American Unions

Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.

As I understand it - Many public Unions have contract clauses that restrict them from striking except on issues directly related to their own members or contract. This also pertains to many private unions as well.

Ex: I work for a Gas & Electric Utility company. Our Gas employees have been locked out for 6+ months. All 14 of the Unions (electric employees) that are not locked out have to report every day - picket line or not. Failure to report can be met by termination without appeal.
If you decide to take a government job, this is the risk you take. It's not like this is the first shutdown we've ever seen. It happens all the time. If you take a job with the government, be prepared for things like a shutdown.

If they really want to open up the government again, tell Piglosi and Shoemaker to give Trump his 5 billion dollars for the wall. It's that simple.
Its no reason to accept it. We should all look to improve our situation.
------------------------------------------------------- i have no problem with 'unions' in Private Business but the Gov should not be 'union' and thats pretty common thinking among Americans . But most large companies follow 'union' guidelines in matters of work rules and pay and most Americans that i know are fine with that 30 - 40 year old situation Tommy . [that i am aware of Tommy

What’s wrong with gov unions ? Why should gov workers not be allowed to unionize ?

As I stated, it's a money laundering scheme.

Unions collect dues from their members. The unions use those dues to support Democrat politicians come election time. Given the fact government employees earn their money through taxes, what really takes place is your taxes are taken to support the Democrat party.

Now the unions want more money from the taxpayer. They get in a room with some politician. They wink-wink and nod-nod and the workers now make more money which means more union dues which means more money donated to the Democrat party candidates.

Those employees can spend the money as they see fit .

They only vote Dems because they support unions. How is this any different than farmers backing the GOP because they hook them up.

If u want to get money out of politics , I could agree. But big biz is free to lobby Congress , why not unions ?

You asked why we shouldn't have unions in government and I merely explained why. Unions get more money for their workers so workers contribute more to them. The unions then take that money for political influence to get even more money.

Now that's okay for the private sector, but when taxpayers are spending the money, it's corruption.
Its no reason to accept it. We should all look to improve our situation.
------------------------------------------------------- i have no problem with 'unions' in Private Business but the Gov should not be 'union' and thats pretty common thinking among Americans . But most large companies follow 'union' guidelines in matters of work rules and pay and most Americans that i know are fine with that 30 - 40 year old situation Tommy . [that i am aware of Tommy

What’s wrong with gov unions ? Why should gov workers not be allowed to unionize ?

As I stated, it's a money laundering scheme.

Unions collect dues from their members. The unions use those dues to support Democrat politicians come election time. Given the fact government employees earn their money through taxes, what really takes place is your taxes are taken to support the Democrat party.

Now the unions want more money from the taxpayer. They get in a room with some politician. They wink-wink and nod-nod and the workers now make more money which means more union dues which means more money donated to the Democrat party candidates.

Those employees can spend the money as they see fit .

They only vote Dems because they support unions. How is this any different than farmers backing the GOP because they hook them up.

If u want to get money out of politics , I could agree. But big biz is free to lobby Congress , why not unions ?

You asked why we shouldn't have unions in government and I merely explained why. Unions get more money for their workers so workers contribute more to them. The unions then take that money for political influence to get even more money.

Now that's okay for the private sector, but when taxpayers are spending the money, it's corruption.

How is that any different than private companies buying influence with the government?
There is a reason for that. Unions become so strong they believe they are in charge of the entire show. That's how they destroyed industry in the US. After a while they started to tell companies who they can hire, who they can fire, who they can promote, how much they will pay them, what kind of benefits they will get and so on.

Unions should not be part of our government unless we the people vote on them. With government unions, it's a money laundering operation. Unions demand money for their members, the members give a cut to the union, and the union gives a cut to the Democrat party. Money laundering.

If ewe were part of a union ewe would have health care. Go tell your boss that ewe demand health care Ray. Let us know how that works for ewe. Oh by the way does the owner of that company ewe work for have health care for him and his family? Those damn unions trying to make things better for their members and their families.

WTF is with this 'ewe" stuff? My Lord what an annoying word.

Had we gone union ten years ago, I would have been out of a job five years ago. Union companies simply cannot compete with non-union companies. For the most part, union people are slow or lazy, they don't care about their quality of work, and you can't fire the SOB's.

