CDZ American Socialism - a definition

“There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days you will need a hand. There are other days when you’re called to lend a hand.”

This part of the Presidents speech captured beautifully a moral and ethical basis for Americas future. I am not sure I have heard a better articulation of Socialism ever. It was a beautiful and electrifying moment.

Being poor and needy is not a crime and nor is it a sin. It should not be punishable.
except for the fact that "lend a hand" is defined as gimme your money.
It isnt necessarily the case. At its core the NHS is a giant insurance scheme. The only difference between that and the US system is that its a lot more cost effective and we are all covered from cradle to grave.

and that's why a bottle of Jameson's cost more in the UK than it does in the US
That is why we in the UK we pay a fraction for drugs manufactured in the US than your own citizens do.

And also why you have a 20% VAT and high income taxes.

And you idiots think your health care is free
Nobody thinks the NHS is free. Or all the other aspects of the Welfare State.
When you start work in the UK you are required to pay a National Insurance Contribution or "Stamp" as it's more commonly known. The amount is based on your income.

Taxation needs to rise in the UK up to the levels of some Scandinavian countries.
We also need to re-asses taxation so the rich start paying their fair share. The present maximum level of 40% for the highest earners is a disgrace, particularly as they have all manner of ways of hiding what they earn so many end up paying less than their office cleaners.
The Beatles had to pay over 90%, back in the sixties. It is time those levels were reintroduced.
“There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days you will need a hand. There are other days when you’re called to lend a hand.”

This part of the Presidents speech captured beautifully a moral and ethical basis for Americas future. I am not sure I have heard a better articulation of Socialism ever. It was a beautiful and electrifying moment.

Being poor and needy is not a crime and nor is it a sin. It should not be punishable.
except for the fact that "lend a hand" is defined as gimme your money.
It isnt necessarily the case. At its core the NHS is a giant insurance scheme. The only difference between that and the US system is that its a lot more cost effective and we are all covered from cradle to grave.

and that's why a bottle of Jameson's cost more in the UK than it does in the US
That is why we in the UK we pay a fraction for drugs manufactured in the US than your own citizens do.

And also why you have a 20% VAT and high income taxes.

And you idiots think your health care is free
Nobody thinks the NHS is free. Or all the other aspects of the Welfare State.
When you start work in the UK you are required to pay a National Insurance Contribution or "Stamp" as it's more commonly known. The amount is based on your income.

Taxation needs to rise in the UK up to the levels of some Scandinavian countries.
We also need to re-asses taxation so the rich start paying their fair share. The present maximum level of 40% for the highest earners is a disgrace, particularly as they have all manner of ways of hiding what they earn so many end up paying less than their office cleaners.
The Beatles had to pay over 90%, back in the sixties. It is time those levels were reintroduced.

What has to happen to a person that they think the government taking 90% of even a part of a person's income is acceptable?
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“There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days you will need a hand. There are other days when you’re called to lend a hand.”

This part of the Presidents speech captured beautifully a moral and ethical basis for Americas future. I am not sure I have heard a better articulation of Socialism ever. It was a beautiful and electrifying moment.

Being poor and needy is not a crime and nor is it a sin. It should not be punishable.
That has nothing to do with socialism. Nothing more than some generic speech garbage.
Well he has to live up to that ideal but as a general principle it is pure socialism.

Socialism in the UK is predicated on the fact that we can all fall on hard times. So we chip in when we are doing well and get help when we are struggling. Its an act of faith.

Too often people on the right stigmatise the poor as moochers or scroungers without considering that it can happen to all of us.
So how long do the the hard workers have to subsidize the lifestyle of the moochers and scroungers? a month?6 Months? a Year? maybe 2?
And yet, there is still no Jubilee for student debtors, whose only crime was trying to be more productive members of society, but are to be punished in perpetuity nonetheless.

Why should I pay for their narcissistic naivete?
“There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days you will need a hand. There are other days when you’re called to lend a hand.”

This part of the Presidents speech captured beautifully a moral and ethical basis for Americas future. I am not sure I have heard a better articulation of Socialism ever. It was a beautiful and electrifying moment.

Being poor and needy is not a crime and nor is it a sin. It should not be punishable.
That has nothing to do with socialism. Nothing more than some generic speech garbage.
Well he has to live up to that ideal but as a general principle it is pure socialism.

