American Unions

Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.

You were saying ?

Workers union director says shutdown lawsuit will prove Trump administration not 'above the law'
Tidy. Its a crazy way of running the country. Trump should be strung up over this.

Tommy, are you calling for the public hanging of the President of the United States of America just because of the shutdown?
That would be extreme. But he should be held to account for this situation. You cant hold the innocent to ransom because you cant get your own way.

So what is your point, that the President of the United States should give in to a bunch of Socialists just to make sure government workers are getting paid?
Tidy. Its a crazy way of running the country. Trump should be strung up over this.

Tommy, are you calling for the public hanging of the President of the United States of America just because of the shutdown?
That would be extreme. But he should be held to account for this situation. You cant hold the innocent to ransom because you cant get your own way.

Do you feel the same way about diners who were held for ransom a couple of years ago with McDonalds and Burger King had strikes? Or when there were strikes at various retail establishments, transportation facilities, etc?
I dont think that analogy works. the diners had options.
Strikes happen when there is a total breakdown in relations. Nobody is on strike here. Just people being used as pawns by trump.

And not being used as pawns by Piglosi and Shoemaker?
Its trumps shutdown. He has no mandate for this.
Its no reason to accept it. We should all look to improve our situation.
------------------------------------------------------- i have no problem with 'unions' in Private Business but the Gov should not be 'union' and thats pretty common thinking among Americans . But most large companies follow 'union' guidelines in matters of work rules and pay and most Americans that i know are fine with that 30 - 40 year old situation Tommy . [that i am aware of Tommy
If you expect that from the workers then surely they have a right to certain things from the government. Like getting paid. It just seems pretty basic.
----------------------------------------------- see that , thats the American thing . Government and government workers from top to bottom are Public SERVANTS as they work for American taxpayers like ME that pay their wages Tommy .
Only sometimes it would seem. How do they pay rent or feed their kids ?

1. You should have a savings for times like this.

2. You should never live beyond what you could survive on if out of a job for a year.

3. Take a temp job until the the shutdown is over by going through temp services.

Most people have credit today, and you can live on a credit card or home equity loan for several months if need be. I don't have a government job, but I am a landlord. You learn to create a rainy day fund just in case of an emergency. If you are living your entire life paycheck to paycheck, you have too many things you cannot afford.

I know people who have filed for disability, and some wait anywhere from six months to three years before they see one check. In most cases, they are refused the first time and have to start the process all over again. Nobody ever asks how they can make rent or house payments the next month. Same holds true of Workman's Compensation. I've known people who absolutely could not work, and they too had to wait six months before the case was settled and they seen any money coming in.

Democrats have always used people to get their way politically. The left could care less if half the workers dropped dead. They are only using their plight to draw sympathy so Trump doesn't get the money he wants for the wall.
American unions should be celebrating and patting the President on the back. The GDP never hit above 3% in a yearly average during the 8 stagnant Obama years and it hit 4.1% in the first year of the Trump administration. Obama told America that factory jobs were gone forever and weren't coming back but unemployment is at a fifty year low under the Trump administration. The DOW fluctuates because Wall Street is afraid of the democrat majority in congress but it still hovers around 24,000. Unions love the Trump administration.
Tommy, are you calling for the public hanging of the President of the United States of America just because of the shutdown?
That would be extreme. But he should be held to account for this situation. You cant hold the innocent to ransom because you cant get your own way.

Do you feel the same way about diners who were held for ransom a couple of years ago with McDonalds and Burger King had strikes? Or when there were strikes at various retail establishments, transportation facilities, etc?
I dont think that analogy works. the diners had options.
Strikes happen when there is a total breakdown in relations. Nobody is on strike here. Just people being used as pawns by trump.

And not being used as pawns by Piglosi and Shoemaker?
Its trumps shutdown. He has no mandate for this.

Sure he does, it's called border security. It's what he ran on, its why he was elected, and it's what we want him to do.
That would be extreme. But he should be held to account for this situation. You cant hold the innocent to ransom because you cant get your own way.

Do you feel the same way about diners who were held for ransom a couple of years ago with McDonalds and Burger King had strikes? Or when there were strikes at various retail establishments, transportation facilities, etc?
I dont think that analogy works. the diners had options.
Strikes happen when there is a total breakdown in relations. Nobody is on strike here. Just people being used as pawns by trump.