Thanks to unions, I can think of at least a dozen customers we lost because of them throughout the years. The businesses either moved out of state or out of country to get the hell away from them. That's why many Americans don't support unions today.

Unions are pretty much a thing of the past, but back in the day when many were still around, I could go to a company I never knew or heard of before, and in under five minutes, I could tell you if they were a union shop or not just by the attitude of the shipping crew and how much time I spent there.

As a truck driver, I could write a book on union stories. In fact years ago my employer quit doing business with UAW plants. He just couldn't afford the time. What it took any other company 45 minutes to do, it took union people four hours to do. We were simply losing too much time and money with union plants.

Lordstown GM is closing, and I can't say how much I celebrated after the news came out. Talk about lazy worthless SOB's, they were at the Lordstown plant.

Ewe make me laugh, unions are less than 10% of the private workforce but 100% of the problem. How's that health insurance problem working out for ewe. I know many Teamsters and although they have had some tough recent times they are by and large far better off than the non union.

Lazy again ewe make me laugh, as far as the building trades we bring our projects in on time and under budget far more frequently than the non union.

I know Ray why should we have better pay, benefits and conditions then the rats? Silly huh.

You can't move construction trade out of the country. If they could, you'd either be out of a job or working non-union yourself. You simply don't understand how the rest of the world works outside of your little circle.

Really, Europe is far more unionized than the US. But they are not apart of the rest of the world! It is sad that doesn't understand, I am sure see run to hold the bosses boss when he pees. Being the bone smuggler see have proven to be dailey on this board!

The difference between us and Europe is not so much the unions, but the consumers. Many Europeans will buy their own products price be damned. Americans will not. Americans will buy the cheapest products they can find American made or not.

One of our customers manufactures crates. They make crates the size of suitcases and crates the size of a tractor-trailer. We used to deliver those crates to companies that were moving out of the area. I spoke with owners and managers alike. Nobody wanted to move, but they had no choice. Their overseas competition was killing them so it was either move out or join their former employees in the unemployment line.

Unions had these people so brainwashed they refused to give in to company demands. They told their members the companies were making empty threats. They told their members if the company did leave, the union will find them another job. So even when the companies were packing up to leave, the union employees stood firm.

In hindsight, I'm sure all those employees that lost their jobs regretted listening to their unions who put them out of work. But live and learn.
Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.
/——/ Union thugs are quickly dying out. To quote Moe Green in The Godfather, “You don’t have that kinda’ muscle any more.”
Last edited:
Americans have been indoctrinated against labor solidarity by a bunch of arch-capitalists conflating labor organizing with communism.
/——-/ Union members quit the moment they had the opportunity. Union thug bosses killed the unions.
------------------------------------------------------- i have no problem with 'unions' in Private Business but the Gov should not be 'union' and thats pretty common thinking among Americans . But most large companies follow 'union' guidelines in matters of work rules and pay and most Americans that i know are fine with that 30 - 40 year old situation Tommy . [that i am aware of Tommy

What’s wrong with gov unions ? Why should gov workers not be allowed to unionize ?

As I stated, it's a money laundering scheme.

Unions collect dues from their members. The unions use those dues to support Democrat politicians come election time. Given the fact government employees earn their money through taxes, what really takes place is your taxes are taken to support the Democrat party.

Now the unions want more money from the taxpayer. They get in a room with some politician. They wink-wink and nod-nod and the workers now make more money which means more union dues which means more money donated to the Democrat party candidates.

Those employees can spend the money as they see fit .

They only vote Dems because they support unions. How is this any different than farmers backing the GOP because they hook them up.

If u want to get money out of politics , I could agree. But big biz is free to lobby Congress , why not unions ?

You asked why we shouldn't have unions in government and I merely explained why. Unions get more money for their workers so workers contribute more to them. The unions then take that money for political influence to get even more money.

Now that's okay for the private sector, but when taxpayers are spending the money, it's corruption.

How is that any different than private companies buying influence with the government?

Private companies use private money to buy influence---not taxpayer money. One of the issues with Right-to-Work movements was the fact that unions took money from their conservative workers and sent their money to the Democrat party. Conservative people resented that practice. They didn't want their money going to Democrat causes. It would be no different if you worked, paid a union, and they gave it to the Trump fund for reelection. After a while, you'd be pretty pissed about that I would think.

