American Jim Crow & Racism Explained


We can debate color but he had straight hair based on the mummy recovered. Don't know any African Americans with straight hair. I know many Arabs.
Now youre claiming Black people cant have straight hair huh? I dont know what confuses you about the fact that the DNA shows they were Black but your ignorance about Black people having straight hair is amusing.

Natural Straight African Hair


They can straighten it but every black person I've met had kinky hair naturally.
Thats the problem with being ignorant. You tend to reach conclusions based on your own personal experience instead of the facts. Thats the reason you should read the book I suggested to you but I know youre way too emotionally invested to do that.

You said I was not a real Jew because I am white and I am the ignorant one? LMAO!
Thats correct. You are the ignorant one. :laugh:

You are either insane or a troll. Either way thanks for proving your dumbassery.

Since 99% of Israel consists of "fake Jews"...I'll just be a "fake Jew" as well. Meanwhile you can go and find a black person with naturally straight hair. Good luck with that. Dumbass.

As I said I hate racial profiles but man you've set your people back 1000 years with your dumbass theories.
They can straighten it but every black person I've met had kinky hair naturally.
Thats the problem with being ignorant. You tend to reach conclusions based on your own personal experience instead of the facts. Thats the reason you should read the book I suggested to you but I know youre way too emotionally invested to do that.

Give me an example of a famous black person with naturally straight hair. LOL.
Why do they have to be famous? You do realize that severely limits the pool. Whats the problem with the picture I just posted?

Nope. There are 1000s of famous black persons. Surely you can find one with naturally straight hair. No? LOL
Yep. I dont care how many there are. I already posted a picture of a non famous one. Your job is to prove there are no Black people with straight hair.

LMAO....she straightened it. It was not naturally straight. You don't care because they don't exist. You're dumb.
Now youre claiming Black people cant have straight hair huh? I dont know what confuses you about the fact that the DNA shows they were Black but your ignorance about Black people having straight hair is amusing.

Natural Straight African Hair


They can straighten it but every black person I've met had kinky hair naturally.
Thats the problem with being ignorant. You tend to reach conclusions based on your own personal experience instead of the facts. Thats the reason you should read the book I suggested to you but I know youre way too emotionally invested to do that.

You said I was not a real Jew because I am white and I am the ignorant one? LMAO!
Thats correct. You are the ignorant one. :laugh:

You are either insane or a troll. Either way thanks for proving your dumbassery.

Since 99% of Israel consists of "fake Jews"...I'll just be a "fake Jew" as well. Meanwhile you can go and find a black person with naturally straight hair. Good luck with that. Dumbass.

As I said I hate racial profiles but man you've set your people back 1000 years with your dumbass theories.
Already posted a pic of a Black person with straight hair. Also already provided proof you are a fake Jew. Still waiting for you to disprove the facts.
Thats the problem with being ignorant. You tend to reach conclusions based on your own personal experience instead of the facts. Thats the reason you should read the book I suggested to you but I know youre way too emotionally invested to do that.

Give me an example of a famous black person with naturally straight hair. LOL.
Why do they have to be famous? You do realize that severely limits the pool. Whats the problem with the picture I just posted?

Nope. There are 1000s of famous black persons. Surely you can find one with naturally straight hair. No? LOL
Yep. I dont care how many there are. I already posted a picture of a non famous one. Your job is to prove there are no Black people with straight hair.

LMAO....she straightened it. It was not naturally straight. You don't care because they don't exist. You're dumb.
Prove she straightened it. Next thing youre probably going to claim is that Black people cant have blond hair or blue eyes. :laugh:
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Give me an example of a famous black person with naturally straight hair. LOL.
Why do they have to be famous? You do realize that severely limits the pool. Whats the problem with the picture I just posted?

Nope. There are 1000s of famous black persons. Surely you can find one with naturally straight hair. No? LOL
Yep. I dont care how many there are. I already posted a picture of a non famous one. Your job is to prove there are no Black people with straight hair.

LMAO....she straightened it. It was not naturally straight. You don't care because they don't exist. You're dumb.
Prove she straightened it. Next thing youre probably going to claim is that Black people cant have blond hair or blue eyes. :laugh:

There are 1000s of famous black people just show one with naturally straight hair. You can’t because your foot is in your mouth. Emojis is all you got.

Your perception of history is as warped as your leftist and racist ideology.
Why do they have to be famous? You do realize that severely limits the pool. Whats the problem with the picture I just posted?

Nope. There are 1000s of famous black persons. Surely you can find one with naturally straight hair. No? LOL
Yep. I dont care how many there are. I already posted a picture of a non famous one. Your job is to prove there are no Black people with straight hair.

LMAO....she straightened it. It was not naturally straight. You don't care because they don't exist. You're dumb.
Prove she straightened it. Next thing youre probably going to claim is that Black people cant have blond hair or blue eyes. :laugh:

There are 1000s of famous black people just show one with naturally straight hair. You can’t because your foot is in your mouth. Emojis is all you got.

