Israelites you idiot. :laughing0301:

You think those are ethnic Jews? Seriously? Google a pic of the IDF... see their skin tones. Man you are dumb.
I know they are ethnic Jews. We know because Israel brought them to there. Where have been living? Under a rock? :laughing0301:

Operation Solomon - Wikipedia

Operation Solomon (Hebrew: מבצע שלמה‎, Mivtza Shlomo) was a covert Israeli military operation to airlift Ethiopian Jews to Israel from May 24 to May 25, 1991. Non-stop flights of 35 Israeli aircraft, including Israeli Air Force C-130s and El Al Boeing 747s, transported 14,325 Ethiopian Jews to Israel in 36 hours"

Operation Solomon

Ethiopian Jews disembarking from a jet plane at an Israeli Air Force base, 24 May 1991
Location Ethiopia–Israel
Planned by Israeli government and Israeli Defense Forces
Objective To airlift Ethiopian Jews to Israel
Outcome Transported 14,325 Ethiopian Jews to Israel in 36 hours

An abandoned Synagogue on a Jewish village which became a tourist attraction after desertion of its inhabitants on 1991. No rural Jewish communities were left in Ethiopia after the transfer operation to Addis Ababathat had taken place between 1988 and 1991.

14k out of 8mil

Try again. You re losing badly
Are you sure you have been to Israel? Got caught lying didnt you! :laugh:


Ethiopians immigrants who converted. Try again.
I dont have to try again. You have to become educated. They are there because they are recognized as Israelites you idiot. :laughing0301:

You think those are ethnic Jews? Seriously? Google a pic of the IDF... see their skin tones. Man you are dumb.
I know they are ethnic Jews. We know because Israel brought them to there. Where have been living? Under a rock? :laughing0301:

Operation Solomon - Wikipedia

Nope. Nice try. There are very few blacks in Israel and those who are there were not there in 1948. You’re dumb. Again why are 99% if Jews in Israel white and or olive? Waiting....
stop dude. Youre embarrassing yourself. :laughing0301::laughing0301:

Which is it? No Black jews or very few? You have to make up your mind.

"This month’s article features a geographical analysis of autosomal DNA from two ancient individuals: the pharaoh Ramesses III and another individual (possibly Ramesses III's son Pentawer), who lived more than 3,000 years ago during the 20th Dynasty of Egypt (during the Bronze-Iron Age transition). A previous issue of DNA Tribes® Digest identified African related ancestry for King Tut and other royal mummies from the Amarna Period. In this issue, results indicate that the later pharaoh Ramesses III also inherited alleles that are most frequent in present day populations of Sub- Saharan Africa. This provides additional, independent evidence of Sub-Saharan African ancestry (possibly among several ancestral components) for pharaonic families of ancient Egypt."
Ethiopians immigrants who converted. Try again.
I dont have to try again. You have to become educated. They are there because they are recognized as Israelites you idiot. :laughing0301:

You think those are ethnic Jews? Seriously? Google a pic of the IDF... see their skin tones. Man you are dumb.
I know they are ethnic Jews. We know because Israel brought them to there. Where have been living? Under a rock? :laughing0301:

Operation Solomon - Wikipedia

Nope. Nice try. There are very few blacks in Israel and those who are there were not there in 1948. You’re dumb. Again why are 99% if Jews in Israel white and or olive? Waiting....
stop dude. Youre embarrassing yourself. :laughing0301::laughing0301:

Which is it? No Black jews or very few? You have to make up your mind.

The Ethiopians are a tiny minority. Again why are 99% or Israelites olive or white? You are losing badly. Try again. Ever been to Israel? Egypt? 99% of persons are olive skinned Arab looking.

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