However without Right-to-Work, you were forced to join a union whether you wanted to or not. If you didn't want to join the union, you couldn't have the job. If you did join the union, the money you worked for went to the Democrat party.
If ewe were part of a union ewe would have health care. Go tell your boss that ewe demand health care Ray. Let us know how that works for ewe. Oh by the way does the owner of that company ewe work for have health care for him and his family? Those damn unions trying to make things better for their members and their families.

WTF is with this 'ewe" stuff? My Lord what an annoying word.

Had we gone union ten years ago, I would have been out of a job five years ago. Union companies simply cannot compete with non-union companies. For the most part, union people are slow or lazy, they don't care about their quality of work, and you can't fire the SOB's.

Thanks to unions, I can think of at least a dozen customers we lost because of them throughout the years. The businesses either moved out of state or out of country to get the hell away from them. That's why many Americans don't support unions today.

Unions are pretty much a thing of the past, but back in the day when many were still around, I could go to a company I never knew or heard of before, and in under five minutes, I could tell you if they were a union shop or not just by the attitude of the shipping crew and how much time I spent there.

As a truck driver, I could write a book on union stories. In fact years ago my employer quit doing business with UAW plants. He just couldn't afford the time. What it took any other company 45 minutes to do, it took union people four hours to do. We were simply losing too much time and money with union plants.

Lordstown GM is closing, and I can't say how much I celebrated after the news came out. Talk about lazy worthless SOB's, they were at the Lordstown plant.

Ewe make me laugh, unions are less than 10% of the private workforce but 100% of the problem. How's that health insurance problem working out for ewe. I know many Teamsters and although they have had some tough recent times they are by and large far better off than the non union.

Lazy again ewe make me laugh, as far as the building trades we bring our projects in on time and under budget far more frequently than the non union.

I know Ray why should we have better pay, benefits and conditions then the rats? Silly huh.

You can't move construction trade out of the country. If they could, you'd either be out of a job or working non-union yourself. You simply don't understand how the rest of the world works outside of your little circle.

Really, Europe is far more unionized than the US. But they are not apart of the rest of the world! It is sad that doesn't understand, I am sure see run to hold the bosses boss when he pees. Being the bone smuggler see have proven to be dailey on this board!

The difference between us and Europe is not so much the unions, but the consumers. Many Europeans will buy their own products price be damned. Americans will not. Americans will buy the cheapest products they can find American made or not.

One of our customers manufactures crates. They make crates the size of suitcases and crates the size of a tractor-trailer. We used to deliver those crates to companies that were moving out of the area. I spoke with owners and managers alike. Nobody wanted to move, but they had no choice. Their overseas competition was killing them so it was either move out or join their former employees in the unemployment line.

Unions had these people so brainwashed they refused to give in to company demands. They told their members the companies were making empty threats. They told their members if the company did leave, the union will find them another job. So even when the companies were packing up to leave, the union employees stood firm.

In hindsight, I'm sure all those employees that lost their jobs regretted listening to their unions who put them out of work. But live and learn.

And yet the standard of living in this country has been dropping since the union busting really got rolling in the 70's. Wonder why? And how is it that those European imports are at very competitive prices while being built by union labor. Competitive here in the US. It is corporate greed here my friend not the unions that ewe hate so much.
Private companies use private money to buy influence---not taxpayer money. One of the issues with Right-to-Work movements was the fact that unions took money from their conservative workers and sent their money to the Democrat party. Conservative people resented that practice. They didn't want their money going to Democrat causes. It would be no different if you worked, paid a union, and they gave it to the Trump fund for reelection. After a while, you'd be pretty pissed about that I would think.

However without Right-to-Work, you were forced to join a union whether you wanted to or not. If you didn't want to join the union, you couldn't have the job. If you did join the union, the money you worked for went to the Democrat party.

Or you can do what the Union I am part of did about 20 years ago...

The members got together and changed the Union bylaws to prevent the Union from donating money to or endorsing political parties or candidates at any level.
Americans have been indoctrinated against labor solidarity by a bunch of arch-capitalists conflating labor organizing with communism.

well said

Rooting against workers is anti american

not for that 1% of Americans

People should not have to worry about the rent because trump is crazy.

rent is the least of our concerns with him

If they really want to open up the government again, tell Piglosi and Shoemaker to give Trump his 5 billion dollars for the wall. It's that simple.

And thereby admit Trump's self imposed hostage scenario works Ray?