Your perception of history is as warped as your leftist and racist ideology.
Nope. Not showing you anything other than the picture I already showed you. If you need more examples google is available I hear. :laugh:
Nope. There are 1000s of famous black persons. Surely you can find one with naturally straight hair. No? LOL
Yep. I dont care how many there are. I already posted a picture of a non famous one. Your job is to prove there are no Black people with straight hair.

LMAO....she straightened it. It was not naturally straight. You don't care because they don't exist. You're dumb.
Prove she straightened it. Next thing youre probably going to claim is that Black people cant have blond hair or blue eyes. :laugh:

There are 1000s of famous black people just show one with naturally straight hair. You can’t because your foot is in your mouth. Emojis is all you got.

Your perception of history is as warped as your leftist and racist ideology.
Nope. Not showing you anything other than the picture I already showed you. If you need more examples google is available I hear. :laugh:

I can Show you 100s of white and olive Israelites but you show one doctored one...with emojis. You need to stop eating the retard sandwiches. I love Making a donkey out of you.
"Video Unavailable".

Sorry buddy.
Looks like they shut it down from being viewed by us here on USMB.

They can see the web analytics, and the spike in traffic from here probably made them turn it off to us.

Oh just have to go look it in directly on YouTube.

If you want to, you can watch it any time you're ready.
Yep. I dont care how many there are. I already posted a picture of a non famous one. Your job is to prove there are no Black people with straight hair.

LMAO....she straightened it. It was not naturally straight. You don't care because they don't exist. You're dumb.
Prove she straightened it. Next thing youre probably going to claim is that Black people cant have blond hair or blue eyes. :laugh:

There are 1000s of famous black people just show one with naturally straight hair. You can’t because your foot is in your mouth. Emojis is all you got.

Your perception of history is as warped as your leftist and racist ideology.
Nope. Not showing you anything other than the picture I already showed you. If you need more examples google is available I hear. :laugh:

I can Show you 100s of white and olive Israelites but you show one doctored one...with emojis. You need to stop eating the retard sandwiches. I love Making a donkey out of you.
I didnt ask you for white and olive Israelites. I said the white ones were fake Jews.from europe. First you say there are no Blacks in Israel. I prove you wrong. Then you say there are no Blacks with straight hair. I prove you wrong. If I made a jackass out of myself 2 times in a row I would stop doing whatever it is that keeps me coming up with embarrassing gut wrenching L's. :laugh:
And by a white guy to boot...

Before you post, especially to our white self-proclaimed conservatives on here, please have watched the video in it's entirety. And if there are any objections to his historical reference, please specify which one/s exactly.

And by a white guy to boot...

Before you post, especially to our white self-proclaimed conservatives on here, please have watched the video in it's entirety. And if there are any objections to his historical reference, please specify which one/s exactly.

What does it imply when youtube disables your link? Because THEY did to this is thread. Perhaps they want to distance themselves from being abused by crackpots or demagogues?
An ignorant person might come to that conclusion, if they were ignorant AND bigoted.

However, a more sensible person would realize that they simply want the hits on their YouTube page so they can get credit and more money from the good folks at YouTube.
Now youre claiming Black people cant have straight hair huh? I dont know what confuses you about the fact that the DNA shows they were Black but your ignorance about Black people having straight hair is amusing.

Natural Straight African Hair

This one looks like she'll grow into a fine woman. Like most black women. God is good.
I remember when Adlai Stevenson demanded a reply from Khrushchev ; Never mind the translators, give me your answer! That was pretty ballsy. I am the other way. I peaceful ask why black Americans tie in their high crime rate with racism? Don't want of piss off anyone, but what does one have to do with the other?
American Negroes keep forgetting that it was 600,000 White Yankees and President Lincoln who died to free them from Southern slavery.
Yes, and...your point?

You're both in dire need of reeducation. Respectfully.

For example...

"If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear..." - Lincoln

Start there.

Lincoln was given legislation long before the Civil War to end slavery and he rejected it every time. He wasn't interested in it.

The Civil War was not about ending slavery. Though, it was a convenient and moral side consequence.

And, btw. The Union used to be voluntary before Lincoln came along.
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I remember when Adlai Stevenson demanded a reply from Khrushchev ; Never mind the translators, give me your answer! That was pretty ballsy. I am the other way. I peaceful ask why black Americans tie in their high crime rate with racism? Don't want of piss off anyone, but what does one have to do with the other?
Not trying to piss you off but have you ever played connect the dots or figured out a math problem that took more than one operation to solve?
American Negroes keep forgetting that it was 600,000 White Yankees and President Lincoln who died to free them from Southern slavery.
Yes, and...your point?

You're both in dire need of reeducation. Respectfully.

