American Muslims viewed in positive light after Boston marathon bombing

^^^ The topic of this thread is the American muslim communities patriotic response in condemning the Boston marathon bombing.

And has ZERO to do with what some unknown cleric in bumfuck Egypt has to say......... :cool:
[ame=]Dr. Zuhdi Jasser: American Muslim Radicalization and Boston Bombers: Fox and Friends April 21 2013 - YouTube[/ame]
“The wisest advice that you can taken on in your life is not to be so concerned with what is said about you. Indeed, you know who you are and Allah knows best your circumstance and intention. So don’t lessen your worth by always justifying your actions, for indeed failure in life lies in one thing: Trying to please everyone.”
- ‘A’idh al-Qarni

which means: Haters "love" hate, they have extraenergy that needs to come out :eusa_hand:
American muslims are slowly but surely integrating themselves into all areas of the American experience.

I personally know muslims who are federal agents, police men, firemen, lawyers, judges, teachers, doctors, and in all branches of the U.S. military.

Reminds me of how the once despised Irish and Italians immigrants are now main stream American citizens.

Muslims in the U.S. are following the same pattern. .. :cool:
Have you always been a hater?

Or did that come about after you accepted Christ?? .. :cool:

And here you have it folks....give him enough time..and the true person always-always comes out. And yet another example showing how many Muslims are not yet ready for the civilized world.
Irish Ram comes on the thread spewing hate.

And that somehow makes me uncivilized?? .. :cool:

Yes. Because you spewed it right back.
Your nonacceptance of christians, hatred of Jews and fairly common derogatory statements about Western culture in general shows you are buried in dogma and not ready for a free society.
And here you have it folks....give him enough time..and the true person always-always comes out. And yet another example showing how many Muslims are not yet ready for the civilized world.
Irish Ram comes on the thread spewing hate.

And that somehow makes me uncivilized?? .. :cool:

Yes. Because you spewed it right back.
Your nonacceptance of christians, hatred of Jews and fairly common derogatory statements about Western culture in general shows you are buried in dogma and not ready for a free society.
Too late Poindexter......

I am a born in the USA citizen with the exact same rights and privileges as you.

And there are more of us being born here every day........ :thup:
Irish Ram comes on the thread spewing hate.

And that somehow makes me uncivilized?? .. :cool:

Yes. Because you spewed it right back.
Your nonacceptance of christians, hatred of Jews and fairly common derogatory statements about Western culture in general shows you are buried in dogma and not ready for a free society.
Too late Poindexter......

I am a born in the USA citizen with the exact same rights and privileges as you.

And there are more of us being born here every day........ :thup:

And yet another statement showing how the Muslim culture is not ready for a free society...."more of us being born..." showing how you count yourselves as SEPARATE from non-believers. No baptist, mormon, catholic, amish, or any other protestant person would say such a divisive statement.
As a born American, you either embrace what America stands for - or you do not. You either embrace freedom of ALL religions - or you do not. You either accept ALL Americans as equals - or you do not.
YOU do not. And that makes you a person outside of normal society.
It isn't everyone else being biased against you - it is you consistently biased against everyone else and expecting us to accept that.
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You're dreaming Sunni.
Muslims killing our children does not endear Muslims to Americans. The media bends over backwards to excuse Muslim behavior, and our President refuses to even acknowledge Muslims as terrorists. The only time he uses the word terrorist and Muslim in the same sentence is if they are terrorists that have been let into this country and he sees a opportunity to take more of our rights away, because of their actions.
Got drones?
We will have..........

Of all the people who are now Americans the IRISH-Americans ought to understand what it's like to be a hated immigrant group -- one that is hated for their religion.

But now I am informed that even PAPISTS are welcome into organizations like the Ku Klux KLAN, so three or four generations after the ANGLO's allowed a genocidal famine to drive so many of OUR forefathers here, too many of their progeny have forgotten that their grandparents were once as universally LOATHED as the Moslem immigrants are today.

Oh the humanity!
And yet another statement showing how the Muslim culture is not ready for a free society....
You really are pathetic... :cuckoo:

You go on and on about a "Free society and personal freedoms".