I think not.....

There is a reason for that. Unions become so strong they believe they are in charge of the entire show. That's how they destroyed industry in the US

Globalists destroyed unions, as well as industry

But he should be held to account for this situation. You cant hold the innocent to ransom because you cant get your own way.

Anyone in governance holding a contingency hostage is a dictator, not a politician

Does not matter if it's a good cause or not

it's the 'effin principal

Also as other posters have pointed this is not the first time this has happened, and as I wrote those out of work for the moment can take temporary work if needed to supplement their pay.

you first.....

He promised a wall that Mexico was going to pay for. Its outrageous that he holds people to ransom because he lied throughout his campaign.

His track record is about as good as our last potus , but nobody wants to hear it

They know quite well how effective a wall will be.

You do realize the pen is mightier than the wall here , don't you Ray?

I don't care if Trump out and out lied about getting Mexico to pay for it.

well then you support a liar , i don't , not sorry....

BTW, only 7% of American workers are unionized, a lot more than that have medical insurance as part of their employment

check our old stats, you'll find our mid class was way better off w/unionization , google pinkertons, guilde age , we've a history

Yeah, wanting to stop the flow of drugs, criminals and illegals is crazier than a shithouse rat

Yeah, we all do , guess what though, most of that doesn't enter via caravan

Shitting all over the working man while cheering bailouts to pay bonuses for incompetent CEOS

Toadies croaking the tune their taunt to

Where did you get the idea that Donald Trump isn't a hard worker? He's in his 70's and leaves men half in age in the dust as far as his energy and work.


I'm looking for an apprentice, maybe he's available ?

I’m saying the power of unions is to ensure fair/better wages for the workers


When did America give up on trying for a better life ?

with this man>


You can't move construction trade out of the country. If they could, you'd either be out of a job or working non-union yourself


but one can certainly move construction workers into ,and take American jobs away from them on their own turf Ray

and almost every job i'm on is lousy with immigrant workers

all here legally, so when does it occur to wall supporters that the d*mn thing isn't going to stop this flow of cheap labor ?

it just won't. period.....

Really, Europe is far more unionized than the US. But they are not apart of the rest of the world! It is sad that doesn't understand, I am sure see run to hold the bosses boss when he pees. Being the bone smuggler see have proven to be dailey on this board!

And America is a lot better off than Europe.

In the US, the Right To Work states have growing magnificently, and that's for two reasons IMHO. One, dealing with mobsters always increases the cost in you want to run a business. And two, the Republican defeat of Jim Crow in the 1960's made the South a lot more comfortable for outsiders to visit, and not having to comply with the special liberal social code that was awkward.
And thereby admit Trump's self imposed hostage scenario works Ray?

I think not.....

And it's not a self imposed hostage scenario of the Democrats? Ever hear the adage, it takes two to Tango?

Globalists destroyed unions, as well as industry

They are part of it, but the bigger part is the American consumer. We've become obsessed with cheap. Plus today, we have more Americans in the stock market than ever before. In the 70's, the stock market was only a rich mans playground. Today, many of us have our retirement invested in the market and we all want a good return.

What Americans want:
* good paying blue collar jobs.
* low priced goods and services.
* high return on our investments. can't have all three. It's impossible. So we chose low cost products and good investment returns. The jobs are the category that suffered.

You do realize the pen is mightier than the wall here , don't you Ray?

I have no idea what that has to do with this discussion. Please elaborate.

well then you support a liar , i don't , not sorry....

You mean you never voted for Obama?

Yeah, we all do , guess what though, most of that doesn't enter via caravan

Over 70% of US heroin comes from that southern border. It's not coming UPS.


but one can certainly move construction workers into ,and take American jobs away from them on their own turf Ray

and almost every job i'm on is lousy with immigrant workers

all here legally, so when does it occur to wall supporters that the d*mn thing isn't going to stop this flow of cheap labor ?

it just won't. period.....

Which is why I'm all for closing off the border totally. However illegals are taking those jobs as well; maybe not where you work, but all over America.
Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.

How exactly are unions being victimized by Trump? If anything, his populist policies are helping them.
WTF is with this 'ewe" stuff? My Lord what an annoying word.

Had we gone union ten years ago, I would have been out of a job five years ago. Union companies simply cannot compete with non-union companies. For the most part, union people are slow or lazy, they don't care about their quality of work, and you can't fire the SOB's.

