American Unions

Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.
------------------------------ don't know for sure but theres not that many 'union members' Tommy .

There is a reason for that. Unions become so strong they believe they are in charge of the entire show. That's how they destroyed industry in the US. After a while they started to tell companies who they can hire, who they can fire, who they can promote, how much they will pay them, what kind of benefits they will get and so on.

Unions should not be part of our government unless we the people vote on them. With government unions, it's a money laundering operation. Unions demand money for their members, the members give a cut to the union, and the union gives a cut to the Democrat party. Money laundering.

If ewe were part of a union ewe would have health care. Go tell your boss that ewe demand health care Ray. Let us know how that works for ewe. Oh by the way does the owner of that company ewe work for have health care for him and his family? Those damn unions trying to make things better for their members and their families.

WTF is with this 'ewe" stuff? My Lord what an annoying word.

Had we gone union ten years ago, I would have been out of a job five years ago. Union companies simply cannot compete with non-union companies. For the most part, union people are slow or lazy, they don't care about their quality of work, and you can't fire the SOB's.

Thanks to unions, I can think of at least a dozen customers we lost because of them throughout the years. The businesses either moved out of state or out of country to get the hell away from them. That's why many Americans don't support unions today.

Unions are pretty much a thing of the past, but back in the day when many were still around, I could go to a company I never knew or heard of before, and in under five minutes, I could tell you if they were a union shop or not just by the attitude of the shipping crew and how much time I spent there.

As a truck driver, I could write a book on union stories. In fact years ago my employer quit doing business with UAW plants. He just couldn't afford the time. What it took any other company 45 minutes to do, it took union people four hours to do. We were simply losing too much time and money with union plants.

Lordstown GM is closing, and I can't say how much I celebrated after the news came out. Talk about lazy worthless SOB's, they were at the Lordstown plant.

Ewe make me laugh, unions are less than 10% of the private workforce but 100% of the problem. How's that health insurance problem working out for ewe. I know many Teamsters and although they have had some tough recent times they are by and large far better off than the non union.

Lazy again ewe make me laugh, as far as the building trades we bring our projects in on time and under budget far more frequently than the non union.

I know Ray why should we have better pay, benefits and conditions then the rats? Silly huh.
But it was just fine when Barry did it?

You can’t compare the two .

Under Obama the Gop wanted to defund Obamacare even though it was law .

Trump basically wants to extort congress for somthing he can’t get passed in Congress . Even when the gop ran the show .

It's exactly the same. You will defend Barry no matter what we find out that he did.

It is not the same . As I clearly explained .

Friend you've never explained anything "clearly". EVERYTHING with you is partisan.

My explanation was factual.

LOL, you didn't "explain" anything.
What’s wrong with gov unions ? Why should gov workers not be allowed to unionize ?

As I stated, it's a money laundering scheme.

Unions collect dues from their members. The unions use those dues to support Democrat politicians come election time. Given the fact government employees earn their money through taxes, what really takes place is your taxes are taken to support the Democrat party.

Now the unions want more money from the taxpayer. They get in a room with some politician. They wink-wink and nod-nod and the workers now make more money which means more union dues which means more money donated to the Democrat party candidates.
I bet you were more then welcome at the loading dock after hours when the boss came a callin, Skippy.

Lazy people need Unions today.

Wages have declined along with union shops.
While big biz makes record profit.

Coninsidence ?

So you're saying that you need Unions to "designate" what you should make. You also think that wages are the only indicator of income.

I’m saying the power of unions is to ensure fair/better wages for the workers .
Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.

There are many more right to work states than not. The Unions have little if any power these days.
As I stated, it's a money laundering scheme.

Unions collect dues from their members. The unions use those dues to support Democrat politicians come election time. Given the fact government employees earn their money through taxes, what really takes place is your taxes are taken to support the Democrat party.

Now the unions want more money from the taxpayer. They get in a room with some politician. They wink-wink and nod-nod and the workers now make more money which means more union dues which means more money donated to the Democrat party candidates.
I bet you were more then welcome at the loading dock after hours when the boss came a callin, Skippy.

Lazy people need Unions today.

Wages have declined along with union shops.
While big biz makes record profit.