Yet, you insist that American muslins shouldn't have the same freedom's because we don't meet your personal standards of what freedom means.

Sorry nitwit, but you can't have it both ways. .. :cool:
Yes. Because you spewed it right back.
Your nonacceptance of christians, hatred of Jews and fairly common derogatory statements about Western culture in general shows you are buried in dogma and not ready for a free society.
Too late Poindexter......

I am a born in the USA citizen with the exact same rights and privileges as you.

And there are more of us being born here every day........ :thup:

And yet another statement showing how the Muslim culture is not ready for a free society...."more of us being born..." showing how you count yourselves as SEPARATE from non-believers. No baptist, mormon, catholic, amish, or any other protestant person would say such a divisive statement.
As a born American, you either embrace what America stands for - or you do not. You either embrace freedom of ALL religions - or you do not. You either accept ALL Americans as equals - or you do not.
YOU do not. And that makes you a person outside of normal society.
It isn't everyone else being biased against you - it is you consistently biased against everyone else and expecting us to accept that.

An individual being born into a religion is an interesting concept. Choice?
And yet another statement showing how the Muslim culture is not ready for a free society....
You really are pathetic... :cuckoo:

You go on and on about a "Free society and personal freedoms".

Yet, you insist that American muslins shouldn't have the same freedom's because we don't meet your personal standards of what freedom means.

Sorry nitwit, but you can't have it both ways. .. :cool:

Show me where I said you shouldn't have freedoms....yeah.
Show me where MY standard for freedom differs from anyone else's....yeah.
It is you that hates Jews. It is you that has said numerous, numerous derogatory statements about christians - and then whine when someone says something against muslims. It is YOU who are the divisive, unwilling to accept society outside of your religion - not the other way around.
I know several muslims. The ones I know are not like you, at least not on the surface. They are friendly and perfectly normal.
You are the one with the problem.
Muslims see little backlash after Boston bombing

NEW YORK — It looked like the backlash was starting even before the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing were identified as Muslim.

But the worst didn't happen.

Muslim civil rights leaders say the anti-Islam reaction has been more muted this time than after other attacks since Sept. 11, which had sparked outbursts of vandalism, harassment and violence. Ibrahim Hooper of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which monitors bias and hate crimes against Muslims, said his organization has seen no uptick in reports of harassment, assaults or damage to mosques since the April 15 bombings. Leaders noted a larger, broader chorus of Americans warning against placing collective blame.

The change may only reflect the circumstances of this particular attack. The two suspects are white and from an area of the world, Russia's turbulent Caucasus region, that unlike the Mideast, Americans know little about. Investigators say Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, and his brother, Dzhokhar, 19, who had lived in the U.S. for about a decade, carried out the bombings, although it's not clear why.

But U.S. Muslims also credit a new generation of leaders in their communities with helping keep tempers in check after the attack. Many are the American-born children of immigrants who saw the impact of the 2001 terror attacks on their faith and have strived ever since to build ties with other Americans.

"There seems to be a much more mature, sophisticated response to this tragedy than in the past 12 years," said Wajahat Ali, 32, an attorney and co-author of "Fear, Inc.," a report by the Center for American Progress on the strategies of anti-Muslim groups in the United States. "We really do see a palpable shift."

No one is suggesting Islam has been fully accepted in the U.S. Activists and commentators who have long considered the religion itself a threat to national security took to the Web and the airwaves to say Boston proved them right. The frantic search for the perpetrators led to some very public misidentifications of Arab or South Asian men that made them potential targets for retribution.

Yet, American Muslim groups - only a decade ago, more inward looking than publicly engaged - pushed back in a more confident way.

As they have after any national tragedy since Sept. 11, Muslim groups issued a flurry of statements condemning the attack, organized blood drives and thanked law enforcement for protecting the country. The Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, in the city's Roxbury section, held vigils and formed medical teams to help with the wounded. On his Facebook page, Imam Suhaib Webb, who leads the mosque, posted a black ribbon and banner across his Facebook page with the statement, "We're Bostonians - We mourn with the city."

The Boston explosions also inadvertently underscored a point Muslims have been making for years: More are monitoring their own communities for signs of extremism.

