American suffering, Bill Kristol shrugs on Mornin' Joe, "Eh!"

The fact that left wingers need to portray Americans as suffering from a government shutdown indicates that left wingers are concerned that government shutdown ain't no big deal.
Sam Stein pointed out the people who are being hurt by a government shutdown. Head Start offices closed. Nutritional programs shut down. People who look to National Park Tourism to make a living.

Bill Kristol shrugs says so what. Go to a church.

Then Joe Scarborough says that Obama and Reid are "loving it". When Americans suffer? They're "loving it"?

Remember, it's Democrats who push:

school lunches
jobs for veterans
Health care for veterans
supplementary nutrition
healthcare for first responders
and a whole list of other things that help millions of Americans

All things Republicans working desperately to "block".

So Obama and Reid would love American suffering?

If you said that about Republicans, you would get lots of "we know" or like Bill Kristol, a shrug and a so what or why should we spend OUR money on THEM?

But Democrats? Sorry, it's not who they are.

Unlike your fake let them die quote, I have a name.

Harry Reid - "Why would we want to do that?"

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The fact that left wingers need to portray Americans as suffering from a government shutdown indicates that left wingers are concerned that government shutdown ain't no big deal.

That doesn't make sense.
Sam Stein pointed out the people who are being hurt by a government shutdown. Head Start offices closed. Nutritional programs shut down. People who look to National Park Tourism to make a living.

Bill Kristol shrugs says so what. Go to a church.

Then Joe Scarborough says that Obama and Reid are "loving it". When Americans suffer? They're "loving it"?

Remember, it's Democrats who push:

school lunches
jobs for veterans
Health care for veterans
supplementary nutrition
healthcare for first responders
and a whole list of other things that help millions of Americans

All things Republicans working desperately to "block".

So Obama and Reid would love American suffering?

If you said that about Republicans, you would get lots of "we know" or like Bill Kristol, a shrug and a so what or why should we spend OUR money on THEM?

But Democrats? Sorry, it's not who they are.

Bill Kristol got his clock cleaned by Jon Stewart a couple of years ago. Absolutely embarrassed him to death on air, and Kristol deserved it. In fact, I think Stewart's foot print is still on Kristol's skanky ass:

Arch Conservative Bill Kristol admits that the Government Health Care given to our Veterans is first class, the best available.

And he's right. Government administers a world class health care system for our veterans.

Take Medicare, whose administrative costs are far less than the private system which supports a bloated profit parasite between doctor and patient. BlueCross, Aetna & Cigna each employ an army of analysts whose sole job is to decrease coverage and increase premiums. BlueCross is run not for patients but investors, who make more money when people who actually need health care are denied. [Reagan promised the opposite. He said that people being rewarded with higher profits will always offer better services and competitive pricing. But this turned out to be simplistic garbage because there are a multitude of ways large corporations can secure higher profits, some of which are terrible harmful to consumers and the nation. For instance, corporations can capture regulatory agencies and load any given sector with terrible incentives which reward corrupt behavior, lies, over-charging and bad service. Don't try to explain this to "Talk Radio Republicans" because they know nothing about markets and incentives, and the way markets have been utterly corrupted by the Lobbying Industrial Complex. Read Captive Audience for a great study of how the internet/cable TV companies have divided the country into fixed no compete zones. This enables them to raise rates and offer terrible service without fear of being disciplined by market competition. Their Republican allies in congress, whom they fund generously along with Talk Radio, gave them virtual monopolies during the Bush era. Now they can fleece hard working American families. It gets worse: when the Dems tried to break up their monopoly, the Right screamed "socialism". And now they're fully ensconced in Washington as another Government protected monopoly. Welcome to health care.]

Turn off talk radio and compare the administrative costs of Medicare versus the private sector insurance market. You will understand why the private health care monopolies fear government administered insurance. You will understand why arch Conservative Bill Kristol slipped and gave major props to government administered health care. Government doesn't have to grease owners and investors with "monopoly profits".

Big Pharma has spent decades buying congress. They own 100% of the the Republican Party and 45% of the dems. Many of their lobbyists worked on Capital Hill. And many more are promised lucrative lobbying careers when the leave the Hill. Do you really think the monopolists running our current health care system are going to walk away from world's highest drugs costs and the world's highest insurance costs. It took decades to bribe congress so effectively that they can raise premiums by 5% a year while decreasing coverage. The oil companies got Reagan to kill alternative energy and destroy the electric car movement. Health care is the same thing. Thank god for Medicare and Medicade. If not for these programs, we'd be in the 3rd world where the old and poor die openly in the streets. Give Republicans time because that is where we are going . . . (trust me)
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Sam Stein pointed out the people who are being hurt by a government shutdown. Head Start offices closed. Nutritional programs shut down. People who look to National Park Tourism to make a living.