And not being used as pawns by Piglosi and Shoemaker?
Its trumps shutdown. He has no mandate for this.

Sure he does, it's called border security. It's what he ran on, its why he was elected, and it's what we want him to do.
He promised a wall that Mexico was going to pay for. Its outrageous that he holds people to ransom because he lied throughout his campaign.
Do you feel the same way about diners who were held for ransom a couple of years ago with McDonalds and Burger King had strikes? Or when there were strikes at various retail establishments, transportation facilities, etc?
I dont think that analogy works. the diners had options.
Strikes happen when there is a total breakdown in relations. Nobody is on strike here. Just people being used as pawns by trump.

And not being used as pawns by Piglosi and Shoemaker?
Its trumps shutdown. He has no mandate for this.

Sure he does, it's called border security. It's what he ran on, its why he was elected, and it's what we want him to do.
He promised a wall that Mexico was going to pay for. Its outrageous that he holds people to ransom because he lied throughout his campaign.

We could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. This isn't about money. The Democrats have never been responsible with our money ever. This is about keeping the flow of illegals into our country. This is what Democrats want. They know quite well how effective a wall will be. It's something they can't remove if they ever gain total control of the federal government again. So they don't care about any government workers, all they care about is power.
I dont think that analogy works. the diners had options.
Strikes happen when there is a total breakdown in relations. Nobody is on strike here. Just people being used as pawns by trump.

And not being used as pawns by Piglosi and Shoemaker?
Its trumps shutdown. He has no mandate for this.

Sure he does, it's called border security. It's what he ran on, its why he was elected, and it's what we want him to do.
He promised a wall that Mexico was going to pay for. Its outrageous that he holds people to ransom because he lied throughout his campaign.

We could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. This isn't about money. The Democrats have never been responsible with our money ever. This is about keeping the flow of illegals into our country. This is what Democrats want. They know quite well how effective a wall will be. It's something they can't remove if they ever gain total control of the federal government again. So they don't care about any government workers, all they care about is power.
But he said Mexico would pay for it. Has he asked them to pay up ?
And not being used as pawns by Piglosi and Shoemaker?
Its trumps shutdown. He has no mandate for this.

Sure he does, it's called border security. It's what he ran on, its why he was elected, and it's what we want him to do.
He promised a wall that Mexico was going to pay for. Its outrageous that he holds people to ransom because he lied throughout his campaign.

We could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. This isn't about money. The Democrats have never been responsible with our money ever. This is about keeping the flow of illegals into our country. This is what Democrats want. They know quite well how effective a wall will be. It's something they can't remove if they ever gain total control of the federal government again. So they don't care about any government workers, all they care about is power.
But he said Mexico would pay for it. Has he asked them to pay up ?

DumBama said my health insurance would go down by $2,500 a year. He sure didn't send me a check for lying. He said I could keep my doctor, my insurance, my healthcare facility. He said he would never raise taxes on anybody making less than 250K a year, and that's the very first thing he did after invading the White House.

I don't care if Trump out and out lied about getting Mexico to pay for it. We didn't elect him to get money from Mexico, we elected him to get a border wall up. What Trump is asking for is what we taxpayers spend on Food Stamps for only one month, so it's not that much money considering our budget. In fact 5.6 billion dollars is less than 1% of our budget.
Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.
------------------------------ don't know for sure but theres not that many 'union members' Tommy .

There is a reason for that. Unions become so strong they believe they are in charge of the entire show. That's how they destroyed industry in the US. After a while they started to tell companies who they can hire, who they can fire, who they can promote, how much they will pay them, what kind of benefits they will get and so on.

Unions should not be part of our government unless we the people vote on them. With government unions, it's a money laundering operation. Unions demand money for their members, the members give a cut to the union, and the union gives a cut to the Democrat party. Money laundering.

If ewe were part of a union ewe would have health care. Go tell your boss that ewe demand health care Ray. Let us know how that works for ewe. Oh by the way does the owner of that company ewe work for have health care for him and his family? Those damn unions trying to make things better for their members and their families.
Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.
------------------------------ don't know for sure but theres not that many 'union members' Tommy .

There is a reason for that. Unions become so strong they believe they are in charge of the entire show. That's how they destroyed industry in the US. After a while they started to tell companies who they can hire, who they can fire, who they can promote, how much they will pay them, what kind of benefits they will get and so on.

