American Unions

Really, Europe is far more unionized than the US. But they are not apart of the rest of the world! It is sad that doesn't understand, I am sure see run to hold the bosses boss when he pees. Being the bone smuggler see have proven to be dailey on this board!

And America is a lot better off than Europe.

In the US, the Right To Work states have growing magnificently, and that's for two reasons IMHO. One, dealing with mobsters always increases the cost in you want to run a business. And two, the Republican defeat of Jim Crow in the 1960's made the South a lot more comfortable for outsiders to visit, and not having to comply with the special liberal social code that was awkward.

Are we, the avg work week in much of Europe is less than 40 hrs n health care costs are lower. Our mortality rate has been getting worse over the last several years and again most of Europes has nt.

There are many reasons for that, not just healthcare.
American construction unions would benefit from the border wall. Unions should have ganged up on Barry Hussein when he opined that factory jobs were gone forever and he offered no solution.
American construction unions would benefit from the border wall. Unions should have ganged up on Barry Hussein when he opined that factory jobs were gone forever and he offered no solution.

Well we found a solution to Hussein's problem. It was Donald Trump.
Unions don't have power these days. Last major nationwide strike I recall was the tire and rubber workers back in '76. I recall Reagan firing all the air traffic controllers when they went out on strike.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics a years ago reported that... Just 1.102 million out of 7.844 million (14 percent) U.S. construction industry workers belonged to a union in 2017, according to BLS. Based on the music blasting from construction jobs around here, I'd guess most of the workers are Mexicans.

BLS: Just 14 Percent of U.S. Construction Industry Is Unionized - The Truth About PLAs
Really, Europe is far more unionized than the US. But they are not apart of the rest of the world! It is sad that doesn't understand, I am sure see run to hold the bosses boss when he pees. Being the bone smuggler see have proven to be dailey on this board!

The difference between us and Europe is not so much the unions, but the consumers. Many Europeans will buy their own products price be damned. Americans will not. Americans will buy the cheapest products they can find American made or not.

One of our customers manufactures crates. They make crates the size of suitcases and crates the size of a tractor-trailer. We used to deliver those crates to companies that were moving out of the area. I spoke with owners and managers alike. Nobody wanted to move, but they had no choice. Their overseas competition was killing them so it was either move out or join their former employees in the unemployment line.

Unions had these people so brainwashed they refused to give in to company demands. They told their members the companies were making empty threats. They told their members if the company did leave, the union will find them another job. So even when the companies were packing up to leave, the union employees stood firm.

In hindsight, I'm sure all those employees that lost their jobs regretted listening to their unions who put them out of work. But live and learn.

And yet the standard of living in this country has been dropping since the union busting really got rolling in the 70's. Wonder why? And how is it that those European imports are at very competitive prices while being built by union labor. Competitive here in the US. It is corporate greed here my friend not the unions that ewe hate so much.

Do you really believe your standard of living today is lower than let's say 30 years ago?

You mean to tell me you live in a smaller house or a lower income neighborhood than 30 years ago? You mean to tell me that we have less late model vehicles on the road today than 30 years ago? You mean to tell me you have less things today than you did 30 years ago?

Our standard of living may have shifted, but not declined. We just use our money way more differently than we did years ago. Do you realize how much you spend on convenience and technology today that you didn't spend years ago? How about dining? How about other forms of entertainment outside of technology?

Frugality seems to be a thing of the past, and every generation worse than the one before.

Yes because you did NOT need both parents working to make ends meet.

Considering all the divorced people in the country I don't know if that's really true. And if both parents are working, it's to have a higher standard of living that people didn't care about years ago.

It is because they have to work more to even try to keep up with the standard of living from 30 to 40 years ago. Also if things are so much better now why are people $1,000,000,000,000 in credit card debt now. Far and away the most even by % of income at any other time in this country?
Really, Europe is far more unionized than the US. But they are not apart of the rest of the world! It is sad that doesn't understand, I am sure see run to hold the bosses boss when he pees. Being the bone smuggler see have proven to be dailey on this board!

And America is a lot better off than Europe.

In the US, the Right To Work states have growing magnificently, and that's for two reasons IMHO. One, dealing with mobsters always increases the cost in you want to run a business. And two, the Republican defeat of Jim Crow in the 1960's made the South a lot more comfortable for outsiders to visit, and not having to comply with the special liberal social code that was awkward.

Are we, the avg work week in much of Europe is less than 40 hrs n health care costs are lower. Our mortality rate has been getting worse over the last several years and again most of Europes has nt.

There are many reasons for that, not just healthcare.

So ewe got nothing?
It is because they have to work more to even try to keep up with the standard of living from 30 to 40 years ago. Also if things are so much better now why are people $1,000,000,000,000 in credit card debt now. Far and away the most even by % of income at any other time in this country?