Coninsidence ?

So you're saying that you need Unions to "designate" what you should make. You also think that wages are the only indicator of income.

I’m saying the power of unions is to ensure fair/better wages for the workers .

It really doesn't "ensure" anything, except the wealth of the union bosses who collect the dues money, initiation fees, fines and payoff money. Although I will agree that this is the lure of unionism for the rank and file, the possibility of more money.

But with government unions, its a different story. Its a strike against elderly widows to force them to pay more taxes - and have to choose between buying their medicine or cat food . The elderly widows aren't industrialists like Henry Clay Frick who can take care of themselves against the union goons.
As I stated, it's a money laundering scheme.

Unions collect dues from their members. The unions use those dues to support Democrat politicians come election time. Given the fact government employees earn their money through taxes, what really takes place is your taxes are taken to support the Democrat party.

Now the unions want more money from the taxpayer. They get in a room with some politician. They wink-wink and nod-nod and the workers now make more money which means more union dues which means more money donated to the Democrat party candidates.
I bet you were more then welcome at the loading dock after hours when the boss came a callin, Skippy.

Lazy people need Unions today.

Wages have declined along with union shops.
While big biz makes record profit.

Coninsidence ?

So you're saying that you need Unions to "designate" what you should make. You also think that wages are the only indicator of income.

I’m saying the power of unions is to ensure fair/better wages for the workers .
Its not fucking complicated is it ? When did America give up on trying for a better life ?
I bet you were more then welcome at the loading dock after hours when the boss came a callin, Skippy.

Lazy people need Unions today.

Wages have declined along with union shops.
While big biz makes record profit.

Coninsidence ?

So you're saying that you need Unions to "designate" what you should make. You also think that wages are the only indicator of income.

I’m saying the power of unions is to ensure fair/better wages for the workers .
Its not fucking complicated is it ? When did America give up on trying for a better life ?

The difference between a real American and you is that we rely on ourselves to better ourselves. You rely on the Queen.
I bet you were more then welcome at the loading dock after hours when the boss came a callin, Skippy.

Lazy people need Unions today.

Wages have declined along with union shops.
While big biz makes record profit.

Coninsidence ?

So you're saying that you need Unions to "designate" what you should make. You also think that wages are the only indicator of income.

I’m saying the power of unions is to ensure fair/better wages for the workers .

It really doesn't "ensure" anything, except the wealth of the union bosses who collect the dues money, initiation fees, fines and payoff money. Although I will agree that this is the lure of unionism for the rank and file, the possibility of more money.

But with government unions, its a different story. Its a strike against elderly widows to force them to pay more taxes - and have to choose between buying their medicine or cat food . The elderly widows aren't industrialists like Henry Clay Frick who can take care of themselves against the union goons.

Union goons gave me my first chuckle of the day. : )
Lazy people need Unions today.

Wages have declined along with union shops.
While big biz makes record profit.

Coninsidence ?

So you're saying that you need Unions to "designate" what you should make. You also think that wages are the only indicator of income.

I’m saying the power of unions is to ensure fair/better wages for the workers .
Its not fucking complicated is it ? When did America give up on trying for a better life ?

The difference between a real American and you is that we rely on ourselves to better ourselves. You rely on the Queen.
Nope, it looks like you lap up the scraps from the rich mans plate whilst wagging your tail in gratitude. Get up off your knees and join a union.
Lazy people need Unions today.

Wages have declined along with union shops.
While big biz makes record profit.

Coninsidence ?

So you're saying that you need Unions to "designate" what you should make. You also think that wages are the only indicator of income.

I’m saying the power of unions is to ensure fair/better wages for the workers .

It really doesn't "ensure" anything, except the wealth of the union bosses who collect the dues money, initiation fees, fines and payoff money. Although I will agree that this is the lure of unionism for the rank and file, the possibility of more money.

But with government unions, its a different story. Its a strike against elderly widows to force them to pay more taxes - and have to choose between buying their medicine or cat food . The elderly widows aren't industrialists like Henry Clay Frick who can take care of themselves against the union goons.

