American Psychological Association says being Masculine is harmful

Are you in favor of beastiality, kid?

I wouldn't be surprised if he is waiting for right moment to come out of closet.

Troll much?
No he's a latent homersexual putting out feelers for his declining masculinity..

It seems your gaydar is broken.
You are the gay fool cruising threads.Gays can be masculine and it only hurts their anus.

You better fix your gaydar, it's malfunctioning.
APA says the guidelines teach that traditional masculinity, “marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression—is, on the whole, harmful.

I must have missed that class on traditional masculinity. No problem, those traits are in my nature and most men. I think y'all are safe.

The same masculinity that got us out of caves while fighting for our lives to hunt prey and attack predators is now viewed as toxic. Beta individuals are telling us that being alpha is toxic and unwanted. They will call it a mental illness and try to use it to take away guns. Soon they'll tell us that being beautiful woman is harmful to the ugly ones, and that fat is beautiful. Scratch that, they already did that.
Few years back, they removed pedophilia from the psychological disorder list.

The slippery slope is continued. Next to be normalized are transgenders, necrophilia and bestiality.

Although search doesn't work for some reason, I found it...

And here we go: Pedophilia is being normalized.
Pedophilia is becoming so "normalized" that one of our political parties tried to put Roy Moore in the Senate. Of course there`s always Ted Nugent.
Ted Nugent - Jailbait Lyrics | MetroLyrics


Faggotry and Narcissism out of the DSM... Masculinity now a psychological disorder. Ok...the leftist racket has just jumped the shark. Fake news are BTFO. Feminism crashing. Immigration crashing. Fags are blown out. People are just about done with the trans. How many bullets are left in their leftist rhetoric pistol?

Men used to joke about turning in their man cards. The way leftists are going, they will require all guys will be turned into chicks. Because, muh masculinity.
Psychologists Declare Traditional Masculinity ‘Harmful’
This comes from the same group that claimed Homosexuality was normal WITHOUT any new tests,studies,information etc they just poof voted on it! NOTHING they say matters to me and never has. Without MEN America would not exist.
Also no surprise the clown behind this is a Jew. Once again attacking everything traditional and sane.

I finally read the whole article. Duh.

There's no science behind these APA decisions. It's a bunch of SJWs getting together and making shit up that makes them feel morally superior. Show me the science behind the removal of homosexuality or pedophilia from the list of mental disorders, or that is possible to change the gender - there is none. It's all based on opinions and leftist bullshit.

Let's all put pussy hats on and scream "the future is female!!!".
Faggotry and Narcissism out of the DSM... Masculinity now a psychological disorder. Ok...the leftist racket has just jumped the shark. Fake news are BTFO. Feminism crashing. Immigration crashing. Fags are blown out. People are just about done with the trans. How many bullets are left in their leftist rhetoric pistol?

Men used to joke about turning in their man cards. The way leftists are going, they will require all guys will be turned into chicks. Because, muh masculinity.

UNLESS it's a little girl they want to coerce to be drugged with testosterone to get her body to exhibit the exact traits they claim to be a psychological disorder. THEN those qualities are not just OK, but her 'right' to try to pretend to become.

Again, has anyone sent out a memo to bulldykes? I mean they are some of the most manly people you'll ever meet. Which makes you wonder why their "lesbian" partners are attracted to them... :popcorn:

Closeted heterosexuality anyone? Anyone?... What a complete mess. And most definitely not "born that way"..
The war on men.

The toxic feminism rampant right now in this country threatens every single male.

To all males who are currently young and in school, they will try, but do not let them take your manhood away.

Of course it's a war on man.

Modern leftist men are truly pathetic, especially the leftist white men, and at this point they should all just become traps. They're just laying ground for rest of us to accept them when they do it.
Psychologists Declare Traditional Masculinity ‘Harmful’
This comes from the same group that claimed Homosexuality was normal WITHOUT any new tests,studies,information etc they just poof voted on it! NOTHING they say matters to me and never has. Without MEN America would not exist.
Also no surprise the clown behind this is a Jew. Once again attacking everything traditional and sane.

Another thread about being a man. Must be a trend. But I hate to break it to you, the OP is spot on. Take this,

APA says the guidelines teach that traditional masculinity, “marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression—is, on the whole, harmful.”

Those things are not part of being a man. A real man is not afraid to show his emotions. If the truth be known, a man is more emotional than a woman. At least that is the way it was back in the day. Do you think Thomas Jefferson was not emotional? Alexander the Great? A real man is in touch with his emotions and uses them effectively.