Unions should not be part of our government unless we the people vote on them. With government unions, it's a money laundering operation. Unions demand money for their members, the members give a cut to the union, and the union gives a cut to the Democrat party. Money laundering.

If ewe were part of a union ewe would have health care. Go tell your boss that ewe demand health care Ray. Let us know how that works for ewe. Oh by the way does the owner of that company ewe work for have health care for him and his family? Those damn unions trying to make things better for their members and their families.

Full time government employees have health care regardless of whether they are in a union or not. BTW, only 7% of American workers are unionized, a lot more than that have medical insurance as part of their employment
Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.
------------------------------ don't know for sure but theres not that many 'union members' Tommy .

There is a reason for that. Unions become so strong they believe they are in charge of the entire show. That's how they destroyed industry in the US. After a while they started to tell companies who they can hire, who they can fire, who they can promote, how much they will pay them, what kind of benefits they will get and so on.

Unions should not be part of our government unless we the people vote on them. With government unions, it's a money laundering operation. Unions demand money for their members, the members give a cut to the union, and the union gives a cut to the Democrat party. Money laundering.

If ewe were part of a union ewe would have health care. Go tell your boss that ewe demand health care Ray. Let us know how that works for ewe. Oh by the way does the owner of that company ewe work for have health care for him and his family? Those damn unions trying to make things better for their members and their families.

WTF is with this 'ewe" stuff? My Lord what an annoying word.

Had we gone union ten years ago, I would have been out of a job five years ago. Union companies simply cannot compete with non-union companies. For the most part, union people are slow or lazy, they don't care about their quality of work, and you can't fire the SOB's.

Thanks to unions, I can think of at least a dozen customers we lost because of them throughout the years. The businesses either moved out of state or out of country to get the hell away from them. That's why many Americans don't support unions today.

Unions are pretty much a thing of the past, but back in the day when many were still around, I could go to a company I never knew or heard of before, and in under five minutes, I could tell you if they were a union shop or not just by the attitude of the shipping crew and how much time I spent there.

As a truck driver, I could write a book on union stories. In fact years ago my employer quit doing business with UAW plants. He just couldn't afford the time. What it took any other company 45 minutes to do, it took union people four hours to do. We were simply losing too much time and money with union plants.

Lordstown GM is closing, and I can't say how much I celebrated after the news came out. Talk about lazy worthless SOB's, they were at the Lordstown plant.
Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.
------------------------------ don't know for sure but theres not that many 'union members' Tommy .
It looks like that is the case. Just doesnt seem right that some civil servants are punished and others arent. People should not have to worry about the rent because trump is crazy.

If you decide to take a government job, this is the risk you take. It's not like this is the first shutdown we've ever seen. It happens all the time. If you take a job with the government, be prepared for things like a shutdown.

If they really want to open up the government again, tell Piglosi and Shoemaker to give Trump his 5 billion dollars for the wall. It's that simple.
Its no reason to accept it. We should all look to improve our situation.
------------------------------------------------------- i have no problem with 'unions' in Private Business but the Gov should not be 'union' and thats pretty common thinking among Americans . But most large companies follow 'union' guidelines in matters of work rules and pay and most Americans that i know are fine with that 30 - 40 year old situation Tommy . [that i am aware of Tommy

What’s wrong with gov unions ? Why should gov workers not be allowed to unionize ?
------------------------------ don't know for sure but theres not that many 'union members' Tommy .
It looks like that is the case. Just doesnt seem right that some civil servants are punished and others arent. People should not have to worry about the rent because trump is crazy.

If you decide to take a government job, this is the risk you take. It's not like this is the first shutdown we've ever seen. It happens all the time. If you take a job with the government, be prepared for things like a shutdown.

If they really want to open up the government again, tell Piglosi and Shoemaker to give Trump his 5 billion dollars for the wall. It's that simple.
Its no reason to accept it. We should all look to improve our situation.
------------------------------------------------------- i have no problem with 'unions' in Private Business but the Gov should not be 'union' and thats pretty common thinking among Americans . But most large companies follow 'union' guidelines in matters of work rules and pay and most Americans that i know are fine with that 30 - 40 year old situation Tommy . [that i am aware of Tommy

What’s wrong with gov unions ? Why should gov workers not be allowed to unionize ?

There is no opposition there. The goals of Big Labor and that of the Leftist politicians, which makes is a conspiracy or a collusion.

