American killed by bow and arrow trying to visit forbidden North Sentinel Island...

"My guess is that he was a liberal/conservative who..."

Hey, faggots. This was never a political thread. Fucking INCEL queers. Life doesn't revolve around you making a political statement. I posted this in "Current Events" because it's a current event. Go blow each other in another forum if you want political jizz down your throat.
American killed by bow and arrow-wielding tribe while trying to visit remote Indian island

Did this dummy spend even five minutes Googling "North Sentinel Island" before going on his "adventure"? Turns out they don't like visitors.
Just because they are a tribe, doesnt make them immune to punishment for murder. Someone from that tribe needs to be put it prison.

I'll just assume the tribe was on their lands when this happened. Wouldn't that make the tribe subject to their laws, not ours?

Would you invade them?
I would smash that fucking tribe of it were up to me. Id swarm that god damn place with soldiers and find out who killed that guy. If they made even the slightest move of aggression, id have those soldiers fire on them. These shit heads need to be taught a lesson.

Be cool and you get treated cool, be a dick and get treated like a dick.

They have been cool. They've been chilling out on an island for 60,000 years, and only killed a few people.
Their history is far from cool. These are sucky people.

What history? What was the last continent they occupied?
Or kill him. One or the other, otherwise there is no justice.

If some Indian dude tried entering Area 51 despite warnings that they could be shot, and he did get shot, would that be a justified killing to you?
They arent going to shoot a guy is is being non threatening with his hands out, which one would presume is the posture this poor guy took before he was murdered by that tribesman.

His first visit was a warning shot. His second visit he walked towards them as arrows were flying at him. He died because he was a fucking retard, and neither the US or Indian government cares about this special needs student.
I dont care about him much either, but i feel the same about the stupid fucking tribe too. They suck. I dont give a shit that they are primitive. Immoral people deserve to be punished.

They aren't "immoral". They have no fucking idea what is going on. They protect their island. They don't know they're a protected tribe. They don't know an "India" exists. They've shot arrows at Indian helicopters before. These aren't like Native American tribes. They have NO IDEA what's going on in the world around them. These are people who have been isolated for 60,000 years.
I thought one of your people (a tard) lectured us that "all civilizations developed a moral code against rape an murder without our made-up god." Of course that's a damn lie on many points.

BTW, not surprised the left justifies this murder just like they justiy mutilating young girls.
Godboy hasn't spent a second thinking about what he's saying. He thinks this is some Native American reservation where some access to the outside world happens. It doesn't. Aside from the few (a few who have been killed) nobody, not even the Indian government, has any contact with them. If everybody else in the world died tomorrow these people wouldn't know... EVER.
Yet a murder took place and you excuse it.
American killed by bow and arrow-wielding tribe while trying to visit remote Indian island

An American tourist trying to visit a lush, remote island in India has been killed by a tribe completely cut off from the outside world and known to attack outsiders with bows and arrows, police revealed Wednesday.

Indian officials have identified the victim as John Allen Chau, 27. They added that he was illegally ferried by fishermen to North Sentinel Island last week, part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a group of islands in the Bay of Bengal between India and Burma.

“Adventure awaits. So do leeches,” read the final post on his Instagram account, dated Nov. 2. On his Facebook profile, Chau described himself as a “soccer coach, traveller, and writer.” He often posted images of his worldwide exploits online, such as hikes in Washington state and prior trips to India.

Dependera Pathak, director-general of police on India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands, told the Associated Press that Chau arrived in the region on Oct. 16 and stayed in a hotel while he prepared to visit the prohibited island.

He said Chau organized his visit to the island through a friend who hired seven fishermen for $325 to take him there on a boat, which also towed his kayak.

Chau went ashore in his kayak on Nov. 15 and sent the boat with the fishermen out to sea to avoid detection, Pathak said. He interacted with some of the tribespeople, giving them gifts he had prepared such as a football and fish. But the tribespeople became angry and shot an arrow at him which apparently hit a book he was carrying, Pathak said.

The American's kayak became damaged, so he swam to the fishermen's boat, which was waiting at a prearranged location. There he spent the night and wrote out his experiences on pages of paper which he gave to the fishermen, Pathak said.