Socialism in the UK is predicated on the fact that we can all fall on hard times. So we chip in when we are doing well and get help when we are struggling. Its an act of faith.

Too often people on the right stigmatise the poor as moochers or scroungers without considering that it can happen to all of us.
So how long do the the hard workers have to subsidize the lifestyle of the moochers and scroungers? a month?6 Months? a Year? maybe 2?
You focus on a small group of people and would punish everyone for their actions. You have been programmed by your right wing media to see these folk as a problem. People starving is a problem.People without a roof over their heads is a problem.
“There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days you will need a hand. There are other days when you’re called to lend a hand.”

This part of the Presidents speech captured beautifully a moral and ethical basis for Americas future. I am not sure I have heard a better articulation of Socialism ever. It was a beautiful and electrifying moment.

Being poor and needy is not a crime and nor is it a sin. It should not be punishable.
Being a mooch, having a bunch of kids that you can't care for insisting that taxpayers support you and them is a sin----

But it's not a sin to expect the Federal Reserve to continue to prop up stocks?
Did I say that PKNOPP...did I mention anything about the federal reserve? ANYTHING? as you sit here trying to redirect with nonsense.

I said having a bunch of kids that you can' t support expecting taxpayers to support them is a sin--immoral---and evil if you want to know the truth.

We need massive welfare reform--welfare is destroying our country. It encourages the worst among us to have the most kids that don't turn out as well as children of tax contributors--and it encourages illegals to flood our borders who cause all sorts of damage.

Then you have the whole issue of the planet and overpopulation.
“There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days you will need a hand. There are other days when you’re called to lend a hand.”

This part of the Presidents speech captured beautifully a moral and ethical basis for Americas future. I am not sure I have heard a better articulation of Socialism ever. It was a beautiful and electrifying moment.

Being poor and needy is not a crime and nor is it a sin. It should not be punishable.

It is really quite the stupid statement because it isn't "Fate" that controls our destiny but the decisions we make. Good grief, what is this, like ancient times when ignorant, superstitious people still believed in capricious gods?

It isn't "fate" that makes people thumb their nose at society, apply no effort towards developing a skill, refuse any education offered to them and decide to be a warden of the state. It's their own damn fault. In some cases, it is mental illness, which should be dealt with but isn't because of leftist policies, but taking from the productive in order to support those who don't even WANT to be productive only rewards bad behavior.
On one of our radio shows a few years back there was a caller describing how she made ensds meet because she was a single mother with 5 kids and she was having a tough time. The resident conservative stated that she should not have had 5 kids if she couldnt support them.
This womans husband had died from cancer a year or two previously.

Socialism recognises this, conservatism would rather focus on a few folk who are playing the system.
“There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days you will need a hand. There are other days when you’re called to lend a hand.”

This part of the Presidents speech captured beautifully a moral and ethical basis for Americas future. I am not sure I have heard a better articulation of Socialism ever. It was a beautiful and electrifying moment.

Being poor and needy is not a crime and nor is it a sin. It should not be punishable.
That has nothing to do with socialism. Nothing more than some generic speech garbage.
Well he has to live up to that ideal but as a general principle it is pure socialism.

Socialism in the UK is predicated on the fact that we can all fall on hard times. So we chip in when we are doing well and get help when we are struggling. Its an act of faith.

Too often people on the right stigmatise the poor as moochers or scroungers without considering that it can happen to all of us.
So how long do the the hard workers have to subsidize the lifestyle of the moochers and scroungers? a month?6 Months? a Year? maybe 2?
You focus on a small group of people and would punish everyone for their actions. You have been programmed by your right wing media to see these folk as a problem. People starving is a problem.People without a roof over their heads is a problem.

no one is starving in the US
“There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days you will need a hand. There are other days when you’re called to lend a hand.”

This part of the Presidents speech captured beautifully a moral and ethical basis for Americas future. I am not sure I have heard a better articulation of Socialism ever. It was a beautiful and electrifying moment.

Being poor and needy is not a crime and nor is it a sin. It should not be punishable.
Being a mooch, having a bunch of kids that you can't care for insisting that taxpayers support you and them is a sin----

But it's not a sin to expect the Federal Reserve to continue to prop up stocks?
Did I say that PKNOPP...did I mention anything about the federal reserve? ANYTHING? as you sit here trying to redirect with nonsense.