For example...

"If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear..." - Lincoln

Start there.

Lincoln was given legislation long before the Civil war to end slavery and he rejected it every time.

The Civil War was not about ending slavery. Though, it was a convenient and moral side consequence.

And, btw. The Union used to be voluntary before Lincoln came along.
Even worse than that. He was all for the Corwin amendment to legalize slavery for eternity in order to keep the south from leaving the union.
I notice Ascelepheias isn't here in the same bat cave with MarcATL. What a coincidence. With the same old same old. I smell a big fat Russian крыса. Really?
Hey well if you know so little about the life in Africa, from your so called friends.... I suggest you spend a little more time away from the tourist resorts and spend some time in the country side talking to people about what they believe. you might educate yourself.

What I suggest is you quit talking about a few Africans on a continent of over 1 billion people.

In case you didnt catch the conversation I was having with Asclepias. It was about his contention that ONLY white people in the whole history of the world have been cannibals and can be cannibals... yeah forget about New Guinnea, the Islands of the South Pacific.. the Aztecs, and yes people in Africa. I'm very sorry but it happened there too. He contends all that are stories made up by white people.

Yeah and if you haven't seen the shit from whites here A has dealt with calling blacks cannibals then you would understand how fucking tired he must be of read another dumb ass white person talking about blacks and cannibalism. Your ass says nothing to whites saying this shit. So when you can do that. let me know..

Wouldn't have been an issue if he didn't come out with straight up Lies... saying only white people in the history of the world were cannibals. I in no way mean to put down the people of Africa. In my estimation its an awesome place but like anywhere including the US it has its contradictions. His need to lie about those things is completely unecessary. I was told straight up by people in Kenya that there is still some cannibalism going on in Tanzania.. and thats not the only place. Only Asclepias could say its stories made up by white people.
Its a historical fact Cannibalism occurred all over the world, so why the unecessary lies when it doesnt even matter?

It was made a mother fucking issue by the white racists declaring every body in Africa is a cannibal in order deflect from the conversations that were being discussed. You shut your fucking mouth up about that. Either do the same now or say the same things to whites.

white racists declaring every body in Africa is a cannibal

Ok Dumb ASS, Telling People to shut their fucking mouth doesnt work around here. This isnt a classroom and your not a teacher. No one around here gives people commands.

Secondly I never saw those(THAT) posts by white people so how the fuck am I supposed to respond to them? Since you want me to shut my fucking mouth, I'm not going to repeat the same to you... I'll just acknowledge your acting like a fucking asshole and leave it at that.

many times, I have told white people on these boards that Africans are not a bunch of savages and have had advanced kingdoms such as the Benin empire and more. You fucking Ass... Africa has a great history and I agree with Asclepias on all that AND I HAVE agreed with him many times in the past. Now , If YOU go talk to Africans in Africa.... They will tell you about Cannibalism and its no big Fucking thing. But Asclepias wants to sit there and Insult my intelligence when I've been to Africa, on the ground.. with the people.. I know what the fuck Im talking about.

Where I dissagree with Asclepias is when he says ONLY white people are Cannibals... only White People are Racist... ect. I didnt start out being disrespectful to him until he started throwing out the race bullshit because Im white. I'm not going to go back and check every previous post but thats pretty much the jist of it.

Obviously every person in Africa is not a Cannibal.... do you really believe ANYONE fucking believes that? I never saw the post. DO whatever you have to do but I'm not going to shut my mouth over an obvious truth.
I remember when Adlai Stevenson demanded a reply from Khrushchev ; Never mind the translators, give me your answer! That was pretty ballsy. I am the other way. I peaceful ask why black Americans tie in their high crime rate with racism? Don't want of piss off anyone, but what does one have to do with the other?
Not trying to piss you off but have you ever played connect the dots or figured out a math problem that took more than one operation to solve?
I do the math alright, is that what scares you? The high black on black crime rate is a irrational number you can't wrap you mind around. And what does a real and verifiable number, like the high black crime rate have to do with, subjective thing you can't innumerate or quantify like, racism?
I remember when Adlai Stevenson demanded a reply from Khrushchev ; Never mind the translators, give me your answer! That was pretty ballsy. I am the other way. I peaceful ask why black Americans tie in their high crime rate with racism? Don't want of piss off anyone, but what does one have to do with the other?
Not trying to piss you off but have you ever played connect the dots or figured out a math problem that took more than one operation to solve?
I do the math alright, is that what scares you? The high black on black crime rate is a irrational number you can't wrap you mind around. And what does a real and verifiable number, like the high black crime rate have to do with, subjective thing you can't innumerate or quantify like, racism?
Ignorance doesnt scare me. It actually amuses me. If you answer my question I can explain a lot to you. That is if this is a true search for knowledge and not you just pounding you head against the wall trying to convince me you are right.

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