American Nazi's Declare Trump "Glorious Leader"

Perhaps. Perhaps they are Democrat ops smearing Republicans.

Give me a reason to disbelieve that.
You are a brainwashed cult follower. Nothing will bring you back to reality. Nazi cultist don't convert or change their minds. They have to be defeated.

So you cannot provide me a reason to disbelieve. I knew that.
They are White Nationalists, dipshit. The real thing.

So you say. I have doubts. Convince me.
No. The burden of proof is on you. You claimed they are Democrats under a false flag.


You DO understand the word "perhaps", yes?

That is the impression I have based upon past campaign behavior of Democrats and the ludicrous nonsense posted on that site. I am not obligated to prove an impression.

I note with interest, however, that so far no one can provide me a reason to disbelieve it.
How long before the fascist leader begins to be saluted with the stiff arm Hiller fuhrer salute? When will the Trumper's start wearing uniforms? When will the rank and file realize they have been scammed into becoming fascist? Will it make a difference to them?

no difference 1930's and now
Trump is for real. He is no joke. The American voters will take him down.
Go to Stormfront, Kinetta. Spend some time there.

I get quite enough of Democrats right here.

And there it is. That infamous willful blindness of which I often speak.

You manufacture a delusion and then avoid at all costs anything which would blow apart your fragile belief system. That's why you have to spend so much time reinforcing it with manufactured bullshit and confirmation bias.

You make bogus claims, expecting not to have them challenged. Surprise!
Go to Stormfront, Kinetta. Spend some time there.

I get quite enough of Democrats right here.

And there it is. That infamous willful blindness of which I often speak.

You manufacture a delusion and then avoid at all costs anything which would blow apart your fragile belief system. That's why you have to spend so much time reinforcing it with manufactured bullshit and confirmation bias.

You left out something -

"It would prove nothing, other than that they are playing their parts."

So, explain how going there would prove more.
Yup, here is the right comparison.

It's a humorous comparison, but Trump is not saluting. :D

Have you ever seen what every Mexican President has to do when taking the oath of office?

I can't believe the bigoted rubes are ignorant of it. They would have a field day. But then, they are...ignorant, after all.

Watch this video at the 30 second mark:

"It would prove nothing, other than that they are playing their parts."

That is a claim made by you without any evidence whatsoever.

All part of that manufactured warm bullshit upon which your entire bogus belief system is built.
"It would prove nothing, other than that they are playing their parts."

That is a claim made by you without any evidence whatsoever.

If I ask a liar if he is lying, chances are good he will lie.
You don't have to ask if they are lying. Just go and observe and mingle.

Goddam, you rubes really work hard at maintaining your delusions! No wonder Trump is doing so well.

You remind me of the clients of psychics.
"It would prove nothing, other than that they are playing their parts."

That is a claim made by you without any evidence whatsoever.

If I ask a liar if he is lying, chances are good he will lie.
You don't have to ask if they are lying. Just go and observe and mingle.

Goddam, you rubes really work hard at maintaining your delusions! No wonder Trump is doing so well.

You remind me of the clients of psychics.

Says the far left drone that thinks socialism is right wing!
"It would prove nothing, other than that they are playing their parts."

That is a claim made by you without any evidence whatsoever.

If I ask a liar if he is lying, chances are good he will lie.
You don't have to ask if they are lying. Just go and observe and mingle.

Again, it would prove nothing, other than that the ops play their parts well.

You remind me of the clients of psychics.

You remind me of the clients of psychiatrists.
Yup, here is the right comparison.


3's the charm

One more year and we should fire Obama.

Why wait?

Biden can do the job in his sleep.

(just like he does most of his work)
Joe would be a wonderful President. Remember back in the beginning of the Iraq war, actually the beginning of the occupation, he suggested the country be divided into three semi-autonomous regions. He suggested the Shia get the south, the Sunni get the middle and the Kurds get the north. To bad Bush didn't listen to him.

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