In one of the notes handed over, according to the New York Times, Chau wrote about Jesus bestowing him with the strength to visit some of the most forbidden places on Earth.

Chau then set off for the island again the following day. Sources who spoke to AFP though said once he set foot on shore, he was “attacked by arrows but he continued walking.

“The fishermen saw the tribals tying a rope around his neck and dragging his body,” one source added.

Following Chau's death, the fishermen left for Port Blair, the capital of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where they informed Chau's friend, who notified his family, Pathak said.

He said the family got in touch with Indian police and U.S. consular officials.

"It was a case of misdirected adventure," he added.

The body, according to Reuters, has not yet been recovered as of Wednesday, and those who took him to the island are said to have been arrested.

"The investigation in this matter is on," senior police officer Deepak Yadav said, announcing that the seven fishermen have been taken into custody.

Did this dummy spend even five minutes Googling "North Sentinel Island" before going on his "adventure"? Turns out they don't like visitors.
Just because they are a tribe, doesnt make them immune to punishment for murder. Someone from that tribe needs to be put it prison.

I'll just assume the tribe was on their lands when this happened. Wouldn't that make the tribe subject to their laws, not ours?

Would you invade them?
I would smash that fucking tribe of it were up to me. Id swarm that god damn place with soldiers and find out who killed that guy. If they made even the slightest move of aggression, id have those soldiers fire on them. These shit heads need to be taught a lesson.

Be cool and you get treated cool, be a dick and get treated like a dick.

Their customs mean less than yours? That's awful big government of you.
Now if they were peace loving conservative Christians, the Left would send wave after wave of invasions until they were infiltrated and destroyed.
Just because they are a tribe, doesnt make them immune to punishment for murder. Someone from that tribe needs to be put it prison.

I'll just assume the tribe was on their lands when this happened. Wouldn't that make the tribe subject to their laws, not ours?

Would you invade them?
I would smash that fucking tribe of it were up to me. Id swarm that god damn place with soldiers and find out who killed that guy. If they made even the slightest move of aggression, id have those soldiers fire on them. These shit heads need to be taught a lesson.

Be cool and you get treated cool, be a dick and get treated like a dick.

They have been cool. They've been chilling out on an island for 60,000 years, and only killed a few people.
Their history is far from cool. These are sucky people.

What history? What was the last continent they occupied?
Their history is, for over a hundred years every time anyone ever makes contact, they fucking kill them, or try, with maybe two exceptions.

Is that where they filmed the movie King Kong?

Just because they are a tribe, doesnt make them immune to punishment for murder. Someone from that tribe needs to be put it prison.

I'll just assume the tribe was on their lands when this happened. Wouldn't that make the tribe subject to their laws, not ours?

Would you invade them?
I would smash that fucking tribe of it were up to me. Id swarm that god damn place with soldiers and find out who killed that guy. If they made even the slightest move of aggression, id have those soldiers fire on them. These shit heads need to be taught a lesson.

Be cool and you get treated cool, be a dick and get treated like a dick.

They have been cool. They've been chilling out on an island for 60,000 years, and only killed a few people.
Their history is far from cool. These are sucky people.

What history? What was the last continent they occupied?

Exactly, what history? What have these savages achieved?
The Left is more than happy to leave these folks alone.

They are murderous, they are all people of color, they are all dirt poor and contribute nothing towards world population or carbon emissions, and they don't liter with plastic.

This is how the Left wants us all to live.
American killed by bow and arrow-wielding tribe while trying to visit remote Indian island

An American tourist trying to visit a lush, remote island in India has been killed by a tribe completely cut off from the outside world and known to attack outsiders with bows and arrows, police revealed Wednesday.

Indian officials have identified the victim as John Allen Chau, 27. They added that he was illegally ferried by fishermen to North Sentinel Island last week, part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a group of islands in the Bay of Bengal between India and Burma.

“Adventure awaits. So do leeches,” read the final post on his Instagram account, dated Nov. 2. On his Facebook profile, Chau described himself as a “soccer coach, traveller, and writer.” He often posted images of his worldwide exploits online, such as hikes in Washington state and prior trips to India.