Union goons gave me my first chuckle of the day. : )

"union goons" is just a colloquial term for Business Agents who are charged with breaking arms, terrorizing non-compliers with the union, collecting dues, intimidating employers, etc. An essential part of any labor organization.
Wages have declined along with union shops.
While big biz makes record profit.

Coninsidence ?

So you're saying that you need Unions to "designate" what you should make. You also think that wages are the only indicator of income.

I’m saying the power of unions is to ensure fair/better wages for the workers .
Its not fucking complicated is it ? When did America give up on trying for a better life ?

The difference between a real American and you is that we rely on ourselves to better ourselves. You rely on the Queen.
Nope, it looks like you lap up the scraps from the rich mans plate whilst wagging your tail in gratitude. Get up off your knees and join a union.

No need. I take care of myself. Go ask the Queen for a raise.
Wages have declined along with union shops.
While big biz makes record profit.

Coninsidence ?

So you're saying that you need Unions to "designate" what you should make. You also think that wages are the only indicator of income.

I’m saying the power of unions is to ensure fair/better wages for the workers .
Its not fucking complicated is it ? When did America give up on trying for a better life ?

The difference between a real American and you is that we rely on ourselves to better ourselves. You rely on the Queen.
Nope, it looks like you lap up the scraps from the rich mans plate whilst wagging your tail in gratitude. Get up off your knees and join a union.

If you talking about public employee unions, you are talking about going after elderly widows who pay the taxes. not the "rich man"
Wages have declined along with union shops.
While big biz makes record profit.

Coninsidence ?

So you're saying that you need Unions to "designate" what you should make. You also think that wages are the only indicator of income.

I’m saying the power of unions is to ensure fair/better wages for the workers .

It really doesn't "ensure" anything, except the wealth of the union bosses who collect the dues money, initiation fees, fines and payoff money. Although I will agree that this is the lure of unionism for the rank and file, the possibility of more money.

But with government unions, its a different story. Its a strike against elderly widows to force them to pay more taxes - and have to choose between buying their medicine or cat food . The elderly widows aren't industrialists like Henry Clay Frick who can take care of themselves against the union goons.

Union goons gave me my first chuckle of the day. : )

"union goons" is just a colloquial term for Business Agents who are charged with breaking arms, terrorizing non-compliers with the union, collecting dues, intimidating employers, etc. An essential part of any labor organization.

What ever happened to Jimmy Hoffa? His body was never found and he just disappeared. I think The Mob got Jimmy and buried his body in a ball park made of concrete and reinforced steel.
So you're saying that you need Unions to "designate" what you should make. You also think that wages are the only indicator of income.

I’m saying the power of unions is to ensure fair/better wages for the workers .

It really doesn't "ensure" anything, except the wealth of the union bosses who collect the dues money, initiation fees, fines and payoff money. Although I will agree that this is the lure of unionism for the rank and file, the possibility of more money.

But with government unions, its a different story. Its a strike against elderly widows to force them to pay more taxes - and have to choose between buying their medicine or cat food . The elderly widows aren't industrialists like Henry Clay Frick who can take care of themselves against the union goons.

Union goons gave me my first chuckle of the day. : )

"union goons" is just a colloquial term for Business Agents who are charged with breaking arms, terrorizing non-compliers with the union, collecting dues, intimidating employers, etc. An essential part of any labor organization.

What ever happened to Jimmy Hoffa? His body was never found and he just disappeared. I think The Mob got Jimmy and buried his body in a ball park made of concrete and reinforced steel.

Maybe. Mr. Hoffa could have just voluntarily disappeared as well. Get on the bad side of the La Cosa Nostra, if get the heads up on it, he could be anywhere.
I bet you were more then welcome at the loading dock after hours when the boss came a callin, Skippy.

Lazy people need Unions today.

Wages have declined along with union shops.
While big biz makes record profit.

Coninsidence ?

So you're saying that you need Unions to "designate" what you should make. You also think that wages are the only indicator of income.

I’m saying the power of unions is to ensure fair/better wages for the workers .
Its not fucking complicated is it ? When did America give up on trying for a better life ?

We didn't. But what we finally realized is that unions were sending our jobs overseas. Where America really gave up on is quality.

As more things because available to purchase, we needed to spread our money out thinner. The only way to do that was to purchase the cheapest products possible. It became a theme here in the states and stores responded. That's why Walmart is number one in America today.