Bill Kristol shrugs says so what. Go to a church.

Then Joe Scarborough says that Obama and Reid are "loving it". When Americans suffer? They're "loving it"?

Remember, it's Democrats who push:

school lunches
jobs for veterans
Health care for veterans
supplementary nutrition
healthcare for first responders
and a whole list of other things that help millions of Americans

All things Republicans working desperately to "block".

So Obama and Reid would love American suffering?

If you said that about Republicans, you would get lots of "we know" or like Bill Kristol, a shrug and a so what or why should we spend OUR money on THEM?

But Democrats? Sorry, it's not who they are.

Unlike your fake let them die quote, I have a name.

Harry Reid - "Why would we want to do that?"

[ame=""]Crowd Yells Let Him Die[/ame]

Anonymous Democrat at a debate v the Senate Majority leader wanting to let kids with cancer die.
Government Shutdown: 9 Million Moms And Babies At Risk As WIC Program Halts - Forbes

On Tuesday, the government stopped funding the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, known as WIC.

So far the situation is most dire in Arkansas and Utah, according to Rev. Douglas Greenaway, who heads up nonprofit advocacy group the National WIC Association. Utah’s WIC program, which already serves 65,000 moms and babies, has now stopped accepting new participants.

“There are health consequences when mothers cannot provide food and nutrition for their kids,” said Rev. Greenaway. “There’ll be no infant formula and no breastfeeding support. If the baby doesn’t latch, that’s it.”

WIC support for moms, babies threatened during shutdown - CBS News

Nearly 9 million mothers and children receive benefits under the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). The federal program gives grants to states for supplemental food, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant women, new mothers, and to infants and children up to age five who are nutritionally at risk. The program serves 53 percent of all infants born in the U.S.


Typical. Fucking Republicans threatening food for babies and children and making jokes about it. There's no bottom to how low they go.

And yet the fat, lazy, worthless bastard parasite known as RDean will do NOTHING to help even one mom and/or baby.

He's too busy on USMB exposing his ignorance.... :bang3:

And now you're screaming? You should be happy. Isn't this what you believe in?

That's exactly right. The American people don't deserve shit.

That's exactly right stupid - nobody "deserves" anything. You have to EARN it. Our men and women in uniform EARN their healthcare. You expect to sit on your fat ass and get it for free.
Dems claim to care, but wouldn't lift one finger for a kid with cancer. How pathetic is that?

They only "care" when they can demand that someone else pay for it. When it's their money, they will smother a baby with cancer to make sure it dies faster so they don't have to pay to save the baby.
Sam Stein pointed out the people who are being hurt by a government shutdown. Head Start offices closed. Nutritional programs shut down. People who look to National Park Tourism to make a living.

Bill Kristol shrugs says so what. Go to a church.

Then Joe Scarborough says that Obama and Reid are "loving it". When Americans suffer? They're "loving it"?

Remember, it's Democrats who push:

school lunches
jobs for veterans
Health care for veterans
supplementary nutrition
healthcare for first responders
and a whole list of other things that help millions of Americans

All things Republicans working desperately to "block".

So Obama and Reid would love American suffering?

If you said that about Republicans, you would get lots of "we know" or like Bill Kristol, a shrug and a so what or why should we spend OUR money on THEM?

But Democrats? Sorry, it's not who they are.

I have an idea. Lets drop the childish spin and present the3 facts in the correct context. That way we may be able to get things done in congress. are YOUR facts without the spin.....

Democrats push things like...

school lunches
jobs for veterans
Health care for veterans
supplementary nutrition
healthcare for first responders
and a whole list of other things that help millions of Americans

Whereas Republicans would ALSO love to be able to offer such entitlements, they hold the position that it is not up to government to force on the people the need to take care of their neighbor. It is up to the people to do what many philanthropies, charities, and religious organizations have been doing for decades.

Whereas Republicans would prefer to see all Americans have all their needs met, they hold the position that Government intervening and taking money out of the hands of the successful will create a strain on the economy and hamper the ultimate goal....success for those that truly want it...and a modest yet comfortable lifestyle for those that want to earn it.

Now....can the democrats achieve what they want without killing the American dream? I don't know. I personally don't think so.

Can the Republicans achieve what they want and believe in? I think yes as I am an example of it (in my eyes)....but I don't know if it would work for all.

Lets get some work done.
I have 100% socialized medicine..from the Veteran's administration.

Its pretty wonderful.

What a shame Obama didn't have the balls (or maybe the votes) to fully socialize medicine for the rest of the nation.

The American people DESERVE it.

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