America's standard of living is greater today that it was 40 years ago. People have more cars, live in larger homes, eat out more, have much greater variety in our nation's supermarkets, Walmarts, and now on line.

Pretending as if America is in a long term decline, and further, its because of a decline in Big Labor is absurd.

In actuality, the decline in Big Labor has allowed new methods of retailing, new products and services that we never could have invented if most employers had to kiss the ass of a Union Goon to make changes.

But that's always been the case, in reality. The 1892 Steel Strike, example given. The Tremendous Industrialist Henry C. Frick was innovating and marketing steel for high rise construction and other new products. Steel at the time was cutting edge technology, the Western PA and Eastern Ohio were the "silicon valley" of their age. But to implement the changes in production to get steel in high enough quantities and low enough price for high rise constructions, Big Labor had to give him a free hand.

They didn't want to, so Mr. Frick had no alternative but to crush them like a bug.

Modern mythology is that Frick made money because he paid low wages for long hours in steel. Reality is that Frick was just as much of a bastard to the employees as any employer , including those that failed. Frick succeeded because he was the Bezos of his era.
It is because they have to work more to even try to keep up with the standard of living from 30 to 40 years ago. Also if things are so much better now why are people $1,000,000,000,000 in credit card debt now. Far and away the most even by % of income at any other time in this country?

America's standard of living is greater today that it was 40 years ago. People have more cars, live in larger homes, eat out more, have much greater variety in our nation's supermarkets, Walmarts, and now on line.

Pretending as if America is in a long term decline, and further, its because of a decline in Big Labor is absurd.

In actuality, the decline in Big Labor has allowed new methods of retailing, new products and services that we never could have invented if most employers had to kiss the ass of a Union Goon to make changes.

But that's always been the case, in reality. The 1892 Steel Strike, example given. The Tremendous Industrialist Henry C. Frick was innovating and marketing steel for high rise construction and other new products. Steel at the time was cutting edge technology, the Western PA and Eastern Ohio were the "silicon valley" of their age. But to implement the changes in production to get steel in high enough quantities and low enough price for high rise constructions, Big Labor had to give him a free hand.

They didn't want to, so Mr. Frick had no alternative but to crush them like a bug.

Modern mythology is that Frick made money because he paid low wages for long hours in steel. Reality is that Frick was just as much of a bastard to the employees as any employer , including those that failed. Frick succeeded because he was the Bezos of his era.

Why are Americans more in debt now than ever? There are more cars and gadgets because there are more people. And far more debt as relative to income because the standard of living has dropped.

But no fear they have made credit much easier so you can keep buying more shit and go farther in debt. That's nice.
If ewe were part of a union ewe would have health care. Go tell your boss that ewe demand health care Ray. Let us know how that works for ewe. Oh by the way does the owner of that company ewe work for have health care for him and his family? Those damn unions trying to make things better for their members and their families.

WTF is with this 'ewe" stuff? My Lord what an annoying word.

Had we gone union ten years ago, I would have been out of a job five years ago. Union companies simply cannot compete with non-union companies. For the most part, union people are slow or lazy, they don't care about their quality of work, and you can't fire the SOB's.

Thanks to unions, I can think of at least a dozen customers we lost because of them throughout the years. The businesses either moved out of state or out of country to get the hell away from them. That's why many Americans don't support unions today.

Unions are pretty much a thing of the past, but back in the day when many were still around, I could go to a company I never knew or heard of before, and in under five minutes, I could tell you if they were a union shop or not just by the attitude of the shipping crew and how much time I spent there.

As a truck driver, I could write a book on union stories. In fact years ago my employer quit doing business with UAW plants. He just couldn't afford the time. What it took any other company 45 minutes to do, it took union people four hours to do. We were simply losing too much time and money with union plants.

Lordstown GM is closing, and I can't say how much I celebrated after the news came out. Talk about lazy worthless SOB's, they were at the Lordstown plant.

Ewe make me laugh, unions are less than 10% of the private workforce but 100% of the problem. How's that health insurance problem working out for ewe. I know many Teamsters and although they have had some tough recent times they are by and large far better off than the non union.

Lazy again ewe make me laugh, as far as the building trades we bring our projects in on time and under budget far more frequently than the non union.

I know Ray why should we have better pay, benefits and conditions then the rats? Silly huh.

You can't move construction trade out of the country. If they could, you'd either be out of a job or working non-union yourself. You simply don't understand how the rest of the world works outside of your little circle.

Really, Europe is far more unionized than the US. But they are not apart of the rest of the world! It is sad that doesn't understand, I am sure see run to hold the bosses boss when he pees. Being the bone smuggler see have proven to be dailey on this board!

The difference between us and Europe is not so much the unions, but the consumers. Many Europeans will buy their own products price be damned. Americans will not. Americans will buy the cheapest products they can find American made or not.