I said having a bunch of kids that you can' t support expecting taxpayers to support them is a sin--immoral---and evil if you want to know the truth.

We need massive welfare reform--welfare is destroying our country. It encourages the worst among us to have the most kids that don't turn out as well as children of tax contributors--and it encourages illegals to flood our borders who cause all sorts of damage.

Then you have the whole issue of the planet and overpopulation.

Right, you are a hypocrite. What the Federal Reserve is doing for the markets is every bit as much welfare.
“There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days you will need a hand. There are other days when you’re called to lend a hand.”

This part of the Presidents speech captured beautifully a moral and ethical basis for Americas future. I am not sure I have heard a better articulation of Socialism ever. It was a beautiful and electrifying moment.

Being poor and needy is not a crime and nor is it a sin. It should not be punishable.

It is really quite the stupid statement because it isn't "Fate" that controls our destiny but the decisions we make. Good grief, what is this, like ancient times when ignorant, superstitious people still believed in capricious gods?

It isn't "fate" that makes people thumb their nose at society, apply no effort towards developing a skill, refuse any education offered to them and decide to be a warden of the state. It's their own damn fault. In some cases, it is mental illness, which should be dealt with but isn't because of leftist policies, but taking from the productive in order to support those who don't even WANT to be productive only rewards bad behavior.
On one of our radio shows a few years back there was a caller describing how she made ensds meet because she was a single mother with 5 kids and she was having a tough time. The resident conservative stated that she should not have had 5 kids if she couldnt support them.
This womans husband had died from cancer a year or two previously.

Socialism recognises this, conservatism would rather focus on a few folk who are playing the system.
He should have had life insurance.

It is irresponsible not to have life insurance if you have children
“There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days you will need a hand. There are other days when you’re called to lend a hand.”

This part of the Presidents speech captured beautifully a moral and ethical basis for Americas future. I am not sure I have heard a better articulation of Socialism ever. It was a beautiful and electrifying moment.

Being poor and needy is not a crime and nor is it a sin. It should not be punishable.

It is really quite the stupid statement because it isn't "Fate" that controls our destiny but the decisions we make. Good grief, what is this, like ancient times when ignorant, superstitious people still believed in capricious gods?

It isn't "fate" that makes people thumb their nose at society, apply no effort towards developing a skill, refuse any education offered to them and decide to be a warden of the state. It's their own damn fault. In some cases, it is mental illness, which should be dealt with but isn't because of leftist policies, but taking from the productive in order to support those who don't even WANT to be productive only rewards bad behavior.
On one of our radio shows a few years back there was a caller describing how she made ensds meet because she was a single mother with 5 kids and she was having a tough time. The resident conservative stated that she should not have had 5 kids if she couldnt support them.
This womans husband had died from cancer a year or two previously.

Socialism recognises this, conservatism would rather focus on a few folk who are playing the system.
He should have had life insurance.

It is irresponsible not to have life insurance if you have children
Who said he didnt ?
“There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days you will need a hand. There are other days when you’re called to lend a hand.”

This part of the Presidents speech captured beautifully a moral and ethical basis for Americas future. I am not sure I have heard a better articulation of Socialism ever. It was a beautiful and electrifying moment.

Being poor and needy is not a crime and nor is it a sin. It should not be punishable.

It is really quite the stupid statement because it isn't "Fate" that controls our destiny but the decisions we make. Good grief, what is this, like ancient times when ignorant, superstitious people still believed in capricious gods?

It isn't "fate" that makes people thumb their nose at society, apply no effort towards developing a skill, refuse any education offered to them and decide to be a warden of the state. It's their own damn fault. In some cases, it is mental illness, which should be dealt with but isn't because of leftist policies, but taking from the productive in order to support those who don't even WANT to be productive only rewards bad behavior.
On one of our radio shows a few years back there was a caller describing how she made ensds meet because she was a single mother with 5 kids and she was having a tough time. The resident conservative stated that she should not have had 5 kids if she couldnt support them.
This womans husband had died from cancer a year or two previously.

Socialism recognises this, conservatism would rather focus on a few folk who are playing the system.
He should have had life insurance.