The American consumer gave up on quality and exchanged it for low prices. We would no longer support union wages. When we buy products, we could care less where they are made, what goes on with labor of our manufacturers, or who we put out of work, just give me my products cheaper.

So non-union American companies (in order to compete) made cheap products as well. If a union took over, they could no longer do that and would have to move out of the state or country.
Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.
------------------------------ don't know for sure but theres not that many 'union members' Tommy .

There is a reason for that. Unions become so strong they believe they are in charge of the entire show. That's how they destroyed industry in the US. After a while they started to tell companies who they can hire, who they can fire, who they can promote, how much they will pay them, what kind of benefits they will get and so on.

Unions should not be part of our government unless we the people vote on them. With government unions, it's a money laundering operation. Unions demand money for their members, the members give a cut to the union, and the union gives a cut to the Democrat party. Money laundering.

If ewe were part of a union ewe would have health care. Go tell your boss that ewe demand health care Ray. Let us know how that works for ewe. Oh by the way does the owner of that company ewe work for have health care for him and his family? Those damn unions trying to make things better for their members and their families.

WTF is with this 'ewe" stuff? My Lord what an annoying word.

Had we gone union ten years ago, I would have been out of a job five years ago. Union companies simply cannot compete with non-union companies. For the most part, union people are slow or lazy, they don't care about their quality of work, and you can't fire the SOB's.

Thanks to unions, I can think of at least a dozen customers we lost because of them throughout the years. The businesses either moved out of state or out of country to get the hell away from them. That's why many Americans don't support unions today.

Unions are pretty much a thing of the past, but back in the day when many were still around, I could go to a company I never knew or heard of before, and in under five minutes, I could tell you if they were a union shop or not just by the attitude of the shipping crew and how much time I spent there.

As a truck driver, I could write a book on union stories. In fact years ago my employer quit doing business with UAW plants. He just couldn't afford the time. What it took any other company 45 minutes to do, it took union people four hours to do. We were simply losing too much time and money with union plants.

Lordstown GM is closing, and I can't say how much I celebrated after the news came out. Talk about lazy worthless SOB's, they were at the Lordstown plant.

Ewe make me laugh, unions are less than 10% of the private workforce but 100% of the problem. How's that health insurance problem working out for ewe. I know many Teamsters and although they have had some tough recent times they are by and large far better off than the non union.

Lazy again ewe make me laugh, as far as the building trades we bring our projects in on time and under budget far more frequently than the non union.

I know Ray why should we have better pay, benefits and conditions then the rats? Silly huh.

You can't move construction trade out of the country. If they could, you'd either be out of a job or working non-union yourself. You simply don't understand how the rest of the world works outside of your little circle.
Why is it that people like wealthy trust fund babies like Trump who never did an honest days work in their life bitch about unions?

You don't become a billionaire by doing nothing. It's suspected that he inherited several million dollars, but to turn those millions into billions takes a lot of time and work.

Donald Trump owned or operated over 500 businesses in his career including his entertainment sector. How many people have done that in their life?
Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.
------------------------------ don't know for sure but theres not that many 'union members' Tommy .

There is a reason for that. Unions become so strong they believe they are in charge of the entire show. That's how they destroyed industry in the US. After a while they started to tell companies who they can hire, who they can fire, who they can promote, how much they will pay them, what kind of benefits they will get and so on.

Unions should not be part of our government unless we the people vote on them. With government unions, it's a money laundering operation. Unions demand money for their members, the members give a cut to the union, and the union gives a cut to the Democrat party. Money laundering.

If ewe were part of a union ewe would have health care. Go tell your boss that ewe demand health care Ray. Let us know how that works for ewe. Oh by the way does the owner of that company ewe work for have health care for him and his family? Those damn unions trying to make things better for their members and their families.

WTF is with this 'ewe" stuff? My Lord what an annoying word.

Had we gone union ten years ago, I would have been out of a job five years ago. Union companies simply cannot compete with non-union companies. For the most part, union people are slow or lazy, they don't care about their quality of work, and you can't fire the SOB's.