One of our customers manufactures crates. They make crates the size of suitcases and crates the size of a tractor-trailer. We used to deliver those crates to companies that were moving out of the area. I spoke with owners and managers alike. Nobody wanted to move, but they had no choice. Their overseas competition was killing them so it was either move out or join their former employees in the unemployment line.

Unions had these people so brainwashed they refused to give in to company demands. They told their members the companies were making empty threats. They told their members if the company did leave, the union will find them another job. So even when the companies were packing up to leave, the union employees stood firm.

In hindsight, I'm sure all those employees that lost their jobs regretted listening to their unions who put them out of work. But live and learn.
Ray you made that up. Where is the proof that European consumers buy european products no matter what the price ?
Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.

Look you Moron, the unions are FOR Donald Trump, unions are victimized by democrats who only use them with lies. Trump's not going to cave. Trump is protecting the unions. Why don't you go back to your bath now and blow bubbles with your ass.
Unions don't have power these days. Last major nationwide strike I recall was the tire and rubber workers back in '76. I recall Reagan firing all the air traffic controllers when they went out on strike.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics a years ago reported that... Just 1.102 million out of 7.844 million (14 percent) U.S. construction industry workers belonged to a union in 2017, according to BLS. Based on the music blasting from construction jobs around here, I'd guess most of the workers are Mexicans.

BLS: Just 14 Percent of U.S. Construction Industry Is Unionized - The Truth About PLAs
The corporations play workers off from country to country. First the jobs went to China and now the Chinese wont do the jobs they are going to other countries that are poorer.The working man,or woman, is powerless in this and in fact is encouraged to support it by the likes of trump. Inequality is at the heart of it all and nobody ever got elected on an eliminate inequality platform.
Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.

Look you Moron, the unions are FOR Donald Trump, unions are victimized by democrats who only use them with lies. Trump's not going to cave. Trump is protecting the unions. Why don't you go back to your bath now and blow bubbles with your ass.

By and large the unions are NOT for tRump.
Why dont they stand beside their brothers who are being victimised by donny ?

If all public sector workers came out then the orange fuck would cave in very quickly.

How exactly are unions being victimized by Trump? If anything, his populist policies are helping them.
Workers arent getting paid. Thats pretty bad.
WTF is with this 'ewe" stuff? My Lord what an annoying word.

Had we gone union ten years ago, I would have been out of a job five years ago. Union companies simply cannot compete with non-union companies. For the most part, union people are slow or lazy, they don't care about their quality of work, and you can't fire the SOB's.

Thanks to unions, I can think of at least a dozen customers we lost because of them throughout the years. The businesses either moved out of state or out of country to get the hell away from them. That's why many Americans don't support unions today.

Unions are pretty much a thing of the past, but back in the day when many were still around, I could go to a company I never knew or heard of before, and in under five minutes, I could tell you if they were a union shop or not just by the attitude of the shipping crew and how much time I spent there.

As a truck driver, I could write a book on union stories. In fact years ago my employer quit doing business with UAW plants. He just couldn't afford the time. What it took any other company 45 minutes to do, it took union people four hours to do. We were simply losing too much time and money with union plants.

Lordstown GM is closing, and I can't say how much I celebrated after the news came out. Talk about lazy worthless SOB's, they were at the Lordstown plant.

Ewe make me laugh, unions are less than 10% of the private workforce but 100% of the problem. How's that health insurance problem working out for ewe. I know many Teamsters and although they have had some tough recent times they are by and large far better off than the non union.

Lazy again ewe make me laugh, as far as the building trades we bring our projects in on time and under budget far more frequently than the non union.

I know Ray why should we have better pay, benefits and conditions then the rats? Silly huh.

You can't move construction trade out of the country. If they could, you'd either be out of a job or working non-union yourself. You simply don't understand how the rest of the world works outside of your little circle.

Really, Europe is far more unionized than the US. But they are not apart of the rest of the world! It is sad that doesn't understand, I am sure see run to hold the bosses boss when he pees. Being the bone smuggler see have proven to be dailey on this board!

The difference between us and Europe is not so much the unions, but the consumers. Many Europeans will buy their own products price be damned. Americans will not. Americans will buy the cheapest products they can find American made or not.

One of our customers manufactures crates. They make crates the size of suitcases and crates the size of a tractor-trailer. We used to deliver those crates to companies that were moving out of the area. I spoke with owners and managers alike. Nobody wanted to move, but they had no choice. Their overseas competition was killing them so it was either move out or join their former employees in the unemployment line.

Unions had these people so brainwashed they refused to give in to company demands. They told their members the companies were making empty threats. They told their members if the company did leave, the union will find them another job. So even when the companies were packing up to leave, the union employees stood firm.