It is irresponsible not to have life insurance if you have children
Who said he didnt ?
if he had the proper amount his family wouldn't be destitute
“There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days you will need a hand. There are other days when you’re called to lend a hand.”

This part of the Presidents speech captured beautifully a moral and ethical basis for Americas future. I am not sure I have heard a better articulation of Socialism ever. It was a beautiful and electrifying moment.

Being poor and needy is not a crime and nor is it a sin. It should not be punishable.

It is really quite the stupid statement because it isn't "Fate" that controls our destiny but the decisions we make. Good grief, what is this, like ancient times when ignorant, superstitious people still believed in capricious gods?

It isn't "fate" that makes people thumb their nose at society, apply no effort towards developing a skill, refuse any education offered to them and decide to be a warden of the state. It's their own damn fault. In some cases, it is mental illness, which should be dealt with but isn't because of leftist policies, but taking from the productive in order to support those who don't even WANT to be productive only rewards bad behavior.
On one of our radio shows a few years back there was a caller describing how she made ensds meet because she was a single mother with 5 kids and she was having a tough time. The resident conservative stated that she should not have had 5 kids if she couldnt support them.
This womans husband had died from cancer a year or two previously.

Socialism recognises this, conservatism would rather focus on a few folk who are playing the system.
And we all know that is a RARE case---that most of the ignorant welfare hos having 6,7,8, 9 are hos with mutliple sperm donors having more and more kids because they get government checks for them--why I am paying for a druggie in the projects or in a trailer park to have a bunch of kids that she can not take care of financially or any other way--whose kids are almost certainly also to be a drain on society and a waste of space?

I have no problem helping out the mother of 5 kids whose husband suddenly dies, Her family should be the ones help her though which makes me wonder if the story is accurate....

I have a lot of problem helping out the druggy working at McD's part time haveing 8 kids and expecting we taxpayers to take care of them as they grow up to be a drain on welfare or the criminal system when they get older. There are now many people who have done nothing but live on welfare and the thug life for generations---------
“There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days you will need a hand. There are other days when you’re called to lend a hand.”

This part of the Presidents speech captured beautifully a moral and ethical basis for Americas future. I am not sure I have heard a better articulation of Socialism ever. It was a beautiful and electrifying moment.

Being poor and needy is not a crime and nor is it a sin. It should not be punishable.
That has nothing to do with socialism. Nothing more than some generic speech garbage.
Well he has to live up to that ideal but as a general principle it is pure socialism.

Socialism in the UK is predicated on the fact that we can all fall on hard times. So we chip in when we are doing well and get help when we are struggling. Its an act of faith.

Too often people on the right stigmatise the poor as moochers or scroungers without considering that it can happen to all of us.
Are you retarded. Socialism is government takeover of private industry. Government sponsored welfare programs isn't socialism.
English speakers don't know what socialism is. In France Italy Spain Germany Scandinavia etc etc They have had socialist and communist parties at the same time and they know the difference. Democracy. Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net. The United States is the only modern country without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. The GOP is a lying swam... 30 + years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever in our history. Great job change the channel..
“There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days you will need a hand. There are other days when you’re called to lend a hand.”

This part of the Presidents speech captured beautifully a moral and ethical basis for Americas future. I am not sure I have heard a better articulation of Socialism ever. It was a beautiful and electrifying moment.

Being poor and needy is not a crime and nor is it a sin. It should not be punishable.
That has nothing to do with socialism. Nothing more than some generic speech garbage.
Well he has to live up to that ideal but as a general principle it is pure socialism.

Socialism in the UK is predicated on the fact that we can all fall on hard times. So we chip in when we are doing well and get help when we are struggling. Its an act of faith.

Too often people on the right stigmatise the poor as moochers or scroungers without considering that it can happen to all of us.
Are you retarded. Socialism is government takeover of private industry. Government sponsored welfare programs isn't socialism.
English speakers don't know what socialism is. In France Italy Spain Germany Scandinavia etc etc They have had socialist and communist parties at the same time and they know the difference. Democracy. Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net. The United States is the only modern country without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. The GOP is a lying swam... 30 + years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever in our history. Great job change the channel..
Stop with lies comrade. Socialism is Cuba, Venezuela. The government takeover, confiscation of private companies, property, entire industries.
“There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days you will need a hand. There are other days when you’re called to lend a hand.”