Thanks to unions, I can think of at least a dozen customers we lost because of them throughout the years. The businesses either moved out of state or out of country to get the hell away from them. That's why many Americans don't support unions today.

Unions are pretty much a thing of the past, but back in the day when many were still around, I could go to a company I never knew or heard of before, and in under five minutes, I could tell you if they were a union shop or not just by the attitude of the shipping crew and how much time I spent there.

As a truck driver, I could write a book on union stories. In fact years ago my employer quit doing business with UAW plants. He just couldn't afford the time. What it took any other company 45 minutes to do, it took union people four hours to do. We were simply losing too much time and money with union plants.

Lordstown GM is closing, and I can't say how much I celebrated after the news came out. Talk about lazy worthless SOB's, they were at the Lordstown plant.

Ewe make me laugh, unions are less than 10% of the private workforce but 100% of the problem. How's that health insurance problem working out for ewe. I know many Teamsters and although they have had some tough recent times they are by and large far better off than the non union.

Lazy again ewe make me laugh, as far as the building trades we bring our projects in on time and under budget far more frequently than the non union.

I know Ray why should we have better pay, benefits and conditions then the rats? Silly huh.

You can't move construction trade out of the country. If they could, you'd either be out of a job or working non-union yourself. You simply don't understand how the rest of the world works outside of your little circle.

Really, Europe is far more unionized than the US. But they are not apart of the rest of the world! It is sad that doesn't understand, I am sure see run to hold the bosses boss when he pees. Being the bone smuggler see have proven to be dailey on this board!

The difference between us and Europe is not so much the unions, but the consumers. Many Europeans will buy their own products price be damned. Americans will not. Americans will buy the cheapest products they can find American made or not.

One of our customers manufactures crates. They make crates the size of suitcases and crates the size of a tractor-trailer. We used to deliver those crates to companies that were moving out of the area. I spoke with owners and managers alike. Nobody wanted to move, but they had no choice. Their overseas competition was killing them so it was either move out or join their former employees in the unemployment line.

Unions had these people so brainwashed they refused to give in to company demands. They told their members the companies were making empty threats. They told their members if the company did leave, the union will find them another job. So even when the companies were packing up to leave, the union employees stood firm.

In hindsight, I'm sure all those employees that lost their jobs regretted listening to their unions who put them out of work. But live and learn.

And yet the standard of living in this country has been dropping since the union busting really got rolling in the 70's. Wonder why? And how is it that those European imports are at very competitive prices while being built by union labor. Competitive here in the US. It is corporate greed here my friend not the unions that ewe hate so much.

Do you really believe your standard of living today is lower than let's say 30 years ago?

You mean to tell me you live in a smaller house or a lower income neighborhood than 30 years ago? You mean to tell me that we have less late model vehicles on the road today than 30 years ago? You mean to tell me you have less things today than you did 30 years ago?

Our standard of living may have shifted, but not declined. We just use our money way more differently than we did years ago. Do you realize how much you spend on convenience and technology today that you didn't spend years ago? How about dining? How about other forms of entertainment outside of technology?

Frugality seems to be a thing of the past, and every generation worse than the one before.
And thereby admit Trump's self imposed hostage scenario works Ray?

I think not.....

And it's not a self imposed hostage scenario of the Democrats? Ever hear the adage, it takes two to Tango?

Trump ordered the shutdown, not the 'effin Dems

Trump is responsible,no one else

We now have a potus who, for the first time in our history, can pull this sh*t on the American public ,for political posturing

that alone should be impeachable Ray

Globalists destroyed unions, as well as industry

They are part of it, but the bigger part is the American consumer. We've become obsessed with cheap. Plus today, we have more Americans in the stock market than ever before. In the 70's, the stock market was only a rich mans playground. Today, many of us have our retirement invested in the market and we all want a good return.

What Americans want:
* good paying blue collar jobs.
* low priced goods and services.
* high return on our investments. can't have all three. It's impossible. So we chose low cost products and good investment returns. The jobs are the category that suffered.

the globalisits knew unions couldn't compete Ray, so by proxy the rest of the American workforce has followed suit, and yeah i paid my alf-cio dues back in the day, so yeah we can talk corruption all you'd like. w/o unions we would have been slaves

You do realize the pen is mightier than the wall here , don't you Ray?

