American politics: tragic or comic?


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
The situation is such in the US presidential race that one hardly knows which to do, laugh or weep. It certainly causes shock, fear and laughter for those viewing it from abroad.
The situation is such in the US presidential race that one hardly knows which to do, laugh or weep. It certainly causes shock, fear and laughter for those viewing it from abroad.

In comparison with the last two elections? The only ones laughing are those who cheer the decline of our country.
The situation is such in the US presidential race that one hardly knows which to do, laugh or weep. It certainly causes shock, fear and laughter for those viewing it from abroad.

Thats probably why those from abroad don't get to be involved in it.... youre not evolved enough to understand what the United States was and should be again.
The situation is such in the US presidential race that one hardly knows which to do, laugh or weep. It certainly causes shock, fear and laughter for those viewing it from abroad.

In comparison with the last two elections? The only ones laughing are those who cheer the decline of our country.

How about the two before them?

and the disastrous consequences which followed?
Ya have to admit the race for office or nominations and the antics of those in the running have really become a 'laughable' joke even with the people they hope to sway in their direction.
It would really be great to see someone step up that can rally the people, support & build them up to be able to stand & bring them together by wiping away party differences & petty squabbles, to make this country a force to be reckoned with, and stomp the chit out of anyone that threatens it or it's allies.

Unfortunately we have candidates that think they are in some beauty contest & are just trying to 'one up' each other while glossing over the real issues facing us. That is enough to make anyone laugh & cry at the ridiculousness of the whole thing. It's embarrassing and bringing shame upon this country
The situation is such in the US presidential race that one hardly knows which to do, laugh or weep. It certainly causes shock, fear and laughter for those viewing it from abroad.

In comparison with the last two elections? The only ones laughing are those who cheer the decline of our country.

How about the two before them?

and the disastrous consequences which followed?

Then you agree with me that the current presidential race doesn't deserve any more laughing, weeping, shock or fear than previous races. Did that irony escape you?
The situation is such in the US presidential race that one hardly knows which to do, laugh or weep. It certainly causes shock, fear and laughter for those viewing it from abroad.
I personally love viewing broads. have you checked out any european politics for grins though?
Ya have to admit the race for office or nominations and the antics of those in the running have really become a 'laughable' joke even with the people they hope to sway in their direction.
It would really be great to see someone step up that can rally the people, support & build them up to be able to stand & bring them together by wiping away party differences & petty squabbles, to make this country a force to be reckoned with, and stomp the chit out of anyone that threatens it or it's allies.

Unfortunately we have candidates that think they are in some beauty contest & are just trying to 'one up' each other while glossing over the real issues facing us. That is enough to make anyone laugh & cry at the ridiculousness of the whole thing. It's embarrassing and bringing shame upon this country
The shame is there are too many people like you. If you haven't heard issues being discussed it's because your video games were drowning out mom's TV.
The situation is such in the US presidential race that one hardly knows which to do, laugh or weep. It certainly causes shock, fear and laughter for those viewing it from abroad.
------------------------------- GOOD , and as advice , reread the post number 3 by Anathema !! He understands both America and you fureigners '4eye' !!
it's interesting, very interesting ... on second thought, maybe not .. true to form Republicans know how to pick losers, fight amongst themselves, and insist on self destruction ..
What is so funny is those who have a chance at office are uber wealthy yet they claim to be able to relate to working folk barely making it by. What's even more funny is those struggling folk support them. That makes the whole thing comical.
it's interesting, very interesting ... on second thought, maybe not .. true to form Republicans know how to pick losers, fight amongst themselves, and insist on self destruction ..
Very astute. No Democrat has ever lost or squabbled with one another.

What's even more hysterical than that is common folk say class warfare has no place in politics. And some actually believe that garbage.
The principal problem with US elections is the dynamic which drives the GOP nomination process.....The Reagan campaigns' success with "Appeal to Stupid" has created a blueprint for GOP candidates in subsequent races. This was particularly effective when FOX and Rush could be relied upon to "re-catapult the propaganda"....Listening and reacting is easy, reading and cogitating is hard.