In hindsight, I'm sure all those employees that lost their jobs regretted listening to their unions who put them out of work. But live and learn.
Ray you made that up. Where is the proof that European consumers buy european products no matter what the price ?

Actually a former coworker of mine was from Germany. He goes back every couple of years to visit. He still has a lot of family over there. He told me solidarity is more common in Europe than in the US. People will go out of their way to buy European made products over all else. That's not to say that they don't also buy cheaper stuff, but according to him, it's nothing like over here where in many cases, you don't have much of a choice.
Unions don't have power these days. Last major nationwide strike I recall was the tire and rubber workers back in '76. I recall Reagan firing all the air traffic controllers when they went out on strike.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics a years ago reported that... Just 1.102 million out of 7.844 million (14 percent) U.S. construction industry workers belonged to a union in 2017, according to BLS. Based on the music blasting from construction jobs around here, I'd guess most of the workers are Mexicans.

BLS: Just 14 Percent of U.S. Construction Industry Is Unionized - The Truth About PLAs
The corporations play workers off from country to country. First the jobs went to China and now the Chinese wont do the jobs they are going to other countries that are poorer.The working man,or woman, is powerless in this and in fact is encouraged to support it by the likes of trump. Inequality is at the heart of it all and nobody ever got elected on an eliminate inequality platform.

Yep. That's pretty much it, I'd only add one preliminary step. I'm originally from the Rust Belt and recall the exodus of many northern manufacturing plants to the predominantly non-union South in the 60's and 70's. Our town lost a Fruehauf semi-trailer plant around the period, back when China was still closed and we in this country referred to the mainland as "Red China".
It is because they have to work more to even try to keep up with the standard of living from 30 to 40 years ago. Also if things are so much better now why are people $1,000,000,000,000 in credit card debt now. Far and away the most even by % of income at any other time in this country?

America's standard of living is greater today that it was 40 years ago. People have more cars, live in larger homes, eat out more, have much greater variety in our nation's supermarkets, Walmarts, and now on line.

Pretending as if America is in a long term decline, and further, its because of a decline in Big Labor is absurd.

In actuality, the decline in Big Labor has allowed new methods of retailing, new products and services that we never could have invented if most employers had to kiss the ass of a Union Goon to make changes.

But that's always been the case, in reality. The 1892 Steel Strike, example given. The Tremendous Industrialist Henry C. Frick was innovating and marketing steel for high rise construction and other new products. Steel at the time was cutting edge technology, the Western PA and Eastern Ohio were the "silicon valley" of their age. But to implement the changes in production to get steel in high enough quantities and low enough price for high rise constructions, Big Labor had to give him a free hand.

They didn't want to, so Mr. Frick had no alternative but to crush them like a bug.

Modern mythology is that Frick made money because he paid low wages for long hours in steel. Reality is that Frick was just as much of a bastard to the employees as any employer , including those that failed. Frick succeeded because he was the Bezos of his era.

Why are Americans more in debt now than ever? There are more cars and gadgets because there are more people. And far more debt as relative to income because the standard of living has dropped.

But no fear they have made credit much easier so you can keep buying more shit and go farther in debt. That's nice.

Credit is probably the reason we don’t save anymore. As soon as you get it, spend it.

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Really, Europe is far more unionized than the US. But they are not apart of the rest of the world! It is sad that doesn't understand, I am sure see run to hold the bosses boss when he pees. Being the bone smuggler see have proven to be dailey on this board!

And America is a lot better off than Europe.

In the US, the Right To Work states have growing magnificently, and that's for two reasons IMHO. One, dealing with mobsters always increases the cost in you want to run a business. And two, the Republican defeat of Jim Crow in the 1960's made the South a lot more comfortable for outsiders to visit, and not having to comply with the special liberal social code that was awkward.

Are we, the avg work week in much of Europe is less than 40 hrs n health care costs are lower. Our mortality rate has been getting worse over the last several years and again most of Europes has nt.

There are many reasons for that, not just healthcare.

So ewe got nothing?

No, I have plenty. For instance we have a huge drug problem in this country. Besides the younger people who die from drugs, we have women who have babies using drugs which greatly decreases the survival rate for babies. Unlike some countries, if a baby in the US takes one breath, it’s considered a human life. Along with drugs comes the gang problems which lead to many murders.

Then there is the food problem. We are the most obese country in the world. Many people (particularly families) eat fast food several times a week. That leads to health problems and eventually death.

In the US, many of our women are working. In fact most college graduates are women who pursue careers. This leads to skipping prenatal care and often having babies at an older age. The older a woman is giving birth, the lower our infant mortality rate.

We also have more people driving than most anyplace else in the world, so we also have many more auto fatalities than other countries.

So when you add up all the circumstances we deal with, it’s not a surprise why our life expectancy rate is lower than other places.

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