This part of the Presidents speech captured beautifully a moral and ethical basis for Americas future. I am not sure I have heard a better articulation of Socialism ever. It was a beautiful and electrifying moment.

Being poor and needy is not a crime and nor is it a sin. It should not be punishable.
That has nothing to do with socialism. Nothing more than some generic speech garbage.
Well he has to live up to that ideal but as a general principle it is pure socialism.

Socialism in the UK is predicated on the fact that we can all fall on hard times. So we chip in when we are doing well and get help when we are struggling. Its an act of faith.

Too often people on the right stigmatise the poor as moochers or scroungers without considering that it can happen to all of us.
Are you retarded. Socialism is government takeover of private industry. Government sponsored welfare programs isn't socialism.
English speakers don't know what socialism is. In France Italy Spain Germany Scandinavia etc etc They have had socialist and communist parties at the same time and they know the difference. Democracy. Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net. The United States is the only modern country without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. The GOP is a lying swam... 30 + years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever in our history. Great job change the channel..
Stop with lies comrade. Socialism is Cuba, Venezuela. The government takeover, confiscation of private companies, property, entire industries.
That's communism everywhere in the world but English speaking supercapitalist UK and USA. The UK got lucky after world war II and got socialism-They just don't know it like in Australia New Zealand Canada......
“There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days you will need a hand. There are other days when you’re called to lend a hand.”

This part of the Presidents speech captured beautifully a moral and ethical basis for Americas future. I am not sure I have heard a better articulation of Socialism ever. It was a beautiful and electrifying moment.

Being poor and needy is not a crime and nor is it a sin. It should not be punishable.
That has nothing to do with socialism. Nothing more than some generic speech garbage.
Well he has to live up to that ideal but as a general principle it is pure socialism.

Socialism in the UK is predicated on the fact that we can all fall on hard times. So we chip in when we are doing well and get help when we are struggling. Its an act of faith.

Too often people on the right stigmatise the poor as moochers or scroungers without considering that it can happen to all of us.
Are you retarded. Socialism is government takeover of private industry. Government sponsored welfare programs isn't socialism.
English speakers don't know what socialism is. In France Italy Spain Germany Scandinavia etc etc They have had socialist and communist parties at the same time and they know the difference. Democracy. Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net. The United States is the only modern country without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. The GOP is a lying swam... 30 + years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever in our history. Great job change the channel..
Stop with lies comrade. Socialism is Cuba, Venezuela. The government takeover, confiscation of private companies, property, entire industries.
That's communism everywhere in the world but English speaking supercapitalist UK and USA. The UK got lucky after world war II and got socialism-They just don't know it like in Australia New Zealand Canada......
The vast majority of the world is capitalistic with multiple political parties. Stop with the lies.
“There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days you will need a hand. There are other days when you’re called to lend a hand.”

This part of the Presidents speech captured beautifully a moral and ethical basis for Americas future. I am not sure I have heard a better articulation of Socialism ever. It was a beautiful and electrifying moment.

Being poor and needy is not a crime and nor is it a sin. It should not be punishable.
That has nothing to do with socialism. Nothing more than some generic speech garbage.
Well he has to live up to that ideal but as a general principle it is pure socialism.

Socialism in the UK is predicated on the fact that we can all fall on hard times. So we chip in when we are doing well and get help when we are struggling. Its an act of faith.

Too often people on the right stigmatise the poor as moochers or scroungers without considering that it can happen to all of us.
Are you retarded. Socialism is government takeover of private industry. Government sponsored welfare programs isn't socialism.
English speakers don't know what socialism is. In France Italy Spain Germany Scandinavia etc etc They have had socialist and communist parties at the same time and they know the difference. Democracy. Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net. The United States is the only modern country without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. The GOP is a lying swam... 30 + years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever in our history. Great job change the channel..
Stop with lies comrade. Socialism is Cuba, Venezuela. The government takeover, confiscation of private companies, property, entire industries.
That's communism everywhere in the world but English speaking supercapitalist UK and USA. The UK got lucky after world war II and got socialism-They just don't know it like in Australia New Zealand Canada......
The vast majority of the world is capitalistic with multiple political parties. Stop with the lies.
I got as far as the first obvious lie about No English speakers understanding socialism and just stopped reading.

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