I have no idea what that has to do with this discussion. Please elaborate.

Legislation is a key immigration element , now i read a lot of folks here blaming the Dems , well the truth is they're loving the fact there's a 'wall' issue to divert from the fact that 99% of illegals LEGALLY entered the country

well then you support a liar , i don't , not sorry....

You mean you never voted for Obama?

Yeah, we all do , guess what though, most of that doesn't enter via caravan

Over 70% of US heroin comes from that southern border. It's not coming UPS.

The drug lords are laughing their ass off over the 'wall' Ray


but one can certainly move construction workers into ,and take American jobs away from them on their own turf Ray

and almost every job i'm on is lousy with immigrant workers

all here legally, so when does it occur to wall supporters that the d*mn thing isn't going to stop this flow of cheap labor ?

it just won't. period.....

Which is why I'm all for closing off the border totally. However illegals are taking those jobs as well; maybe not where you work, but all over America.


We'd be far better off giving ICE 5 bill to do their d*mn jobs, and rewriting the entire H1B fiasco

And thereby admit Trump's self imposed hostage scenario works Ray?

I think not.....

And it's not a self imposed hostage scenario of the Democrats? Ever hear the adage, it takes two to Tango?

Trump ordered the shutdown, not the 'effin Dems

Trump is responsible,no one else

We now have a potus who, for the first time in our history, can pull this sh*t on the American public ,for political posturing

that alone should be impeachable Ray

Globalists destroyed unions, as well as industry

They are part of it, but the bigger part is the American consumer. We've become obsessed with cheap. Plus today, we have more Americans in the stock market than ever before. In the 70's, the stock market was only a rich mans playground. Today, many of us have our retirement invested in the market and we all want a good return.

What Americans want:
* good paying blue collar jobs.
* low priced goods and services.
* high return on our investments. can't have all three. It's impossible. So we chose low cost products and good investment returns. The jobs are the category that suffered.

te globalisits knew unions couldn't compete Ray, so by proxy the rest of the American workforce has followed suit, and yeah i paid my alf-cio dues back in the day, so yeah we can talk corruption all you'd like. w/o unions we would have been slaves

You do realize the pen is mightier than the wall here , don't you Ray?

I have no idea what that has to do with this discussion. Please elaborate.

Legislation is a key immigration element , now i read a lot of folks here blaming the Dems , well the truth is they're loving the fact there's a 'wall' issue to divert from the fact that 99% of illegals LEGALLY entered the country

well then you support a liar , i don't , not sorry....

You mean you never voted for Obama?


Yeah, we all do , guess what though, most of that doesn't enter via caravan

Over 70% of US heroin comes from that southern border. It's not coming UPS.

The drug lords are laughing their ass off over the 'wall' Ray


but one can certainly move construction workers into ,and take American jobs away from them on their own turf Ray

and almost every job i'm on is lousy with immigrant workers

all here legally, so when does it occur to wall supporters that the d*mn thing isn't going to stop this flow of cheap labor ?

it just won't. period.....

Which is why I'm all for closing off the border totally. However illegals are taking those jobs as well; maybe not where you work, but all over America.


We'd be far better off giving ICE 5 bill to do their d*mn jobs, and rewriting the entire H1B fiasco


It's the border patrol who supports the wall so they can do their jobs more effectively. Hey.......they are the experts. They know what they need more than you or I do. I'll take their word for it.
Really, Europe is far more unionized than the US. But they are not apart of the rest of the world! It is sad that doesn't understand, I am sure see run to hold the bosses boss when he pees. Being the bone smuggler see have proven to be dailey on this board!

And America is a lot better off than Europe.

In the US, the Right To Work states have growing magnificently, and that's for two reasons IMHO. One, dealing with mobsters always increases the cost in you want to run a business. And two, the Republican defeat of Jim Crow in the 1960's made the South a lot more comfortable for outsiders to visit, and not having to comply with the special liberal social code that was awkward.

Are we, the avg work week in much of Europe is less than 40 hrs n health care costs are lower. Our mortality rate has been getting worse over the last several years and again most of Europes has nt.
Ewe make me laugh, unions are less than 10% of the private workforce but 100% of the problem. How's that health insurance problem working out for ewe. I know many Teamsters and although they have had some tough recent times they are by and large far better off than the non union.