Dependera Pathak, director-general of police on India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands, told the Associated Press that Chau arrived in the region on Oct. 16 and stayed in a hotel while he prepared to visit the prohibited island.

He said Chau organized his visit to the island through a friend who hired seven fishermen for $325 to take him there on a boat, which also towed his kayak.

Chau went ashore in his kayak on Nov. 15 and sent the boat with the fishermen out to sea to avoid detection, Pathak said. He interacted with some of the tribespeople, giving them gifts he had prepared such as a football and fish. But the tribespeople became angry and shot an arrow at him which apparently hit a book he was carrying, Pathak said.

The American's kayak became damaged, so he swam to the fishermen's boat, which was waiting at a prearranged location. There he spent the night and wrote out his experiences on pages of paper which he gave to the fishermen, Pathak said.

In one of the notes handed over, according to the New York Times, Chau wrote about Jesus bestowing him with the strength to visit some of the most forbidden places on Earth.

Chau then set off for the island again the following day. Sources who spoke to AFP though said once he set foot on shore, he was “attacked by arrows but he continued walking.

“The fishermen saw the tribals tying a rope around his neck and dragging his body,” one source added.

Following Chau's death, the fishermen left for Port Blair, the capital of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where they informed Chau's friend, who notified his family, Pathak said.

He said the family got in touch with Indian police and U.S. consular officials.

"It was a case of misdirected adventure," he added.

The body, according to Reuters, has not yet been recovered as of Wednesday, and those who took him to the island are said to have been arrested.

"The investigation in this matter is on," senior police officer Deepak Yadav said, announcing that the seven fishermen have been taken into custody.

Did this dummy spend even five minutes Googling "North Sentinel Island" before going on his "adventure"? Turns out they don't like visitors.
Just because they are a tribe, doesnt make them immune to punishment for murder. Someone from that tribe needs to be put it prison.

I'll just assume the tribe was on their lands when this happened. Wouldn't that make the tribe subject to their laws, not ours?

Would you invade them?
I would smash that fucking tribe of it were up to me. Id swarm that god damn place with soldiers and find out who killed that guy. If they made even the slightest move of aggression, id have those soldiers fire on them. These shit heads need to be taught a lesson.

Be cool and you get treated cool, be a dick and get treated like a dick.

Their customs mean less than yours? That's awful big government of you.
If youre willing to excuse murders, then you are over valuing "customs". Fuck their stupid customs, I dont care.
I'll just assume the tribe was on their lands when this happened. Wouldn't that make the tribe subject to their laws, not ours?

Would you invade them?
I would smash that fucking tribe of it were up to me. Id swarm that god damn place with soldiers and find out who killed that guy. If they made even the slightest move of aggression, id have those soldiers fire on them. These shit heads need to be taught a lesson.

Be cool and you get treated cool, be a dick and get treated like a dick.

They have been cool. They've been chilling out on an island for 60,000 years, and only killed a few people.
Their history is far from cool. These are sucky people.

What history? What was the last continent they occupied?

Exactly, what history? What have these savages achieved?

They achieved minding their own business, and only killing a few people who entered their land in the past 200 years. I know they have nothing on us. We have invaded lands, killed millions, and conquered a continent in the same time. But these "savages" have to go.
I would smash that fucking tribe of it were up to me. Id swarm that god damn place with soldiers and find out who killed that guy. If they made even the slightest move of aggression, id have those soldiers fire on them. These shit heads need to be taught a lesson.

Be cool and you get treated cool, be a dick and get treated like a dick.

They have been cool. They've been chilling out on an island for 60,000 years, and only killed a few people.
Their history is far from cool. These are sucky people.

What history? What was the last continent they occupied?

Exactly, what history? What have these savages achieved?

They achieved minding their own business, and only killing a few people who entered their land in the past 200 years. I know they have nothing on us. We have invaded lands, killed millions, and conquered a continent in the same time. But these "savages" have to go.
They didnt "achieve minding their own business", it happened because they suck and never developed ship building and navigation. They havent even invented the wheel or fire for christ sake.
American killed by bow and arrow-wielding tribe while trying to visit remote Indian island

An American tourist trying to visit a lush, remote island in India has been killed by a tribe completely cut off from the outside world and known to attack outsiders with bows and arrows, police revealed Wednesday.