Then along came Clinton whose election was an affront to those who had convinced themselves that Stupid would reign triumphant for millennia. To add insult to injury, Clinton's performance, as reflected in objective metrics, far outshone Reagan's.......even worse, he managed to do this while eliminating the deficit which was the nagging legacy of Supply Side Idiocy, Part One.
That's when Stupid decided to criminalize consensual adult activity. It didn't succeed in its aim to remove Clinton, but it threw around enough muck that the electorate was prepared to overlook the Administration's performance, and decline to embrace the admittedly unremarkable Al Gore, whose 500,000 vote margin was sufficiently unimpressive to allow the Dimwit Dauphin to hornswoggle SCOTUS reactionaries into declaring him the winner.

As the aforementioned Dimwit was establishing himself as the worst POTUS of all time, meritless hucksters and bunko artists like Beck, Drudge and Breitbart, seeing the vast fortune amassed by Rush, figured the Fields of Stupid were sufficiently abundant to also provide them succor.....But it was clear that, where product differentiation on the margin offered some benefits, moving further out along the Lunatic Fringe offered more....This Balkanization of Stupid resulted in a relative loss of leverage for the principal megaphones of Stupid, specifically FOX and Rush, splintered the Herd of Stupid and made them more difficult to direct.

When Scrub's failures became too obvious to rationalize any longer, resignation gave way to enthusiasm, as the Legion de Sac Gonades provided a new brand, and a fresh start. Though in the early, heady, days of the movement almost 60% of Teabaggers would give Scrub Twelve Toes Up for his performance, they would eventually throw him under the bus and, nearly to an Imbecile, begin to claim that they had never cast a vote for him.

In 2012, aspirants for the GOP nomination were faced with the reality that they would need to quickly secure a critical mass of primary voters (somewhere north of 20%) to put themselves into position to survive the marathon ahead. The easiest pickings are, tragically, the Creme de la Creme of Stupid - illiterate, innumerate, mouthbreathing, knuckledragging, ammosexual bigots....The process of courting this esteemed group has determined the course of every election since....
The situation is such in the US presidential race that one hardly knows which to do, laugh or weep. It certainly causes shock, fear and laughter for those viewing it from abroad.

In comparison with the last two elections? The only ones laughing are those who cheer the decline of our country.

How about the two before them?

and the disastrous consequences which followed?

Then you agree with me that the current presidential race doesn't deserve any more laughing, weeping, shock or fear than previous races. Did that irony escape you?

It started going downhill with Reagan, but it has definitely gotten much worse....particularly since Obama started cleaning up the disaster wrought by his predecessor...
it's interesting, very interesting ... on second thought, maybe not .. true to form Republicans know how to pick losers, fight amongst themselves, and insist on self destruction ..
Very astute. No Democrat has ever lost or squabbled with one another.


when did I say that?
You implied it by railing on Republicans for it.

that I understand, but Democrats don't go to the extreme like Republicans do... RW's seem to have a death wish.
it's interesting, very interesting ... on second thought, maybe not .. true to form Republicans know how to pick losers, fight amongst themselves, and insist on self destruction ..
Very astute. No Democrat has ever lost or squabbled with one another.

when did I say that?
You implied it by railing on Republicans for it.

that I understand, but Democrats don't go to the extreme like Republicans do... RW's seem to have a death wish.
It just looks that way now because so many Republicans think this will be the best shot at the WH in their lives.
it's interesting, very interesting ... on second thought, maybe not .. true to form Republicans know how to pick losers, fight amongst themselves, and insist on self destruction ..
Very astute. No Democrat has ever lost or squabbled with one another.


when did I say that?
You implied it by railing on Republicans for it.

that I understand, but Democrats don't go to the extreme like Republicans do... RW's seem to have a death wish.

Because they don't have to......they stand by as the GOP field forms a circular firing squad and blasts away.....Ironically, there is a tendency to see Democratic perfidy in the "politics of destruction" practiced by the shadow pacs on behalf of their chosen GOP sons....I pull 2-3 flyers from my mailbox every day, from "Right to Rise" "Conservative Solutions" and "Sing if You're Glad to be Batshit Insane" pacs and their ilk, each viciously attacking the chronic absenteeism and metrosexuality of Rubio, the dismal fiscal record of Christie, or hailing the reflexive resolute militarist strengthiness of Jeb!

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