Lazy again ewe make me laugh, as far as the building trades we bring our projects in on time and under budget far more frequently than the non union.

I know Ray why should we have better pay, benefits and conditions then the rats? Silly huh.

You can't move construction trade out of the country. If they could, you'd either be out of a job or working non-union yourself. You simply don't understand how the rest of the world works outside of your little circle.

Really, Europe is far more unionized than the US. But they are not apart of the rest of the world! It is sad that doesn't understand, I am sure see run to hold the bosses boss when he pees. Being the bone smuggler see have proven to be dailey on this board!

The difference between us and Europe is not so much the unions, but the consumers. Many Europeans will buy their own products price be damned. Americans will not. Americans will buy the cheapest products they can find American made or not.

One of our customers manufactures crates. They make crates the size of suitcases and crates the size of a tractor-trailer. We used to deliver those crates to companies that were moving out of the area. I spoke with owners and managers alike. Nobody wanted to move, but they had no choice. Their overseas competition was killing them so it was either move out or join their former employees in the unemployment line.

Unions had these people so brainwashed they refused to give in to company demands. They told their members the companies were making empty threats. They told their members if the company did leave, the union will find them another job. So even when the companies were packing up to leave, the union employees stood firm.

In hindsight, I'm sure all those employees that lost their jobs regretted listening to their unions who put them out of work. But live and learn.

And yet the standard of living in this country has been dropping since the union busting really got rolling in the 70's. Wonder why? And how is it that those European imports are at very competitive prices while being built by union labor. Competitive here in the US. It is corporate greed here my friend not the unions that ewe hate so much.

Do you really believe your standard of living today is lower than let's say 30 years ago?

You mean to tell me you live in a smaller house or a lower income neighborhood than 30 years ago? You mean to tell me that we have less late model vehicles on the road today than 30 years ago? You mean to tell me you have less things today than you did 30 years ago?

Our standard of living may have shifted, but not declined. We just use our money way more differently than we did years ago. Do you realize how much you spend on convenience and technology today that you didn't spend years ago? How about dining? How about other forms of entertainment outside of technology?

Frugality seems to be a thing of the past, and every generation worse than the one before.

Yes because you did NOT need both parents working to make ends meet.
You can't move construction trade out of the country. If they could, you'd either be out of a job or working non-union yourself. You simply don't understand how the rest of the world works outside of your little circle.

Really, Europe is far more unionized than the US. But they are not apart of the rest of the world! It is sad that doesn't understand, I am sure see run to hold the bosses boss when he pees. Being the bone smuggler see have proven to be dailey on this board!

The difference between us and Europe is not so much the unions, but the consumers. Many Europeans will buy their own products price be damned. Americans will not. Americans will buy the cheapest products they can find American made or not.

One of our customers manufactures crates. They make crates the size of suitcases and crates the size of a tractor-trailer. We used to deliver those crates to companies that were moving out of the area. I spoke with owners and managers alike. Nobody wanted to move, but they had no choice. Their overseas competition was killing them so it was either move out or join their former employees in the unemployment line.

Unions had these people so brainwashed they refused to give in to company demands. They told their members the companies were making empty threats. They told their members if the company did leave, the union will find them another job. So even when the companies were packing up to leave, the union employees stood firm.

In hindsight, I'm sure all those employees that lost their jobs regretted listening to their unions who put them out of work. But live and learn.

And yet the standard of living in this country has been dropping since the union busting really got rolling in the 70's. Wonder why? And how is it that those European imports are at very competitive prices while being built by union labor. Competitive here in the US. It is corporate greed here my friend not the unions that ewe hate so much.

Do you really believe your standard of living today is lower than let's say 30 years ago?

You mean to tell me you live in a smaller house or a lower income neighborhood than 30 years ago? You mean to tell me that we have less late model vehicles on the road today than 30 years ago? You mean to tell me you have less things today than you did 30 years ago?

Our standard of living may have shifted, but not declined. We just use our money way more differently than we did years ago. Do you realize how much you spend on convenience and technology today that you didn't spend years ago? How about dining? How about other forms of entertainment outside of technology?

Frugality seems to be a thing of the past, and every generation worse than the one before.

Yes because you did NOT need both parents working to make ends meet.

Considering all the divorced people in the country I don't know if that's really true. And if both parents are working, it's to have a higher standard of living that people didn't care about years ago.

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