Thanks to unions, I can think of at least a dozen customers we lost because of them throughout the years. The businesses either moved out of state or out of country to get the hell away from them. That's why many Americans don't support unions today.

Unions are pretty much a thing of the past, but back in the day when many were still around, I could go to a company I never knew or heard of before, and in under five minutes, I could tell you if they were a union shop or not just by the attitude of the shipping crew and how much time I spent there.

As a truck driver, I could write a book on union stories. In fact years ago my employer quit doing business with UAW plants. He just couldn't afford the time. What it took any other company 45 minutes to do, it took union people four hours to do. We were simply losing too much time and money with union plants.

Lordstown GM is closing, and I can't say how much I celebrated after the news came out. Talk about lazy worthless SOB's, they were at the Lordstown plant.
I'll bet your masters loved it when you walked in with your tail between your legs. How many co worker's ya rat on over the years, brown noser?

Yes boss, yes boss! Whatcha need boss?

I think you are in the wrong place. Adults are having adult discussions here. Go back to your teen chat room and see if they''ll let you back in.
------------------------------ don't know for sure but theres not that many 'union members' Tommy .

There is a reason for that. Unions become so strong they believe they are in charge of the entire show. That's how they destroyed industry in the US. After a while they started to tell companies who they can hire, who they can fire, who they can promote, how much they will pay them, what kind of benefits they will get and so on.

Unions should not be part of our government unless we the people vote on them. With government unions, it's a money laundering operation. Unions demand money for their members, the members give a cut to the union, and the union gives a cut to the Democrat party. Money laundering.

If ewe were part of a union ewe would have health care. Go tell your boss that ewe demand health care Ray. Let us know how that works for ewe. Oh by the way does the owner of that company ewe work for have health care for him and his family? Those damn unions trying to make things better for their members and their families.

WTF is with this 'ewe" stuff? My Lord what an annoying word.

Had we gone union ten years ago, I would have been out of a job five years ago. Union companies simply cannot compete with non-union companies. For the most part, union people are slow or lazy, they don't care about their quality of work, and you can't fire the SOB's.

Thanks to unions, I can think of at least a dozen customers we lost because of them throughout the years. The businesses either moved out of state or out of country to get the hell away from them. That's why many Americans don't support unions today.

Unions are pretty much a thing of the past, but back in the day when many were still around, I could go to a company I never knew or heard of before, and in under five minutes, I could tell you if they were a union shop or not just by the attitude of the shipping crew and how much time I spent there.

As a truck driver, I could write a book on union stories. In fact years ago my employer quit doing business with UAW plants. He just couldn't afford the time. What it took any other company 45 minutes to do, it took union people four hours to do. We were simply losing too much time and money with union plants.

Lordstown GM is closing, and I can't say how much I celebrated after the news came out. Talk about lazy worthless SOB's, they were at the Lordstown plant.

Ewe make me laugh, unions are less than 10% of the private workforce but 100% of the problem. How's that health insurance problem working out for ewe. I know many Teamsters and although they have had some tough recent times they are by and large far better off than the non union.

Lazy again ewe make me laugh, as far as the building trades we bring our projects in on time and under budget far more frequently than the non union.

I know Ray why should we have better pay, benefits and conditions then the rats? Silly huh.

You can't move construction trade out of the country. If they could, you'd either be out of a job or working non-union yourself. You simply don't understand how the rest of the world works outside of your little circle.

Really, Europe is far more unionized than the US. But they are not apart of the rest of the world! It is sad that doesn't understand, I am sure see run to hold the bosses boss when he pees. Being the bone smuggler see have proven to be dailey on this board!
Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.
------------------------------ don't know for sure but theres not that many 'union members' Tommy .
It looks like that is the case. Just doesnt seem right that some civil servants are punished and others arent. People should not have to worry about the rent because trump is crazy.

But it was just fine when Barry did it?

You can’t compare the two .

Under Obama the Gop wanted to defund Obamacare even though it was law .

Trump basically wants to extort congress for somthing he can’t get passed in Congress . Even when the gop ran the show .

But the GOP didn't run the show because we didn't have 60 Republicans in the Senate. We ran the show for things that required a simple majority and we got a lot of things done. However some things (like the wall) require more votes than we have.

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