Competitiveness. Nope, not part of being a real man. Men are social animals. We advanced as a species because men worked together, not because they were competing with one another. You think it was competition that allowed those cave men to kill a mammoth? Not hardly.

Dominance. A real man embraces the differences between the sexes. He has no need to dominate the opposite sex. He finds a partner, not a sexual servant. And he treats that partner as an equal, not a possession.

Aggression: Again, another myth about manhood. A real man avoids conflict as much as possible. Secure in himself he only lashes out when no other options are available, like a properly trained martial artist.

Well no fucking shit. Who would've thought that not wanting to fuck another dude would be considered masculine.
Fortunately, I don't consider psychology a real science. It's just vague guessing games accompanied by a rather colorful variety of pill dispensing.

Real science...

Faggotry and Narcissism out of the DSM... Masculinity now a psychological disorder. Ok...the leftist racket has just jumped the shark. Fake news are BTFO. Feminism crashing. Immigration crashing. Fags are blown out. People are just about done with the trans. How many bullets are left in their leftist rhetoric pistol?

Men used to joke about turning in their man cards. The way leftists are going, they will require all guys will be turned into chicks. Because, muh masculinity.

UNLESS it's a little girl they want to coerce to be drugged with testosterone to get her body to exhibit the exact traits they claim to be a psychological disorder. THEN those qualities are not just OK, but her 'right' to try to pretend to become.

Again, has anyone sent out a memo to bulldykes? I mean they are some of the most manly people you'll ever meet. Which makes you wonder why their "lesbian" partners are attracted to them... :popcorn:

Closeted heterosexuality anyone? Anyone?... What a complete mess. And most definitely not "born that way"..

Yes, nothing scream 'closeted heterosexuality' like gay sex. :lol:
Yes, nothing scream 'closeted heterosexuality' like gay sex.

With someone dressed like talking like & acting like the opposite gender? Yeah, that qualifies as closeted hetero for sure. Gold standard actually.
Yes, nothing scream 'closeted heterosexuality' like gay sex.

With someone dressed like talking like & acting like the opposite gender? Yeah, that qualifies as closeted hetero for sure. Gold standard actually.

You do get nobody is beholden to these 'gold standards' you pull out of your ass, right?
Yes, nothing scream 'closeted heterosexuality' like gay sex.

With someone dressed like talking like & acting like the opposite gender? Yeah, that qualifies as closeted hetero for sure. Gold standard actually.

You do get nobody is beholden to these 'gold standards' you pull out of your ass, right?
if a man was attracted to a woman with a beard, deep falsetto, swagger & dressed like a logger, your cult would be so quick to label him closeted gay it would make your head spin. Hypocrite.

Own the closeted hetero lgbt cult. For i and others have seen it’s face in nearly every “gay” coupling. One butch. One femme. There’s no other way to slice that potato.
Psychologists Declare Traditional Masculinity ‘Harmful’
This comes from the same group that claimed Homosexuality was normal WITHOUT any new tests,studies,information etc they just poof voted on it! NOTHING they say matters to me and never has. Without MEN America would not exist.
Also no surprise the clown behind this is a Jew. Once again attacking everything traditional and sane.

Yeah I’m certain whoever “declared” this has no political agenda Lol... I can just imagine naive college students arguing “But the APA says it’s harmful!”
Yes, nothing scream 'closeted heterosexuality' like gay sex.

With someone dressed like talking like & acting like the opposite gender? Yeah, that qualifies as closeted hetero for sure. Gold standard actually.

You do get nobody is beholden to these 'gold standards' you pull out of your ass, right?
if a man was attracted to a woman with a beard, deep falsetto, swagger & dressed like a logger, your cult would be so quick to label him closeted gay it would make your head spin. Hypocrite.

Own the closeted hetero lgbt cult. For i and others have seen it’s face in nearly every “gay” coupling. One butch. One femme. There’s no other way to slice that potato.

This bitch thinks gay sex is a sign of being a closeted hetero. lol. I have a marvel idea, stop worrying about gay coupling and start worrying about your own.
Many, if not most TRADITIONS, are cultural relics that need to be put to pasture in civilized society.

An extreme example is the SA culture where young women who renounce male-dominated Islam are put to death. They are punished for protesting against traditional Arabic masculinity unfairness.

Do you not believe in fairness?

What about the Tradition in this country, of Free Speech?

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