A lot different that a private business and Big Labor bosses who have opposing goals.
Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.
And eletist aholes like Trump care about workers? Boy have you been brainwashed! What in his entire business career has Donnie ever done for his employees beside screw them over? Judging by the way he treats his own cabinet members & aides we have a pretty good idea.

Open your eyes. The unions only give a shit about their own management and the political power their members provide to them. They don’t give a shit about workers. Also, the federal government civil servant is already the most pampered and protected worker in history all at the expense of the working class that isn’t.

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It looks like that is the case. Just doesnt seem right that some civil servants are punished and others arent. People should not have to worry about the rent because trump is crazy.

If you decide to take a government job, this is the risk you take. It's not like this is the first shutdown we've ever seen. It happens all the time. If you take a job with the government, be prepared for things like a shutdown.

If they really want to open up the government again, tell Piglosi and Shoemaker to give Trump his 5 billion dollars for the wall. It's that simple.
Its no reason to accept it. We should all look to improve our situation.
------------------------------------------------------- i have no problem with 'unions' in Private Business but the Gov should not be 'union' and thats pretty common thinking among Americans . But most large companies follow 'union' guidelines in matters of work rules and pay and most Americans that i know are fine with that 30 - 40 year old situation Tommy . [that i am aware of Tommy

What’s wrong with gov unions ? Why should gov workers not be allowed to unionize ?

There is no opposition there. The goals of Big Labor and that of the Leftist politicians, which makes is a conspiracy or a collusion.

A lot different that a private business and Big Labor bosses who have opposing goals.

What are you talking about. If anything our pols have more checks on what they do because they have to be elected every couple years .
------------------------------ don't know for sure but theres not that many 'union members' Tommy .
It looks like that is the case. Just doesnt seem right that some civil servants are punished and others arent. People should not have to worry about the rent because trump is crazy.

If you decide to take a government job, this is the risk you take. It's not like this is the first shutdown we've ever seen. It happens all the time. If you take a job with the government, be prepared for things like a shutdown.

If they really want to open up the government again, tell Piglosi and Shoemaker to give Trump his 5 billion dollars for the wall. It's that simple.
Its no reason to accept it. We should all look to improve our situation.
------------------------------------------------------- i have no problem with 'unions' in Private Business but the Gov should not be 'union' and thats pretty common thinking among Americans . But most large companies follow 'union' guidelines in matters of work rules and pay and most Americans that i know are fine with that 30 - 40 year old situation Tommy . [that i am aware of Tommy

What’s wrong with gov unions ? Why should gov workers not be allowed to unionize ?

As I stated, it's a money laundering scheme.

Unions collect dues from their members. The unions use those dues to support Democrat politicians come election time. Given the fact government employees earn their money through taxes, what really takes place is your taxes are taken to support the Democrat party.

Now the unions want more money from the taxpayer. They get in a room with some politician. They wink-wink and nod-nod and the workers now make more money which means more union dues which means more money donated to the Democrat party candidates.
Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.
------------------------------ don't know for sure but theres not that many 'union members' Tommy .
It looks like that is the case. Just doesnt seem right that some civil servants are punished and others arent. People should not have to worry about the rent because trump is crazy.

If you decide to take a government job, this is the risk you take. It's not like this is the first shutdown we've ever seen. It happens all the time. If you take a job with the government, be prepared for things like a shutdown.

If they really want to open up the government again, tell Piglosi and Shoemaker to give Trump his 5 billion dollars for the wall. It's that simple.
Wete they warned that Trump may shut down the government because he's crazier then a shithouse rat?
Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.
------------------------------ don't know for sure but theres not that many 'union members' Tommy .
It looks like that is the case. Just doesnt seem right that some civil servants are punished and others arent. People should not have to worry about the rent because trump is crazy.

If you decide to take a government job, this is the risk you take. It's not like this is the first shutdown we've ever seen. It happens all the time. If you take a job with the government, be prepared for things like a shutdown.

If they really want to open up the government again, tell Piglosi and Shoemaker to give Trump his 5 billion dollars for the wall. It's that simple.
Wete they warned that Trump may shut down the government because he's crazier then a shithouse rat?

President Trump has implemented a partial government shutdown because, not because he's "crazy", but because the nation's border security is in peril.
Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.
Actually it is the Democrats who have thrown government workers under the bus for illegal aliens

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