Indian officials have identified the victim as John Allen Chau, 27. They added that he was illegally ferried by fishermen to North Sentinel Island last week, part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a group of islands in the Bay of Bengal between India and Burma.

“Adventure awaits. So do leeches,” read the final post on his Instagram account, dated Nov. 2. On his Facebook profile, Chau described himself as a “soccer coach, traveller, and writer.” He often posted images of his worldwide exploits online, such as hikes in Washington state and prior trips to India.

Dependera Pathak, director-general of police on India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands, told the Associated Press that Chau arrived in the region on Oct. 16 and stayed in a hotel while he prepared to visit the prohibited island.

He said Chau organized his visit to the island through a friend who hired seven fishermen for $325 to take him there on a boat, which also towed his kayak.

Chau went ashore in his kayak on Nov. 15 and sent the boat with the fishermen out to sea to avoid detection, Pathak said. He interacted with some of the tribespeople, giving them gifts he had prepared such as a football and fish. But the tribespeople became angry and shot an arrow at him which apparently hit a book he was carrying, Pathak said.

The American's kayak became damaged, so he swam to the fishermen's boat, which was waiting at a prearranged location. There he spent the night and wrote out his experiences on pages of paper which he gave to the fishermen, Pathak said.

In one of the notes handed over, according to the New York Times, Chau wrote about Jesus bestowing him with the strength to visit some of the most forbidden places on Earth.

Chau then set off for the island again the following day. Sources who spoke to AFP though said once he set foot on shore, he was “attacked by arrows but he continued walking.

“The fishermen saw the tribals tying a rope around his neck and dragging his body,” one source added.

Following Chau's death, the fishermen left for Port Blair, the capital of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where they informed Chau's friend, who notified his family, Pathak said.

He said the family got in touch with Indian police and U.S. consular officials.

"It was a case of misdirected adventure," he added.

The body, according to Reuters, has not yet been recovered as of Wednesday, and those who took him to the island are said to have been arrested.

"The investigation in this matter is on," senior police officer Deepak Yadav said, announcing that the seven fishermen have been taken into custody.

Did this dummy spend even five minutes Googling "North Sentinel Island" before going on his "adventure"? Turns out they don't like visitors.
Just because they are a tribe, doesnt make them immune to punishment for murder. Someone from that tribe needs to be put it prison.

You go arrest them..

It's a forbidden island no trespassing..

I would smash that fucking tribe of it were up to me. Id swarm that god damn place with soldiers and find out who killed that guy. If they made even the slightest move of aggression, id have those soldiers fire on them. These shit heads need to be taught a lesson.

Be cool and you get treated cool, be a dick and get treated like a dick.

They have been cool. They've been chilling out on an island for 60,000 years, and only killed a few people.
Their history is far from cool. These are sucky people.

What history? What was the last continent they occupied?

Exactly, what history? What have these savages achieved?

They achieved minding their own business, and only killing a few people who entered their land in the past 200 years. I know they have nothing on us. We have invaded lands, killed millions, and conquered a continent in the same time. But these "savages" have to go.
Which continent did you conquer?
What could indigenous people ever have to fear about a more advanced civilization "visiting" their people? It's almost never turned out bad for anybody else.
I haven't read all this thread.....but you my humble opinion those savages are's like blaming an animal, a lion or a bear for attacking and killing a's not like they say: :"Let's be mean, let's kill these people just because...."


That's a normal criminality intended. It's in their nature.

That's my personal opinion anyway.
You would think blacks being so isolated from the white man they would of at least built shopping malls and stuff

Just because they are a tribe, doesnt make them immune to punishment for murder. Someone from that tribe needs to be put it prison.

Oh STFU. Seriously.
Why is it bad for me to kill some with a bow and arrow, but not for someone from this tribe? Youre taking a really weird position that i dont think youre going to be able to properly defend.

If somebody comes into your house without your permission you're allowed to shoot them.
No im not. If im not being threatened by someone in my yard, i cant shoot him.
this is not your yard. also not your reality. our ways are obviously NOT theirs.

stay off their island or be a pin cushion.

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