American suicide is voting for democrats and republicrats, err... I mean republicans.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Elephants and asses are destroying the masses. At one time, I reluctantly held my nose at the stench of voting for a retardican over a demonazi a few times. I've mostly voted my Libertarian party line. Between the democrat party and republican party, I literally have to flip a coin as to which one I hate more.

The only way I can vote republican is if Rand Paul is the nominee. If Ted Cruz is the nominee, I'm not sure if I'd vote for him or not.

I'm just wondering when people are going to finally have enough of these two parties constantly fucking over America in favor of the corporate elite, big government, and their own interests and wallets. Neither party gives a fuck about the middle class, although I have to give the democrats a lot of credit, they're much better about lying how they're for the middle class than the retardicans are.

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