"Trust me - no group of people wants to stamp out radicalism more than Muslims, who have seen it soil their faith and define its image," said Khurram Dara, 24, author of "The Crescent Directive," a well-known e-book urging U.S. Muslims to more fully integrate into American society. "They're vigilant of radicalism in their communities."

Sheila Musaji of St. Louis, editor of, which she founded as a community magazine in 1989, said more Muslims are online and actively countering extremist preachers. "There are these crazy groups out there. It's hard to know when they cross some sort of line into something else that involves violence," Musaji said.

"They need to be countered," she said, "but also the lslamophobes need to be countered."

NEW YORK: Muslims see little backlash after Boston bombing | National |
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And yet another statement showing how the Muslim culture is not ready for a free society....
You really are pathetic... :cuckoo:

You go on and on about a "Free society and personal freedoms".

Yet, you insist that American muslins shouldn't have the same freedom's because we don't meet your personal standards of what freedom means.

Sorry nitwit, but you can't have it both ways. .. :cool:

Show me where I said you shouldn't have freedoms....yeah.
Show me where MY standard for freedom differs from anyone else's....yeah.
It is you that hates Jews. It is you that has said numerous, numerous derogatory statements about christians - and then whine when someone says something against muslims. It is YOU who are the divisive, unwilling to accept society outside of your religion - not the other way around.
I know several muslims. The ones I know are not like you, at least not on the surface. They are friendly and perfectly normal.
You are the one with the problem.

Just the usual from that poster; originality (or thoughtful debate) is not to be expected. You might as well drop it; he/she'll just 'neg' you every 48 hrs., her/his favorite pass time and apparently one of the few things of which he/she is capable.

"true story"
We are to assume groups should be congratulated for doing what is only at most the right thing?
Show me where I said you shouldn't have freedoms....yeah.
Show me where MY standard for freedom differs from anyone else's....yeah.
It is you that hates Jews. It is you that has said numerous, numerous derogatory statements about christians - and then whine when someone says something against muslims. It is YOU who are the divisive, unwilling to accept society outside of your religion - not the other way around.
Please provide a :link: to any post where I have said that I hate jews or made hateful statements about the religion of Christianity?

Or just admit it's just more of your blatant habit of lying.

I'll be waiting for your response....... :cool:
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And yet another statement showing how the Muslim culture is not ready for a free society....
You really are pathetic... :cuckoo:

You go on and on about a "Free society and personal freedoms".

Yet, you insist that American muslins shouldn't have the same freedom's because we don't meet your personal standards of what freedom means.

Sorry nitwit, but you can't have it both ways. .. :cool:

Most American muslims are descent people; you’re not one of them. You advocate rounding up Jews and putting them in a prison camp, You advocate putting in place Sharia law in this country, you support the muslim brotherhood and their goals of restoring the Caliphate in all former muslim lands including Spain. you are also a rep whore fishing for reps
Most American muslims are descent people; you’re not one of them. You advocate rounding up Jews and putting them in a prison camp, You advocate putting in place Sharia law in this country, you support the muslim brotherhood and their goals of restoring the Caliphate in all former muslim lands including Spain. you are also a rep whore fishing for reps
I am greatly offended by the 'rep whore' accusation. .. :evil:
Show me where I said you shouldn't have freedoms....yeah.
Show me where MY standard for freedom differs from anyone else's....yeah.
It is you that hates Jews. It is you that has said numerous, numerous derogatory statements about christians - and then whine when someone says something against muslims. It is YOU who are the divisive, unwilling to accept society outside of your religion - not the other way around.
Please provide a :link: to any post where I have said that I hate jews or made hateful statements about the religion of Christianity?

Or just admit it's just more of your blatant habit of lying.

I'll be waiting for your response....... :cool:

My response is it isn't worth my time for several reasons - but namely, it is like someone saying "prove the sky is blue"...everyone who comes in contact with you knows these things about you. It is is as obvious as the blue sky.
You saying "How long have you carried around such hate - when you found Jesus Christ?" - You say these little shitty comments all the time - rather than provide a link - I will do this - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - Search Results
^^^ I always knew that you were a liar and a coward......this post just proves it. :thup:

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