American Psychological Association says being Masculine is harmful

Yeah I’m certain whoever “declared” this has no political agenda Lol... I can just imagine naive college students arguing “But the APA says it’s harmful!”
It's harmful because it will keep men from experiencing real emotions...Like women...(JFC)
Which is a total fabrication without evidence.

In reality masculinity is good and healthy it teaches one not to be ruled by emotions which is a good thing.

You still have feelings as an alpha male you are simply not controlled by them which is healthy
Men have emotions it is part of their psyche to deny such a truth is denial of the truth..They may be able to mask over the emotion in public but in the recesses of their minds the emotion still lives on.
No one denies that but traditional masculinity teaches one to control them and yes even hide them until appropriate.

All of which is healthy and smart.

These APA retards are simply encouraging men to be cry babies.
Had you read the article you would see they were talking about boys.
Which is even worse as they are being made into losers rather than good men
only real men with an inferior argument waste their time with the emotional fallacy of hate.

Real men with a superior argument come up with better solutions at lower cost.
Just what is a "real Man"?
No, the question is "what is a straw man". And the answer to that is danielpalos.

But if you want a serious answer, a real man is a bull dyke. You will meet nobody more masculine. Which makes you wonder why her "lesbian" partner is attracted to her.... :popcorn:

Born that way my ass.
Psychologists Declare Traditional Masculinity ‘Harmful’
This comes from the same group that claimed Homosexuality was normal WITHOUT any new tests,studies,information etc they just poof voted on it! NOTHING they say matters to me and never has. Without MEN America would not exist.
Also no surprise the clown behind this is a Jew. Once again attacking everything traditional and sane.
They draw on more than 40 years of research showing that traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful and that socializing boys to suppress their emotions causes damage

Can you not read anything but the title?
Can you read the rest ?

Forty years of research means reading other people's opinion most likely feminazis.

It does not mean scientific evidence or empirical evidence.

In fact the APA article is empty of any evidence whatsoever and is merely an opinion piece

This are facts and as a left wing organization they are full of shit and have nothing except appeal to authority which is a logical fallacy.

Psychology is now used as a means for American left to control the cattle the exact same way the Soviets did it. You'll notice that most psychological papers summarize the economic impact of "various" psychological orders. It is purely a means to control economic function of citizens and to categorize them as deficient.

Go to the DSM V and look at the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia and particularly the focus on delusions. Then consider the expectations of your average individual about how they want to live their lives. Such grandiose expectations about material possessions and societal rank would surely fall under delusional beliefs? No, delusion is reserved for those that don't want enough and who are not productive consumers.

If you read about the consumer habits of men and women, you'll understand that the reason such masculinity needs to be classified as mental illness is because it is not as conducive to the concentration of wealth for the ruling class. That simple.
Psychologists Declare Traditional Masculinity ‘Harmful’
This comes from the same group that claimed Homosexuality was normal WITHOUT any new tests,studies,information etc they just poof voted on it! NOTHING they say matters to me and never has. Without MEN America would not exist.
Also no surprise the clown behind this is a Jew. Once again attacking everything traditional and sane.

Yeah I’m certain whoever “declared” this has no political agenda Lol... I can just imagine naive college students arguing “But the APA says it’s harmful!”
It's harmful because it will keep men from experiencing real emotions...Like women...(JFC)
Which is a total fabrication without evidence.

In reality masculinity is good and healthy it teaches one not to be ruled by emotions which is a good thing.

You still have feelings as an alpha male you are simply not controlled by them which is healthy

What they're preaching is essentially a theory with no facts to back it up. Rather propaganda.

What happens to societies that are chalk full of weak and effeminate men? Tough times happen and they get steam rolled by a society of real men. Just look at Canada. You'd think they're putting soy in the water. There's almost no real man left in the country. :D
No one denies that but traditional masculinity teaches one to control them and yes even hide them until appropriate.

All of which is healthy and smart.

These APA retards are simply encouraging men to be cry babies.

Which society has changed by encouraging boys, and men to be more "sensitive", and emotional. As a boy I was taught to hide emotions especially fear, and pain as it is a sign of weakness. We NEVER cried for any reason as other boys that did cry would be constantly ridiculed. Our fathers told us not to cry, or be overly emotional. We didn't hug each other. We shook hands.

Different world now. Some say we are evolving. Some say we are going backwards, and being feminized.

The same APA says there is no significant difference between men and women, except for some significant differences, but it is unfair to women to use that information in a way that might shut down their career opportunities.

Men and Women: No Big Difference

Or just watch this video, where feminist breaks down when asked about differences between men and women and "what are men good at?"

Amazing how vacant she is. It's like she's not a full human, but a robot that spits out buzzwords and incoherent fragments of feminist orthodoxy. She doesn't have a clue what she really believes, but she knows what's definitely off limits to say. The tears are from fear that she might accidentally say something the sisterhood would deem deplorable.
There are feminists then their are radical feminists, who largely hate men. True feminists believe in equal rights, equal pay, equal opportunity. All good stuff. Radical feminists like the GIRL above are just Far Left activists spouting talking points that when you boil them down equate to the marginalization of men in society, because "they're mean".

She's got that crazy look in her eyes that many liberal/progressive women have. Sheesh. Scary.
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only real men with an inferior argument waste their time with the emotional fallacy of hate.

Real men with a superior argument come up with better solutions at lower cost.
Just what is a "real Man"?
they guy with the superior argument.
When has this happened? Who is he? Name one person who fits this description.
from my perspective, women are good helpmeets who help us out with better solutions at lower cost. in science future times.
only real men with an inferior argument waste their time with the emotional fallacy of hate.

Real men with a superior argument come up with better solutions at lower cost.
Just what is a "real Man"?
they guy with the superior argument.
When has this happened? Who is he? Name one person who fits this description.
from my perspective, women are good helpmeets who help us out with better solutions at lower cost. in science future times.
From my perspective, good sex is good sex. Other than this, no assholes allowed. A good partner is a good partner. A monkey with muscles and a gun is just a monkey with muscles and a gun. it masculine to get physical and toss your girlfriend around on the bed and use her in ever ergonomic position available?
Psychologists Declare Traditional Masculinity ‘Harmful’
This comes from the same group that claimed Homosexuality was normal WITHOUT any new tests,studies,information etc they just poof voted on it! NOTHING they say matters to me and never has. Without MEN America would not exist.
Also no surprise the clown behind this is a Jew. Once again attacking everything traditional and sane.

Yeah I’m certain whoever “declared” this has no political agenda Lol... I can just imagine naive college students arguing “But the APA says it’s harmful!”
It's harmful because it will keep men from experiencing real emotions...Like women...(JFC)
Which is a total fabrication without evidence.

In reality masculinity is good and healthy it teaches one not to be ruled by emotions which is a good thing.

You still have feelings as an alpha male you are simply not controlled by them which is healthy
Men have emotions it is part of their psyche to deny such a truth is denial of the truth..They may be able to mask over the emotion in public but in the recesses of their minds the emotion still lives on.
No one denies that but traditional masculinity teaches one to control them and yes even hide them until appropriate.

All of which is healthy and smart.

These APA retards are simply encouraging men to be cry babies.
If the APA receives federal funding, it should be eliminated.
Boys will be boys. Boys need to be boys. Boys need masculine influences. Boys needs fathers, uncles, brothers and grandfathers. Boys need role models who stand up to the idiocy of progressive ideology.

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